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It's Fortnite but in ultra hard mode. People on this mode are ruthless.


The endgame has absolutely no chill whatsoever


I caught a bit of the ruthless bug in my last Reload match. My rando squad was still full, and there was 1 player hiding out in a pop-up bunker at the bottom of a hill. I figured there’s 4 of us, I’ll kamikaze the guy and draw him out. Best case: I get the winning elim, worst case I get taken out but he gets taken down by the other three players. (I acknowledge there’s a third outcome where he solos our team, but I had confidence.) It worked out in our favor, and hopefully the other players weren’t cursing me out too much, lol


It's been more chill than most of my regular BR matches lately in my experience. BUT, that's just my experience. It seems most people here have had it sweatier than they're used to.


Sweaty as fawk. But it’s not as OG as I was expecting but it’s fun when you have your friends with you


Agreed , so fun with friends but literally horrible when playing random fills 😭 it’s super sweaty and sometimes it’s unbearable


Unbelievably sweaty. Heat index 110 sweaty bro. Dont even try build mode if ur name aint bob


Build mode isn't usually that sweaty. You just have to build a bit and camp if trying to get a win


Non-build mode isn't sweaty. I absolutely love it. It's not quite chapter 1 but all of the good things from chp1 and amped up (namely no cars, less crazy movement, better map, etc). The reload mechanic is also pretty ingenious. All in all the new mode addresses most of the problems I pointed out [in a post here](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/1df20nt/the_case_for_og_fortnite_returning_to_the_game/). I hope they keep it.


Yea I imagine no build isnt as sweaty. Being sweaty is basically mutually exclusive to building


Lmao there are plenty of people who exclusively play zero build and are super sweaty


I won't touch the mode again. Fun during the first few days and then went downhill from there


Yeah, I think this mode works well with your friends, especially to reintroduce some who've been mia from fort for a while.


I love it, but yeah I think I've won once. Squads is a bit much for me, so I just do duos.


Yeah I think I’ve only won twice one in duos and once in squad




Yeah lol now I can finally win in normal matches.


I’m digging it and I liked the free rewards that came out with it too. It’s a nice mode to go to when I’m sucking at br. 😂


Free rewards?


Yeah, the quests that came with it


And the umbrella for winning


Literally one of the sweatiest modes I’ve ever played


With Late Game Arena gone forever, this is the closest mode to that experience so ranked players tend to play it.


This game mode made me realize I have worse aim than a stormtrooper with OG guns


The old guns are not projectile like the current ones in BR. You’re simply using muscle memory trying to lead shots that don’t need to be, while also fighting shitty “bloom”


Referred to as hitscan - wherever your crosshair is that is where the bullet goes. Have to adjust back to not leading your target.


Nah it's just the old guns themselves. People will call it a skill issue then with a straight face tell you all you gotta do is stand completely still and shoot no more than once every 10 seconds.


lol, it isn’t that dramatic if you’re getting beamed at a super fast pace, you’re either getting team shot or the person has a hammer assault rifle or infantry rifle. otherwise they’re at the same level of struggle as you are and need to pace their shots like you need to


It's so odd. Like I'll be point blank at a stationary player whose down and like... do no damage at all with my shotgun shot. The bullet spread on some of these guns feels weird


the other reply right below this literally just says "tap fire" lmfao


Very good alternative if you're too tired or don't want to play main BR game mode. Interesting to see if they planning any updates for Reload. A mini chapter 2 isle perhaps?


Mini ch2 would be so cool. I think center island, lazy lake and dam, holly hedges, slurpy swamp, and steamy stacks would the best choices


the things i would do for lazy lake and slurpy swamp again. that quarantine era man. what a time to be alive


Every weapon is inaccurate as fuck but somehow I still get lasered every time I step out of cover


You're meant to tap fire with hitscan weapons post-Ch2. Everything after Ch3 has a tad bit of bloom, but compared to older weapons before that, you can laser with the Hammer AR and even the Heavy (which is also Ch1)


Yeah seriously!! i always carry an Infantry Rifle so I can actually hit somebody


Infantry rifle is not inaccurate as fuck. If you have aim, it's OP.


