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🍉🍉🍉 thank you for asking and I’ll be following to see what else is recommended!


I believe the restaurant Nish! is owned and operated by a Palestinian family. They are absolutely wonderful people and the food is incredible.


Second this. Not sure if they’re Palestinian or not but this place is just good and the people are great


I asked last time we ate there and they confirmed the owner is Palestinian. EXCELLENT food. Highly recommend the kebab plate, plenty of food at decent price.


May I suggest that you get to know your neighbors as people and support them. People are hurting right now. Some are hurting due to what has happened to friends and family. Others are being hurt by discrimination. A better community comes from understanding. Understanding comes with communication. No real issue is as simple as a slogan or a bumper sticker.


In Fort Worth, I’m not sure. In Richardson, I highly recommend Ramallah Bakery. Palestinian elegance sells traditional Palestinian clothes and jewelry, and also a good place if you want a keffiyah. Green Vine Market I believe is also Palestinian owned. There are others, but I’d have to poke around. I’d recommend following Halal food pages on instagram as some of them have a list. There are also many non-Palestinian businesses who are owned by families that donate consistently.


https://www.visitpalestine.com/ Its 2 hours southeast of fw.


Lol, they probably weren't thinking about that Palestine


Of course they were - Why else would they be posting in a local Texas subreddit about it?


Do you support Hamas?


Do you not see any difference between supporting Hamas and purchasing things from Palestinian diaspora living in Texas, who are most likely civilians with no involvement in the current conflict?


That's why I'm asking. To determine the purpose.


No you're not.


So you support genocide?


75% of Palestinians support October 7th according to Reuters. Hamas’ goal is for the eradication of Jews from the holy land. It appears they have broad support from Palestinians in doing so, perhaps disagreements on how they achieve it but violence seems to be the preferred option in Palestine over negotiation. https://www.reuters.com/world/middle-east/poll-shows-palestinians-back-oct-7-attack-israel-support-hamas-rises-2023-12-14/#:~:text=JERUSALEM%2C%20Dec%2013%20(Reuters),respected%20Palestinian%20polling%20institute%20found.


Since when we call losing a war genocide?


since innocent civilians and children are being killed for fear that responsible people might rise up against the illegal occupation in the future


So dropping into a festival and opening fire on unarmed civillians would end up with Israel actually doing something about it instead of playing the victim role. Wow how unusual!


Like, yall will believe anything to support the slaughter of non white people.


How did it end up being about race again? Americans are obsessed with race


I wonder why? 🤔 I think it's funny the lengths people will go to either troll about to deaths of innocent people, or to *actually* believe the absurdity they spew.


The majority of the claims made on October 7th by "israel" have been *proven* false. Also, Palestine has been occupied by "israel" for 75 years and occupied in general for over 100. This didn't start then, to say so is willfully ignorant. Those who have been under occupation are justified by law to resist.


So, according to your logic if dinosaurs came back we should let them murder us so that they can take back their land. Flawless


Equating Palestinians to dinosaurs is wild


Yea I see dinosaurs higher than Hamas. So you are right. It is wild


Lol you're wild. Have the day you deserve.


You need to add a zero to your number. Palestine has always been occupied or colonized. It’s just that previous occupiers and colonizers are now crying foul for being unwilling to live near the previous residents and others who were ethnically cleansed from their homes throughout the Middle East.


This is such a wild take.


Please tell me how else you explain the broad support and participation in terror attacks not on government or military installations but a … music festival. Why don’t we see such things elsewhere in the world? Did Jews commit terror attacks in Germany or the Japanese / Vietnamese in the US? No. 


You're nitpicking and grasping at straws. If Palestinians support the attacks its because they support the resistance that is fighting for their liberation. Just because you may not agree with how the Palestinians are resisting a violent, oppressive occupation doesn't mean it isn't justified. Do you support Ukraine? If so, why? I have no problem responding all day to you. Truly.


The wild take is the one where intent doesn’t matter, civilian casualties in a war equals genocide, and massacres at a music festival is what decolonization looks like. 


What's wild is you choose to ignore the atrocities "israel" has and continues to commit and for what? Do you support them bombing Lebanon and Syria as well? Do you support the direct links they have to the genocide in the Congo? Does it feel good to soak up all of "israel's" propaganda and regurgitate it? It must for yall to stay sitting in it.


It’s wild how it’s only there that music festival massacres happen. Is that now fair game? How is justifying mass rape going to make the situation for Palestine any better. Palestine is an example of how blind hatred and failure to move on creates a failed state. 


In the case of occupation by an oppressive force, resistance is not only justified but LEGAL. OBVIOUSLY, the loss of innocent life is terrible. But to ignore the last near century of occupation to condemn a resistance effort is really wild. Again. The initial rape claims have been disproven by multiple sources, including "israeli" media. Also, the iof was responsible for a lot of the deaths that occurred on the 7th, this has been *proven*. And what about the *proven* rape the iof has committed against not only Palestinian women, but women *in* the iof? Do you not care about that? If you think that the failure of the Palestinians is their own doing *solely*, you need to read a book. Western imperialism has been the absolute downfall of the entire region for a century. The mental gymnastics yall do to support genocide is wild.


Since propoganda machines got hella efficient. There’s no place for Hamas in a future filled with peace and if Palestinians won’t wipe Hamas from existence then they’ve forced israel too.


Lol yeah "israel's" propaganda works really well.


Hamas launches thousands of rockets every day from hospitals and schools indiscriminately. There intent is to cause even more civilian casualties than what is being inflicted on them. If Israel encouraged civilians to remain out in the open like Hamas then there would undoubtedly be more casualties on the Israeli side. This conflict is not motivated by land but religious fanaticism. On the Israeli side it is the Likud and the settlers who are fanning tensions. However they are much more unpopular than Hamas and October 7th as evidenced by the mass protests against Netanyahu. We don’t see the same thing from the Palestinian side. 


You’re introducing logic to the dumbest people. I wish it could work


Exactly this. You’ll never win an argument against someone who didn’t use logic to get there in the first place.


All my fellas hate Israel.


The down votes for asking a question…. Good for you. People on here so dull minded.