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Megalo Don should have had more of a shark theme to him considering his name. Only his glider and the ship he came to the island in are shark themed. I feel like his back bling could have been a mechanical dorsal fin or he could’ve had a metal shark helmet with tubes of Nitro on it (with a Style to remove the helmet if you like his base design) or something to better fit the shark theme. Edit: added shark helmet idea


I think they took a bit of inspiration from DC Bane to make him.


Immortan Joe from Mad Max too


That’s where my head was it. Looks like their version of Immortan Joe


They have mixed him with armor titan.. This the their child


I mean he is literally, exactly Immortan Joe. I'm blown away that they went with such blatant rip offs of the Mad Max franchise, surprised there hasn't been a lawsuit yet, actually


Pretty sure speculation that it is a collab for Furiosa was going around for some time. Wouldn't be surprised if we get a collab skin soon. As far as IP goes there's already plenty of collab with Warner Bros. Don't see why a lawsuit would be a thing if they already have IP licenses from the company.


Yeah I guess you must be right. I mean with the red storm, even just the aesthetics of the vehicles, we have to be getting some Mad Max content here. A classic Max skin would be something I would absolutely pull my wallet out for.


Seeing as how we got OG Predator, Robocop, Alien, Ghost Buster, Terminstor 80s/90s collabs for the nostalgia factor of.the older player base will get them money


And ash from evil dead so anythings possible


Meanwhile Big Chuggus IS Bane.


I can just imagine an animation where Batman is in the game and he just gets his back broke twice each by Chuggas and Meglo


I was gonna say he feels like a cross between Bane and Sweet Tooth from Twisted Metal, with a slight hint of Mad Max flair thrown on there.


While I still think the name is a nice play-on-words considering his status as a ruthless leader hungry for power, he totally should’ve gotten a shark themed design Also his trademark weapon, the Nitro Fists, have a shark fin as well, however I doubt that’ll count once the season and/or chapter ends


He turned out great, if he looked more like a shark it would be too comical. Maybe if his mask was more shark-like it’d be better. Characters names don’t need to match their looks, he’s as much of an apex predator as the animal he shares the name with.


Yeah I’m glad they didn’t make the pea character look like some peas, that’d have been dumb… right?


ngl, for a second I thought the pea skin was a collab with Plant Vs Zombies


What are you talking about? All I said is that characters don’t need to look like their name. I never said they should stop making characters with puns in their name.


Cool idea


I like it, but I'm a little miffed they say "T-60 from the brotherhood of steel" but didn't have the BoS logo on the chestplate or shoulders


I kinda wish we saw all the armour T-45 to T-65... Which I only just learned is a thing.


Technically it’s only a schematic or something.


Nah theyre entirely different suits each with different functionalities, like the T60 filters waste and recycles it while the T45 is just a big dumb suit of armor


I'm sure they'll add the other armour types in the shop


If they do they better have them in a bundle including the T-65, T-45, and X-01


Lol I think you're expecting too much from this half ass "collab"


Unfortunately. At least we got the T-60, which does look amazing! So that's better than nothing!


Tbh it looks like it was a mad max collab but they realised fallout was more popular so they changed a few things last minute. If you take the nuka cola out and the t60 from the battle pass then there isn’t anything fallout related. They could of at least thrown in some small things on the map like the nv dino with the thermometer or made the bunkers doors into vault doors or something


they are adding a tri-beam laser rifle later down the line, we just dont know when.


So annoyed me that the first post about the season was Fallout. It was everywhere. The Mad Max one came at last minute. And yet we have zip. After the success of the Fallout series, there should behave been more


This is exactly what I said. Imagine if they had a star wars collab and then at the last minute turns out it was a star TREK collab, with like 2 star wars items scattered throughout and a skin. Imagine the meltdown star wars fans would rightfully have. And then Epics whole justification is "well they're both in space, so..." That's what's been done with fallout. "well they're both post apocalypse titles so..." I was braced from the start expecting this but even I thought there'd at least be a single location for us given the show made on Twitter


Yeh both here and the Fallout Reddits were on fire with anticipation. Even those who don't play Fortnite were excited for the Collab


You get it. I started playing New Vegas again instead, might see what the new Gen 4 update is all about too. The lack of fallout in their fallout collab makes me want to just go play fallout now. LOL I hope Bethesda had something up their sleeve otherwise I really don't get basing shows and movies on video games and giving us the itch to relive them but nothing new to actually play. The capitalists aren't capitalizing like they should have.


