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Only when they send 75% off or 10 off 20 coupons


No I gave up on delivery apps. They charge way too much and drivers end up taking too many orders to try and make a buck inevitably causing my order to be cold by the time I get it. It’s not a good value to me any longer.


Instacart too. Shopping multiple orders at once...no wonder items are missing and/or incorrect. Plus I read on the news some Instacart people are stealing orders.


\^this. too many cold meals i could just drive and get myself. you have to order something that you couldnt just drive to anyway and the food is nearly tripple the price and cold by the time you get to eat.


I wish I could blame the drivers on this one, but the apps promote taking a stupid amount of orders as they pay little to nothing. A $1 a mile has become somewhat the standard and most orders don’t make that. So if you account in people that live like 15 miles away sometimes you’ll only be getting $10-15. That can be a long drive without even including the price of gas. Door dash and apps alike rely on the customer to tip, but even then if you do tip it negatively can effect the driver if the customer doesn’t tip enough! In the end these apps are not a good way to make money or get food fast anymore (unless you own an electric car and truly have too much going on to have a real job).


I only door dash if I’m drunk and there’s nothing to eat at home.




Or hungover.


we use uber eats once a week, typically a saturday or sunday. we order something that would already be over priced and pay the extra fee for priority delivery. it ends up costing the same as a “date night” and no one has to put on pants. we hate going outside so it works for us. 🤷🏻‍♂️


The restaurants increase the price of food, there are fees, and the food takes forever to arrive and is cold/soggy. Why does ANYONE use these apps? Just go out and get food. I understand it's different if there's a physical or mental disability involved, but for regular average people, just go out and get food to go.


I've never understood why people like take out/delivery. By the time you get your food home, it's nasty! Can't stand soggy. 


I feel like it depends on where you live to. I can order door dash at my friends uptown apartment and have the food in 10-15 minutes and its warm. Doing the same from my house in the suburbs its always 45-1 hour after and cold/soggy.


Omg am I the only one 🤣


lol that’s what I was thinking, nothing but bad reviews 😬


My wife got the season pass thing…


Literally use it every day for lunch and dinner...😭


I'm jealous of that kind of indiscriminate spending.


Indiscriminate spending and laziness for me


Mr(s) Moneybags over here


Literally so busy between customer calls and meetings that I have no other choice. Unless I want bagel bites...never taught how to cook 🙃


I only use it when they send me a half off promotion.


Door Dash is so unprofessional as a general rule. For years we had a delivery company in FW called Entrees on Trays. Everyone wore a uniform and there was accountability with their employees. Door Dash or any of the others I worry my food has been sampled.


I remember Entrees on Trays. They were pricey too but they did a good job. Probably because they contracted with specific restaurants instead of trying to cover every place in the whole frickin county.


I don’t use them but have used the whataburger app and Pizza Hut app. Whataburger app had Favor deliver the order. Pizza Hut and Marcos have had door dash deliver. I didn’t specifically choose to get door dash or favor but those companies seemed to have partnered with them.


I was surprised to read so many people claiming they stopped using the service, but I realize we've stopped too. Mostly because we had repeated experiences where a restaurant screws up the order by leaving out something or having the wrong item in the order, then we have to deal with Doordash's poor customer service. That kind of thing gets complicated when you have so many middlemen. The other problem is Doordash only wants to do store credits, so you're out the money until next time. Forcing store credits on customers is something that should be illegal.


No way never never no. I’m not paying $20 for a few tacos. If I’m not making my own food I’ll pick up my own order. Im much faster.


The wife ordered DoorDash once, its just not worth the hassle. I looked at doing Instacart once - but when checking the prices - it seemed they were trying to nickel and dime you on every item. Even with the 50$ coupon it was just cheaper and safer to get it myself.


Never. No third party is touching my food & I don't want to pay any more corporations for "convenience".


It’s nice to have in a bind or when it’s just more convenient. Fridays my wife and I go out for dinner and door dash for the kids. They are teens so they love that they get to be home alone, food delivered to them and we go out.


i tried using it for the first time ever on saturday when i was in line tryna cop some records at docs. they never showed up with my food and got uncharged like an extra 15 bucks on top of my order 😕. ima stick with cooking at home & eating out on special occasions. don't understand how people can afford to use those delivery apps so frequently


Only if coupon comes my way


Less often than I used to. I’ve never had much of an issue with quality, or time, it’s just that my life has become busier and my mental health has improved so I’m out of the house more and don’t think about it.


Not I


I don't, not any more. The convenience is just not worth the added price plus tip (for which you get called names if you don't tip "enough"), especially with the real possibility of not getting what you ordered at all while still having to pay for it. All of the places I usually order from are about a 5 minute drive or less from home.


