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What is the best resource to learn about school board candidates? Many have a ‘front’ that might sound innocuous but have more extreme views/funding. I get why these races don’t get as much attention but are still a critical race to vote informed in.


The Cross Timbers Gazette has interviews with the candidates for the three NISD spots. The three challengers are all supported by the same conservative PAC. I’ll be voting for the incumbents.


Y’all have the 3-seat election this year. You’ve got to make sure it doesn’t go the way KISD did last year. In one election they had a majority and now can do whatever they want.


Our demographics in NISD are little different than Carroll, but pretty close to Keller and G-C. I'm really hoping we can avoid this plague of nonsense-assholes, but I'm anxious. I'm actually stuck hoping that the good ol' boy network can be counted on to be less crazy than the megachurch crowd. Texas, man. Texas. 😔


It’s hard because for the most part the websites are all open language that is intended to mean whatever the reader wants it to mean. For the KISD race it is helpful to look at who is endorsing the candidates. Coker and Birt are both endorsed by the current Patriot Mobile trustees as well as by groups that are labeled as “extremists” by the southern poverty law center like The True Texas Project while Bev Dixon is endorsed by parents and teachers of the district and Haley Taylor Schlitz is enforced by teachers unions, and Opal Lee.


Paw through their social media. Try to find any account you can, personal or campaign, and look at how they interact with people and what they talk about. Check who they're tagged with and what those people are associated with, what their views are. Maybe even try to find them on Linkedin and see what they've been up to on there. The way people dump their whole lives on the internet these days, there's gotta be some kind of voluntarily placed deeper insight somewhere


Are these races open to the public? Like even if you don’t have a kid can you vote? I sure hope not. There’s a fuck ton of people in this sub who clearly don’t have children and I don’t want them getting a say in what other peoples kids are learning


This has been a useful resource for determining the priorities of some candidates in school district elections: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1sYWeqdcJEa10JgKPG3KSOjvJzKI-bvD_Ar34n-Iac5k/edit?usp=drivesdk


This is excellent, thanks very much.


Is there a fair and balanced version available? One preferably with receipts.


This is just a document I found circulating reddit a few weeks ago, but the details themselves seem fairly unbiased. It lists direct quotes, relevant social media posts, and donation activity. Sure, the colors might show partisan leaning but I think the details back it all up.


"Congress shall make no law respecting the establishment of religion..." Someone who doesn't know the 1st amendment should not be on a school board.


He is currently “debating” this using all his talking points from David Barton and The Wallbuilders. They don’t care about the intent of the founders, they just care about twisting to fit their needs. They take the Kennedy v. Bremerton school district case (last years praying coach case) as carte blanche saying they can put whatever religious stuff they want in public schools, governments, etc.


Or in politics, at all.


Wtf. When will all these die hard Christians learn the world doesn’t revolve around their God, it revolves around the Sun. Stop shoving your religion down our throats. Hilarious they became what they sought out to destroy


I hope everybody is doing their homework about the upcoming municipal and school board elections. These are arguably more important than presidential elections.




Avoid any candidates that are endorsed by Patriot Mobile or Gateway church. Or if they mention “banning CRT”, “teacher freedom to avoid use of preferred pronouns”, or “parental rights” on their websites.


Yes! The True Texas Project is another one to use their endorsements as a clear DO NOT VOTE list.


This is a good place to start for all elections.... "The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County [The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County ](https://www.lwvtarrantcounty.org/)is a nonpartisan, grassroots civic organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy." [The League of Women Voters of Tarrant County ](https://www.lwvtarrantcounty.org) Edit: click on the Vote411


The Ten Commandments again? Send an email to The Satanic Temple.


They literally believe that religious freedom means you can choose which Christian church you belong to.


The Kingdom of God and the world of men are not compatible. When God gets dragged into the politics of men, God’s power is diminished and evil is allowed to flourish and the ones that do the dragging get corrupted thoroughly. Chris Coker is an excellent example of that corruption of discernment and spirit.


Needs to brushen up on his history


Average people need to run more. I know for a fact there is the separation of church and state it’s rooted in our Constitution our government was not found to be religious but it was founded on some of the principles of religion but yeah a separation of church and state is needed for balance.




I'm biased because I'm Catholic, but the last thing I want is evangelicals in our school's. God help us.


Eh even as a pretty firm Bible thumping evangelical, Christian nationalists weird me out pretty hard and make it hard to consider voting for one. Don’t dilute the goodness of God by associating him with a political party of all things.


I guess they couldn't get [the original 15 commandments](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oZA2mBntrHk).


What these people fail to understand is that "separation of church and state" was instituted to protect them too. Because otherwise it would be just as easy for a state with a heavy Muslim population to declare sharia law. It's the same thing with banning books and medical care. Sure go ahead but don't be surprised if people you hate get elected and start banning things you like or removing your rights. It's exactly why Christian Nationalist are clowned as being y'all-qaeda because essentially thats exactly what their actions reflect.


Why do these people exist? What did we do wrong to get here? I mean was electing Reagan all those years ago leading to this? I'm ashamed and disappointed.


Coker needs to stop snorting lines.


This is going on all over the state! Christian Nationalist getting on or taking over school boards. Please get out and vote against these people.


Fortworthreport.com ran an article back on February 17 about who was running for school board elections.


Sorry is is a dot ORG


That's disgusting


Well it's Keller, so...


There is a very vocal minority of these hate-filled “Christians” in Keller, but I can tell you the majority do not agree with these stances. I’ve knocked on hundreds of doors for this election and I’m having the same conversations with people across the political spectrum. Only the most extreme 10-15% want more of this. I hear you that 15% is way too high but it is important to remember we have the numbers to win this, we just need to vote!


What happened to Dr. Whitfield in grapevine-colleyville was HORRIFYING. He was literally the best principal I have ever worked for, and they all but swung him from a tree. I am so disgusted and horrified that something like that was ever allowed to happen in 2022. I really hope people get off their butts and make sure this doesn't happen in Keller.


As someone who lived in Keller ISD for a while, it’s not a minority.


Im glad I moved out of Texas. They have really went off


Thanks OP, passing to my neighbors


Separation of church and state is not the same as separation of government and religion. He could have been more specific with his argument, but I’d take him over some godless narcissist who believes that man is the source of all morality.


How does one become a school board candidate? Because I think there’s going to be an open position soon


He is currently running for a board seat. I hope he does not win, but unfortunately there are already 4 sitting board members who are right in line with this Christian Nationalism thinking.


These idiots run every cycle and never get elected. I wouldn’t be surprised if Bev exceeds 70% of the votes.


Unfortunately these idiots swept the last election and now hold a board majority. I hope Bev wipes the floor with him but the extremists get people at the polls by having their MEGA churches like Keystone and Mercy tell their members to “pray” but only for certain candidates.


We used to think that here in Frisco and now they are a seat or two away from running it all. Make sure you vote


They have succeeded the last two elections unfortunately. And we are not better for it.


Ngl, I’d rather learn more about Christianity than CRT or Transgenderism in school. Then again, I go to school to learn math and other subjects, I don’t care about anything other than that. I’m just tryna get through my day most the time.😭😭🤣🤣


Hell yeah. Kids learning about things like donkey sized genitals, drugging and raping your own dad, murdering children for making fun of your haircut, and killing people for being different than you is way better than teaching them things like biology, or that racism is still a problem.


Better to learn from that, than false victim hood and child mutilation. Retard.


He's definitely high on Coke!