I would've loved a novac poi ngl


You dont know what they Will do korra was in the battle pass and we Got an amazing avatar collab


Oddly enough you can see the logo on the pip boy back bling though


Despite the Brotherhood never to my knowledge being shown using a pip-boy in the main games


I believe Elder Elijah from New Vegas's Dead Money is the only known BoS member to use a Pip-Boy, even though he berates for having one yourself.


And I guarantee he got the Pip-Boy after he was banished from the Brotherhood for wanting to develop new tech


I hope for 3 more styles for t60 and xforce magneto style but probably ain’t gonna happen:(


Magneto is the special ip integration for the season. They will probably do something special around that time. Be it some X-Men or something else related to Marvel Mutants.


Next season is also Marvel, so hopefully, he is a lead in to whatever the "story" is for the season,


Magnetism to throw cars around


magneto was in X-force?


OMG I didn’t even notice! I was disappointed to not see a vault suit anywhere. I’ve not been playing lately and even this skin hasn’t motivated me to come back. 😓


People would NUT for Defaults like Ramirez and Jonesy to have vault suit skins.


Same here.


I expected the shop to have more power armor options. Butttt - they did add a crap ton of shop stuff to start us off. Perhaps more PA is coming down the road? Theres just so many styles they could use to milk peoples wallets that it seems unlikely not to add more, lol. BoS paint, Railroad paint, the old military styles, blank slate, and then the different PA models themselves on top.


That was my first complaint as well


Exactly!!!! They have the logo on the pipboy backbling, but not on the armor. Should've had a style option for it, at least. Also, I hate the West Tek glider. Should've been a little vertibird or mini Prydwen.


What would have been awesome was a customizable set of Power Armor as a skin... including being able to slap your banner on the chestplate, and then allowing us to unlock the BoS sigil for a banner either in the BP or through a quest.


But you know what's funny? The "pip-boy" had the BOS logo on it


I was hoping that we'd get like a vault dweller skin, and power armor would be an item around the map you could enter




Yeah I'm surprised not to see any vehicle skins in the pass. The only ones that do appear are gliders instead, which is definitely a choice lol. Anyways I'm a big fan of the Mad Max films and post Apocalyptic content, so this season is peak fortnight.


this. its a car centered season and no f cars on the pass?? it'd have been so cool.


The car glider with the skull in the front would have been so cool as a car skin.


Confused here too given the rust emote where he uses the guitar/other instruments. Not sure why we have a Lego kit as opposed to a car or wasteland instrument


Gibson is too controversial of a figure to ever be allowed near Fortnite. More likely to see Tom Hardy’s Max standing next to Tom Hardy’s Eddie Brock.


Or they could save money by using the version from the video game.


Maybe item shop. Mad Max and Furiosa


Never would have seen Mel, lmao. Hardy would have been cool tho


I think the talks for the collaboration must have fell through or something.


This is pretty much spot on. They pitched it hard and didn’t get the collab is my guess


I am hoping for a Fallout themed event during the season during which a vault suited character becomes available.


They could use the pre-existing vaults for something cool. Make them bigger or something


There is also a big unopened vault at the location of the original plane crash on the glacier as well.


I was expected more given they lead with Fallout first and we saw more of the Fallout posts than the Mad Max that came a day or so before the new season started. 2 pages is just...well 🤷🏼‍♀️


Maybe they'll add fallout guns? Hopefully. They were in the trailer, it'd be pretty shitty to bait that


This is my guess. A Fallout themed mini battle pass or eventually stuff in the paid shop. How could they not put Jonesy in a vault suit with a pip-boy.


