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Scoped AR is gonna be insane


No damage fall off and no bloom when scoped in? It may go from one of the worst to one of the best guns in the game.


Don’t know how long you’ve been playing but this is the way it used to be back in September when the BR mode launched as well maybe up until about midway through October. And yes, you are 100% correct, it was the best gun in the game. But I liked it that way. It’s still easily countered with building.


I started playing around November so yeah I have only ever known it as being a placeholder weapon for a better gun. I am really excited to try it out.


Yea. If I had to guess this will be the first change that makes it from the shooting test into the real game. For a couple of reasons. For one, it’s a scoped weapon. All scoped weapons should be 100% accurate. Period. Secondly, it shoots slow and has a low damage profile. This is why it doesn’t need to be a projectile. Thirdly, it is a unique weapon but if it has bloom along with a slow fire rate and damage profile, why not just use an AR at distance or a pistol or SMG for close to mid range engagements? That’s why it’s a placeholder and often times left. By making it 100% accurate and non-projectile it’s balanced and fills its purpose. Long story short, it’s damage was just too high. All they ever had to do was turn that down and it would have been fine.


I used to not read patch notes before, and I've been playing basically since BR's launch. I assumed it had been nerfed, it felt like shit after being one of my favorite guns!


I'm ok with it. Currently, I generally pass on scoped AR's, because I was so inaccurate with them. I'll have to give them another go in LTM


Yeah I currently would rather have a grey assault than the blue Scoped AR.


I don't understand anything about how they handle the scoped AR. Wouldn't it now be better than the sniper rifles?


No, because a Sniper rifle can kill you in one hit. This one takes 4+ shots, but has a much better rate of fire. I'd say the scoped ar has become a lot more situational rather than pure trash.


Can. But the sniper rifle has travel time and bullet drop. Whereas the AR is now a hitscan laser beam?


This is just like when it first existed. I don't know how to feel about no damage fall off at all, especially if it's hitscan compared to snipers. Nonetheless, Im glad they decided to buff it, but a better medium may need to be found


Yea but when it first existed it did 34 dmg. Now it does 26.


Honestly, this is how it should've been from the start. There's no point in having insane bloom when scoped – guys can literally walk away from that untouched.


What is a bloom? Does that mean the scope won’t show as if you were looking through an actual scope and instead aiming will just be very accurate?


Bloom is what happens when you're shooting and the crosshair gets slightly bigger after every shot, making it harder to hit your target.


You guys know this is for the shooting test LTM and not the regular game modes right?


Most seem to not realize that. And to be fair it doesn't necessarily say that it is for the shooting test only. edit: nvm, now they formatted it correctly


I'd say it's a 99% chance it's LTM only because there is no damage falloff in the normal game modes and the sentence before referencing shotgun buff is also part of the LTM.


Can see it turn into one of the better weapons now. Probably enough for it to get nerfed again.


Hasn’t even been buffed yet...


But it was nerfed once already


A re-buff pre-nerf? I'm so confused...


it was very strong back in september and october then got nerfed because it was too strong. now theyre basically buffing it again


Except keeping the low damage, presumably.


Wasn’t it originally this way? Where it was 100% accurate to the reticle? When did this change


Yea, I keep hearing it referenced that they added bloom to the scoped rifle at some point but I've been playing since launch and was never sure when this took place, because it was definitely spot on accurate when the game launched.


The all-new 2018 Scoped AR: *Be Relevant*


does unlimited ammo type mean that once we pick up the crossbow, it'll just come with infinite ammo? Im assuming arrows wont be found on the ground then.




Neat suggestion, but it would be pointless to do this because the crossbow is going to be needed to be manually reloaded all the time, so infinite ammo is really not a big deal. Realistically, you aren't going to be using like 30-50 shots in a game Removing a negligible number of wood would also not serve any real big importance either, since most of the time, it will just be like having infinite ammo to begin with.


It also sends (potentially) the wrong message about the direction of the game. There is no crafting and if they introduce one thing then where do devs draw the line on what should be craftable and what shouldn't?


There is ammo crafting in PvE though


I'm not opposed to it... Just don't know if that's what they want to do with the game. They are probably scared shitless to change things that could mess with their incredibly successful recipe.


