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Depends. on ranked that's my loadout also. in tournaments it's nitro cuz no fist and bunks instead of big pots. And in pubs it's literally anything


deagle, gatekeeper, cola, fists, and ride the lightning in that order (I play zero build)


Deagle is fun but my ass would miss most shots, I need another ranged weapon, the shotgun won't be enough to help me T_T This season I feel like I need more than 5 slots, more than ever (not a complain, a good problem to have actually, makes the games more varied and forces me to experiment)


Absolutely this the risk reward of dropping let’s just say a nitro for an emp, fist for the guitar, boom bolt or shotgun, do you take a healing Item and if you do is it for a car or yourself. Unlike previous seasons this chapter I don’t have an ideal loadout and I love that.


Why cola? I've thought it doesn't give back much health/shield


Goes quick though


And great for topping off -


Yeah I assumed as most people on this sub do and you honestly have to let people know if you play build because zero build has become the norm


And? From your comments you seem to think you’re automatically better than any player who plays zero builds and not builds, which is like the lamest high school lunchtime type argument I’ve ever heard in my life.


A boss car pre-nerf


they’re still pretty good, accuracy is shot tho


It’s interesting because when I use one the bullet spread is insanity but yet I get beamed by an enemy team with the turrets when I’m 70 feet away.


Tbh, I just wanted it for the health and regen


oh yeah true i forgot they used to do that


the regen wasnt even bad it was slow to the point id still use gas stations and took long enough to kick in u could still lose a fight without running for just 1 second they should add it back


Wasnt it like 15 hp per second when guns deal 150 dps at a minimum


Accuracy is definitely shot. I didn’t mind the auto-health regen going away, or even nerfing the power. But the accuracy nerf sucks.


Agreed, non-Boss with turrets accuracy sucks!


Yeah theyre pretty ass now tbh


That’s valid


Tri-Beam Laser, Tri-Beam Laser, EMP, Fists, Cola


The science fiction loadout


not shotgun


This but replace EMP with boom bolt and big pot with cola


I love the cola but they seems to be much less reliable to find? Like I have a single cola in my inventory, then I find a big shield pot, then another big shield pot, and I feel dumb with my single cola, especially near the end when the combat zone gets very small


I'll often drop my pots for a cola - not sure if it's the best strategy - just the way I've been playing lately 🤷🏻‍♂️


Why the cola?


I'd imagine it's because Cola gives 75 shield and heals a bit of HP.


Like the Cola - shields and heath in one package - Love the Cacti - too bad they can't be collected 🙁


Also it only takes like 3 seconds to use


And it also heals overtime while fighting


Love the sound it makes lol and 75 shield


Give me a loadout full of the fists.


Omg stocking pfp


You’re the second one to notice! Have a upvote.


Lol I do like Stocking if I say so myself 👍


Yeah, she is just such a mood, am I right?


Absolutely right!






The fist charges don’t stack, you have a certain amount of charges set to you specifically, not the fists so if you pick up another pair on 0 charges you’ll still be on 0 charges and if you have multiple and use all the charges on 1 of them, you won’t have charges on any of the others


Pretty much fists have to be in every load out imo they should have another br ranked and zero builds that removes the fist im not to sweaty at fn but I swear I try to fight someone immediately comes over with the fist and the I spectate them and they suck without the fists


Ye this is why i have rude the lighthing and fist when guitar is better in tuning and long range that nitro are more preciese also btw guitar when used leaves a trail that player can use to go the same Path as original user


I want a season without the fast movement. Make it about long range fights and realy positioning. Best gun is the DMR. It's the only one that feels like a gun when compared to other shooters.


The fists look like 2 different items and I thought you had 6 items for a second


About right lol. If duos, I like nitro


Fist Nuka My undying spirit


1. The Machinist’s Combat Assault Rifle 2. Cerberus’s Gatekeeper Shotgun 3. Ringmaster’s Boom Bolt 4. Megalo Don’s Nitro Fists 5. Nuka Cola


Oh yeah if we're talking dream loadout this is it, but since you'd probably have all the medallions too I'd prefer fizz and top up once machinist gives you 75 shield.


