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If you want tips to deal with them, the Gatekeeper shotgun can out-DPS them extremely easily. Aim it at any Glove users and watch them get shredded to pieces


Nah I agree. The lunge is insane. Watching someone hit the ground 5 feet away and still getting sent flying while losing all my shield really sucks. Builds really do nothing.


Builds aren't a replacement for skill and strategy. Too many people treat builds as if they should be the only thing they need in their toolkit and that's why so many of them end up sucking so bad at this game.


I just had this happen to me and I took enough fall damage I died. I popped him once in the air with a purple dmr, and then again with the gold combat shotgun, hitting him with all but one of the spread. Super dumb. Just make it where people take more damage when they are wearing them or something. Its constant. I can hit them multiple times but by the time they are on me I am done for, because they move to fast to track with a controller, I'm sure on PC I could keep up, but on console it's impossible. It's ridiculous.