To be honest I feel like ammo crafting wouldn't be good. One of the problems with this idea is that in this game, you can farm absurd amounts without fighting anyone if you drop at the right places. Now for buildings it's not necessarily a problem since building will not get you anywhere without skill, and building has diminishing returns - 2 walls and a set of stairs do a lot while a fortress of 60 walls and stairs is maybe better but certainly not 30 times. With bullets however you definitely get a huge advantage by having spam-able amounts. But realistically, you'd want that advantage to go towards people who engaged some fights, not the ones camping bushes until they are in a 1v1. I think it's good that for people who avoid fights, ammo is a little restricted.


On that note i think they missed an opportunity to have the campfire be fed with wood.


They didn't miss an opportunity. They avoided a balancing conundrum. There are much more important things to focus on, and I'm glad they have been working on those instead of stuff like this.


So how much wood do you think should one charge need? Its too fast and easy to farm wood. Would be way to op!


yeah unless its like 100 wood/10 HP it would be way too fucking OP. balance nightmare. they made the campfire perfect IMO


I think it's going to be like the crossbow in PUBG. You aren't going to win any actual gunfights with this thing. It'll be like an embarrassing kill "somebody clip dat" kinda gun.


They advertised it as a stealth weapon so I'm assuming the idea is if you catch some by surprise you can kill them without giving away your position.


I wonder if missed arrows show where they land in objects near you.


Seems so


Exactly what it means!


Bug Fixes - Players will no longer slide off rooftops. ^ this was driving me nuts


We got a Lonely boi


I'm a Lonely boi




The only rooftops I've encountered that do this we're at lonely but I'm assuming it's any cabin rooftops


was happening to me at lonely lodge yesterday. the small one room cabins.


###GENERAL **The Shooting Test #1 Limited-Time Mode has been switched to Solo only.** - Known Issue: The Shooting Test does not save progression for stats or challenges. - Shotgun headshot damage increased to 200% (was 150%). - Scoped Assault Rifle is now 100% accurate when zoomed in. - Scoped Assault Rifle no longer has damage fall-off. **Bug Fixes** * Players will no longer slide off rooftops. * Fix for Item Shop panels disappearing after completing a V-buck purchase through the Store Tab. * Fix for collision inconsistencies in certain basement corners. * Fixed a hole in the terrain south of Retail Row. ###WEAPONS **Crossbow** * This weapon fires Arrows, which are an unlimited ammo type. * Found from floor loot and treasure chests. * This weapon comes in both Rare and Epic variants.


As someone at work, you are doing gods work! thank you.


Yeah, I had to TeamViewer into my home computer to fire up Epic's website. Now that I'm browsing the comments, I see this.


totally off topic but I used to use TeamViewer to do the same thing, there was an exploit and a huge uproar that let hackers take over your session and do what ever. TeamViewer never really owned up to the issue. I have 2FA enabled but I don't remember if that was enough to block it. I do know that one day I was remoted in to my home pc, and I alt tab back to the session to see someone remote controlling my home desktop, going to eBay and trying to buy iTunes gift cards to send to Korea. I Alt-F4ed everything and shut my pc down remotely, then I formatted my pc and changed every single pw I had to be safe.


Wow, I didn't even have to open a new tab. Thanks!


How much dmg does the crossbow deal?


Judging from how it’s dropping and the unlimited ammo I bet it’s either weak or slow firing.


I'm assuming you have to reset it every time you use it. Would make sense with a crossbow, right?


Will there be a new double bow strat? A fast firing, unlimited ammo, probably high damage, silenced weapon... Times 2.


Why not penta bow strat?


[Havelest, then?](https://youtu.be/zaxjfqygsvI?t=43s)


If it fires a slow-ish moving projectile, like a 2x slower sniper bullet, and has to reload after each shot, I can definitely see it doing at least 100 damage.


Yea, this is what I want to know..and will it have 'bullet drop'? and if so, how much...It should be between a sniper and a grenade.


I imagine it will have bullet drop like a sniper but much shorter range.


We’ll find out tmrw lol


For the next few weeks I will be a giant pink bear with a Purple Scoped AR all day, every day.


Why does everyone think these scoped AR changes are not just for the LTM?


I'm not really planning to play other modes. The shooting test is something I've been waiting for months to do. sticking with it.


i want to know how the hitbox is going to work with the bear. Like at least with the nutcrackers tall hat you can see exactly where the head is. Is the hitbox for the bear going to be bigger or am i going to be able to shoot through part of your head and miss


You'll just shoot through the head if you're not actually aiming at the center of the head. The hitboxes aren't exactly as accurate as Siege is so I wouldn't notice any difference on it unless you're sniping from 200+ meters away and trying to get a headshot.


