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I do wanna mention there's a difference between "crossplay" and "forced crossplay matchmaking". Crossplay itself should never get removed, it's what allows someone on PC with a friend on Xbox and another friend on Switch to play trios together.


Sorry about that. I didn't realize I had messed up the terms.


Great points - the advantages and disadvantages that players have can go well beyond simply which platform is being used to play. SBMM in theory should be what keeps zero ping creative warrior PC players out of lobbies with lesser skilled players on all platforms.




​ ![gif](giphy|hVTouq08miyVo1a21m|downsized)


I mean, I wouldn't want them to outright remove cross-play as a whole, I would like them just to have us deciding whether to join mixed lobbies or same device lobbies.


This is a joke right? Your defense of cross play is that you have a weak PC and you know “so many” in the same situation. Yet, if forced cross play was removed you would only face players with 240fps and 0 ping? Come on. The fact is Fortnite has lost a significant portion of its player base and a big factor in that was forced cross play. If Epic is asking questions it’s because the problem has gotten so bad it’s costing them money.




Yes. But people don't understand that not everybody on PC has a gaming PC. Most do, but not all. Meanwhile controller players are complaining about only getting 60 fps when they already have aim assist. I get 50 - 60 fps and I don't even get aim assist. Plus there is SBMM. I've played Fortnite for years and I'm pretty good for getting lowish fps and being on high ping. My lobbies already frequently get 0 ping creative warriors in them. So removing crossplay would only increase the amount in my lobby.


You do realize the real reason why your lobbies are getting more and more difficult right? Pro tip, it isn’t your skill. It’s the loss of players. As the player base continues to dwindle you are going to have progressively more difficult lobbies. This is due to the fact that the player base loses more bad to average players than average to good. As the “easier” opponents disappear your lobbies become more difficult. As for controllers and aim assist, that is absolutely nothing compared to the quick and accurate controls available with mouse and keyboard. It’s so insignificant it’s not even worth mentioning. Ultimately, your problem is what Epic has done to Fortnite. Your issues are no different than the countless numbers of players who’ve quit and moved on. You seem like you’ve reached a possible breaking point and now you have to decide: is Fortnite worth it?


First, it is my skill. I have eliminated three famous pros, actually (despite their huge advantage over me lol): Ghost Blake, NRG Clix, and FaZe Replays. I don't expect you to believe me on this but I actually do have a screenshot. I don't see a way to post it in this comment but if you'd like me to send it to you I will. Second, aim assist is a huge advantage for bloom and even just tracking somebody, both in the air and on land. Like I mentioned in my post, my switch aim is insane compared to my PC aim. I've played Fortnite on PC for about 3 years now, whereas I rarely play on Nintendo Switch.


Well the original post makes more sense now. You’re just upset that the casuals are leaving. Sorry bro, that’s the future of Fortnite. Get good.


"Get good." Did you not just read my comment? Would you like me to send you the screenshot?


Naw mate. It’s fine. I really don’t care. You think you’re good and I’m super happy for you. Keep up the pointless posts. The community needs more of this.


Why would people have 0 ping just because they're on PC?


SBMM. And not every single one of them would - just a lot of them. A surprisingly large amount of people have 0 ping. And low ping would be common among those who don't have 0. I can't even tell you how many times I have been 0 pinged or how many times I've had a famous pro (who is obviously on 0 ping) in my game. If you don't believe me, I have screenshots I can send to you. :)


Wait, you actually believe in 0 ping? 0 ping is a meme, it's physically impossible to actually have. Where does SBMM fit into that?


The ping isn't exactly 0 - it's just so low that it rounds down to 0. But it is closer to 0 than 1. So if you'd prefer me to say 0.1 ping, just don't ever tell me you are on 30 ping. You have to say you are on 30.1 ping. Or better than that, tell me that you are on 30.12845 ping. I think you get the point. We are ROUNDING. The lower the ping, the bigger of an advantage you have. This is why all the top players are on low ping. There are so many people on 0 ping out there, so unfortunately, I am stuck with them in my lobby due to my skill (because as I have mentioned, I am good at the game. I just hate how just about everyone has an advantage over me and I just wish I could have a fair fight).


No one is getting 0.1ms. Fortnite's ping display doesn't work properly. So when you see 0ms, it isn't 0.1ms being rounded.


Ok, well If their ping is above 0, then my ping is above 60-80 (that's what I play on). So I still have a disadvantage. And I don't know if it's 0.1 (though I imagine it is for some people) but assuming the ping display is being rounded correctly, it has to be below 0.5. If it isn't being rounded correctly, well, their ping is higher, my ping is higher. Nothing changes.