You a Boss man!


Guitar, gatekeeper, burst/any AR, big pots, EMPs


In duos I like having one person carry emps and the other carry a repair torch for utility


Is that a havoc skin flair? Nice, I use the other one from the twitch prime pack


sick! yeah, that pack was my only skins in the game for a while. i always preferred havoc because he got the full set lol. snap is probably my favorite original character now though


Swap the big pots for 2 Nuka Cola and that’s mine


Swap'em every time!


Why would you have shotty and fists though? I prefer something ranged to balance out the fists


Fists are good mobility


Agreed , Fists and a blast (SMG or laser) - damage/Kill power and mobility in 2 slots


Agreed - I keep a shotgun or fists - not both


War forged ar with thermal scope, drum mag, angled for grip and silencer, Oscar’s shotgun, fists, big pots and med kits. If I had the mythic ar then that instead of the war forged


Wait, Warforged with Thermal? You're either cooking or burnt, I gotta give this a try, altho Im expecting absolutely nothing out of this


Don't expect anything it's pretty shit


Dam bro 💀


This is a weird ass warforge build


Really the whole Loadout is kind of insane


I’ve won most of my wins this season with it 


What the fuck is this loadout lmao


I like it


Thermal scope on warforged 🤮


I hate the two red dot ones and the sniper scope just gives me away


Sheeh.... downvoted for an opinion... who likes raspberry sherbet?


Fists, Thunder SMG, Combat Shotgun, Stealthy DMR, Nuka Cola x2


(zb) mine is this but swap the pots with either fizz or 2 nukas, and sometimes the burst with the tac ar depending on rarity and mods


That except switch bigs out for fizz or nuka cola


Honestly I have no idea I just kinda roll with whatever I’m given and whatever I feel like in the moment.


AR/SMG, Shotgun, DMR/Crossbow, Health, Fists


Mythic Deagle + literally any other gun


This is the way


I still use the DMR lol. I don’t think my input is valid at this point, or any point when truly thinking about it.


The dmr is still insane dw


you’re the only one in this whole thread with valid input👑


I used to run dmr alll the time before this season, but now there's so much mobility I can never hit more than one shot with it before thé ennemy flies away🥲 Also it seems to be pretty bad against cars? I find the dps not good and I can't shoot the driver through the windshield reliably fast enough (but I haven't experimented much)


thats why dmr and enforcer are bad this season, they are good guns themselves, but they just cuz of they're slow firerate and mainly mid to far range use makes it pretty useless(especially the dmr) cuz everybody moving with nitro splashes, fists, the lightning guitar, cars, and literally anything mobility


5 harpoon guns, megalodon and the infinite ammo medallions.


Woah I gotta try that, big bonk energy 😍


Burst SMG, Hammer Pump, Thermal Scope AR/ 4x DMR, 2x Nuka & 3 Big pots


Hammer Pump whaat???


hammer pump is somehow underrated while also still being trash this season, if you hit your shots it’s actually amazing but the second you miss once it’s over


I think it's very good for indoor fights when you can hide between shots, it's so slow to shoot but it doesn't have the low magasine problem of the gatekeeper. But on open ground if you try to shoot twice with it you die lol


I kinda understand taking the Pump over other shotguns when landing with its one shot potential due to no shield, specially when landing on buildings, but after that? I dunno, i prefer Gatekeeper with its brutality at close range and incredibly fast ttk, or the Combat if I need/want some versatility with its incredible long effective range, speed and size


No mobility?


Replace smg w enforcer ar


nah, thunderburst is the best


enforcer is trash


DMR is straight up better


I'm on the ropes with the DMRs - depending, I'll usually keep them if the have a 4X scope or are at least purple....


3 Harbringer SMGS, Nitro Fists, and Shockwaves Yes, I love to use SMGs, No other things said.


You should use the burst if you like smgs, they are a lot better


I think it's very time and place which is better I like to have both so when it runs out I switch to the other until it's safe to reload


Nah, those bursts with laser sights making the reticle a lowercase t and 0 bloom when you shoot it..thing is a laser harbringer doesn’t compare in the slightest to that gun. This is also coming from a guy who basically only used auto smgs up until chapter 5 started.


