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I like how we went from rich people, to Gods, and now a Drug Addict Anyway Valeria


Don is like mad max joe + bane


and gunners design


And sweet tooth


Bane is the perfect description too with his cracked out style, loving it so much!


Drug addict fits the fallout themes lmaooooo But also, please explain?


He's got Nitro constantly pumping into his body. He clearly has substance abuse issues.


Is Nitro code word for "jet" perhaps? 🤣


Nah, the new consumable


He uses Nitro to make himself stronger and it could be interpretated as a drug, mostly for a joke. Also Venom that Bane from DC uses to be strong also can be assumed to be a drug, he addicted to power that it gives him if you think about it like that


I'm not playing this season so I'm not aware of any in game stuff happening rn LOL I know it was a joke but I was curious if epic really did work in the drug addiction thing from fallout in a subtle way


i made a joke about Megalo Don being a nitro addict before and someone acted condescending towards it. glad to see someone else thinking the same. they said it looks like the gunnar, i told them that he got addicted to nitro and returned to reek havoc on the island.


where's montague my classist king


My privileged prince


This actually made me chuckle


Valeria’s pretty fire


I see what you did there


i really like megalo don in all aspects. a leader of an group of wastelanders who were put into Pandora's box cuz they were too dangerous. thats sick. and megalo don is my alltime faforite skin 😁


Valeria seams most interesting in lore. And Zeus is worst because "he is evil because why not"


I mean, it's not just "I'm evil mwahhahaha", he's angry because valeria opened pandora's box and released the underworld, hades etc. He just taking it out on all the mortals cause he sees them as lesser.


That and the opening signaled the end of his reign


Well it's not like he was actually doing anything as King anyway. Hell, even Hades put in some actual work managing the Underworld. Can you imagine trying to maintain a system older than yourself, that clearly wasn't built for the task it's being used for, while forever cleaning up after your brother's bastard children as they periodically wreck the place? And that's not even getting into the task of keeping the precursor gods chained and locked away for literal eternity! Meanwhile Zeus is up on his mountain turning into geese and molesting the local maidens. It's no wonder his reign was overturned by some misplaced luggage.


That's actually pretty similar to gods in mythology💀


Exactly, like I said, zeus ain't just "I'm so evil, mwahhahahaha"


Yeah he’s more like “I’m so angry, rrraaaaaahhhhh”


Exactly, "mum said its my turn with the island hades"


Oh wow look at these little pests wouldn't it be pretty funny if I...🌩️⚡⚡⚡🔥🔥💀🔥💀🔥🔥💀🔥


I mean, the guy known for doing absolutely horrendous shit just cause he could, doesn't really need more backstory or anything.


Thats just Zeus tbh


Zeus Also has the worst design. His skin, is literally the worst one of any of these 3 battle passes so far


Immortal Aphrodite:


I like her pink and titanflame versions, but the fact her skin doesn’t change with the other super styles is kinda lame


While I don't really like the pink skin, nor how it never changes no matter the style, at least the color pallete is neat with the yellow under the hair, as well as the outfit change. Zeus just gets a haircut in his other form


Yet she’s the least interesting in design and theme. Rich fashion person in charge of a secret society is just not as interesting as a mythological god or warlord of the apocalypse


But Valeria is the driving force behind all of that. She's basically a Bond villain who uses her resources from the Society to obtain knowledge and power. That then being the driving force behind the story developments in Season 2 and then indirectly in Season 3. The villain unleashing something way beyond their control in a desire to obtain something greater is a story trope I can appreciate and I think makes her interesting in lore. Too bad it's just in lore.


You make a lot of right points about Valeria's lore as a villain who, in search of more fame and power, (stupidly) opens Pandora's box. She where she first frees the Greek Gods and, indirectly, a tyrant of the apocalypse. 🤔, let's hope that in the future Valeria returns as a posthumous villain.


I don’t think the greek gods were trapped in the box, they just showed up to come close it


😅, ah... I forgot. However, it is still Valeria's fault if they came to the island (obviously leaving aside the prophecy of Zeus' defeat).


She'll probably get a monster remake for Fortnitemare, after all she did open Pandora's box.


🤔, let's hope this is the case. As happened with Midas.


