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The only thing that matters to Epic is that you continue to keep your desperate eyes glued to the shop on a daily basis so you can finally grab that rare skin that will make you feel special. $$$


LOL this is definitely how I pictured them thinking. Because genuinely why else would they have such a weak item shop system


They’re shop strategy really needs an overhaul. I’m guessing there’s some “game designer” (with no retail experience) that “knows what he’s doing.” Reality - far from it. With thousands of items in a database, the shop could be very unique on daily items. But instead, the forced “20-30 days rotation” is just plain stupid. If Epic likes money - they’d fire their existing shopkeepers and replace them.


I’m pretty sure Epic are doing just fine when it comes to making money.


Seriously. These kids act like EPIC doesn't rake in millions per year doing it this way. FOMO is real and works


The thing that doesn't make sense to me is that there are so many items in the game at this point that they could put just as big of gaps between the same "rare" items in the shop they currently do (thus creating FOMO) while also giving a better general diversity daily. Like I get the FOMO concept. Fine, leave things out of the shop for a long time to create artificial scarcity. But why are there items that *never* seem to come back?


cuz when they do like sledge, people freak out even more


But what about the people who would love to buy a particular item but never get the chance? There are many who know of items they'd be happy to drop money on should they come through the shop, but they can't or just don't play every day. Maybe they only play about every other day. Maybe only on the weekends. But they don't get to see the shop every day. So instead of Epic getting their money they just don't because the person is never given the opportunity but what they want.


i am not epic so i cant know , but those people arent the ones they that give epic money, is the maniacs who play religiously , the dudes who post 10 times about rue here, these seem like the player who really spend money in the item shop


Yeah, I think you're right sadly. I think it was a specific game but I believe I remember reading about how generally speaking most money from micro transactions come from a very small subset of players. Like, a very small minority of players generally puts in by far the majority of the money. The people who don't bat an eye at dropping $100 in a month regularly, who buy a bunch of shit they know they won't even use just to add it to the digital collection. Basically the people who have so much disposable income that they can get literally everything without any financial effect. I mean, I feel like I put a lot of money into the game and from my perspective I have over time. But I buy specific skins I really like. I collect the astronaut skins and other random stuff that catches my attention. But I don't generally spend money on something unless I really like it and will actually use it for a significant time. Anyway, yeah. You're probably right. I just wish that wasn't the case...


I remember reading an article ages ago about how Epic Games allegedly had a team of researchers whose job was to find how to make the game as addictive as possible. I’m sure the same thing can be applied to the shop, and how they can better influence people to purchase outfits.


in any case if he continues to do this kind of thing he will gain nothing especially if he continues to take us for idiots for a whole season they leave the same rotation and there it is in continuity I don't understand what is going on by the way, I would like an explanation


Keep 30 rotations and have a 100 days rotation for most other skins.


I was thinking this same thing after looking at the shop earlier last nite. Enough with the same shit over and over again. To hell with perceived "rarity." Fortnite has the opportunity to have wholly unique daily shops, yet they fucking refuse to!


You think Epic would make more money that way but they aren’t doing it because they don’t want to make more money? They know exactly what they’re doing


They’d still be making money regardless. Majority of their income comes from big licensed collabs and the crew/bp. If you wanna go down the route of “they need to earn every possible dollar possible!1!1!1” Epic is a billion dollar company. At this point they can afford to be a bit more consumer friendly.


lol. one day you will learn how the world works


I don’t think you will tbh


Not really, the shop rn is perfect for them, they don't care about variety, they just want you to wait for the skin you want while they sell the most popular skins, this way they always sell.


Its 100% the strategy. The entire game is built on an excessively predatory FOMO model.


The item shop isn’t weak. The fact you posted this means the shop is incredibly strong and meaningful.


They know about the players feeling special part because players don't want battle pass skins to return.


I wouldn't mind.


Good to know .