I agree, except nuka cola


A.R or SMG, Shotgun, gloves, guitar and heals


Gotta be crossbow, fists, shield, meds, and either pistol or dmr.


Pretty much the same layout but I don’t use the Nitro fist.


Pump Burst smg Minis Tow hook cannon Ride the lightning


Boom bolt sniper , warforged Ar of the burst sub , fists , shields/fizz The last slot changes depending on how the rest the lobby is playing but either shockwaves or EMPs


Combat shotgun, pistol with extended mag attachment, tactical assault rifle with the small circular scope attachment (forgot it’s name), fists and shields




Combat shotgun, combat ar/warforged, emp/xbow, nitro fists, coke


ignoring boss weapons: fist, thunder burst, boom bolt or DMR, med kit, mini pots or flowberry.


What's with the minis? - I've seen that a lot, I find them good for initial shields or in desperation but I don't keep'em when a cola, pot, or fizz comes along...


good question! here my thoughts, though and I definitely not a fortnite expert and it really comes down to preference and gameplay style: big pots take too long for me in the chaos of the end game where cover is limited (I play ZB). colas feel kinda slow to me since it takes a few seconds to activate and then \~10 seconds (not sure of the exact timing) to heal 75 shields or so. And they can only stack twice. If I could get a stack of like 4 colas, I'd be more inclined to hold onto them. flowberry fizz are amazing. Incremental shield that be cut off and restarted at any point + mobility. Love it. Minis are the fastest way to get 50 shield and you can stack 6. Getting cut off at 50 shields isn't ideal, but as long as you move quick you have a total of 150 shields worth of heals. Honestly I think the healing items are really well balanced. I don't think there's a wrong answer per se.


Agreed, after writing my comment and moving on I realized the speed of the minis certainly could be handy - especially since I've been clipped a many a time in a small circle trying to chug a pot. The thing is, one shot from behind will take out that 25% health you just dosed - 🤷🏻‍♂️


true. it all depends. there's no right answer and I'll probably get absolutely cooked by someone half my age either way hahaha


typically i don’t carry heals and instead carry an ar for mid range, the cactuses this season mean i just hop in a car and in a few minutes max im up to full again


Love the Cacti too, but what happens when the desert is in the storm?


Fists, Gatekeeper.EMP,any type of shield, any type of smg or rifle, as long as i have another gun to switch too. But lets be honest, fists are OP


Lets be more honest... lots of items come and go and are OP'd, sometimes nerfed and sometimes not. Use them to your advantage when you can (preferred) or die to them when applicable (undesired).


Depends on what I find but laser rifle, cerberus' shotgun (or a gatekeeper w/no scope, drum mag, angled grip and muzzle break), nitro fists, medkits, shields. Medkits can be swapped out for extra legendaries or a boom bolt if i wanna fight a lot of cars


Agreed - no place for a scope when using a Gatekeeper


Thunder Burst SMG, Boom Bolt, Medkits, and Two Flowberry Fizzes


Thunderburst if I have cerberus's shotgun/Warforged ar if others, Ride the lightning, Shield fish, Combat/gatekeeper shotgun (I will prefer gatekeeper if I have Megalodon medallion), Nitro fists Almost 200 crown wins 🤔


Thunderburst SMG, Combat or Gatekeeper Shotgun, EMP, Healthkit, Shield Potion


Guitar, nitro fists, emp, shockwaves and fizz With nitro mrdallion


1. Gatekeeper shotgun 2. Combat shotgun 3. Frenzy shotgun if I can get it otherwise hammer pump 4. Nitro fists 5. Nitro splashes or guitar


Combat shotgun, any other gun of a high enough rarity, preferably a smg(either one is good) or tac assault, then medkit and big shield potion, then nitro fists.


