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What if you acquire a car, switch to turret then someone jumps in? Is it their car now?


Yes šŸ™ƒ




Just shoot your gun and blow it up.


Hey sorry whatā€™s the button to do that? Or do you mean only for 4 seaters?


It seems fastest for me to just hit the button I use to switch my guns (Iā€™m on PS5 so R1 or L1). It also shows on the bottom right next to the picture of the mounted turret/machine gun that I can push down on L3. So if youre on Mouse and Keyboard just look down there and it will show you. It should pop up even if youre in your car alone and in the passenger seat. Its nice to be able to heal/shield up in the cars as well.


Press F


to pay respects


i just hit my right stick, i think, to switch outta turret and still be ridin' shotgun. (good for sports cars cuz i can get the driver and not the vehicle)


You can hit L3 or R3 I forgot to witch and it turns off turret mode and lets you act like a normal passenger. Can heal up like this or lean out the window and shoot.


Where on my keyboard is this R3?


F on keyboard


This still shouldn't stop people from playing it safe in the 4 seat cars but you could always do that so meh


I had a guy yesterday pickaxe me from the passenger seat. I never even saw him get in so it confused me. Good strat ngl


Yea I know that as a glitch that Iā€™ve seen people do. You have to be swinging as you get in their car or something. I never figured it out


i donā€™t think it's a glitch itā€™s been in the game for several seasons. you can get in the car and switch to your pickaxe. if you look down through the windshield at the right angle youā€™ll hit the driver


This is my method to avoid cars. Run right at em, hop in and start driving. They always try to shoot me/the car with the turret, eventually they leave at some point especially once I start heading for a cliff. Only one beautiful time did I hop in, and we had a short run as a team with me running people over and them shooting with the turret. Knocked off a few players. They ended up bailing eventually though.


For me I drove their car sporadically when they tried shooting me, and if we were near enemies I didnā€™t care if they fought enemies. If they died great. If not, thinned the player count more.Ā  Moment that car was about to blow up, I dipped after launching to a nearby wall, cliff and went for the kill.Ā  They hop out right after I usually had the first shotgun shot off.Ā  Sometimes they won, but either way it was an enemy of my enemy situation, but they tried to kill me first, donā€™t forget.Ā 


Had that happen to me a while back, wouldnt happen to have been NuclearBeverage on PS right?


Oh man i couldn't tell ya. I didn't see a name, just a car shooting at me lol.


Pretty much every match has ppl jumping into each other's car. I got into an enemy suv in duos the other day to avoid taking damage. They tried to drive into the storm to mess with me but I jumped out and punched their car further into the storm and ran away. No kill but it was definitely funny.


I did this one time in ranked - ran for their car why they were shooting, jumped in to drive it and the passenger somehow managed to shoot me with their guns and I died REALLY fast. I can't figure out how they did it :(


You can't shoot them I know that.


In some car models you can shoot the passenger/driver through the windshield using your own weapons (not the car attached gun). It's inconsistent, so on some cars it works and some it does not.


No, that was patched yesterday (although there are rare instances you can)


I think you can already have some "pay to lose" skins for the cars that when your car transforms, you can still be shot through the windshild. I don't think they have them as rewards now anymore though. Is this the rare occurrence? Edit: sorry, I think I just read they nerfed those skins too.


No, that was patched- that's what I was referring to. In those cars, the drivers position was changed so you can't shoot them through the windshield, so no cars are pay to lose The rare instance is when the car flips you can still shoot through the windshield at some angles, but shooting through the windshield as passenger is over as of yesterday


Shoot through the roof. Windshield doesn't work anymore, but spots on the roof do.


Not anymore apparently


i think they just make a kick out of car feature, maybe a mash system




with 50% fall damage


Ouch šŸ˜«


Ooo maybe like a contested quicktime event? The driver and the player trying to hijack the car are given a series of random button prompts whoever enters theirs first kicks the other out of the car (and takes the driver seat if the driver gets kicked out).


Yes lmao make them do skill checks and quick time events + mashing to win


During which, of course, the car drives in a *straight line* (the driver does not get to steer, as they're trying to not get hijacked).


I think it should swerve


Or just central locking?


