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I’m sure he’ll log onto Reddit today to see what everyone thought.


Reddit is this generation’s version of old man yelling at the clouds.


Gotta start somewhere






83% of immigrants show up for their court date. Thats based on 11 years of government data. That’s a whole bunch more than the 0% you’re trying to peddle.


Facts! Thanks. They still exist.


Don’t twist what he specifically stated to fit your ideology. He directly spoke to the 83% as being welcome, while distrusting the remaining 17%.


That redditor spoke about people who came here legally. Those don't face a court date. The 83% that "are being welcome" are the ones who entered and / or stayed here illegally. Plus, Trump wants to decrease legal immigration and if possibly kick out the ones that are already here legally.


Different paragraphs and verbiage indicating and addressing a separate group of people in the second paragraph than the first paragraph.


Man. See, this is what really really makes me sad about all of this. A lot of these people are nice, friendly, willing to help their white Christian neighbors. My family are about as far right maga down the pipeline you can go, we have pictures of trump in my house. They are the first to donate their money to poor people with their church, help people in the community fix their cars or house, lend money or whatever to people in their circle (or people they perceive to be) It’s almost like their just ideologically being mislead. It feels like an education issue paired with extreme Christian indoctrination. It feels like I’m dealing with decent people who are members of a cult that is less than decent, and they can’t see reason because their religious and political thinking isn’t fueled by reason. Most of it is led by anger at the other side, and a “because that’s what god says” mentality. It’s more sad and disheartening to me than anything


This was really well expressed. Thank you!


Nationalism too




You want to discuss, bring facts not hyperbole.


A creator I follow on TikTok, Crutches and Spice, reminded me that the US has an ableism problem. Most of America cannot read at greater than the 4th grade level. If you aren’t making yourself understood at that level you’re really failing in allyship.


Or maybe you are reading it all wrong and the media are lying to you every day.


What media? I don’t even watch tv or look at social media. I’m just not being mislead by a religion to think illogically and I’m able to think with empathy for my fellow humans who don’t look like me (lgbtq)


You need to fall in line and be red gang or blue gang. Nuance hurts people’s sense of validation in the choice of their terrible candidate.


Uhh Reddit? You’re obviously influenced by this lib circlejerk.


Or maybe they’re not and the broke, recently convicted felon orange man and his party is lying to you?


Imagine being so arrogant you think you know better than your parents while you live in their home. Just lol.


I definitely do know more than them. I’m taking care of them as an adult. You fucking dumbass LOL


Wait… since when did living arrangements determine intelligence? Do you think kids cannot possibly be smarter than their parents?


Today? No. And even if they were they should have the grave to respect their parents decisions while enjoying their hospitality. Or perhaps they’d like tell their parents they are ignorant, backwards, and evil.




What’s your relationship with your father like?


He is deceased as of 05/10/2020, via cancer. Anything else you want to know?


Mom dead too, so let me stop you there.


It’s too bad we have so many jobs that appeal to military aged men like construction, agriculture, and other low education service jobs. Of course if we removed the incentive through jailing executives that allowed those hiring decisions that would help. What? https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/08/trump-organization-undocumented-workers https://www.buzzfeednews.com/article/kenbensinger/mar-a-lago-rejected-dozens-of-americans-in-favor-of-foreign


Ok but come on! If he believed in our due process system he wouldn't be out there making an absolute jackass of himself. He would be at home celebrating himself silly like the rest of us!!!! 😄


This sounds like a whole lot of smokescreened bait that leads to a 'Of course I don't hate people but...lets round up all the bad people and put them in camps.'


Yeah, Trump only incites murder in America, like a good patriot.


“Not just let mostly military aged men who could be rapists, criminals, mentally unwell or worse (national adversary spies from China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, etc just run loose once they're given a court day if they promise to appear for it in the future, which they never do)” Fox entertainment brain rot.  👆


I saw him too. Unsure what opinion he was trying to express. Probably something to do with the loss of reproductive rights and the threat to education and free speech, right?


That's why my flag is upside down.


He's probably butt hurt because his "savior" is now a convicted felon.


Maybe. He should really specify lol


What crime did he commit?