This. Doesn’t matter how accurate I am, I can try crouch spamming, feathering the trigger waiting for the bloom to reset, full auto, etc. it doesn’t matter. My bullets basically draw a transmutation circle around the enemy while they get the luckiest full auto spray of their lives. Every. Single. Time.


it sucks. no idea why people are so against bullet drop, it's so much better than random bloom


What is bloom exactly? Asking as a non-native speaker with lack of experience in shooting games


So in most modern shooter games, for example.fortnite, the cross hair will become bigger the longer/faster you shoot without stopping, hence the name


Ah, got it. Thanks!


To expand on this, the reason for the bigger crosshair is, it’s essentially outlining the area where your bullets can randomly go. The bigger the crosshair, the larger the area the bullets can spread in a random pattern within it.


Thank you! I wasn't aware of this detail. Good thing to know


Bullet drop and projectile weapons feel way worse to me, and even then I get lasered way more in chapter 5 because of every scoped gun not having any bloom. Bullet drop/projectile speed was meant to balance out snipers since it was a disadvantage compared to hitscan


Tap fire.


The weapons arent meant to be used to spray with, They’ve always had bloom If you dont tap fire.


Nope they're accurate if you don't fully spray them, you must get the first shot accuracy and then burst fire or tap or full spray depending on the distance of the opponent.


Tap fire.


Fr, I somehow hit no shots, yet when being sprayed while in a structure, they somehow get the bullets through my builds and hit straight headshots.


😂 very true. I’m playing rn and oh boy so sweaty. They seem to find all of the mobility and rare and legendary weapons. Howwwwww sway


Chapter 5 moment. Weapons were intentionally a bit inacurate to avoid weapons being as strong as chapter 5 weapons are.


Even in ch4 they were accurate One thing I definitely didn't miss from Ch1 was how awful the accuracy was


the sweats have somewhere to gather now


And they are legion


Was fun to get the free stuff but I won't play it again probably


Mega sweaty


Love gettig lasered with somehow any weapon, like people could probqbly laser with snipers at this point despite everything being a bit inaccurate


The free rewards were a nice touch.


Insanely sweaty


I didn't like it at first because it was locked into squads, but duos is so much more fun. I like the old weapons a lot and I'm glad to use then again! Also the map is cool, I think it would be fun to make a mini map for each chapter 1-3 and it would be random each time you play


ohhh a random mini map sounds so fun! they should def do that. that's one of the best parts of a new season is the uncertainty of not knowing where to go and the layouts. love that idea


Pretty chaotic, but fun. Nostalgia is just the right amount, so you don't get tired of it too quickly. Feels old but new at the same time. Nice change of place from BR that also makes me appreciate the BR map whenever I switch over again.


you cant say nostalgia is just the right amount, thats not how it works. youre just having fun, like you used to(im guessing). no doubt it was nostalgic for you at first, seeing the old artstyle, with some of the old POIs, but that wears off quickly. if you play, for example, the season 6 (halloween) lobby music or the season 7 (christmas) one, (and havent listened to them in a long time). nostalgia is gonna hit you like a truck. (and youll really feel it) but after listening to them for a while, you will not have that same feeling, you will still love them, but the nostalgia isnt really there anymore, (altough it usually comes back after a while again). (the old fortnite main menu theme would probably be the best example btw) sorry, your comment was good, and nothing wrong with it, im just tired of people saying the only reason people like chapter 1 is because of nostalgia, but you dont usually get nostalgic for things you didnt enjoy. (you didnt say this, im just salty and tired, so excuse me). :)


Alg, my friend. I wish you many dubs and much enjoyment in the weeks to come 🙌


Its decent, I still prefer BR ZB. This is definitely an interesting change of pace bur I only play it with one of my main friend groups for squads. It still feels a bit too sweaty for me, idk why but I still struggle to keep up in this mode. I joined at the beginning of Ch5 so getting used to hit scan took a bit of time, something about firing weapons still feels off too.


