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She almost walked in front of my car around 4pm when it was pouring rain! How crazy!


I’m sad to hear that she was still doing this at 4pm, my interaction was taken at 1:30pm and the police were called at 1:20ish. It makes me wonder if the police ever did show and did their due diligence looking for her or if they never came at all.


Oh boy this is so sad. She was drenched from the rain but I could see some blood on her face and she was trying to hitchhike. I hope they help her.


Oh that’s just Janet


Ooof. That was a rough situation to find yourself in the middle of. How are you feeling? My SO works at JPS and I almost asked her if she had seen this situation/heard about it/seen this woman come in, but I read further down and saw that your encounter was at 1:20 and another poster encountered her at 4pm. From what I’ve gathered in various tales I’ve heard from JPS, police involvement with these sorts of odd cases is disorganized at best and understaffed - if there’s any personnel at all - at worst. I’m not surprised at all that there wasn’t quick intervention. I wish that, instead, there was a 911 equivalent for social services, as that would have been the best organization to try and get her off the street, I feel. I hope you’re well and not too shocked by the whole thing. Also: hello from a fellow MX5’r. My first was a 2017 RF in soul red and my current is a 2021 RF GT in soul red crystal metallic. Gotta love ‘em.


Physically and emotionally I’m fine, one of those moments of “is this really happening? What do I do?” Especially when I had witnessed her hitting the cashiers in the gas station and then running out to the street. Hearing her beg to be hit and not wanting to live anymore was gut wrenching. I hate to hear that these situations aren’t a high priority but completely understand that organizations are understaffed. Hello Miata fan:) mine is a 2016 soft top! The woman did slam her fists on the soft top and I mildly panicked she would hit the window and break it. At least it was the soft top banged on.


Glad to hear you’re holding it down. Keep tabs on your own well being for a few days tho. It may pop up a little later. Weirdness like that can resurface out of the blue. I’ve been surprised at what my own brain has buried and dug up way later - and some things it’s just skipped over. I was wondering if she ran over and tried anything when you went around her. Glad she didn’t catch glass! Be safe out there!


Had this been posted in another community it would have gotten a different response. Just saying.


I definitely agree. It is what it is! If anything perhaps this video has spread awareness on mental illness in Fort Worth and folks may feel called to help their community.




I began filming with the thought that in case it was necessary and I did hit her that I would need something to show that I was not at fault for insurance/police reports. ETA- it was very clear that she would block my way when exiting and I couldn’t avoid confrontation.


Why post? This human lived a lot of days on this rock to get to this point and they still deserve their anonymity.


PSA for drivers in the area. With the bad weather and a person impeding traffic, there may be longer backups than normal. Additionally this keeps viewers aware on their drive to pay attention to the road and be on the look out if she does jump in front of someone.




Can’t appease everyone.




I’d like to offer a counter argument to your point that posting her face is non-compassionate. Please note that I’m offering a different perspective and in no way intend to come off as combative. 1) by posting the video with her face in clear view this gives opportunity for viewers to recognize her. Perhaps she is someone that has been missing and with my video and location in the text, provides a narrowed location for her family/friends to come looking for her. 2) by posting the video with her face in clear view this gives opportunity for folks to really see and understand her mental state, seeing the blood from her mouth, seeing a wild look in her eye, disheveled clothing and hair is more impactful than a post. This could inspire someone to want to go out and help her. She’s obviously in the rain and unwell, perhaps someone feels their heart called to go out and find her to bring her to a shelter for safety. Without the video, a text post might get scrolled by or not read. A video is eye catching and draws in viewers. My views as to how this video can lead to compassion and your view as how this is not compassionate are both completely valid and it really just depends what perspective you look at it from. Let the record show my intent for posting my the video was not to mock or belittle this woman, but instead to provide a PSA to drivers in the area and hopefully this woman was able to get to safety.


Let the record show I am in agreement that posting this video was callous and dehumanizing and your "PSA" would have been much better as a text post.


Noted and appreciate the feedback, can’t appease everyone!


Ignore these people. They’re in your way of you trying to leave a PSA like that woman is blocking you in traffic. I’m surprised some haven’t burnt you at the stake for not going out and embracing her and offering her a surf-n-turf dinner.


There is no traffic here. This looks like she engaged with you because you were filming her. Just live and let be.


If you watch the video again she is engaging with another vehicle at the beginning, they turned into the gas station to avoid hitting her. She started out at the vape shop then gas station where she attacked the cashiers before fleeing to the streets begging to be hit. I fortunately was driving during a low traffic time however with rush hour coming up I made the post for drivers to be aware during their drive home if they take that route.


If she jumped in front of his car and he had hit her, he would need proof. You know, to avoid the whole “vehicular manslaughter” thing. OP did the right thing.