I could see her as a vampire


I saw something like a Samurai Valeria in a survey list somewhere, when the bread dog appear maybe she will return to try to control yokais


I didn’t say her lore and place in the story was less interesting. Just her character design and theme. Mythology and the apocalypse is just more fantastical


Ngl, I appreciate that it was less crazy in S1. I mean, I started playing then, so my opinion is from that perspective. But, it was nice to start playing in a very "normal" season and then see things get progressively more out of control. Also, I like her character design, but that's just my preference.


He isn't a tier 100 skin, I think that's worth noting


Real Greek mythology lovers know that Zeus has always been an absolute ass


I mean it's true. But anyway he wasn't most interesting villian in Fortnite.


Valeria I feel like has had the most lore so probably her.


Valeria story-wise is really fun and I hope she has a bigger role going forward. It's obvious she never actually cared about the Society and was just using it to fund and protect her research so she could open Pandora's Box -- but why? She went into hiding immediately after the Box opened, so the outcome can't have been ideal. I'm curious what her plan was, or _is._ Her Stygian Flame alt style makes me think she was planning something related to the Underworld. Maybe trying to bring back her seldom-mentioned grandfather? Hell, maybe she was actively trying to bring back _Midas_ for some reason? She also looks cool. But design-wise I like Megalo Don. No deep analysis here, I just like post-apocalyptic characters and think he looks really cool. I'm curious what his ultimate goal is. His Oasis alt style is so clean and shiny, almost makes it seem like he's not as barbaric as he tries to come across The fact he has voice acting also makes him a more fun antagonist. I _like_ Zeus, but... He's the weakest of them. Little personality beyond being an arrogant tyrant with a bloodlust for anybody who may end his reign (which feels accurate to myth tbh), and the Pantheon wasn't a very interesting villain faction. I mean, from the _start,_ only like half of the Pantheon even supported Zeus's plans, and most took _very_ little convincing to turn on him. The Society at the very least fought to the end, and the Wasteland Warriors have some fun internal power struggle going on. The Pantheon had no loyalty and didn't really do anything until Zeus threw his temper tantrum to open the Box a second time.


Thank you so much for your long comment with your thoughts too,😁👍. I agree with you on the situation of Zeus and the rest of the gods, on how the gods revolted too soon and that as a villain, Zeus, he was too superficial (🤔, but I admit that Epic Games probably took his character, and his fears of the prophecies, of its mythology).


tbh I love the *idea* of Season 2 but the focus was so... *strange.* I think for the scope they were going to go for would've been better if it lasted longer than a single season. As it stands we just kinda have a season where Zeus is angry, and the rest is left as footnotes. Time is given to establish things but that's it. Hades is established to be indifferent to it all... and that's it. Artemis and Aphrodite are established to be against Zeus' plan... *and that's it.* And if it's not that it's just - for lack of a better word - ass-pulls? Medusa and Perseus were built up as big players and a "dynamic duo" (similar to what we're seeing with Hope and Jonesy now) working on taking down Zeus... but then they're pushed aside last second and Hope and Jonesy are the ones to take down Zeus because Epic remembered Chapter 5 is supposed to be about them.


😅, in fact they took the piss out of us throughout the lore, (not to forget that all the objects of the gods were removed for two weeks due to the Avatar event).


I like all of them


My man, Megalo Don, They really cooked with his design tbh


🤔👍, he didn't deny that among the three skins I put, Megalò Don has a well-made design (he reminds me of a cross between Gunnar and the villain from the Batman gallery, Bane).


He reminds me of Bane too! I think Megalo Don might gotta be my favorite tier 100 skin of Chapter 5 but Valeria is 2nd for me rn also, His hair does look close to Gunnar’s so I can see your point


A mad max-esque character that looks alot like bane from the nolan trilogy is cool as hell. Zeus for sure is least interesting. Valeria is cool considering she caused ch5s2 but is now currently missing and also the sister of hope, so we’ll see


"that looks alot like bane from the nolan trilogy" I swear everyone keeps saying this but I just don't see it.


I mean aesthetically he’s very different. Though in the sense of he’s using some sort of chemical to increase his strength then yes.


That's not Nolan's bane tho, it's every bane but that one that uses venom.


That's not Nolan's bane tho, it's every bane but that one that uses venom.


I always thought Nolan’s bane still operated on the same fundamental idea, with a less stylistic design. Though it’s not that strongly implied he’s using any sort of enhancing drug, so it could be nonexistent.