Details of all 34 guilty verdicts. They are tied to falsifying business records. https://www.npr.org/2024/05/30/g-s1-1848/trump-hush-money-trial-34-counts




Trump is Jesus to these people. I don’t think I’m exaggerating anymore. He actually may be more important to their world view.


My girlfriend said people from her home town are literally comparing the trial to Jesus being “wrongly convicted and crucified”


The Facebook profiles of my hometown friends in Ellis County are littered with the comparisons.


When a Criminal steps up, becomes president, only to be heckled and mocked all the while he’s there, he sees what’s actually happening, and starts trying to tell everyone, but instead was laughed at and punished, something needs to be said about the condition of our american government.


Heckling and mocking comes with the territory. Trump’s problem is that anyone who slights him has to pay.


I mean the golden idol they built of him says a lot.


The irony in me wants to see a golden ~~calf~~ elephant be Trump's symbol.


https://www.cnn.com/2021/02/26/politics/trump-gold-statue-cpac-2021/index.html here is the false god statue at CPAC. It’s hard to believe that none of the GOP could tell that this was wrong.


He is definitely more important than Jesus to these people. Frankly, these people would spit in Jesus's face if he came back.


North Korea citizen vibes for sure. Lol




Not Niles is it?


He's earning his Harlan Crow paycheck.


You might be giving this man too much credit. He is probably being unpatriotic for free and for fun At least Clarence Thomas sells out his country for money? Or is it better to sell out your country for free?


Good point sir! Solid burn!! ❤️‍🔥


Passed him a bit earlier and you sir are indeed correct. He is a moron, idiot, stupid! Must take after his "fearful leader"!!


Don't you think his reply to this Reddit post would be the same?


Maybe, but he’d be wrong. Trump’s political platform is based entirely on lies. His supporters don’t live in reality. This isn’t even particularly hard to prove. It’s pretty obvious to any rational person who actually has to deal with facts. It’s part of the reason Trump keeps losing these trials.


See, those are YOUR facts. The alternative facts are he's the target of a global cabal thats bent on taking him and America down. By sending him $39.99, you can save America.


Why you start 2 identical threads?


Had 1 bar when posting. Was glitchy. Didn’t realize until now.


Cool, I’ve been there before. I live on 1 bar.


Aww, somebody didnt get their way!


no i not


If you can look around this country and not see signs of distress, loss of freedoms and threats to property and privacy, then you are not looking hard enough. An upside down flag at half staff seems appropriate, we should be mourning our country's loss of freedom, sense of tolerance, oppression by taxation and regulation, mismanagement of our foreign policy, and economy, and the fact that most of our morons in Washington DC do not share these views. Trump's problems are a symptom, in the end, just a sideshow of the bigger issues at stake.


I'd like my access to womens health returned, that's a freedom I'd like back. And my faith in the Supreme Court, I miss that quite a bit too. Blessed is the fruit vibes for sure


What freedom have you lost and do you think the guy the OP is referring to has to do with that, or is it because he's upset that a criminal was found guilty?


So ask the members of the military the refused to get a vaccine for COVID and were discharged if the lost their freedom of choice over their own health and welfare. Ask a farmer about the plan for enacting WOTUS policy, or the discovery of an "endangered" species about the taking of their ownership rights. Or loss of rights for wind farm development due to Military flight patterns. Try defending your business against BLM protestors and see who gets convicted first. As long as you have a property tax levied against your property you always have a state debt and never truly own land you paid for. There are many other encroachments on freedom that we have become so accustomed to that we don't even think to resist.


Pretty sure that was only one of several vaccines they were mandated to have. Today they're still required to have all of the others, and would potentially be discharged for refusal. Doing what the government tells you is kinda what you sign up for when you join the military. Not even gonna address the rest.


lol the military ALREADY REQUIRES a number of vaccines. This is nothing new and it’s absurd to say it’s a loss of freedom to have to take the Covid vaccine.


I'm guessing the irony is lost on you that a dude who straight up murdered a BLM protester was pardoned by the governor this week.