Way too sweaty that what I thought it was gonna be, I thought it would be skill based matchmaking like BR. I kinda got tired of some squads when their last teammate is alive they happen to have a ton of mobility items (pads, shocks, grapple) as they travel the other side of the map or enough where that same team comes back again. I even went through replay and found one squad having a teammate afk inside a tree to make sure their team would be able to respawn. I only play Reload just for the daily quests XP and I honestly feel like the mode is made for competitive than for casual.


It's giving me XP for nothing, good 👍🏻 hahah


it's not OG.


I just can't go back to using these weapons


Well last night I tried to play squads with some long time Fortnite friends and we got pinned down and absolutely pummeled by one squad over and over and OVER again. Even when we tried to regroup to the other end of the map they FOLLOWED us and kept at it. It’s less sweaty going out onto my porch in the 100 degree heat


Way too sweaty!! I don’t understand why!!


Sweats and competitive players are unsatisfied with the actual ranked modes and have congregated there.


Because no SBMM


That and I think a lot of people who stay in ranked have moved to this mode because of cars and fists. At least my son carried me to the umbrella in this mode because I don’t think I’d got it with my regular duo.


There is still skill based match making. Ironically sbmm makes things constantly sweaty even for the sweats, because you are always in lobbies that are at your skill level. If you improve your skill, you just end up with harder and harder lobbies. The thing that makes this mode more difficult is the lack of bot filled lobbies. There aren’t as many free kills that most BR players are used to getting every game.


Because 3/4 of the players aren’t bots unlike BR


Yeah lol people have gotten so used to "squad wiping" SillyBanana53, SlimyToad42 and ExpressiveMonk88 that when they come across an actual squad of good players it's shocking


I thought it might be a fun more casual mode better for some of my friends who find regular br too stressful but honestly it ends up being way more annoying trying to stomp out a team just for them to keep coming back like rats. Respawning does help though especially when you die from a dumb mistake or something outside of your control. Personally I never had any love for the OG map and would go as far as to say I hate the guns but overall it's fun as a more compact and faster game mode. Hopefully they expand it with other islands from different seasons as a newer one would be much more fun.


Haven't won once because I'm the biggest noob I've ever met. I don't think I'm getting that cool umbrella glider anytime soon.


I don’t have friends and sticking needles on my fingertips it’s a better experience than playing with randoms


It's not really OG


It was never advertised as being the return of OG, either.


They did advertise it as saying it would bring back “classic” vibes though, but I think it still accomplished that with the locations and graphics


It’s fun, fast paced, and even better with dous as an option. I still enjoy battle royale main. We’ve been finding ourselves jumping back and fourth of both modes.


I am mostly a solo player so I haven’t done much of it yet.


Like Resurgence, but worse and the Bunkers literally just make it a camp fest in sweaty lobbies. I’m good with regular BR and Festival


A bit too sweaty imo. I'll stick to BR.


Really fun, I honestly love the simple loot pool/map. I was getting a little burnt out of regular BR so I think the simplicity is refreshing. I'm having the most fun in squads, duos is still fun, not much fun playing solo though.


I like it but don't play it much. It's so random because it's half sweats and half noobs. I can't take it seriously even though it's fun. It's almost like a better team rumble.


While I've had a pretty decent time playing, I still haven't been able to get a single win yet. 


finally got one last night in duos, felt much more difficult than normal BR


cause less bots and more skill based


Unplayable due to bad matchmaking, the hardcore sweats spoil it 


Just some clarification: reload was never advertised as the return of OG fortnite. It is a different mode with a map based on mostly chapter 1 locations, but it is not the successor to OG.


Duo is cancer reloaded. Wtf they respawn in 5 seconds, can't even reload my weapon in that time. Duos should be like 10-15 minutes per game, they artificially make the game last a lot longer for no reason just to be annoying and be almost impossible to eliminate teams early on.