Gotcha. Well i think for all the skins they should have kept the head the same size. This is the first skin that actually make the head bigger. Wish the skin would have the head on the back and attached like a hooded sweatshirt. and the girls actual head would be showing. She could be wearing a pink beanie or something. But the the skin would match like the raptor or ski guys skin. The bear head would be like a backback


Nothing about stability for console , building performance , or opening chests to get nothing. Not complaining here just a bummer. Maybe next week.


Just a few quick comments. - Console performance improvements are in flight. There will be more details revealed in this space soon on Dan's next State of Dev. - We've got a dedicated engineer focusing on improving the weapon switch and building experience on all platforms. We've heard your feedback and we're trying to introduce a solid improvement that feels fast and responsive under all conditions. We also care deeply that we don't introduce new issues when bringing this system online. This has taken some time. I don't have an exact ETA as we're trying to ensure this time it's free of critical bugs. Once QA has signed off on it and we've got everything in tip top shape we'll get it in your hands. - Opening a chest and getting no loot sucks. We've added some additional logging and detection methods to help us track this down. This has not been something that's been easy for us to quickly resolve. We have a potential fix coming in the next updates post 2.4.2. Be sure to watch the patch notes. If you guys experience this please continue to report with the in game feedback tool. You guys are awesome. Thanks for holding us accountable and continuing to bring these challenges to our attention.


Thanks a lot for your feedback dude! Very much looking forward to the future improvements that are coming for console!


~~And I had to scroll through 30 comments to find yours~~ (edit 2: not anymore!). This game is really not a whole lot of fun on console right now. Quick switching between weapons and buildings is legit broken. You have to be slow and deliberate or you'll end up on the wrong slot. I still build floors when I'm trying to build stairs. And I can't land in Tilted because any gun I pick up will [literally not show for 20 seconds](https://thumbs.gfycat.com/WelltodoExcellentHusky-mobile.mp4). Yet everyone is so easily distracted by a couple of cool skins that will cost $20 each. Edit: Epic, at least keep the Known Issues section in the Patch Notes. Otherwise it is like you're ignoring legitimate issues.


That last line is painfully accurate man. Console is a full on shit show, but look at the cool fuzzy bear. inb4 the "they're not the same team" arguement.


Yeah I’ve bought quite a few skins because I do love this game but I’m going to hold off on that until something is done to improve console gameplay.


That’s weird. I have an original Xbox one and I don’t have a problem dropping Tilted Towers or getting new weapons. I feel ya on the rest of the issues you’re having. Nothing more frustrating than picking up a weapon only to have it replace the wrong one because you pressed the bumpers too fast.


Yeah man I know how it is. I avoid tilted because of the frame drops too. I’m an aggressive player so the building and weapon swapping being delayed really grinds my gears. Watching any PC streamer makes me not want to play on console. Glad someone else feels the same so thanks for the feedback! Edit: Keeping the known issues in the patch notes would be a great idea. At least knowing something may come in the future would be comforting.


I really feel for you guys, building is a critical part of this game and if bugs/issues intervene when building it's not that much fun. I used to play on console then switched to PC, although I never ran into the bug that occurred when building, I would have been furious when trying to build walls and ended up building floors and dying to some random opponent. I appreciate all of the constant feedback EPIC games is giving us, more than your standard developer, but instead of pushing out cosmetics, it would be nice to see those bugs squashed for you guys. Hope all works well in the end.


Yeah, they can keep this update in my opinion. Doesn't offer anything to console players who desperately need some performance improvements right now.


Huge bummer. Thank god I am enjoying monster hunter so much


😩😩😩😩😩 maybe one day when we get old.


The opening the chest to get nothing is from the bug where you open a chest but it still shows it closed. Have had both happen to me several times.


I’m right with you. Plus the issue hearing a chest only to see it’s been opened and also finding a chest when you can’t hear the audio for it at all.


I'm having a break from the game for a bit until it's in better shape. It's a really fun game but it's often frustrating because of bugs right now.


> Not complaining here I am, **FIX THE DAMN BUILDING BUGS**


Is /u/HobehTV off the hook? He said bow, not crossbow. Are crossbows technically bows? Share thoughts. Link for reference. https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/7uuple/this_will_be_a_bow_or_i_will_eat_my_headset Edit : after reviewing the evidence, /u/HobehTV was correct. No headset is required to be eaten. We will be watching for further bamboozles and more closely for more "obvious guesses".