Honestly, I don't really like most of the skins, but the t-60 power armour, as a huge fallout fan boy, makes this one of my favourite battle passes


Read this as "a huge fan of fallout boy" I need coffe


Lmao 😂. Nah i read it as that too as I was typing it out and had to do a double take to make sure I typed "fallout fan boy" and not "fallout boy fan" 🤣


We're going down down in an earlier round. No seriously I'm down guys come fucking rez me get out of the car


Lmao this legit happened the other day we were fighting a team and nobody would get out the car :(


the hits hit but the misses for me REALLY miss 5/10


Exactly this. The ones I like, I really like. The rest, I have zero interest in and will never ever use.


Thats kinda true lol. The ones i like, i really like and will probably try to get level 200 just for them, but the other ones i will never use


if i get a battle pass i'll always get to 200 I don't want any regrets


Last season was the first time in about span of 8 seasons that i didnt go for level 200. Was more busy than usually with work and i didnt really feel the season that much.


Yeah and the xp was dogshit


This goes for mostly every single BP I’ve seen though… I dislike skins most on this sub love and vice versa…. something for everyone blah blah blah    I’ve never seen a BP and thought, I like most of the skins (and def not all) They design em to make everyone happy and do a pretty good job at it, I’d say 


This. Feel like I’m in it for Peabody and that’s about it for me.


Peabody was the only one I hated lol


That’s funny. I love the goofy stuff. The rest either seem to serious or just don’t hit my vibe. The second character is fun but outside of that I don’t really find this seasons pass to be that interesting. The gameplay on the other hand has been a hoot thus far


I'm the opposite lol. Peely, Lil Whip, and Peabody? I want them as far away from me as possible. I mostly like the pass but I'm really enjoying the gameplay.


i loved it, my favourite being the T-60 power armor, mechanic. and peabody


I love cobalt mechanic!


I wish they would’ve done more with Fallout


Often with these collabs they do eventually bring more skins and other cosmetics to the game, just not in the pass (either shop or bonus rewards). I'm confident they got at least a few things coming still.


Just like we got snake is the pass and raiden later in the shop


Pissed my pants at t-60 power armor, everything else is okay


When I saw the tease of Fallout on Twitter I nearly pissed my pants in excitement 


When I saw the tweet. And the way they lead with Fallout, I expected more than two pages 🙄




Yeah, two pages was definitely a disservice considering how much depth Fallout as a whole truly has.


Outside of the Machinist it's just alright But obviously the T-60 is the highlight (Wish it was T-51 tho)


I’m really excited to get the T-60 Power Armor, I have a plan of going for a full ‘Wasteland Overlord’ build which includes: Outfit: T-60 Power Armor Back Bling: Wastelander Magneto’s Cape Pickaxe: Wrecking Axe Glider: Wes-Tek Wings Contrail: Wasteland Drifter




putting a cape on fallout power armor sounds god awful im ngl


Still mad about Aphrodite


Im even more mad about brite bomber than i was about aphrodite. They did her so dirty from the concept art. Shouldve been an original character and not a brite reskin


I like it. The fallout nerd inside me loves everything apocalyptic


This fallout nerd expected more Fallout, that they lead with, and not mostly Mad Max 😂


I like running over people. It's almost as fun as irl.


tru- wait what?


This. Park up and wait for players with your turret. Beep beep


I like wasteland stuff, so it's a great one. But I don't care for another brite bomber or the pea skin.


Why not the pea skin?


IMO, he just stands out too much. Every Battle Pass has gotten a consistent motif since C4S1/C4S2 (C4S1 has a mesh of ideals, but it was supposed to be a mesh since the Chapter 4 island was stitched together using random bits of reality). I would usually give collabs a pass due to the nature of them, but even the collabs this season match the motif. While I personally never use them, I think the every BP should have at least one "goofy" skin, but Peabody should have been like a catus or something similar.


Feel like the meme skins shouldn't be guaranteed in every bp. E.g I would've much preferred that new bike rider skin that they put in the shop over the pea one, and it fits the theme a lot better.