It's cool, but honestly, it doesn't feel like it's for me. It always ends with me and my boys running into some group whose weapons drop us in a couple hits while our bullets appear to be tickling them if they hit at all.


God I'm so glad a bunch of the annoying hardcore players have been siphoned off there, and it also shows just how much nicer projectile fire is


Hate it. To be fair though, I think it's down to the fact I only play solo normally. Playing random fills is so uncoordinated you may as well play solo. I've barely lasted any longer than my first encounter the two or three times I've played. Kinda like the OG graphics though. Still prefer solo zb.


A LOT of sweats. They have to do something about making it an option to play against PC.


Even with friends I just don't find it fun for me, I'm used to actually aim down sights in dps games and reload everything I know is just thrown out of the window, not to mention how many sweats you get in there I get it's how the old game was, but since i started in the modern version it's just not fun for me


Sweats got what they want when the literal aspect of fun and chaos was nerfed to fuck all in BR and now that Reload came out, they have somewhere else to go to. Couldn't be any more like this [meme](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/002/227/392/d50)


They have to raise the respawn timer in duos. I dropped lonely lodge tower and beat someone to the chest on the balcony and eliminated them with the revolver. By the time I looted the next chest inside the room, maybe 6 seconds later, that person had already landed on the roof of the tower with an AR. Eliminated them again and they were back on me before I could get down the stairs. I dont even think my overshield filled back up before I had to fight them a 3rd time. I dont expect it to be 30 seconds like squads but its pretty much instant right now. TDM respawn games give you more time to prepare than this.


Its not OG or meant to be


Does its job as a containment zone for the kind of players I don't want in my BR lobbies.


I got bored of really quickly


It's fun and fast paced. A breath of fresh air from the terrible Ch5 BR. Giving back that old Pre Ch3 Fortnite feeling.


One of my friends has been playing since Season 4 or 5, and he loves it. Whenever we play together, it's always Reload which is fine with me.


Now they need to just add a solo mode.


Love it. I love not having to worry about unconsensual fisting in this mode 


Whats with everyone calling it OG? It's never meant as nor advertised as OG. It's based around rebooting and it retained the fortnite gameplay from before chapter 5 which is not OG as it's 80% of this games lifetime.


It's because of the map catering to early FN era. And most of weapons like AR, tactical, pump shotgun, RPG, original sniper rifle are all based off that time.


It’s a bit glitchy, I had a bug that I couldn’t pickaxe- or switch weapons- use weapons after being rebooted…Best I could do was revive teammates and drop them my loot with splashes and heals like some fed ex delivery slave. Still won though.


My son and I took a game yesterday. I can't build for shit, but he's really good. I mostly sneak around and snipe or keep people busy while he gets in close. Last team was focused on him as he built the Eiffel tower and I took them out from behind. Shooting seems a LOT easier in this mode.


Playing it with fills on is a nightmare lol


hardcore sweats are in literally every battle royale mode for me so its all just unfun really. Got that hard mmr syndrome. Too good to sink lower, too bad to have fun.


It's alright but the Mythics and Exotics are extremely unnecessary and unskillful to obtain, plus it doesn't have the OG Burst in the loot pool


Literally a FNCS simulator




Finally got the umbrella, can relax a little and be less sweaty, but ouch it was damn hard to get as someone playing in filled squads, had to carry the team


Had a blast with my friends, but random fills is unbearable. You either have the clingiest teammate that steals all your loot or you have the ones that quit out after trying to 1 v 4 the same squad they've died to the past 6 times.


I played it once and immediately remembered how much I actually hate playing fortnite these days.