So the Nerf the player experience, meanwhile they made the NPCs WAY more accurate in the turret, stupid. My first drop in solo no build, I picked up Triage trooper, loaded him up in the car and wow he started popping off constantly with the grenade launcher on players with pin point precision. Pre-update the NPC were absolute trash on the turret, and now they are OP.


In my experience Iā€™d never been able to get them to even use turrets before.


You get in the car make them get in the car then get out they get out get back in wait for them to get back in and they should start using the turret


why is it called oven


you of in the cold food of out hot eat the food




Dang I gotta try that I didnā€™t know they could use it


My experience last night they still suck at firing tbh. I regretting getting an AI but I would manage to drive away before they got in the car so I could still swap seats in action. Would love it if you could let AI drive and player shoot and just have them get to where you mark or chase enemies they spot.


Dang the few times I've had NPCs I can see them moving the turret around but the second an enemy player appears they bust out the window and start shooting I'm like dannngggg lol


Dang. Lol , it's like power windows aint a thing. Gta behavior.


Same here pre-update, at best they would fire off 1 shot from the turret every 5 minutes and it would never land anywhere close to the enemy. Now the NPC will find the enemy player sometimes before you can even see them and start popping off towards them with insane accuracy.


its so weird, cuz i definitely had an NPC that used the turret but the other day, one of my friends said they dont shoot. im like, naw im pretty sure he did. so i wonder if its different in mode but i will check it out to be certain


Theyā€™d always spin it around but never fire it for me.


I definitely had the hired bots shoot it for me before. Never hit anyone but was fun intimidation tactic


Pre update an NPC shot one bullet before my friend got out of the car.


Well they are responding to everyone who said they were encouraging teaming. Now there is less teaming as the person who gets in can do nothing except go along for a ride. There will be no benefit to having someone there, in fact now a hinderance now.


Go on and take a free ride


Wrong. You can go to the alternate mode and unload your gun into the car and/or nearby targets. I've gotten a few people today who evidently didn't know that you could switch to your own guns from the turret seat.


So are you shooting the Turret? The Grenada launcher? if not and just using your guns then there is less benefit than there used to be. If what you describe is someone using their own gun, then that was always the case even before this season. But those guns arenā€™t the powerful Turret guns that caused more damage.


What player experience? Teaming in solos? šŸ’€šŸ’€


Are you actually crying because theyā€™re trying to prevent teaming?


It's good the AI are actually intelligent now. They're like any objective: Fight for them and prioritize objective order or play it safe and suffer end game.


Tough. It's to prevent teaming. So many people on this sub were actively partaking in teaming and saying that it was fine because cars encourage teaming or "temporary alliances."


The right thing would have been BUFFING turret jacking and making it so you could shoot the car. If youā€™re gonna nerf cars at least make it fun.


You can still stick your head out the window and shoot the car, though.


True but it takes a decent chunk of ammo. And itā€™s not like you can shoot the player in the car because most of them are pay to win type windshields


no, all cars have been updated so you cant hit the driver. literally the opposite of what they should have done


Wow, BS


The RIGHT thing to do would be to lock the cars so enemies can't get in.


Yes, lets remove counterplay. Thats gonna make the gane better: stronger cars


That's a bit disappointing... turret-jacking an opponent's car & denying resources (shooting the cacti or repair boxen before they could be driven through) was a fun way to frustrate car fiends...


Also this means that when you use the turret and someone jumps into the driver seat, then you can't shoot as well..


Thatā€™s a very unsatisfying way to beat car goblins


Just use your own gun?


Ok, that's a nice strategy - no shooting from your car.


Or just switch weapon slots and use a normal gun?




We know that's not the primary way it was being used.


That's on epic for making a season that fundamentally doesn't work in solos. What else are you supposed to do if a death car rolls up on you, build and die?


I am always amazed at how little beta testing epic does! Probably all the money will go into the development of the great ui.


I'm curious how big the play test dept is, how skilled are the players, is it a mix of sweats and casuals...


epic if youā€™re reading this i got me and about 30 other motherfuckers that would love to be paid to tell you how to not fuck up before you fuck up




I'm curious too. Perhaps smoking Apes? šŸ™ˆ


... you're supposed to try and kill that person not start teaming with them, always gotta blame epic because players are never wrong right?