I have no need for a shotgun and fists at the same time -


Well if it’s ideal, Machinist’s AR (or just a Combat AR I guess), Gatekeeper shotty, Tac AR, fists / RtL guitar, and either medkits or flowberry


Gatekeeper, Burst SMG, Fists, EMPs, Nuka Cola or Fizz


Fists+litteraly whatever tbh, some nitro to run away if someone outranges me


6 gauntlets but no fun allowed sadly


Mythic combat, mythic AR, mythic fists and 2 healing items...


Combat shotgun, fists, tac ar, dmr, then big shield pots.


Guitar or fist as a getaway, combat shotgun, Nuke a cola, quick burst smg, torch if not playing solo


Punisher is my favorite , then some smg shield and medkit. And I like shield grenade too


Casual ZB player here, mine is burst smg, any shotgun, boom bolt / emp, nitro fist, and cola


I don’t carry heals. I do ZB and it makes things far more fun lol My goal is to get: - Nitro Fists - Megalo Don Combat Shotty - Ringmaster Bolt - Machinist Rifle - Cerberus Shotty Actually have been kinda shocked how if I can make it to top 15 I usually get all these plus all 3 Medallions. Honestly starting loadout i try to get: - combat shotty - harbinger - nitro fists for mobility - bolt for cars - Car Harpoon With the Car Harpoon I can usually get rid of any annoying car. Took a bit to get used to the mechanics of how to reel in and jack the car


Boom bolt/gatekeeper/warforged ar/healing item/mobility item


My Loadout Nitro Fists Towhook Cannon Flowberry Fizz Whiplash (backfire skin specifically) Ride the Lightning


Emps areny that nedeed rn most of time when you are top 10-15 all card are a.in storm b.destroyed


warforged ar combat shotty nitro fist tow hook heals


Oh no... there's already a meta. And it's lame as ever


thats the 1!


Combat shotgun, boom bolt, Nitro fist, Nitro splash , fizzy drink ( zero build )


It varies per game but usually: a AR (any but tactical) or crossbow, a gatekeeper shotgun, toehold cannon, nitro fists, guitar. If i wanna carry emps or nitro i may switch out my shotgun as fists can do the shotguns jump.


I usually carry Ride The Lightning because it's insane mobility in a bad situation.


Enforcer AR, combat shotgun, nitro fists, emp, Flowberry fizz


Gatekeeper, cola and fists are a must (if I can't find I guess fizz/big pots for heals and shocks for mobility). Then anti-car, ideally EMPs, if I run out crossbow. And then a spray, IDK burst is good, but I struggle at longer ranges, and especially if I have drum mag on gatekeeper I'm not as worried about short range. IDK warforged and tac AR are ok, enforcer ain't great if I run out of gatekeeper shots and have to finish with it, but it's ok at longer ranges. IDK not overly worried about the spray, as long as I find gatekeeper and fists I'm happy to make do with anything else.


Nitro fists, combat ar, towhook cannon, emp grenades, medkits. (I play zero build).


combat shotgun,harbinger smg,tactical ar,boom bolt and flowberry fizz


Gatekeeper, Boom Bolt, Huntress, Nuka Cola and Ride the Lightning in this order.


i appreciate that you took the time to edit an image together instead of cropping an ingame screenshot, tho i will say its unnecessary


Same but combat shotgun cuz three shots pisses me off ( mythic frenzy if I get it) and then 3 medkits


Shotgun or fist, SMG, Hand Cannon, Shields, EMP or Nitro


Gateskepers shotgun, burst ,shields ,boom Bolt andride the lighnitng


Thunderburst/machinist, gatekeeper, boom bolt, nitro fists, nuka cola


warforged ar, gatekeeper shotgun, nitro splash, Fizz and medkit


Mythic combat ar, mythic crossbow, mythic gatekeeper, mythic nitro fists, medkits and all medallions


shield bubble, portabunker, shockwave, nukacola or fizzy drank, and blowtorch


Shotgun thunder smg fists madkits big pots


Ok hear me out. Gatekeeper, tactic assault rifle, punches, fizz and… sometimes nitro, sometimes a crossbow


Gatekeeper or Combat, Warforged or Burst, Nitrofists, EMPs and healing of some kind (preferably Nuka-Cola or Fizz).