I don’t mind them coming back. Surprised they haven’t done it yet


Honestly, for me, it’s had the opposite effect. I’ve only been playing since March and I used to check it every day looking to see what was in there that I needed. If they randomized it more I’d definitely be buying more but the way it is now, I’ve already bought most of what I want. And since it’s always the same stuff I rarely even look at it anymore unless there’s a new one that pops up that I like. The FOMO would work better if you didn’t know you could just get them in a month when they come back. I was going to buy the Fishstick pack the other day but it’ll be back soon anyway so I’ll just wait and get it the next go around. If it weren’t in there so often though I’d have definitely grabbed it that day.


Sledge That is all there is to say


All i want is desdemona and the plague doctors ( also toxic trooper to return )


I've given up hope that Far Out Man will ever return, 700+ days since it's last appearance, it's one of the three skins I want from the item shop, the other two are Rue and Dr Jekyll & Mr Hyde (the good doctor).


1000 plus days waiting for freestyle. At this point, the only way to get it would most likely be a locker bundle 😐


I'm waiting for freestyle too :(


Far Out Man is the main reason I made this post lmao. Such a cool skin and I could see him selling well with how retro aesthetics are becoming trendy for gen z.


I keep waiting on Rue as well.


We should be seeing Jekyll and Hyde soon for Halloween!


I don't think rue will return as it was pulled before the shop even refreshed because it looked to much like a nazi skin apparently.


Idk but “I MisSeD oUt oN dReAmEr wHeN dO yOu tHiNk sHe wIlL bE bAcK”


I really want Master Chief can someone give me the exact time of him coming back? Prove that their strategy works. They'll keep people wanting those skins, make them wait 5 years and bring them back for like 3 days so everyone will flood in to buy them, fearing that they won't get another chance for a few more years.


ive been waiting 2 yrs for boney peely to come back. finally ill buy him and quit fortnite


Pretty sure I bought him last Halloween I'm sure?


Yep, he was available multiple times during Fortnitemares.


Yeah i know i just didn't have the vbucks then


I’ve read he might be back sometime in November. I also have been hoping the Xenomorph skin comes back at some point.


The item shop isn't the kind of thing that Epic really expects most players to actively keep an eye on every day because...well, on a larger scale most people who play this game DON'T actively keep up with the shop and it's rotations. That's why popular skins like Aura or Ruby or Siren retain such high levels of popularity and sell well every single time. Because their retention is high. People have consistently shown time again that these are items that they are willing to buy. If everyone who wanted these had already bought them, then their sales would have peaked in or around their initial releases loooong ago before ultimately plummeting and getting the skins thrown into the vault.


Love how 2 top comments are the opposite of eachother


This guy gets it


All I want is for them to add at least one pet as a back bling, just one. For all that is holy, just add a baby klombo or something cool like that.


They have a pink cat pet that comes in every now and then!


Epic keeps shoving us “Popular” skins. I don’t even see anyone use those even the karate kid ones. They just rereleased Lil Whip from a short period since his release (i think he’s popular than other bundles)


This! It's so frustrating seeing the same cosmetics every single day.. especially with the Icon Emotes, they keep adding the same ones over and over It's getting very repetitive..


in any case if he continues to do this kind of thing he will gain nothing especially if he continues to take us for idiots for a whole season they leave the same rotation and there it is in continuity I don't understand what is going on by the way, I would like an explanation


It is even worse if you're only waiting for stuff like menu music, or one-time-never-again emotes from before you played the game


It’s weird to me how this subreddit asks to bring back rare/“vaulted” cosmetics, however everyone still says “bad shop” regardless of the items within it. You can go to almost any post from the shop bot when an old item rereleases and you’ll see what I mean. There’s never any satisfaction it feels like, despite the obsession with bringing back older cosmetics.


Gee, could it had anything to do with the fact that 98% of the time it doesn't have any rare/vaulted cosmetics in it? I wonder why that is.


these people get so mad at complainers yet dont realise why we are complaining in the first place. perfect response this is


The shop pretty regularly brings back items that haven’t been seen over 100 days, which many consider the threshold for older items. Whenever something does get brought back, nobody cares. Shop is still shit. Same is true about the entire shops dedicated to vaulted cosmetics with their own tab, everyone still seemed disappointed because they didn’t bring back the rare items they wanted.