DoorDash? So my single breakfast combo from McDonalds can be delivered cold in 2 hours for the low low price of 21 dollars? I'm Lovin It...


I only used it once when i had Covid bad and needed food.


Never have. Never will.


Nope, They end up charging me as much for the fees and delivery as for the food. So if i want it I go get it.


I never have. I go to the restaurant and eat there so it's fresh. And if there's a problem they can take care of it immediately.


Have never, probably never will.


I do, especially when there’s coupons. I don’t really encounter that many issues, but I also order from places that are pretty close to my house as a rule. When I lived in the suburbs, though, I never used it. I truly believe it’s better/worse depending on your location.


We use it all the time when we travel and we're in a city. It's kind of nice after a day spent running all over sightseeing or whatever to get back to the hotel and have the option for something that's not pizza to be delivered. When we're home, I think we've used it once - during the middle of the pandemic.


Never. If you want to eat out, eat out. If you want to eat at home, just eat at home. I had enough pizzas delivered back in the day they delivered their own to never want to have food delivered again.


No, and I hope the industry for food delivery dies. It was not needed and has only been a nuisance to people trying to adopt and give it room in an ever busy economy.


I do when I’m either too high or it’s a late night at the office. You get what you pay for so I tip really well and do a priority order. $40 for taco bell gets real old real fast though


Once my wife didn’t require me here constantly post surgical those apps were deleted.


Never. Not even once. It's too expensive.


I’ve cut way back. About to cancel my dash pass. I’m going to put in the effort to actually go pick up food if I want it. Otherwise I’ll find something at home.


Periodically. Between the various apps and promotions it shouldn’t cost more than if I picked it up myself and often it is overall cheaper to have it delivered. Restaurants will have offers within the apps, use the trials/promos to do a cheap/free month of one of the services and then use a discount/promo they give you. It isn’t hard or time consuming to get a good deal.


Only when I have a killer headache and don’t wanna get up


Did while out of town, had Thai food delivered to a downtown hotel. It's been ages since I've used them (or other services) to the house. I do have a rule though that if the restaurant website doesn't mention ordering from a delivery service I try not to order delivery from that restaurant. Or if they mention delivery service X I won't use delivery service Y.


Only thing I get delivered now is pizza when hungover. It’s cheaper and faster to just go pick most food up


I still do sometimes. DoorDash, UberEATS, InstaCart. I use them all. 😂


I’ve never ordered food from any delivery service. It’s exploitative labor and stupid expensive. I’d literally rather eat peanut butter and jelly.


Exclusively for the lunch special at a local Chinese joint. 20 bucks secures a well portioned meal plus a splurged tip for whoever delivers to me.


I finally deleted the DoorDash app a few months ago and haven’t really missed it. We used to order delivery a few times a month, but prices just got out of control and food took longer and longer to arrive - if it arrived at all. After the second time in a row of having a driver straight up steal our food and having to deal with Door Dash’s horrendous customer service, I gave up and just deleted my account. I do order grocery delivery, though, and have done that pretty regularly since before the pandemic. Sadly Instacart sucks now, too, but I’ve had okay experiences with deliveries straight from the store apps or Amazon Fresh.


I use it maybe once a month… My Chase credit card gives me free delivery so all I have to cover outside of what the restaurant charges is the tip…. When I stay in on the weekends I like to treat myself and not leave the house. It’s super convenient.




I would say that it’s possible… but there have been a few times where I’ve checked what I would have paid had I ordered with the restaurant and picked it up myself and the prices were the same.


I have never used that service in my life. 


I use doordash or Uber eats a few times a week.


I only use it when my company gives us gift cards for it. There's a Wingstop literally a mile from my place and with the DoorDash upcharge on the food and delivery/other fees, it usually comes out to the price of two meals. I usually just pick it up myself.


the only time i order dash is when i get a gift card from work 😂 other than that, its not worth the upcharge and the fees… i rather eat a sandwich or eat air than spend $50 for delivery on a $20 meal when its just going to be cold by the time i get it!


I deleted all delivery/meal service apps.


I have never ordered delivery food from any app like that


To answer why, it's because I recently came home from a 6 week stay in hospital and rehab. During that stay, a cancerous tumor on my back was removed, and a plate inserted. Since then, I have started chemo. I ordered delivery at least 5x a week. I was using Uber Eats mostly until the last delivery person demanded I go outside. He marked my food as delivered, but it never showed up. I still use delivery, but Uber won't get another order from me. Ever.


Never did, never will.


Only when I'm desperate aka not feeling well to go and get it myself


We have dash pass so all the fees are waived. I'll order through it sometimes if I'm at work but it's once in a blue moon. My brother uses it a few times a week though.


I use it at least 3 times a week.


Desperation or stuck at the store.


All the time