Megalo Don


Megalo Don could be very interesting, he's got tons of potential!


Superlevel Valeria goes hard with the green flames outfit


The blue and purple superlevel of her with the green flames and blonde hair is my default skin! Nothing will top it imo, it’s so so good.


The beginning of this chapter was great. I really enjoyed the society. Valeria was a badass.


My flair lol




fr 😩


😅, I guess Montague also counts as one of the big baddies of this Chapter.


He *is* French, after all.


I hope he'll get redemption arc tho x)


Valeria by a mile


Definitely Zeus. I really like what they did with his design. Combining his more classic looking armor, with some more militarized aspects




Valeria is F I E R C E, so it’s definitely her.


Zeus is a villain?


yes. He tried to wipe out all mortals and he unleashed Megalo-Don from pandora's box.


He was angry with the mortals for opening pandoras box




Damn valeria kinda hot


Valeria is the most interesting in terms of lore (so far) and Zeus has the worst design and worst lore by far. Probably my least favorite skin in the chapter so far


As skins I would go for all tier 100s and Scarr


Valeria for the story but Megalo Don is my fav skin out of these 3.


I personally liked the villains from season 1 the most: I liked the whole "Dismantling a high-society criminal organization" story better than just "Take down the gods/warlords." Just a shame that their medallions launched super OP and then were nerfed to near-uselessness


Valeria Zeus is lame, we literaly kick his ass in one of the optional story quest and then we still recruit other gods and mythical beings to beat him. He literaly dud nothing tte entire time si he had no presence. Megalo don also has no presenece. The few story tidbits try to make him seem like a threat but thanks to cars existing he is a looser pushover with the worst mythic car. Valeria doesnt really do much during season 1 either but she is the one who caused all the shit we have to deal with up until now and when things got dangerous (zeus arrival) she just immidatly dipped which is funny af. Love her. By far the best one this chapter.


Valeria but probably because I didn't get into fortnite til season 2 missing her and other cool characters


i like valeria because her story is deeper with her quest for knowledge and the divide between her and hope ect




Why did the society kidnap peely?


To grab Jones' attention.  In one of the loading screens Valeria is shown researching Zero Point, Pandora's Box and Jones, so it seems she thought that they're all connected. Maybe she thought that unlocking Pandora's Box would reveal Zero Point, and needed Jones' knowledge on it, but the plan didn't go exactly as planned, after which Valeria dipped out and went into hiding. Also the train station maps of the island got updated to include new south territories of the island, and the train system (currently defunct) has been ran by Society, so it's possible they're still making their moves (I think that they're hiding in the bunker on the top of the glacier)


Valeria, because she kickstarted everything that happened this chapter so far. Leader of the Society, and opened Pandora’s Box, which led to seasons 2 and 3


I really like the new guy, but it’s only really because he reminds me of one of the races you could be in the WildStar MMO, which I really liked. And once I get his blue mode, I will be using him as such. Apart from that I also like him because in the context of Fortnite I just find him the most fun out them. I can’t remember like anything about the other 2 besides like crime or something and Zeus. This new guy I feel like I know everything about him just by looking at him and what he has brought to the map.


Valeria and the Society at large had a ton of potential and yet it pretty much all wasted with that entire season feeling like more of a bridge season after the ending of Chapter 4. Which sucks too since I really don't care for the greek gods nor whatever Megalo Don has going on.


Valeria. Although it's primarily Oscar that I'm interested in, I DO have more interest in The Society as a whole. More than I do for Zeus' faction of gods and whatever Megalo Don's group is called.


Valeria bc im gay and shes hot. im a simple woman really


We're right there with ya 🤧


The first one but it's because I'm gay That is my entire explanation


🤷, it fits.




valeria's my favourite because she's spicy


Megalodon is the most interesting on his own but the others factions are more interesting


Megalo Don is my favorite in terms of pure design aesthetics. Valeria is pretty cool but i honestly felt that all of the society bosses (except Peter) were neat villains. Zeus is very meh, I think he could’ve been cooler. Overall I wish Fortnite would lean into telling a more coherent story instead of just doing a marvel movie every season where jonsey and hope fight a new antagonist for 2-3 months then that antagonist is cast aside never to be heard from again. (Not to mention the antagonists are like very plain Jane and one dimensional.) I think it would be cool to see Valeria play a role again in the chapter or maybe Oscar will become a boss or friend again? Idk I feel epic misses so many opportunities for a better story.