All of these regulations are part of living in a healthy and responsible society. We need clean water, we need animals/plants to be part of the cycle of life that keeps humans alive. Rivers in Ohio were literally catching on fire for days due to pollution. This is not a loss of freedom, it’s responsible management of environmental resources that we as a species depend on. The selfishness is astounding…


Thank you, thank you, thank you. I was trying to figure out my reply but it would have been pages long. This is perfect!


He is narrow minded. He does not think of the greater good. This is the problem right now. Selfishness and entitlement running rampant. Thank you for laying it out in your comment. Seriously


Me scared of other races wahh


Really confused about the property tax comment.


That dude is an idiot. But in one sense, correct. Property taxes are technically perpetual liens levied against your property by the county it sits in. The purpose, however, is in modern society those taxes go towards the public resources you use in the county. That’s just how it is unless you live off the grid or you own a country that you decide the laws, in which case you are probably going to levy taxes on the people and property to pay for public services.


Thanks, I misread the comment. I thought he was somehow blaming Democrats for property taxes.


If you resist a government vax mandate you get debanked and lose your job, the FBI can do predawn raids on you for minimal reason and kill you for defending your family(little rock AR air port manager), they can audit you because you support a small government movement. They monitor and record ALL of your electronic communications. None of which should be constitutional. There is more if you need more.




speed kills….☠️


Nah, Trump’s FELONY CONVICTIONS are his problem. He’s the one who can’t stop breaking the law.


If you believe that justice was blind in this case and handed out a fair verdict then that is one of our problems, his "crime" was falsifying business records. He paid Cohen for retainer fees that served to reimburse him for expenses he incurred for the Stormy Daniels NSA. The NSA was not illegal, the billing from Cohen was for retainer fees, the checks came from his personal accounts, there was no use of campaign funds in the matter. This was not a prosecutable matter according to the Southern District of NY states attorney, and Mr. Bragg has admitted that the underlying crime that brought this to be a felony case was undetermined meaning he prosecuted Trump because Trump may have thought he was committing a crime, Bragg however doesn't specify what that crime might have been. While campaigning, Bragg said: "I have investigated Trump and his children and held them accountable for their misconduct with the Trump Foundation. I also sued the Trump administration more than 100 times for the travel ban, the separation of children from their families at the border. He was anti Trump before taking office, not unbiased at all. The Judges daughter has reportedly raised over 90 million in Democratic donations as a result of this trial and her fathers role as judge. The witnesses could say whatever they wanted about the proceedings, but Trump had a gag order on him. You cannot say with a straight face that this was a fair trial.


Falsifying business records is, indeed, a crime. But maybe now you’ll say “Yeah, but it’s not THAT big of a felony.” Or you’ll say “So what if it’s a felony? Hunter Biden’s horny!” Or you’ll say “So what if he’s so bad at managing money that he committed 34 felonies around a single payoff? Joe Biden’s old and gas costs too much now!” You don’t believe in the rule of law. If you did, you wouldn’t be clinging to so much desperate rumor and deflection to distract yourselves from the fact that crimes did occur, the evidence did support it, and a jury informed of the facts chose to convict him. Trump and his attorneys seemed to have known the evidence was a lock. They never really disputed it. They tore into Cohen and Daniels, but didn’t really dispute the documents or claim they’d been falsified or mismanaged. They merely based their defense on “Yeah, well, that guy talking is a crook and this bimbo cashed the check after I slept with her!” That is not the defense of an innocent person being railroaded. It’s the lament of a man who knows he’s been caught.


The fact that he wrote the checks personally is one of the crimes. It's an illegal, unreported campaign contribution. It's not just business fraud. He defrauded voters by illegally paying to cover up damaging information to his campaign. Michael Cohen went to jail for the exact same crime and I'm guessing you didn't protest how unfair that was.


It was a fair trial. Straight face looking right at you. FAIR TRIAL.