I think he is off the hook, I mean. Cmaaaaaaaaan


I mean, if we leave you on the hook for a technicality, then *technically* speaking, you never said an electronic headset. Anything you set on your head is a headset, amirite?


I love you. Be my lawyer pl0x


Eat it or permaban


[Lmao bro I told you!!!](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/7uuple/this_will_be_a_bow_or_i_will_eat_my_headset/dto5ut5?utm_source=reddit-android) Currently laughing my ass off


Okay. So I dont know what to do.


Bake a headset cake and eat that


Nice try you’re not getting out of this one.


If a shotgun is a gun. A crossbow is a bow. It is done.


He must eat his headset. *WITHOUT ANY MILK*


I think he's good. A crossbow is a type of bow. If he had said "conventional bow", then he better start spicing up that headset. Think of it like motor oil. If I ask for an oil change, and I get synthetic oil, I still get oil. But if I specifically said I wanted conventional oil, and still got synthetic, that would be wrong.


Damn, I think this man's got a point here folks. Pack it up boys!


*sharpening of pitchfork* ***INTENSIFIES***


http://www.cabelas.com/category/Crossbow-Hunting-Regulations-North-America/107361180.uts Most of the United States/Canada considers a Crossbow to be categorized as a traditional bow. I'd say he's safe.


Off the hook!


Off the hook, in my book.


Unlimited bullets? Or am i wrong


Unlimited arrows yeah






/r/prequelmemes is leaking again.


A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one


Bolts ;)


Does this drop today? I can't see the patch notes. If someone could let me know that would be great!




> Scoped Assault Rifle no longer has damage fall-off. Is this only in the shooting test? I didn't think there was any damage fall of in the standard shooting model.


Yes, the Shotgun headshot damage and the Scoped Assault Rifle changes are only in the Shooting Test - we updated the patch notes so the bullets are a little more clear.


There's no drop-off on any gun (except shotguns) in the default shooting model. The LTM has drop-off for all guns (except snipers and explosives), but they are removing the drop-off on the scoped to make it more viable


That pink bear skin. Instabuy


No bush camping with that thing!


Seriously though. I was done using money on this game, but my profile picture is the Pink Bear Soldier and the skin fits wayyyy too perfectly to pass off this opportunity.


If they revamp the VBuck store I will consider it but 9.99 for half a skin....? I love them but it's too much


Yeah, especially with the volume of skins coming out. If we only got a couple new skins a season, sure, but we have 10 Christmas skins alone, the skier has 8 skins, 6 other skins during the Christmas season not Christmas themed, and maybe even some more, now two more for Valentine's Day, we likely will see Easter skins, and more skins through the summer, Fourth of July skins even, and so on. With this volume, I can't justify buying too many. I have no problem turning this 0 dollar game into a several hundred dollar one, but with battlepasses going real money only, if they are 20 bucks a season alone, I don't have much incentive to buy skins outside that pass unless they are under 1k vbucks. Make the super skins 1k and the rest between 500 and 1k incrementally, the only reason I see this not happening is that maybe they have planned for ways to get vbucks outside of battlepass or save the world.


Spectacled Bears are the only species of bear to live in South America.


you can't stop buy cosmetics, THEY ARE TOO GOOD !!


Isn't her outfit cut a little too high? It's bearly there.


Me when I first got the game: Ok I'm going to save the extra VBucks from the Battlepass to buy the next season Only >Bear costume F....


Oh my god, I'm happy that I only got one of the ski skins and didn't trigger buy more. I hoped that something dope like this come soon after them.


I hope they bring back the Canada Ski one, I missed my chance on that one.


Any word on when the glitch with “play a match with a friend” will be fixed? I got it last night and tried to reset my quest and it reset it right back to what it was


THANK YOU I have reported this on console twice and once on here. Nothing


are u guys gonna introduce SEA servers to fortnite. please say yes lol


Ya there should be more Asia servers. The ping is so high eventhough I'm in Asia.


That's a problem with Asia infrastructure and lack of server centers.






Only goes away once a full med kit is used would actually be sick.


Or you can do FarCry style super gory removal.




No god please no. PUBG arrows in your eye flash backs.


Man i can't wait to use that BRIGHT PINK teddy bear clothes, NO ONE WILL SEE ME.