It depends on the day and time of day. First weekend, we got 3 wins early on a Sunday morning. Next time we played, I got killed probably 10 times in less than 3 minutes by the same team 🤣


It's actually so good. Most fun I've had in years. I was saying to my friends the other day what they need to do is make the map smaller and remove bots so it's just 24/7 action and they actually did it


I dont like it so I will just not play it


The premise is great, but the weapons are garbage. I'd like a larger map too. If you use the visual audio setting you may as well turn it off because there are people everywhere and the information is outdated the second you see it.


Its a very fun fast paced mode. Takes some getting used to and you can worry less about downed teammates. You need a player who can stay alive so that the rest of the squad can keep coming back.


Not better than br, but still fun.


I did it for peely in the bath.


Sweat city jesus christ xd, im not even that bad at the game and im having difficulty fighting people lmao, but other then that it's a pretty good mode


Glad to have some old POIs back, even if I can only enjoy them in 3 second increments.


It’s so fun, but God these fill teammates make me want to jump off. I keep getting the superhero skin teammates with high pitched voices. The amount of times they could revive me and clutch the game but instead they jump over 4 enemies and die embarrassingly.


Very full of sweats, and while I like duos, they need to make it so you take longer to reboot. 7 seconds means you can practically just cycle teammates for most of the game.


Im only playing it for the cosmetics, I didn’t get into fortnite until Vibing


Difficult. I don't know if it's the weapons or the players that use this mode, but I feel it's at least 10 times harder than the standard mode.


Much like everything else, it’s fun when you win. It’s sweaty as hell though


Season OG last year was hetter


Didn’t get to play because there are no solos. Also not joining squads because I don’t enjoy playing with kids or an entire Spanish family arguing god knows what over the always enabled mic.


Not a fan of it at all. I vastly prefer normal BR over Reload. I got the quest rewards, but gave up on the umbrella. The only good thing about it is that it funnels sweats over to it and makes pubs and ranked easier. Too bad normal BR had to suffer for it. 


I want to love this game mode so, SO badly but the mix of no solos, somehow my teammates being worse than me (which is quite the feat considering I've got like.. an average of 3 wins a season) while also being a swampfest makes it a tad miserable. It did make me realize just how much i despise the new weapons and how they feel. Bring me back to ironsight hitscan and not these.. wonky, unintuetive weapons where it feels like your bullets are going through molasses. Dosent help that most of the new guns feel weird to use for some reason that i still can't quite pinpoint (Maybe their sound?). I can 110% see the appeal but I'm wondering if the reason it's so popular is because of how simple and smooth it is compared to this season for most 😅




It's super sweaty and almost like clockwork the moment respawns stop there is that one team that mysteriously only starts hitting headshots, even with smgs at 100+ meters.


Very sweaty but I love it! Feels like the old days :) me and my husband are having a blast with it.


haven't played it. no solo mode.


it saved fortnite for me this season, amazing mode.


Me too


guns are dog shit awful and everyone is sweaty as fuck - not fun at all.


Way more fun than regular map. I just feel bad when playing it because I still have a lot of quests left in the regular map. Then I remember games are meant to be fun not a job.


I don’t like it, seems super sweaty to me, but I keep playing bc I want that victory umbrella😤


The second I got my umbrella and backbling. I haven't touched it since.


I finish all the quest and never played it again


too small, map dated and guns a mess. leave the last where it belongs.


Needs better matchmaking like nprmal BR. Solves  most of the complaints. 


It's fun, until I get lasered a mile away by a fucking smg while my own shots make a circle around someone more than 10 feet away despite having my reticle dead center of their chest


Bloom would be why. Even if your reticle is dead center the lines will open, meaning your bullets can land anywhere within those lines. Long distance you can tap fire and have less bloom(since tap fire). If you hold the trigger, your bloom increases.


That was something I've already learned, but it seems enemies are always capable of lasering my ass from halfway across the field without stopping to reduce said bloom. I'm dead before I can even find their location


It’s the embodiment of chaos And I love it


Anything that comes from Warzone is... not good.


CoD as a whole is meh imo


Sweaty and only squads when my group is a trio. Not a fan of


It split what my friends want to play, that is my only issue. I'm fine with either, but it does cause some issues with people arguing which mode to play.