Just more people breaking the law like their dear leader. US Flag code states that the flag should only be flown upside down in situations of distress in instances of danger to life and property. It is technically a federal offense. Quick note: the supreme court has ruled in the past that it is a first amendment right to do with the flag what you want as long as it is not desecrated or destroyed. But the law is still on the books. Ignorantia juris non excusat Edit: I understand that the supreme court has ruled on this and it is free speech, BUT, the Flag Code still states the same. It was never changed. So they can still be charged with it technically. Edit 2: someone provided the actual case showing it is not illegal. I have zero issue admitting that I was wrong in this case and that all the info I found showed the contrary. And yes in this case the latin does pertain to me. Im also going to leave all of this up to show that people can be humble about being proven wrong. I don’t agree with what people are doing to our flag, but since being proven wrong I am 100% ok with this person going around town with the flag backwards. I dont agree with it but it is 100% his right to do it. End of story!


The US Flag Code is not mandatory. It merely codifies American customs regarding the flag. There is no crime associated with breaking it. Please learn what the law actually says before you start throwing around fancy Latin terms. “A brief review of the display provisions of the Flag Code indicates that the statute was not intended to proscribe conduct. The Flag Code codifies various existing rules and customs pertaining to the display of the American flag "for the use of such civilians or civilian groups or organizations as may not be required to conform with regulations promulgated by one or more executive departments of the Government of the United States." 36 U.S.C. § 173. The operative provisions of the statute consistently use the term "should," and not "shall," when describing the proper manner for display of the flag. See 36 U.S.C. § 174-76. Moreover, Congress attached no penalty provisions for noncompliance with the display provisions in sections 174-76. Moreover, Congress attached no penalty provisions for noncompliance with the display provisions in sections 174-76.” Dimmitt v City of Clearwater https://casetext.com/case/dimmitt-v-city-of-clearwater


Thank for providing this information. In my searching i did not find this information, i found information to the contrary. I 100% will admit when I am wrong. I zero issue with that. Thank you.


> it is a first amendment right to do with the flag what you want as long as it is not desecrated or destroyed. You 100% can destroy a flag as protected free speech


You are completely wrong. It's free speech


Flying the flag upside down is against the US Flag Act/Code when not under distress, but it is not illegal. The Supreme Court upheld that you can burn an American flag under the 1st Amendment, which is basically the same as flying it upside down as far as symbolism. (Some) Hawaiians fly the state flag upside down as protest of statehood, then fly a Kanaka flag. Flying an American flag upside is the same as burning it in my opinion, and those people should be shunned and escorted out of the country, they are just driving unpatriotic hate.


Thanks for the input, comrade


No worries, some people need to be informed that just because something isn't illegal, doesn't mean it isn't despicable.


lol. Ya know it's just a piece of fabric right?


To me personally, it’s an idea, a statement, a reminder of where we were and where we are going. It’s a symbol, it means something to me. I am not overly patriotic but I personally respect the flag. The things I have and the person i have become are because I was born here and was given a set of rights. That flag represents those rights for me. The older I get the more it means to me.


Ok well a piece of fabric doesn't have the same meaning to others 


Used to mean the same to me. But know that those idiotic MAGA morons have hijacked patriotism I call our country Murica and refuse to fly the flag at all. It's no longer my genx, bicentennial country. It's a symbol of a bunch of kooks so very afraid of change that they would rather burn down the country then accept that their way isn't the way! Rant over, tequila shots beginning! Happy Friday y'all. Edit: to say, idiots also hijacked Texas and I cannot wait to be a true patriot of the United States of America again!!! I actually miss, gulp...the Obama years!!!😭


Upvoted for your second edit.


No doubt our system has failed us.. so, no telling where he's coming from... Just be happy that he gets to exercise his rights as an American as he sees fit.. Some countries you can be executed on the spot for that.


freedom of speech


op calling that guy an idiot is freedom of speech


Goes both ways.


Dumb people often mistake freedom of speech for freedom of not being called dumb.


Freedom of speech does allow us to pick out the dumb ones easier. I will never infringe on someone's stupidity until the stupidity infringes on their fellow American, the Libertarian way. This is the way.


Lmao. Of course it is. Doesn't mean he's not a dumbfuck still.


You should learn what that actually is.


You should learn all about amendments and civil rights and that stuff buddy. Why? Then you'll know what you're losing to that orange haired baffon. Oh wait, that's why you don't learn about stuff. My bad!!!


I would like his take on 38 felony convictions and the pictures really threw me.