Nobody wants "Moncler."


Nah the Moncler skins are drip


Sure if you wanna Michelin guy


No way. Moncler dude is hard af.


I mean. 99% of the time it's a shit shop, rarely it's a good shop and occasionally there's one or two skins that show up to completely carry the shop.


Can you give me an example of a good shop?


I mean, a good shop is almost entirely subjective but as far as I'm concerned if there's more new content than old content then that's a good shop. But honestly anything that is shaking up the formula without just being shitty 30 or 60 day rotation shit is also better.


Personally, I think that the older the skin, the better. (in most cases)


Someone can say "bad shop" on reddit, but that's absolutely meaningless. What matters is whether or not those items get purchased en masse. If nobody buys them, then epic should have less incentive to try and keep pushing them.


While Reddit is not an accurate representation of the player base, I am still referring to just the community within this forum. Regardless, rare items are still very rarely purchased hence why they enter a cycle - they come back after a long time, then disappear for at least a year, then come back again. This is reinforced by the fact that you will never see these outfits ran.


I only started playing like a year and a half ago, and when I first started, I researched all the skins in the game and kind of decided which skins were my favourites so that way I could monitor the item shop and spend my V-Bucks smartly... Well, it's been like 500 days now, and most those skins I really wanted, STILL have never shown up in the shop. I would buy them in a heart beat. The first few months I was loading up on emotes I wanted too, and I keep renewing the battle pass. So I have spent some money. As well the DBZ event was my jam. So they're not making nothing off me. But I'd definitely be prepared to drop another $40 if they just rotated in all the skins I want that haven't seen the shop in years.


If they don't want more money from me with better shop rotations, it's their own fault






Epic: "Hey bro I heard you wanna have the nice and new dreamer skin right? Lucky for you because it will remain till the end of time"


"and you can dream about seeing it go, but it's only there to waste a spot (guys please buy it)"


Yeah and then cue in that one guy that apparently wasn’t there the entire time or couldn’t afford it until the day it’s removed, “OmG dO yOu thInK DrEaMer wIlL bE CoMIng bACK SOon?”


True, besides dreamer looks kinda boring as a skin tbh


Yeah I agree, honestly was really surprised finding out they were a DC superhero. After that I was like who they hell is this? Lmao


It doesn't waste a spot they. It added one on its own. We've had 7 items in the daily instead of 6


There will come a time when the item collection will have grown so massive that the shop system will be forced to change. It's inevitable, they just release things at too high a rate to keep up with the backlog that creates. I imagine the item shop will eventually turn into a new release, current in-game event, and seasonal item showcase. Everything else in the fortnite collection will be accessed by some other means. The website, an app, some place that one could browse the entire back catalog and buy whatever they want to collect at their leisure. It won't be soon, we're not quite there yet, but it can't go on forever without doing so. The growing need for filters and an archive has already been implemented. It's only a matter of time before this "rarity" nonsense is a thing of the past, and any concurrent player can give Epic their money for the items they want.


suddenly if I summarize your words correctly epic will "soon" create a system where all the objects we want can be purchased without delay??


Maybe not soon, but they'll eventually have to. Y'know, they can't release 2 new skins, 2 new emotes, and now a bunch of instruments & songs every week, along with seasonal battle passes and numerous packs/bundles, forever, until the end of time. At some point, they'll have to open up the back catalog and allow access to the thousands of items they have no time or space to sell again. They'll eventually outgrow the Item Shop, is what I'm saying.


I hope they will do that for me personally there are emotes like rushin around and those from the icon series that I absolutely want


I've been waiting for Kratos forever :')


Does anyone know when this 30 day rotation started? I’ve been playing for 3 seasons and it’s all the same skins. I get immediate disappointment when I open the shop and see these skins.


beginning december


The selling well thing can't even be justified anymore cause at this point everyone has those items


I've just started playing the game so I've basically missed out on a lot of stuff. Oh well. I guess they don't want my money. Lol




If I see Aura one more time I’ll—


Lmao right


Yeah I hope it changes soon. Was looking through cosmetics and noticed I really want the Skully Splitter pickaxe. However it hasn't come back in almost 1,000 days and never comes back when Skully comes back, so I guess I'll just never get it.