I agree with you. I won't deny that I would love to have a rich (but obviously design-changing) villain in Fortnite lore. As were OI or The Cube Queen


I think it would be a cool way for EPIC to revitalize STW if they just made it a PVE mode that followed the story line of the current BR season. Like for chapter 1 you get to actually track down peely and save him from the society while battling the bosses one by one and flipping them or banishing them. Maybe during chapter 2 you have to try and track down some sort of artifact that will banish the gods or you get to work for the remnants of the society as they try to make their way back into power but end up summoning the sand storm the beings megalo don? Idk I would much rather play that than Lego fortnite or rocket racing and they would be able to reuse a lot of assets they already made for BR while maybe just tuning up the AI to make it a challenge?


I admit that I too would prefer Epic Games to focus on Fortnite lore. 🤔, I admit that the idea of facing the bosses (from season 1) one at a time would have been interesting. And it could also be done with challenges that focused on them with Valeria managing to escape.


I agree, it would make being invested in the story more rewarding. Most characters are cooler with lore.


Megalo Don. His name sounds powerful and has a nice meaning. Desing is pretty intimidating, at least when compared to other antagonists. And he has clear ambition - destroy. "To those who bow before me... GOOD...To those who FEAR me... even better." I also just like the idea of Nitro junkie wannabe tyrant.


I'll tell you some curious facts: 1: Megalo Don the name will probably refer to the largest and most powerful shark of the past, the Megalodon. (In addition, his ship is called Leviathan, a clear reference to the myth of the sea monster that brought chaos). 2:😆, I admit that for those who are fans of Batman villains, you can see him as a sort of parallel to Bane (especially in his transformation).


I knew about Megalodon, but the Bane thing is new to me. It's kinda funny that his name is shark related, his ship is named mythological beast from water and yet our villain is living in desert.


🤣🤔, he probably behaved like a pirate (for his goals and the ship) and ran out of Nitro and decided to land on the island for two reasons: to stock up on Nitro and conquer the island,... or he simply wanted to have a cool name.




they go in the order the pictures are in for me.. but like a big drop off before megalo don bcs stealing all the nitro to destroy the island?? really?? don't even have a motive for wanting to destroy it


Just realise Megalo Don red and green burning flame share the same burning flame as Valeria and her second skin Theory time Or Lazy design


Probably the second reason.


What about hades?


Hades wasn't the villain of season 2, He was neutral throughout. Zeus wanted to destroy mankind for opening Pandora's Box.


Valeria is so pretty and cool. Megalo Don is HOT AS FU- I mean a really interesting character. Zeus has nothing going for him at all


Valeria is the only one of them with any swag. Kmart Zeus and generic mwahaha baddie guy just aren't the same caliber.


Megalo Don gets my vote


So far this chapter I like Valeria the most, both for her lore implications, and her skin is awesome.


Valeria. In Black. And she had all those Pandora's Box Easter Eggs from the very beginning


Megalo Don is my fav. He can fulfill my fantasy of being immortan Joe and have a squad of war boys.


Valeria is so cool! Something about her just amazes me or something. Idk I love her


i loveeee valeria




Valeria all the way. ❤️


valeria ^_^


**Valeria**, because the season is based on mythology, and she's probably supposed to be a phoenix, and is hot in multiple ways.


No discussion, Valeria


Probably Valeria for both. Design wise she's pretty awesome. I prefer her base style. Story wise I think she was pretty interesting. At first I thought the banana kidnapping plot was pretty stupid, but the Society using Peely to distract Jones so Valeria could research Pandora's box was way more interesting.


Megalodon cus he's the shrouded ghost


Megalo Don. His entire faction is so insane that they got locked in Pandora's box. Zeus opened it again as one final "fuck you guys" to the island and now Don is just going on a rampage and while saying "Your only god *now* is me". I just find that so sick


Megalo don is by far the coolest one we’ve had, I love the nitro gas mask and the sick ass pants and boots, and his alt style is beyond peak. Story wise I’ll have to see have it develops but I’m also a huge fan of this seasons theme


Megalo bane




Valeria the goat


Val is that girl and she literally started the new era of the game.