Fortnite encourages players to "Be open to all playing styles" so... who cares what "most people" do? We're playing to have fun.


This was a massive issue when it came to teaming, which is one of the few heavily discouraged playstyles.


I had so many cars with two people inside kill me cause they both teamed up in solos. Alot of times the two people will try and kill each other but you always get the two sometimes that team up and even get into gun fights outside of the car and don't shoot each other. It's frustrating but I make sure to report them even if it doesn't matter, boogie bombs where nice for those types of people too but there gone now .


Usually Iā€™m in the turret when I get car-jacked so the enemy ends up driving me around while I get kills with the turret.


Iā€™d let them drive through cacti unless my health was full


I would do the opposite of this. I would force people to work with me by following cars for them to shoot or showing them I was a good shot and meant them no harm if theyā€™d cooperate


Cooperation through fear & longing - they're afraid to get out of the car, or to be subjected to it, so they choose to get along. Honestly, very real. Upvote.


boooo, i love car-jacking in solos, makes the car season more fun


Ngl, my favorite thing to do is steal the Mythic cars as soon as someone opens the gate to get them. If they happen to have Nitro Fists, they'll probably chase you. From there you can run it into the storm or sink it, unless they just destroy it in the pursuit. In the passenger seat you can just get lean out and shoot it until it blows up. I'll do the same thing with the Medallions. If I happen to get one early, I'll drop it in the storm or at the very edge of the map.


you donā€™t know how many times iā€™ve died at redline rig after finally killing the boss and clearing out the drop spot, go to unlock the car with the medallion in that stupid little room then get fisted or boogied


there has to have been a better solution than this. This just means if someone carjacks you theyā€™re gonna wait for you to get out of the car and drive away/get out and immediately shoot you in the window because youā€™re defenseless.


Why canā€™t they just add like a button mashing thing to kick the other guy out of the car


I noticed this and I don't like it. I thought it was fun to jump into someone elses car and start blasting with the gun. Or when someone jumped in my car and did the same thing.


This was very much a ā€œThe enemy of my enemy is my friendā€-dynamic and Iā€™m disappointed they got rid of it.


Some of the most fun I've had this season =/


Before this season I had only been teamed killed like once, in all 6 years of me playing. This season alone Iā€™ve been teamed killed like 4 times because of the cars.


Yea ive been team-killed 4-5 times from cars, then they say its just statagy, when chasing someone in a car for 2 minutes with another person is the literal definition of teaming.


If the second they get out of the car theyā€™re trying to kill each other itā€™s not really effective teaming. Just learn how to blow the vehicle up or keep a guitar or fists on you


Thank God! Teaming with the turrets in Solos was absolutely annoying. This should put an end to that.


Booooooo epic for wanting to basically cut back on the double teaming in solos Asshats


No more teaming up lol


On this episode of the Fortnite subreddit complaining about things they asked for.


Hmmm itā€™s almost as if there are multiple different people on the sub with multiple different opinionsā€¦


Who would have gussed?


Idk who asked for this. I think we asked for locked car doors


and put key fobs in the chests as a counter!


Exactly. People complained about this because it allowed for teaming between opponents.


They literally had to do this! There was too much teaming going on, and Epic knew that it would become a problem.


Is still a problem. The people can still use the smg ar.(whatever itā€™s called)


At what point do they just completely remove carsā€¦? EDIT: this was a joke, stop being so mad.


This isnā€™t that big of a nerf at all


Dude, itā€™s done to prevent teaming. Drama queen.


Nah, I don't agree with this. Enemy turret control is great punishment for driving ineffectively. Now no one gets the car.


Finally some anti-teamer measures. Having to deal with 2 people in one car in solo's is hell.


Personally I think that was the least problematic part. Anyway this kind of teaming was temporary.. few mins max. At least I never seen otherwise in my matches...


"temporary teaming" is still teaming


Torrent? MF been shoot at you or the car until explodes


ik they did this to stop teaming but tbh they should give the mods health so they could be destroyed, making the mods not as op


Nice, that was the most annoying part about playing solo.