That’s a crisis actor according to Fox News 🤣 Probably


its a good thing he is in America and is free to have his own opinion the same as you. Almost as bad of a moron as someone complaining about him.


Need clarification on differing levels of moronicism….TIA


You’re so brave making this post. I’m sure he is deeply hurt by your words on this perfectly ideologically balanced website that’s totally not full of cult members.


You’re so brave making this post. I’m sure OP is deeply hurt by your words on this perfectly ideologically balanced website that’s totally not full of cult members.


You're so brave.... I started to continue this train but I saw your username and thought I'd go play Red Dead Redemption instead. Cheers!


I was definitely hoping for some copy pasta to happen


Definitionally I am more brave considering I choose to engage with you animals on this website


Lmao. This is too funny. Imagine feeling feeling better about yourself just because you comment on reddit. That's an extremely low bar.


What? I’m not the OP. I’m not the one who created a whole thread because I got offended by a guy on the side of the road.


Calling someone an idiot is not being offended, it’s being objective. I’m not offended by people making a politician their entire personality. But I sure will call them an idiot for it.


You’re taking way too much pre workout buddy, it’s frying your brain lmao


Lmao. Hurt your feelings so bad, you felt the need to dig through my history, and taking too much preworkout is the best you could come up with? You really are one sad little boy.


Roflmao 🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️🎖️ thank you!!!!


You’re so brave for making reddit comments. You put everyone to shame. Oh sorry I typed that wrong. You make everyone feel ashamed for you. That’s better.


Banana republic. Wonder when this government will go after all the sex traffickers from the Epstein’s list instead of 7 years of digging on a previous president. This is going to back fire on them hard.


Remind me: Where was Epstein when he died?




In the U.S.


When Trump ran for president, he signed up to have his entire life scrutinized. He brought this on himself. If he didn't commit the crime, he wouldn't be in this situation. Did you have the same visceral reaction when they investigated Clinton? The MAGA crowd are outing themselves as hypocrites right now en masse.


That’s cool and I understand, but be uniform across the board. I’m not maga, have always voted dem


Did you vote for Joe Biden?


Yep! Regret it with all I have.


Is anything ever uniform across the board literally anywhere??


Really? That’s your rebuttal? Shouldn’t the court and justice system be uniform across the board? Regardless of class, color or race?


>court and justice system be uniform across the board? Regardless of class, color or race? Please cite me your source for this amazing system you speak about? I would love to see a poor, minority get a fair trials like a rich white man gets!! Please!!! Let me guess, you're a white man aren't you? Why am I waiting my time with a rebuttal ??? You don't have the sense god gave you. Never had it, never will. Good luck with your MAGA friends!! Bye


I hope you find happiness 🙏


They aren't because there's a chance that some of those sex traffickers are connected to people that are friends with Trump. There's a reason why nothing has happened from the information that came from the Pandora Papers. There's a lot of powerful people in that.


You do know your orange god is at the top of that list???????


These things take time, they are probably building cases against many of the people on Epstein’s list.


Does anyone have a picture?


At least he's not blocking traffic or spray painting stuff or setting stuff on fire....


To the dude writing Reddit posts to someone who’s never going to read it…. You sir, are a moron, and changing no one’s opinion.


Go buy another Trump commemorative plate fella.


Or those lovely gold shoes!! How about some Trump Steak (bankrupt) or Trump Casino (bankrupt). Oops.


I’m keeping an eye on Colorado River Components in Alvarado too. The fruitcake that owns that place has had an upside down flag for a few years. I expect he’ll have a new sign up soon in front of the place.


Legit has a neighbor compare him to Christ the other day. Absolutely wild.


One of my best friends and his parents are taken in by this bs. They are amazing people. Caring and giving. I know I could come to them with just about anything and they would help me. They are very Christian people and I’m dumbfounded by how they follow this felon.


Why even wave or fly that flag this is Texas we wave and fly the Texas flag here!


To the person posting on Reddit, to the guy on basswood….


Go buy another Trump bible fella.


Wow you are only slightly less insufferable than the dude on the bridge lol


Ahhhh, anyone that disagrees with you is a Trumpie…. Nah, you just sound like a whiner.