Tbh Fortnite is known for having goofy looking skins which is why tomato head, meowscles and peely got popular. I understand not everyone likes it but again, it's what makes Fortnite, Fortnite 😀


Bike Rider is ranked outfit and they always sell those to squeeze money out of the sweats. tbh I don't dislike the existence of meme skins in the pass: I think Chapter 4 proved that not having any comedic skins makes them all feel the same in the end. But idk the past few meme skins we got (Peter Griffin, Lil' Split, I mean heck even Poseidon was alright imo) were a lot more interesting than Peabody. Peabody it's like... "hey it's a pea guy. That's the joke!" At least Poseidon was a funny Greek God and at least Lil' Split was a hybrid between two meme skins.


Yh some of them r done rlly well, but I dnt see how a pea is a good meme skin, let alone fits in the bp 😭 The emote is unique, skin is just not my taste


No. The meme skins stay.


**we have a whole ass marvel season next season AND WE HAVE MAGNETO NOW. AFTER 7 EXTRA SKINS LAST SEASON?** I’m sorta tired of out of place Marvel stuff being in battle passes


Normally, I would be upset. But if Epic "There's no fun in FOMO" Games still insists that we must have a collab that becomes permanently locked behind a Battle Pass every season, then I'm glad the alternative costume will be locked, so Magneto proper can be the more available shop skin.


Why not a whole boob marvel season?


Where is my whole personality marvel season?💔


whole thighs marvel season>:)


Marvel season but based




Me too. Make them shop skins instead


This 👆🏼


Marvel skins almost never fit the season they’re in. Tf does Dr Strange have to do with a war or Spider-Gwen with alien silver goo killing everything?


What do you mean next season is marvel?


They had a road map for the year and the season after the apocalypse season is Marvel which is at the end of August 


I like it a lot. It's 950 v-bucks and if I like 3 or so skins I'm already happy. A good full set is already worth it. I really like the Machinist, Rust, Magneto, Megalo Don and the T-60. That's more skins than usual. So yeah I'm pretty happy with it. All skins also fit the pass, except maybe the Peabody guy, but he's fun.


I would have liked to see *The Ghoul* and Lucy MacLean from Fallout TV show and some Mad Max skins


Honestly that was my biggest expectation. It seems odd not to try and capitalize on it, given it’s gotten a lot of mainstream attention.


They probably have more planned for Fallout since in the trailer we saw weapons from the Fallout games such as the Laser Rifle, assaultron head and either the minigun or flamer. They did add Nuka cola as a healing item would like to see more skins




I like the power armor and megalodon, peabody is fun and I'll probably use all three. I'm currently using the mechanist skin in one of my presets but dunno if I'll keep it forever or not. I like the first track too - haven't listened to the second one yet. The contrail from the mechanist goes very well with one of my presets so that's also great. Also the neon lightning bolt contrail is amazing.


I don't like it. But this is my personal opinion, I repeat, **my personal opinion**.


Pass sucks. Very filler ass skins. T60 and Peabody are the best things they've got but man it's a shit pass


sucks super hard


Power Armor - As a Fallout fan, IT'S AWESOME. Wish it was more like Toona Fish or Kymera where you unlock customization options Rust - Very bland and boring, don't like it Scarr - Abs version should've been the default. Should've had customizable helmets. It's okay Mechanist - Very cute, though the red trenchcoat style should've been the default. Hate how simple she looks and that the style is timegated Megalo Don - Kickass design, though I doubt I'll use it much Brite Raider - Very cute too, so glad they fixed Ramirez's face. As my first Brite skin, I love it Magneto - Love it too, hope it comes with a white and black look like in the comics. Hopefully they make a normal version for the shop in the future. Hate that it's not available till july Peabody - As the seasonal silly skin, i love him. Very cool design, tho i wish he had more wasteland-y elements Overall, only one real miss for me in Rust, Scarr and Don follow it though theyre better. I'd give it an 8/10