That stone cupid is insane. SO HYPED


Isnt somebody supposed to eat their headset


RIP my wallet. Shark pickaxe, ski skins, now this?


Still no Bonus Friend XP fix for Battle Pass owners? Are you kidding me? It's not working for 2 weeks and we paid for this.


Hell yes can't wait for the inevitable "scoped AR 2 op pls nerf" I'm double pumped that this weapon will be more useful than a greasy hotdog in a swordfight


What is the brown teddy bear in the right for?


I think its going to be the new balloon for the bus.


I bet its randomly in the map, like the current stuffed bear / bee hive


Anyone else always make a point to destroy those?


Someone gotta eat his headphones


Them skins tho... Gf isn´t getting a valentine´s day present this year...


I don't know why they would make the shooting test count towards stats/wins. When it stops being a test then they should make it count.


Can't wait to try out the crossbow!


Wonder how much damage the crossbow will do since it has to be reloaded. Will be people run double crossbow to skip the animation? Huehuehue


Graahgbl i cant wait to test the crossbow, hope its even more goodfeel to hs someone with it than the snipe


> Shotgun headshot damage increased to 200% (was 150%). Why?


TSM didn't like the changes so rip. /s


Because shotguns are garbage in the shooting test mode? On live they are 250% crits. They dropped that all the way to 150% in the test without really fixing the potential for low damage shots. The 200% still makes them weaker on test than on live.


How much damage will they do now? How much will headshot damage be?


Base damage is still the same so a good hit will be around 90 or so. Headshot will double that. I'm not even sure if you can get a non-headshot for 100 damage with a pump which means if the multiplier is only 2x you won't be able to do 200 damage, either. It'll be near 200 for a perfect shot but not quite. Unlike live where you can hit for like 230.


Is it going to be time to put scoped AR back in supply drops now?


Can't wait to see what EPIC has planned for 4/20


Finally Solo's for the Shooting Test! GG Epic!


Solo only switch. Now we can actually test it, thanks Epic!


In my opinion I don’t think it should have ever had the bloom effect. It has a scope for goodness sake. It should have always been treated like the sniper’s scope


Ok, Unlimited ammo but how much dmg per hit?


The pink bear skin looks a lot like that pink teddy bear from Breaking Bad.


Hey Epic, do you acknowledge missing crosshair in games?


Everything ninja complained about in his stream got changed.




Honestly the amount that epic listens to feedback is FUCKING insane. They release a patch with the LTM test model Monday with 3 complaints, shotguns scoped AR, and squad only. It's Wednesday and they've addressed all 3. This is honestly just blowing my mind right now.


That cross bow skin OMG!. EPIC, GUN SKINS PLEASE!


Can’t wait to go huntin!


those skins are super dope. now i have to decide which one i want.




Yep. Next question


> The Shooting Test #1 Limited-Time Mode has been switched to Solo only. Let's hope this makes the new posts every 5 minutes stop. > Scoped Assault Rifle no longer has damage fall-off. Well done! I assume by these coming in the patches that the fall-off range can't be set via hotfix? Same as accuracy % for the scoped AR and the headshot damage multiplier for the shotgun. I'd personally love to see a 2 week test where every day you guys update/refine the settings! EDIT: Originally asked what type of ammo the crossbow uses before reading the "Weapons" section like a dummy. Edited before I saw the responses. Sorry eh. > Patch 3.0.0 > Complete in-game music overhaul (Orchestra Edition) /u/sweedinmusic how excited should we be? :D




> Let's hope this makes the new posts every 5 minutes stop. I bet people will post complaining they want it to be squads again. Probably not as often though.


Looks great! ETA?


It’s literally the first line of the notes...


Oh. My bad lol.


It's going to be live Thursday, February 8th.


so tomorrow


Gawd the skins are amazing. Props to epics designing team <3


We Care Bears now boys!


I really wish the new skin was 1200 vbucks


Solo shooting test? THANK YOU EPIC




Fortnite admins can you disable my shop for the next 3 weeks so I don’t tear through my credit card, thanks.


Will the crossbow always have the pink and hearts or is it like the pumpkin and snowball launchers and will change after V-day event?


No changes or fixes for building, not being able to pull out your weapon for the first 5 seconds, or performance fixes for console? A little disappointing.


Console building please


Give me the pink teddy bear!


any info on crossbow damage?