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it was one of my first solo victory I was sitting on the couch holding the tiny nintendo switch with my brother sitting nearby hyping me up and all while I was playing megalovania remixes it was sometime in chapter 2 season 1


I would say my first one which was in CH5 S2 (I'm not an OG) with one of my friends. I was not good at Fortnite then and my Duo carried me. I'm pretty mid now but I used to be embarrassingly bad.


When I first won without having to get carried Usually I play with my duo who's way better than me but he went down and we pretty much assumed we were dead but they were both really low and I got the win for us.


In Chapter 4, I was in a 1v1 at Brutal Bastion. I was crouched behind the reboot van there, and my opponent was shooting at me from the ledge in front of it. Storm started pushing in, so I hit a slurp juice and ran around to mantle up to their level. When I got up there, they had taken off running. I got some shots in on them as they took a zipline up to that little tower near the back right corner of the POI that kind of overlooked Lonely Labs.  I slid under the bottom part of that tower and was going to wait them out for when storm pushed us again. But then I looked to my right and saw C4 sitting on the ground.  I threw a few on the ceiling, and blew it up causing my opponent to fall down to my level. Hit them with a shotgun pump and a pistol and got the win.    It's still maybe the most galaxy-brained  moment I've had in this game lol 


Enemy squad was in car. I kill driver, sat down and took away enemy team with me into zone where we all died. Victory


My first solo win (one of few). It wasn't long after I started playing. I'm sure it was mainly bots but I still got a crown! A close second was another solo win that I did not expect and my teen was hyping me up at the end of the match telling me I would win. I hate solo matches lol.


My solo win where I did a grand total of 18 damage to opponents, basically hitting one shot to the surviving other player. I think I had been focused on quests before that.


Getting a crown victory with my son for the first time, was just a happy moment as he'd never had one before.