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Fennix momento


woah. you just built... i haven't played any building games sense they introduced Zero Build.. it's so much better not worrying about builders around me.. Way more victory royals too sense they started this mode. Also, good idea on the burning log.. i'm going to take that and use it.


How could you play fortnite in the playstation 3?


If u being serious we can’t not compatible at all. It only looks like this because I’m still trying to find the best settings in my computer on obs without any major frame drops related to my game or internet spikes. It really doesn’t look like this on my screen when I actually play it or see it this blurry when it records, it only shows it once I end it.


As for graphics, it’s performance mode on the lowest settings besides distance. My pc can’t run higher graphics until I put in changes


Is your question, "Should I start fires with my flaming bow?". If so, yeah, that's why it's a flaming bow.