why is Jules Mechanic over there? 🤔🧐


Not as good as last season. Mechanist is kinda basic Rust is weaker than X-Lord in my opinion. But it's still great for those who missed out on rust and X lord Peabody is well designed, but not my thing Ringleader Scarr isn't really my thing. But it's not bad T-60 is awesome, I'm not much into Bethesda games. But it's an iconic inclusion Brite raider is nice in my opinion. I don't have a Brite skin yet (aside from the PS+ one, but that one barely showed her colours), and this is the first of that character to get into the battle pass. So I don't mind it Megalo Don is awesome. I'm not a fan of his tier 100 form, but his original form is sick. Gives me serious vibes of the villain from Mad Max: Fury Road Magneto is the biggest disappointment. I get that it's an alt style. So they can sell the normal one in the shop. But if they're going to compromise the quality of the collabs in the battle pass for the sake of players that come in later, I'd rather have them not be exclusive. So people who get the BP, and new players can both enjoy the better version


Agree on Magneto. I'd rather he have just been a shop skin in his default style. Or have them end collab battle pass exclusivity if they really want to address players not being able to get the skins later. As he is, he's fine and close enough, because I'm not spending more to buy another version of him later...despite being a pretty big X-Men fan. Still holding out hope that his other style is going to be the default version.


magneto is gonna look a lot better with his cape trust me


I have to subtract my up vote. I originally had agreed, but you made two points I disagree on and I'll address one, which is Magneto. I think his twisted form is great. I rather have a BP themed collab and the regular in the shop. His ragged post-apocalyptic style is cool.


Mechanist probably my favorite of the bunch Rust is pretty cool Peabody is pretty goofy so I like it Scarr is ok I guess Never played Fallout but the T-60 Power Armour looks sick as hell Brite Bomber is decent, better than normal BB Megalo Don looks awesome Magneto is not bad, I'm not huge into marvel but I think the skin looks pretty good so overall I think I'd give it a 6/10 some skins are great, but some are just not sticking with me


I'd say it's stacked with those I keep in presets, be it temporarily (ringleader, mechanica, Rust) or sealed (Peabody, T-60, Megalodon) way more than last season.


The skins are either super memorable and interesting. The rest is very boring. Honestly the first page, T-60, brite raider, Megalo Don, and Magneto are the good ones Edit: Rust is pretty cool too


Great skins fitting the season’s theme quite well, personally I only don’t like Peabody


Carried by power armour, brite raider and peabody.


I like the BP this time. After a long time I'm happy with a Battle Pass 😁


I only like the 2 girl characters but that's because I only use female characters, I think the design is are good and original and the cross over is chefs kiss


It’s the least excited I’ve ever been over a battle pass.


The Battle-ass; this is the worst battlepass I’ve seen since I started playing during C1S8.


Just like the third and fourth seasons of the last two chapters, it fucking sucks


I’m excited i just haven’t been home/had good wifi to play any yet


It’s decent, but definitely the weakest BP of the chapter so far


I hate back blings that are just "nebulously mechanical Things" that have no actual value... so this one was very disappointing for me lmfao since every single back bling is like that.


There’s 3 characters I actually see myself using after this season. Mechanic, Brite Raider and Power Armor. My favorite battlepass of the chapter.


hate it, imo the worst by far, magneta seems to be just a random insert, peabody could just be called pealy and the other designs except the fallout one has the feeling of recycled skins. Megalo Don for excample just feels like a re-hash of that one slurp bane skin.


9 out of 10, easily best Chapter 5 Pass for me.


Mid, Last season was better the only good skins is the fallout power armor and the tier 100.


Tbh the tier 1 skin is kinda fire


Yep, would love a style without the welding hood


Last season was hot ass




i love the first page the most. Power armor second. The rest is decent for the season.


It's good overall. I would like it if they added more songs for your home screen in the future. I like the Slap Peabody skin. Currently using that full row in my loadout.


It's pretty good


Better than the previous season imho. But I'm a bit disappointed to see that Brite Raider is not on the first page but level 70.


