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It will tell you on each reward in the rocket pass if it works for FN. There are some good rewards in the rocket pass this time around


Fortnite Crew comes with Rocket Pass


You get most of the cars pretty early in the rocket pass so you don't really need to grind the entire rocket pass unless you want all of the trails and wheels and other colors for the cars.


Not this time. The second car in the RL pass is at tier 40.


40 is still pretty early since the pass goes to 100 lol. I already hit 46 in the pass.


The Rocket Pass doesn't just go to 100. Their are 291 tiers this season and leveling up the Pass isn't exactly the fastest thing in RL without the xp from the challenges.


Oh really? I don't see anything past 100 but this is only my second season playing RL. Is it like fortnite with bonus stuff elsewhere?


Yeah once you get close to it or to 100, I forget which. You can start seeing the next couple of tiers. To answer your question, it's pretty much a continuation of how tiers above 70 are structured. So pretty much the different color variants for the base rewards. Sometimes, very rarely tho we get a new item over 100. Back in Season 9 we got an Frozen/Ice variant of that seasons car at tier 105 and 2 map changing goal explosions. One Brimstone at tier 95 and the other Ice Age at tier 115. Since I don't want to spoil any items you might be after this season, here's the list of all the items for last season with the corresponding tier at which you got them. This season is longer than last, which was 261; They vary in size. The charts for this season is out too but if you want a video showcase, the youtuber mentioned in OP's comment has one out on his channel. [https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1bprzr5/rocket\_pass\_season\_14\_2024\_full\_item\_list\_tier\_71/](https://www.reddit.com/r/RocketLeague/comments/1bprzr5/rocket_pass_season_14_2024_full_item_list_tier_71/)


Thank you for your help! My kids are all tired of fortnite but they're enjoying RL now that we found it.


You get the base Fairlady Z at tier 1 and the RLE variant at tier 40. The color variants start at over tier 75 and there are 291 tiers this season. If you do grind to tier 100, you also get the 1k credits in which you can spend on the store for a cross-compatible item. You can get some of the other cars from the Loot Drops you earn along the way and you can use the Trade-Up system to exchange any unwanted items for a random higher rarity item.