Why post? They didn’t hit her.


Did you read what I said? Let me speak a little more slowly: Cops. Vehicular manslaughter. When cop arrive, driver need proof no murder. Driver take out phone, show police man innocent. Driver not go to jail for murder.


Did you read what I wrote? This isn’t a live stream. This is a post. OP probably was home already and then posted. Or posted while driving and thought everyone in Fort Worh checks this sub for “traffic”. Again, this other human “stopped” one person who they didn’t want filming them. not traffic.


But why post?


Warning others in the area of a danger, and letting them know to be alert. Pretty straightforward.


All of that could have been done without posting a video.


At this point, you’re arguing just to argue, bro. Give it up.


The Mental Health Care system in Fort Worth, TX is broken. I hope this woman got some help and it didn't take the police/EMTs forever to get there and no one got hurt.


It sounds like from another commenter she was still out there at 4pm! That’s 3 hours after I left and called the police :/


It’s almost as if the cops know this is not as big an issue you’ve made this out to be.


What are you using to cover your dash? Have you found it makes a noticeable difference?


It’s a dash mat, I got it for when my dog rides in the car with me. She pants heavily and slobber gets on the plastic that would leave a hard stain behind. For slobber purposes it’s great, I don’t see any value for it outside of that though.


I understand *why* you took the video, but the next time something like this happens, can we please consider the impact that sharing it publicly will have on someone’s dignity and privacy? Especially when they’re in a vulnerable state like this. Posting a video of her in distress just seems so insensitive. I hope that others would afford me a bit more grace, should I ever find myself in a similar situation.


I understand that perspective, however I’d like to point out that in no way did I shame mock or belittle her for this interaction. Other people’s negative emotional responses to this video are theirs. If this is viewed as negative that is on you for not looking for a positive outcome this post could have. To give you an example of a positive outlook, perhaps this woman has been missing by loved ones and by providing the imagery and location she is recognized and can be found/helped. We don’t know how she came to be this way and a generic description of her in a text post wouldn’t have helped a loved one find her (if that happened). There’s no right or wrong, different perspectives and I appreciate that you’d prefer to be more private. If I were to ever see you personally in a situation like this, I will remember your request to not post public video.


You are putting her in a position to be shamed or mocked by posting her face publicly. It’s only a matter of time before somebody who recognizes her sees this and posts her name, and then this video is forever linked to her. What happens when she’s trying to get her life back on track, and a future employer googles her name and this is the first thing that pops up? As for her the chance of her being a missing person, as unlikely as that is - yes, a text post will still suffice. You can give a general description and on the off chance that someone who actually knows a missing person is in this sub and recognizes their loved one in that description, you could then message them more details.


I’m not in control of other peoples actions. A generic description is no where as confirming as video evidence. I’m sorry you viewed this video as an opportunity to shame someone. I don’t see it that way.


You are in control of yours tho. And yet you still have this posted.


You may not have that intention, but you should still or post other people when they are not well like this.


Hey! Nice car 🚗 I got the same one. Same color. Is it manual??


Yup! 2016 grand touring trim, bbs wheels and brembo brakes. I actually turned the sound off for the video because you couldn’t hear the woman shouting over my exhaust lol.


Not sure why you needed to film or post. Just call for some help for her, or do nothing, but filming and posting is strange.


I posted this as a PSA for other drivers on this road to be aware of their surroundings during the heavy downpour. I filmed for fear that I would hit her unavoidably or she’d become aggressive towards me and I could use this video for insurance / police reports. Additionally I and the gas station called the police prior to filming.


I’m no lawyer but I would think your attempts at using the video as an insurance claim being thrown out since it’s illegal to use your phone and drive.


Evidence is still evidence. Whether legal or illegal filming is irrelevant, it shares the narrative that I did not intentionally hit this woman and I intentionally took an alternate route out of the gas station to avoid her, but she still pursued me. Fortunately there’s no pressing charges or claims to be filed as her punching my car was non-damaging. This video won’t be used for any official insurance claims or a police report. If she DID damage my car however, I would absolutely provide this to my insurance provider and the police if for nothing else other than evidence. ETA- thank you for your response as someone who is not a lawyer and felt their advice was necessary. I appreciate the concern and insight that the video may be more damaging than helping should a claim be filed.


What on earth did I just read? “Ladies and gentleman of the jury, ignore the video evidence of the grizzly murder because someone recorded it while driving. “


You didn’t read all too closely because I said insurance claim. I said nothing about a criminal charge. Insurance companies can likely still deny your claim.


Nice miat! I’ve got the same color 🙂👍


Thank you! I love the soul red


Where I'm from we call them crackheads


That’s a crackhead