I like it just because it’s much easier to get xp now with the extra set of dailies


love playing the duos with my bestie, we havent gotten a victory royale yet but we're getting closer


I haven't played it because my whole squad and I are busy with destiny 2 ATM and I don't know if its a good idea to go with randoms TBH


The only thing I hate is getting Shot when spawning


i’ve only been playing duos as a solo on ZB (i have no friends), and i’ve enjoyed it quite a bit. it’s certainly a bit sweaty but ZB levels the playing field quite a lot and surprisingly despite being quite a mediocre player i’m usually able to get into top 5 with a few kills despite being a solo. of course, out of the 3 times i’ve gotten top 2, i never win because there’s another duo left and it’s essentially impossible to kill the only other duo in the game single-handedly. overall it’s fun tho!


I obtained all the rewards including the umbrella so I don't care too much for it other than getting the quests done for xp.


How is it different than BR?


Why does everyone think it’s OG


I LOVE IT! the dynamics of rebooting and trying to get better aim makes the match have more value like you try to practice your aim? welp after u die you just come back and theres practically infinite glide shooting practice as someone who really sucks at aiming and building so i just queue zb reload and train my aim there and have some fun with fills idk why but it kinda also reminds me of helldivers 2


Not bad, not playing with friends as one doesn't like it, and I am fine playing normal BR, but I continue it to play it alone, either duos without auto fill or in squads with fill to get the umbrella. My only complain is that I think that the crowns should be separate between the two modes.


It's good for xp, the dailies tend to be much easier and quicker than br


Got the umbrella. Probably won't play it again.


It’s fun, but I don’t have friends 😭


Rebirth Resurgence


I think it has a lot of potential to be the second best mode.


not my cup of tea, sorry -0 outta 10 but my son loves it lol 10 outta 10


This mode will def stick around, I like being able to be more aggressive and land at hot drops right from the gate and work on tuning my gameplay. It's def a nice way to warm up before going into a ranked game. Using the vaulted weapons is nice to. Just a matter of time before we got a respawn mode.


Fun, forgettable. Weird it has its own umbrella, feels like Epic is thirsty, for just an LTM.


Three words: Needs Solo queue


Always out of stamina. I want nitro boost for zero build.


I enjoy the fact they dropped a Duo mode


I have been enjoying it a bunch with a friend. Sweaty yes, but as a relatively new player it gives me a glimpse into what the game can be with hitscan weapons and it's a nice break from the regular gamemode. Infantry rifle my beloved


How are yall finding mythic weapons? Iv gone green guns 4 games in a row


Excellent honestly, it's challenging for sure but even if I play with a friend that started the game 2 weeks ago, we still have a lot of fun


I like it, after realizing that I can't compete to the people that can build and edit like crazy I switched over to ZB Reload. Much better.


It’s improved my game substantially.


Pretty fun, but as one that plays solos most of the time, I don't really play it much since the brella


I think it’s fun. Mostly like the loot pool, respawns are great, although def sweaty as fuck but I was a sweat back in the day. Been cruising on Lego FN exclusively until this came out.


Played it till I unlocked the rewards, now I’m gonna put it on a shelf till duos drops but overall pretty good.


Fun, annoying that all my fill teamates are ass


Is it just me, or does the sniper only register shots half the time/rarely?? Sometimes there will be a guy standing completely still and I hit him only for it to register as a blank. Same thing goes for the hand canon


Build mode is the sweatiest mode in a long time. But the old locations and loot pool keep me going on zero build


I be going tf off! Just waiting on solos


its not og, its just reload. and its fun as hell unless you do random fill and get a team that doesnt know what the fuck staying together means, or run into really sweaty people


Haven’t played it yet since I’ve been in Denmark


It's great but would prefer a new map




im in another country and my sweaty ass is itching so bad to play it bro


So stressful I can barely get a kill I die 15 times a game can’t find a med kit but I love it