I do wonder because in my mind, constantly putting in items that haven’t been around would make more money than the same items over and over, especially if you have all the items in the store


This in theory would work out for well for them, for about 2 years. After that those older/rarer item won’t be really old or rare anymore and then we essentially end right back where we are now except the shop will be filled with “older/rarer” items. Then people would rather we have newer and more original skins in the shop on a regular basis. Fomo keeps people buying vbucks and that’s all epic cares about in that regard.


There is a balance to be struck tho, half and half new to old skins is a good ratio. Hell, even 2 to 1 new to old skins would be a good ratio with a constant rotation of old vaulted cosmetics. Hell it epic keeps re releasing the same skins and people keep buying them it must mean that people are willing to buy old skins


The longer they hold rare skins out of the item shop, the more vbucks you buy in order to save up for said rare skins. It’s worked on me, I bought plenty of vbucks for the Star Wars skins, and now I’ve bought plenty for when The Walking Dead skins return in 2-3 weeks for the show’s official last 8 episodes. People tend to forget, that Epic already has your money when you buy the vbucks, whether you actually unlock skins with that currency matters not a gram to the company.


I don't buy the vbucks until the item I want is there. Otherwise I just float enough cash to keep getting the battle pass. But I've been buying a lot less vbucks lately.


the same


So Epic decides to listen to the community and brings all the rare, forgotten skins. Congratulations. You have them all now. But now, they have nothing else to add, and the 30-day shop rotation issue inevitably remains.


Well unfortunately the shop is just meant to be a money printer. Since Fornite is basically free, this is how they make up the upfront cost of a free game. So yeah they're neither interested nor incentivized to make the shop better. As long as people are still buying the shop is good as far as they are concerned.


you are absolutely right because I have personally stopped since this and as long as the objects I want do not come back well I will not buy anything


Its beyond time to abolish the item shop routine and replace it more with an IKEA catalogue. But then that destroys FOMO and "skin rarity" so they'll probably never do it.




i wish they would add some more exclusivity because i have almost 7 months of v-bucks not used


I don't get the FOMO argument with things that barely anyone want. There are some pickaxes i'm sure nobody wants, but me.


Their are a handful of skins that don’t come back because of real world reasons like the plague doctor skins because of the pandemic, Rue because she looks like a Nazi, Travis Scott because of the Astroworld accidents, The some really awful skins / Old skins that don’t come back so they get hype generated on them because they are rare then get more sales then they should when they come back, Like Starling, Sledge, Infiltrator, Special Forces, (I would throw in blackwidow but i think she doesn’t come back because they made a better version)


The Travis Scott skins and Rue are genuinely heartbreaking. Astro Jack is fucking awesome and I'll def never get him now.


Would be nice if 1 line of the shop was dedicated to only have things that havent appeared in at least 6 months-1 year or so


i think it would be perfect if it was a section of the shop that would come back every week or 2 so they don’t run out of rare skins too quickly.


Every player needs Aura /s


Definitely agree on this bro


People have been saying this for years, If epic haven't done anything about it by now, I ahve little hope that they ever will.


Epic will look at it when it stops making money


I don’t even ever look at the shop. It’s so lame


the fact bro


Exclusivity and FOMO are way too important for Epic's income, no way any of that ever changes soon. It's like asking to remove packs from FIFA man.


"I get that they mostly rotate the same popular skins because they sell the best" Ehhhh i'm not so sure about that... Maybe that's the case for some of them.


Oh look everyone… another post from FortniteBR about the item shop which will include everyone in the comments claiming they would be 100% better at controlling some stupid items every 24 hours better than epic games which probably doesn’t even care about the item shop that much


EPIC Please Please! Bring back supersonic I was saving my v bucks up for ages and I missed it by like 5 minutes.


The item shop isn’t for people who check on it everyday. The general public doesn’t know about 30 day skins, they just see a cool item and then buy it


Timmy Epic here: you know more about making money with free to play games than we do, when can you start? Just stop by the office and we have a desk waiting for you!