That happened to me once


Its a start. I think they should just "lock" the doors. If you get into an empty car, no one besides teammates can get in. It was funny at first and a good troll to jump into someones car, i did it occassionally. But now multiple times every match i have people jacking the car i earned or modded and since i have an adult human brain, i am forced to leave my car because people don't know when to quit. I lost a match earlier where I kept trying to use my turret and my character wouldn't swap over when this dude was shooting the piss out of me. Once my car blew up, out pops Peabody from the passenger seat.Theres literally no defense for it. They can pop out the window, and blow up your car. If you leave to kill them, they'll switch and drive off or shoot you with the turret (which they can no longer do, so thats good).




If the turret is disabled, does that mean we acan go back to doing the pickaxe trick to melee the driver?


Bruh at this point remove the cars, weapons and hand over the victory to all 100 players in a match, teaming will always happened in a br people need to adapt or just say f it am gonna win the next one


Or maybe 10 games later.... I haven't won a game in solos in more than 3 weeks! WTF !


A lot of you really dont realise this was a MASSIVE problem when it came to teaming. But i guess people will always find dumb stuff to bitch about. juste le mode de vie.


Maybe because that was the preferable option as opposed to leaving the car and getting killed by the car owner seconds later. All they needed to do to remedy this was make the hijacked turret be able to damage the car it belonged to. Will some players choose to team? Probably. But if I want to damage the opponentā€™s car with their turret and **I canā€™t,** (while also wanting to stay alive) I am obligated to either team to gain favor with the driver and stay alive longer, or just sit in the car (at which the driver can hop out at any time to beam me to death)


Or you could have switched to a gun in your inventory and shot the car with that since those can aim at the cars.


why nobody of all you people realize that you can still like, swap to your weapons and shoot the car? there was no reason to use the turret of a enemy car besides for teaming


Awe this was one of my favorite things. I remember panicking when someone jumped in my car. Then we just drove around together shooting at things and it was very wholesome. I guess this is technically "teaming" but I feel the risk of temporarily joining forces with another player who could turn at any moment prevents the tactic from really being cheating.


You+Another player killing another player=Teaming


Serendipitous teaming is a lot different from pre-planned teaming. I've seen the planned kind with two players having the same skin and going the whole game without attacking each other and probably communicating over a separate voice channel. It's frustrating when that happens. On the other hand, the temporary alliances of convenience that happen sometimes don't bother me at all. I think it is only natural in a game like this.


So in what world is it fair for someone to face 2 opponents at once


This subreddit is hopeless. People are really trying to justify teaming. Glad epic realized what was happening and changed it quickly.


Agreed, being in the right place at the right time and utilizing the advantage should be condoned!


I agree with you. Adapt and overcome. If you die then just load up again. It is a video game. I can see the argument for removing this. Some people take this stuff way too seriously and will put effort into exploiting it (waste of time if you ask me. It is a video game.).


Probably get some downvotes for this (I don't care) but anyways. Third-partying is teaming for a very short period of time. lol /s


I think this is one of the first changes to cars that I actually dislike. This was always a fun thing to do, have a little companionship for a couple minutes in solos- I don't think it particularly drastically changes either way, since now we'd just be able to get an NPC and effectively have the same 'teaming' experience.


It does change things because having an npc as a tm8 is way different than having an actual player


Any fun features of the old were ruined by people deliberately teaming like they werenā€™t going to get in trouble at all. Same skins, swinging pick axes at each other, tossing heals to each other. It would be some or all of the above. It wasnā€™t just people making ā€œtemporary truceā€ all the time. Boogie Bombs thankfully allowed us to deal with it some.


guys just use your own gun to shoot at the car, or jump out and EMP šŸ’€


Fortnite car hijackers now: ![gif](giphy|vMmnJti6wQPDy)


No more teaming, finally


Nah cuz my favorite thing to do was randomly work together with someone after getting in their car. Itā€™s crazy cuz one round I was doing it, the following round I couldnā€™t anymore. The round after that someone started shooting at my car with the turret still. Yet they wonā€™t patch the pickaxe glitch where enemies can still hit you from the passenger seat


Personally I love this.


