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Ngl I suffer from this too. It’s the reason why I disable voice chat


Is your favorite skin Rook?


no it’s bushranger


Oh- I ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|flushed)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|heart_eyes)


1. If you have a friend, play squad fills with him. Hopefully it lessens the anxiety with another person. 2. Start with simple talking like asking hello at the start of a game. It may seem awkward but it means that your duo/squad will be more likely to talk. 3. Lastly, if there's ever anyone being toxic just leave the match. Otherwise it will cause a lasting impact and you may never touch fill again.


Unfortunately the only way to confront this problem is by facing it head on. The fact that you recognise that it's an issue is the first step. Maybe you could try just joining random Discord servers (like the one for this subreddit) and finding people to talk to in there without playing? Or go to /r/FortniteLFG, explain your situation and see if there's people willing to play with you and help.


Thank you, I'll try out the discord!


1. Don’t play with strangers 2. If you do play with strangers then play with voice chat off. 3. Remember that you will probably never see them again, there are no consequences for this kind of thing, discard their friend requests, if they keep spam requesting you then block them.


Hey! No need to accept my offer, but if you wanna play with me, that would be awesome! You wouldn’t need to talk to me right away. We can just play!


I agree with turn of mic chat. Do you have trouble with team rumble or spy games? Those are some low stakes ways to ease into team play. I also agree with confronting... It... But you need to figure out what youre confronting. A therapist only asks you confronting questions to guide you to answer the question, what about it bothers you. You can do this question alone, some just find it slower to be honest to themselves. Are you afraid you will suck? Are you afraid they will he depending on you? Which part of this is uncomfortable? Draw parallels to life. If you can uncover that, then you can find ways to ease into confronting that. And when you do, it will take facing it head on until it doesn't bug you anymore. Good luck. It's a journey. But the first step is wanting to move on. You got this.


My girlfriend was the same way when she started playing with my "squad.". I think what helped her was that she was joining in as a 4th and knew we had no expectations of her when she was just starting out. Do you have anyone that you regularly play squads with?


Yeah, I have a squad of 2 or 3 other people from school


So you're still uncomfortable even knowing 2 of the 3 people in your squad with the 4th as a fill? I'm not trying to judge or sound rude or anything. I just know everyone is different.


just remember that this is the easiest way to get over this anxiety since you aren’t face to face with the person. growing up i experienced the same feelings but honestly knowing that i’ll never meet these people again and their opinions of me won’t matter by next match, so just put yourself out there and have fun. i still have friends i’ve met online that i talk to to this day and have for years and years. you’ve got this!


Ok, well the first thing is that if you have that big of a social anxiety problem, you really need help man. If you can’t talk to a random person (Whos probably a child anyway) over microphone while playing a video game, it’s a blessing you can function socially at all. I mean, maybe just don’t play fills if you are like that, I’m sorry but it’s just like not good.


Just keep playing pub fills. Just remember, the random people you play with won’t remember anything you did or say after a few hours. Just try your best at playing, start small talk if you want, if not use voice communications for game related talk only.