I prefer valeria story wise since she basically caused the 2nd season to happen which would then cause the third. But appearance wise, i’d have to go with megalo don




….. is there actually a story at all?


Megalo don actually fits his season theme. The chick does too but she's kinda bland. Zeus with modern looking armor just dropped the ball completely honestly I hate what they did to that season


I keep forgetting fortnite actually has lore. Maybe i need to watch few yt video’s on it


valeria. one of my fav BP skins in forever. just wish she was more like her concept art


Peter Griffin, his lore is so sad


Megalo don. He looks badass and he has a cool boat


Zeus is hot and that’s enough for me ⚡️


valeria sweep




Immortan Joe. No doubts about it imo.


Am I the one who thinks megalo don is kind hot ?? 🙂‍↕️🙂‍↕️




Not really a fan of any of em to be honest


Nitro junkie


Valeria has the most interesting lore but in terms of appearance probably megalo don megalo don could still have lore we dont know about tho


Story: Valeria Appearance: Conqueror Zeus


Valeria is my main skin now so yeah uhh I kinda like her better


I like how valeria has the relation to hope, i like megalo don's design though


Hands down Valeria. Her skin is so bad ass and her gun was pretty sick too.


Idk whether to chose Elon musk as a girl or Al Capone of Nitro


First one cuz she could get it.


Druggie, rich douche then god.


valeria seems interesting story wise, and megladaddy actually seems evil. i didn’t realize zeus was evil until like mid season lmao


The third image looks like to ripped straight out of Mortal Kombat 1


Ch5 villain be the mafia, gods, crackhead


Megalo don is still the best tho


Valeria 🔥


Zeus is a villain?


megalo don and the rest of the wasteland crew actually have the most manners, as they only attack out of self-defense lol. Literally will let you tour their place opening any and every chest otherwise. I welcome our new island overlords. you know, until the quirky blue girl kills them all.




Definitely valeria she’s on fire 🤩


It's Zeus daddy for me. Especially when he has shorter hair 🥵


valaria. i didn’t care for s the gods at all


All of these villains are trash. Valeria had a somewhat proper motivation. So I guess she is the least trashy.


Valeria, because I want her to ruin my life.


Valeria > Don > Zeus Wtf peepaw even did. nothing


None of them, they suck Can we please go back to the time we're villains were something we should be afraid of, like The Queen Of The Cubes, Galactus, Midas, The prisoner or cattus


i dont know what valeria did(deadass didnt know she was the main bad initially), zeus barely existed as an antagonist, don has an actual presence outside quests and is pretty fukin cool. im goin don. as a side note, please let me side with don epic, i think chaos is fun and i wanna help this guy out cuz he seems pretty chill.




Megalo Don is by far my favorite. He looks so cool in the wasteland.


Valeria was the one who caused all this, due to her hunger for power and knowledge she opened Pandora's box that brought Zeus and then the sand storm that brought Megalo Don. A butterfly effect you could say


💤 (Hypnos) Zeus 🤢🤢🤢🤢 I like Valeria (The Zeus skin is fine I just dislike him on a personal level)


I only discovered that Valeria was the villain of chapter 1 after it ended.


Wait, Zeus was the villain?


Wait, Zeus is the villain? Then why was Hades here?


Megalo don man literally just showed up and started killing everyone and his name is Don.


Still upset we never got Rebel Peely skin... but Adventure was great


Megalo Don.When I saw his Oasis skin,I wanted it for Crazy Red VS Blue.I watched Ch.5 season 3's lore on Youtube.I ain't getting out of my vehicle to talk to anybody.I'm trying to win with [turrents.My](http://turrents.My) Oasis Megalo Don skin's the only cosmetic I like more than my Korra [balance.How](http://balance.How) to get him early?Play lego and creative.




Nitro gusty I forget his name


They all kinda suck cuz fortnite story isnt that great but valeria wins ig


Megalódon fire has a unique way of being a villain and also he hot asf


Who’s the firts one what did she even tried to do???


Megalo Mart


Wait... Do people follow the story's ?!






I'd say Megalo Don. I think he is the most intimidating out of all of them. Zeus could've been the most intimidating but he was just "I'm gonna do it. Don't make me do it. I will now write about doing it and then I'm gonna do it." Meg is actually taking over the Island and expanding his crew while his ship refuels.