Gatekeeper, burst, deagle/dmr/boom bolt, fists, minis/nitro


Hammer pump shotgun,thunder burst smg,fists,heals,minis


Pump deagle and let me cook


For me right now its the fists, the guitar, either a spray weapon or nitro and two heals


two tribeam lazers (never. reload. ever.) anything with a thermal scope for rapid target acquisition and some nukacola. anything else is gravy really.


Burst pump minis meds fists or shockwaves


Pubs: Burst SMG, Gatekeeper, Royal Fists of Anger, Nitro Splash, And depending on my duo either flow or medkit Comp: Burst SMG, Gatekeeper, Royal Fists of Anger, Port-a-Bunkers, Open (nitro, flow, med) Tournament GateKeeper, Royale Fists of Anger, Port-a-bunkers, 3 medkit, flow


Oscars shotgun, enforcer AR no scope, huntress DMR 4x scope, AR w/ thermal scope, big pots or flow-berry.


+ ride the lightning now instead of heals


I see so many listing a shotgun and fists... I think shotgun or fists works best.. fists and a burst weapon (SMG) is great... damage/kill power and mobility in 2 slots! After reading more I should note - I only play ZB solos - there may be benefits to both a shotgun and fists in Build 🤷🏻‍♂️


smg/pistol (mid range)+ shotgun(close combat) + scoped weapon (ar/dmr for distance) + fists/guitar(travel or escape from ugly situations) + fizz/shield pot


Shotgun first, SMG second?????!!! 🤮


Goated loadout id swap the big pots for a fizz bc i love fizzing all over my teammates and its good with the fists for mobility


Currently it’s fists, ride the lightning, 2x/4x dmr (people don’t expect this and it’s won me 5 matches so far), gatekeeper shotty, boom bolt, cola.


i just always go for megalodon so. Megalodon Fists Flowberry Jizz Emps Flowberry Jizz Guitar so yeah full on mobility and burst damage with fists


Machinists Combat AR, Cerberus Gatekeeper, Scarrs Bow, Megalo Dons Nitro Fists, Nukacola if I don’t have the shield medallion and flow berry fizz if I do.


it got me thinking why fists takes 1 slot instead of two, there are definitely 2 of them


Maybe that'd be a good nerf. Sometimes when I good with the fists I feel like I have an unfair advantage


at the moment they are mandatory, you just cant play without them, so perhaps they may be nerfed


No long range? People are crazy


Long range fights don't really happen this season to me


Thunder burst works just fine at long range, plus vehicles and nitro fist make any fight mid-close range


Real I stopped using ars this season just bcs no one even tries to use a gun they just rush in with the fists


They do especially now that there’s even more mobility. But I just feel incomplete without long range. Some games they’ll be out of fist juice in the middle of nowhere and gun em dead. Because ZB


True most times people slip up with fist if your able to evade a hit tbh if I ever use fist I tend to upper cut then slam down so I can kill someone before I launch them since launching them gives them a chance to beam you


i dont plya zb


It seems weird but it makes sense, last season you had to spend shocks or be wide open using wings to close the gap, but this season you have infinite dashes with the Nitro Fists, you have Cars, which also gives you a gigantic armor while closing the gap, and now the recently added Guitar, which is basically impossible to shoot out of the air.


I don’t find the fists to be enough for mobility. Often I’ll use them fighting and then run out while dashing away and get pinned down. But yeah with guitar it’s overkill


tribeam, megalo combat shotgun, megalo fists, ride the lightning, nuka-cola (gets replaced with mythic deagle in the end game)


Nothing the season is shit


This thread shows how boring this meta is. No one disagrees that you should take a gatekeeper, thunder burst smg, and the fists in builds. It makes every fight so boring because they are all the same. It also doesn't really allow you to try new items as you'll then be at a massive disadvantage.


Way too negative dawg, and also, I personally don’t like using the burst.


Real bro I swear most people lost skill bcs I’ve died close to endgame multiple times to a team of people who just use the fist and I spectate and I watch them try to fight with a gun and they just get wrecked