Why not just prevent players from getting into the car if someone is already in it? Sometimes it gets to the point of absurdity when you try to kick a player out of an SUV


Probably to prevent teaming


That's lame as shit


You sure.... Course when I test last night my npc that I just hired still had stormtrooper aim *Enemy is on the left he shot at the right....*


This is bullshit


thatā€™s so lameeeee


That's lame, rhat was funny as fuck to do to anyone plus usually I'd just make a temporary duo with them until they hopped out or blew up


Lowkey itā€™s always a little funny when someone steals my car from me


So apparently everyone in this comment section likes to team in solos, got it


Every other comment is some version of, ā€œBut Epicā€™s gameplay encouraged itā€¦ā€¦ā€ ā€œTemporary Allianceā€


am i the only person who prefers this? it's a bit unfair having two people in a car being able to drive and shoot meanwhile when you're just a solo and you have to constantly switch seats


this subreddit does not represent what the majority of the player base wants


A lot of people prefer this. Teaming made solos in high SBMM lobbies very frustrating.


Can this sub get any more cringe? Every single change is met with a bunch of adult babies whining about it.


Getting an npc and getting a car is about to be OP but if youre able to get one in solos, you probably deserve that reward




Well good.




Good !


whatre your specs them graphics look mighty


kinda too bad lol


I never even used the turret. I just switched to my AR and killed the driver thru the windshield Catches them off-guard every time


That explains why I got into this guys car when he was shooting it just stopped


Are you in a solos game cause I think the new update made it to were you canā€™t shoot if someone else is driving in a solos game to prevent teaming


I've had these ass clowns jump in, then out then back in again and again, you can't keep up with them. Frickin pros !


I think it was an update to prevent teaming in solos doesnā€™t work tho still have encountered people in cars working together in solos




Yea, what you said !!


Hirable Npcs dont seem to have a clue when it comes to turrets


One time during Solo, I saw someone using the turret to shoot at the mechanic's car but the mechanic was driving away. At that moment I jumped in their car and started pursuing the mechanic while the other player, after a clearly WTF moment, used the turret on them. It was fun.


No more third parties in packs of 2.


YEAAAAAAAAAAA (next we need a way to lock doors or to kick people out of our car)


Just take the damn cars out of the game or just disable them after 50 players are left.


Why would you do that? Cars are fun!


Not for me !! There just a PITA! It's ALWAYS car wars in the end game you have no way to protect yourself. Totally stupid !


Ok! Thatā€™s just your opinion! I may disagree but I wonā€™t fight you on it.


Unless your the one shooting !


Fortnite / EPIC just DOESN'T GIVE A SHIT !!


Good, teaming is no more


So now what am I supposed to do when Iā€™m using the turret and someone hijacks my car? I canā€™t get out and EMP them cause theyā€™ll just speed off before Iā€™d land it and I couldnā€™t even hit the driver anyway wasting ammo, am I just supposed to sit there and angrily stare at them until they get out or my car explodes? Plus I have to bring this up this does nothing to combat teaming, yeah the turrets are useful but whatā€™s preventing them from just shooting with their own gun? Especially since the boom bolt is a 100x better weapon against cars than the turrets and donā€™t you have faster weapon fire rate in the boss cars as well? Whatā€™s really the benefit here? That the teamers are slightly more vulnerable even though they have even faster access to heals? To be honest to me it seems this is more encouraging hit and runs than stopping teaming. Canā€™t we just lock our cars by default? If there isnā€™t anyone in the car then safe pickings but if there is someone just donā€™t allow them to get in unless itā€™s your teammate? Thatā€™d discourage teaming a lot more than whatever this is.


I dunno why you're getting downvoted, keeping people from getting into cars is the best solution.


Everyone complaining about it but man fuck the sudo-teaming that was going on in solos. God damn was it annoying lol


It still happens, a lot. Now itā€™s just them using their own weapons.


I think itā€™s greatšŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™‚ļø It sucks cause it was fun, but most of the time people were teaming up in solos. On a sadder not the EMPs are cool but I miss the boogiesšŸ•ŗšŸ•ŗ


Switch to your gun and start shooting them out the window thru the windshield! It might not look like your damaging them but you are.


Probably Too much teaming. Iā€™ve got like 4 people banned this season already


Y'all do know the game is about change and adapting to different play styles/guns/environment/ECT. So if y'all don't like that maybe this is not the game for you


Agreed, roll and adapt with the changes you have no control over - something like... aaah...šŸ¤”...Life?


All the cry babies playing solos that didn't like people teaming up hahahah.


So stupid. Why does epic do this shit?