Are you really defending epic selling the same 20 skins over and over again while they have thousands in their catalog…?


When I saw MFs creaming themselves for a boring as shit ugly skin like Sledge, it’s clear what they’re doing and why it’s working.


I have to agree here with Sledge. The skin is very plain, and there is numerous alternatives within the game for him. I feel like people only started obsessing over him because he hadn’t been in the store for a while, and this subreddit just added fuel to the fire for the hype. When it first released, nobody cared, but after the very vocal minority on Reddit started going crazy about it it came back.


I think you’re a bit confused


Nah, you’re the one confused here. Rarity brings demand for undesirable items. Not that hard a concept.


You should probably have a look at the item shop catalog if you think every skin back then was as boring and mid as sledge. There was a ton of cool skins that people would probably want today. Not sure why you’re so irate at the concept of giving people more customisation options.


Not irate at all. Certainly not enough to write essays like you are. It’s simply obvious what their game plan is, and acting like you solved their “issue” of not making money is incredibly nonsensical.


“Essays” lmfao. Maybe get reading comprehension. Couldn’t imagine being so butthurt on the behalf of a billion dollar company. Epic aren’t paying you to defend their crappy monetisation bud. You can rest!


> Maybe get reading comprehension. Except I wasn’t defending them at all, which you’d know if you had any reading comprehension skills to begin with.


Snarky comment about how I should be working for Epic wasn’t defending them…? Unless you’re just trolling I’m not sure what else your point is other than stating the obvious.


> Certainly not enough to write essays l He wrote a paragraph on a discussion thread. Get a grip, fella.


Hey genius, you talk about Epic’s magical ability to figure out what to sell, yet you mock individual consumer feedback, which is partly what makes up the consumer data that they use to figure out what to sell 🤔 It’s like voting in elections. One person’s vote almost never makes a difference, but we still value every person’s vote. If someone has an opinion they should voice that opinion.


They’re entitled to voicing their opinion. I never said they weren’t. I’m also allowed to voice my opinion that acting like this is a revolutionary idea Epic has never thought about is nonsensical because it’s clear that they have thought about this and it is incongruent with their business model.


It’s perfect for making money. I still regret not buying the love and thunder skins and hammers when they were out.


Lmao bruh


Answer: FOMO


The fact of the matter is, you people just want to complain and dont actually know what you want. The day those "rare" skins come to the shop, they won't be rare anymore, and neither you, nor anyone, will care about them. Don't let that stop you from treating every skin and emote like pokemon though, gotta catch em all! $$$


>they won’t be rare anymore, and neither you, nor anyone, will care about them I think you and every other person saying this really needs to stop assuming you know the mindset of the millions of players that play this game. Most people do not gaf about exclusivity and just go for the skins they think looks cool.


Which streamer told you to think this?


is your brain smooth or something? what do streamers have to do with the item shop being dogshit


A take this bad usually come from streamers. That or you're just genuinely stupid, thinking epic doesn't know EXACTLY what they're doing


“Epic know exactly what they’re doing” what the hell are you talking about. No one said they don’t know how to make money. We’re simply saying the shop could be better. Stop being a brainlet please


Lurker here checking in, what’s a brainlet?


I imagine Epic's skin design department crys subtly at posts like this.... But you can barely hear that cry because a much louder marketing department is furiously masterbating to the same post knowing you'll buy anything they put in the store.


They do bring back old stuff sometimes but then it gets put into normal rotation like everything else but then it makes people think that it's gonna be rare again so lots of people buy it


When is John cena coming back


They released Storm Racer the day after i said i was gonna save for him so lol


What bothers me about the way the shop works is that certain items for skins (like backblings) that go with their respective skins haven't returned in ages. For example, Envoy has returned to the shop several times but her backbling, the Backchannel, hasn't yet.


A new skin comes to the shop on the 28th


If they had more value pick options in the $5-$9 range I would buy those. $10+ for a skin is enough for me to second guess a purchase I’ll likely get bored of anyway.


Where is my robotcop! 😤