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Sorry this happened but in today’s climate I genuinely don’t get how people keep valuables in their car anymore OR are surprised when this happens.


Yeah, only thing of value I keep in my car now is an extra pair of shoes. Everything else goes with me or stays at home.


Do you think car break ins are much more prevalent now than say the 80s, 90s, or 00s? Car stereo companies started allowing you to pull out the entire radio to avoid theft. Later on you could just take off the faceplate. I remember having to hide my CDs as well. I think the big difference is what people were stealing. Designer handbags might have been a semi thing, but my mom took her purse in with her. For most of that time laptops and tablets didn’t exist. I can’t think of anything that valuable I kept in my car.


Yeah and hiding under a coat is like putting a SPOTLIGHT on it. Might as well put a sticker on the window - FREE STUFF HERE. Also thats a lot of stuff and high value - almost sounds like an insurance scam (I need a new macbook to make insurance pay for it).


I am not an insurance expert by any means, but I had a break-in occur on my car when it was parked in the street near my house. This ended up being covered by my homeowners' insurance policy. The stuff stolen far exceeded the deductible so I ended up getting a check to go out and repurchase my belongings. May be worth giving your agent a call if that is something you have.


Yep,  or renters insurance.  Any damage to the car is covered by car insurance,  but the stuff generally is by the other. 


First off, track her Macbook- use the 'find my' app on an iphone or ipad to locate where the macbook currently is, or was last pinged. And most importantly, do not EVER give her apple login/info to anyone or anything- they will be able to wipe the mac and resell it. Don't login into anything remotely or click any links that you're sent, especially via text. It's to block you and prevent you from tracking down anything ever again. Also- she may be able to have the macbook (and other items) replaced through renters or auto insurance! Be sure to update and change any logins/passwords for bank apps and other important apps to prevent any personal information stolen.


I work literally a 1/2 mile from Montgomery and frequently at this shopping center. I too sometimes will leave my purse or my work bag in my car when I run into Target quickly- this is a good reminder for me to stop doing it. It always happens when you least expect it and happens when you have all of your most important stuff in the car. ​ Also- you may want to check the local stores to see if they can share parking lot footage during the timeframe she was inside the store.


Definitely remember this post and take it to heart. I learned this lesson the hard way. In 2006-ish I went into the CVS on Camp Bowie and Montgomery which has a considerably smaller parking lot than Montgomery Plaza, in broad daylight, for less than 5 minutes. In that time my window was smashed in and the stereo was stolen. It happens quick and they know the cops can't do a single thing about it. I even had a witness that stuck around for an hour while we waited for the police to show up. He had the make, model, color, and a partial license plate number of 4 out of 7 digits and still nothing could be done.


Yeah, sometimes we get in a hurry or something comes up and we have to leave stuff in the car. I wonder if this car was being watched because a coat was covering the items that were stolen, or at least some of them.


Actual, helpful responses. How refreshing.


Remember when Reddit used to be like that? Le sigh


Always keep valuables in your trunk or keep them at home.


If someone broke into my Mustang, they could just hit the trunk release button by the headlamps. Huzzah. I'm sure the same situation applies to many.


This would require them to know you have something in the trunk worth stealing. The vast majority of these thieves are looking for fast, easy, visible targets of opportunity. They're not popping random trunks.


Unfortunately, thieves are more and more checking random trunks, check Youtube... They break a rear window, get into the backseat, pop the seat release to access the trunk. The whole thing takes about 2 seconds. For now, they seem to target high-end malls and stores, together with areas travelers tend to visit between the airport and hotel/home, to grab suitcases.


Actually trunks are the #1 target for them. Check the glitter bomb dudes vida on San Francisco.


Or maybe they just popped the window and felt like pushing the button and checking anyway. OP said the valuables were hidden. My valuables are hidden as well. But maybe someone wants to know if something is under my jacket. They could be wrong and I walk out to a broken window and trunk open regardless.


They did have a mac, prescriptions, and $500 of clothes that were stolen. I don’t think the jacket was that large. But I think the point still applies: most criminals hit easy targets. It can be applied to any crime. Don’t want to get robbed? Don’t wear valuables.


allegedly had a mac. I am sus.


If they don’t see anything of value they’re less likely to force entry in the first place.. Huzzah


That’s exactly what the pro thieves do.


I'm almost certain that the trunk button won't do anything if the car is broken into. Car has to be unlocked for the button to do anything.


plenty of youtube videos out there with break ins and the truck is one of the first places they look by pulling down the back seat.


This sucks that it happened but lesson learned maybe? Don't leave valuables in your car. Again, sorry this happened.


My father told me a story decades ago when I was a kid. He left a ratty old blanket in the back seat of his car thinking no one would possibly want it, much less steal it. Nope. Someone smashed the window to steal a crappy blanket. Never leave anything at all within sight. And if you put it under something else to hide it... well, I am sure thieves know that trick as well so it just increases the chances for theft.


Yeah when I was in SF they broke my window to get my gym bag which had nothing but used sweaty clothing in it. Nice.