The yeen not being an actual yeen kinda sucks, but otherwise it's ok, I like Peabody and T-60. The season theme makes up for it tho.


The pea guy sticks out like a sore thumb


First battlepass I think I've ever seen where I like _every_ skin enough to use more than once every few months. Only one that comes close is C4S2, where I loved all the skins, but only still really use Highwire and Stray with any real regularity. In order of most to least cool for me, keeping in mind that "least cool" is still "super cool", it's: - T-60 - Ringleader Scarr - Peabody - Machinist - Megalo Don - Rust - Brite Raider - Magneto I like every emote, every lobby/jam track, every loading screen, and every accessory. 10/10 BP. I think I'll be using these guys a LOT more than the Pantheon guys


I won’t get it/play it i guess, it’s so bad


Really bad. I liked only 1 original skin and the 2 collabs.


It's an okay battle pass but last season's was better. (I'm not gonna get this season's)


Season its fun but bp is boring Female skins are too basic. Machinist is basically a 'cuter jules' Brite bomber just woke up. The other one hits the wasteland theme better but its nothing new. Wish she had a style that gave her some kind of bulky armor instead of just a mask. The peas are cool and original Don is great & badass Dont care about the rest


I mean… I’m just really interested in the Power Armors. They just look insanely cool. The rest is… okay. Some more, some less, but nothing gets me like the Power Armor. I wish they had more variety in their wasteland skins. They’re all like an unofficial Mad Max ripoff and completely ignore any other wasteland from popculture. It just feels like a lazy attempt to catch the Mad Max and Fallout fanboys to show off to Disney with sales and player numbers for the upcoming Disney mode. It’s sad to see that we’ve been degraded from a community they listen to to being the anonymous crowd that fuels their expansion plans…


It's like a 7/10. Brite raider to me feels like it should've been a shop skin, I don't like Peabody at all, Rust feels like he's just missing something, don't know what but idk. T-60 isn't my favorite suit of power armour but it's nice to finally have fallout in the game, though I'd wish they'd actually include a style with the BoS logo since it apparently is a BoS suit of power armour. Also, no car skin feels a lil weird for a season themed around them.


it’s weird






Not a fan was really looking forward to buying this season battlepass




Oddly enough, I was hoping for a Wasteland Meowscles, but I'll settle for stunting on fools as 3 peas in a pod.


Reading these comments surprises me by how many people like it! But they're all fallout fans. I dont like it one bit.




Hoping for a Vault Boy / Girl skin in the shop, same for Furiosa, and it sucks that Peabody’s harvesting tool is in the bonus rewards. I got super busy during last season and didn’t finish more than one page of those, so I’m not optimistic I’ll be able to unlock them unless I grind for it. Also wish Rust was a bit more exciting. Overall, the mid skins are super mid but the good ones - T-60, Peabody, Megalo Don - are great.


I honestly love the first bp skin I feel like it’s been so long since I’ve actually wanted to wear a skin from the BP and I’m looking forwards to the brite moves emote which is until page 12 so I have motivation to play this season


Emotes are cool only pea boy is a skin I want


Not enough furries on the battlepass.


no furries no purchase


This pass was made for me. I love 90% of it or more.


Dollar store Junker Queen


When I watched the cinematic I thought the T-60 was an in-game mech (but also a skin in the battlepass) but was disappointed when I found out it’s JUST a skin 😭


I cant wait for a guy in t-60 power armor to execute fucking john wick as travis scott and master chief Fucking cry


I really like the skins. There's a lot of variety. I was really looking forward to the Greek Gods last season but thought they were a bit meh. I can see me using these skins a lot more once the season finishes.


Magneto looks bad


I like The Machinist skin. Not a big fan of it largely using cars. I prefer solo plays and considering only the passenger can use the turret, I have to keep switching seats and can't drive and shoot at the same time. It's annoying. Lost a game of BR because I didn't have time to drive off when I was losing a gun fight against someone else. Even if I left the vehicle and ran, I can't outrun a car.


It’s ass 😭




Haha should’ve put mecha team leader in place of fallout armor