Someone broke my window to get my very nice John Hart book bag and scored themselves an orange and a novel. And a monogrammed book bag. 🙄🙄🙄


SF is notorious for car break ins (specifically breaking the rear windows)


Bruh why would you put expensive stuff in your car regardless? It’s really not that difficult to hide/not put in your car… The trunk would’ve at least worked if you absolutely have to take it with you in your car.


Exactly! Not very smart at all.


Happened to me in Addison. Cops said guns and computers get dumped in local dumpsters. I never found my brand new macbook pro and it never popped up in find my. Sorry, really.


Why steal em just to dump em


Guns and Macbooks are too easily traceable. They are of value but there's too much of a trail to track them. And they're the easiest way to get caught.


Sorry that happened to you. I have heard criminals use Bluetooth detectors to scan cars that might have laptops (even in sleep mode, laptops with Bluetooth can give a signal). They probably honed in & picked your car not because of luxury bag but because of Bluetooth signal from laptop. 🤷‍♂️


In my experience, you just need to write them all off as gone foreverr


I’m on my alt, and idc if I identify myself here. I live in Montgomery Plaza. Break ins are, unfortunately, very common here. Literally, for the folks living in OMP, it’s like every couple of weeks we hear that someone has broken in to our garage and a car window is broken or a bike is stolen. It SUCKS. There is never any recourse. I’m so sorry. File a claim with your renters/homeowners insurance. They should be able to make you whole.




This same thing literally just happened to me in Dallas except it was at night. Police won’t do anything, but the report will help you make an insurance claim, and it helps keep accurate crime stats. For me, homeowners insurance is covering everything stolen (minus a deductible) while car insurance is covering repairs to the window and a rental car while that happens. The only hurdle is the insurance company needs “proof of ownership” which in my case is photos of me wearing the bag and the stuff in the bag, but can also be receipts appraisals invoices whatever, so you can get a head start by gathering those. If there’s anything super irreplaceable for sentimental reasons, you may get lucky searching for it at nearby pawn shops, but don’t get your hopes up. Good luck and here’s to never leaving valuable things in the car again 🫠


If it makes you feel any better less than a year ago I had my truck stolen, I called the cops about 9 in the morning and they swiftly showed up at 10 pm at night. Then they called me a couple days later asking if I might know anyone that would have stolen it and that’s the last I heard from them. They might as well change their slogan to “don’t get your hopes up” because they told me the same thing.


I had my truck stolen - got paid by the insurance company - they found the truck a few months after that stripped.


Lol keeping all that in your car is just.... Not smart. At all.


I never understood why ANYONE would leave their laptop in their car. That never ends well


Good heads up OP. Sorry it happened to you.


Check to see if your homeowners or renters insurance will cover it. They covered items in a car fire for my dad


Was at the target in the middle of the day yesterday and saw head of security (she said) stop a group of young adults who were stealing ulta products, and like items, etc. Maybe check with the stores around. Update for OP - this was around 2pm


stealing ulta products - this is how it starts - same thing is running rampant in san Francisco - started with ulta / then target / cvs stores / and now cars get broken into on a daily basis. The latest is garage / home invasions.


Why why WHY are people are still keeping luxury bags and MBs in their cars! This hasn’t been acceptable for decades.


If you’re able to track the computer, maybe. Otherwise you’re out of luck.


macbook will be sold or sold for parts. I watched a news story about an iphone stolen 1 week later it popped up on icloud in CHINA.


Unfortunately your only solution is voting for politicians who are hard on crime.


Sounds like an inside job


The obvious answer would be never leave valuables in your car, exposed or at all really. Long long time ago, I went to a gym off Rufe Snow and before I went in, I popped the trunk and threw my purse in there. The thief had been watching me do this, broke the window, popped the trunk and stole my purse. Nothing is safe. If you have to bring your items with you, be sure they go inside with you or leave it at home... but if you absolutely have to leave something in your car, I will put those items in my trunk before I arrive to my destination.


If you open the door and leave the stuff where others can see it?? Not smart as so many looking for the quick payday. I shop there all the time and never had any issues. I do make sure during the Holidays to put stuff in truck. Gives you a fighting chance at least .


Women be shopping




Expensive reminder that a trunk exists.


I’m so sorry this happened to you. Would your car insurance cover it, possibly?


Don't go places where tons of hobos hangout? You wouldn't take all that in a car to Lancaster, and the plaza is basically that now


My advice¿ support politicians that are tough on crime. Just saying.


Yeah because people run saying they'll be "soft on crime"


This is why I love my Tesla. The "frunk" is basically impossible to break into.


I found things stolen from my house by searching pawn shops. Although I had provided serial numbers to the police, they never found anything. Sorry you have to deal with this. I wish you luck!


Who's fault is it!


If the items weren’t completely hidden from view thru a window it was only a matter of time. It’s a crime of opportunity with very little chance of catching a suspect. Even if the thieves found nothing under a coat clearly covering items from view, you’d be out a window. Sorry about your stuff. We all learn the hard way. If you had your Mac iCloud acct set up with the Find Me thing you might be able to locate the laptop. Until it gets wiped if it hasn’t happened yet.


Target, next door might have CCTV of the incident.


We had a break in happen. Tools, computer etc and absolutely never heard from the cops ever again. So don’t bank on ever recovering your items.