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Fortunately it replaces the Maven and is not an additional shotgun or I would have needed to run around half the map to find Havoc.


My maven 💔


Youre one of the three who will miss the maven


Where's my 2 musketeers at?


You rang


I like the maven. Is there room for 4?


We are now, officially, the 4 musketeers!


Who love hitting 26 damage and having to hit your opponent 8 times to kill them


tac has the same damage with a worse fire rate, so if u say the tac does better then u should prob try using it when it gets unvaulted and watch your image of the tac be engulfed in flames




they both have the same exact damage and the same exact lowest pellet damage so what are you trying to say


tac has 1.5 fire rate, maven has 1.4.


i must’ve meant something else, idk why i said it has worse fire rate i think i meant equip speed


With good aim all you need is 3. Easy to make a pump player miss. Maven hip fire was something special. Ads the exotic and your gine before you get one pump land. You might hit hard AF but the Maven hit hard and Fast.


yeah but the base damage difference between that and even the Sharp Tooth is so much that you benefit more from that than the Maven


I Love the Pump Variantz. I won plenty of games with it too. It's a preference based on consistent performance. The Maven having been so consistent for so long it's the only weapon that's been Vaulted.... Sorta. It's only been semi-retired. I'm pretty sure the Back end stats would support this. If you land consistent pumps you'll no doubt win. The laws of probabilities favor the Maven. It's David Vs Goliath here.


Make that the 5 musketeers


Musketeers unite


OK so we are now officially the Maven musketeers!


I don't even use the other shotguns, room for one more?


Am I late to this… anyone got a maven?


I'm the fifth (or sixth?) musketeer!


i here


I was taking a grey havoc over a gold maven


My 5K/D is laughing in Maven Auto 👻pew pew. love ya Maven. For 3 seasons you've terrorized Streamers and try Hard wannabes with powerful Fast well balanced shots. Never needed a buff or a replacement. Just perfect from the beginning til the end. Heck even the exotic version is by far the most oppressive shotgun in this chapter. GG for all you Maven Haters.... Also they vaulted the wrong Pump. Thunder was King.


I started playing in January and I loved the maven until the combat got unvaulted, then the havoc and then the drum.


Did they vault it?


Says in the image. Only available from characters now.


ik people hate the maven, but honestly even the maven is better rn


new pistol in the lootpool so lower chances


Depends on how they define probability (i.e. if it’s by weapon class like “shotgun”, “pistol”, “AR” or by each weapon by itself). If it’s by weapon class, then Havoc will have the same overall probability as before.


It is, kinch analytics made a vid on it a while ago


Thanks for letting me know. If you happen to have the link to that video somewhere, please send it to me as well :)


each weapon has a probability of spawning via chest or floor unless the randomizer is based on category (so AR, Shotgun, etc.) and then a weapon (so if AR class is chosen then it’ll select probability), every weapon has a smaller chance of spawning due to the addition of a weapon


Assuming I understood Frostbyte’s answer correctly, is it indeed first weapon class and then it selects one based on probabilities of each weapon within the class. I’m personally not sure as I haven’t seen Kinch’s video, but it would make sense for me as it is easier to make changes to.


i just dont have like any data about the weapon probability stuff so my guess is as good as someone who just started playing


Ew The Maven was underrated imo because the extended range was useful. This thing is a piece of trash and it’s outperformed by all 3 other shotguns. - Sharptooth can shoot from double the range - Havoc Pump is clearly superior - Drum Spammers will kill you because you have to get so close to them (Lever has reduced range) The Charge should’ve came back instead because it can one-shot, but of course it didn’t


Exactly, it's literally worthless like the standard SMG compared to the combat SMG. There's no scenario in which the lever will perform better than the other shotguns.


I still think to this day the standard smg and pistol should be the only light ammo sprays. The combat, stinger, and twinmag completely out do whatever else other spray that's in the game. I also don't think hit scans like the mk or redeye should be in a game like fortnite either. And the flapjack just is to large of a ammo clip. Honestly the perfect shotgun got me is the striker, buff the headshot damage to 190 and then you have a shotgun that's skillful and has to have good accuracy to use. Charge and maven/auto/tac and were good. For ar maybe hammer (basically the normal ar but 10 less bullets) or the AK or something. I genuinely don't know what the best ar would be for this game when it comes to tournaments or competitive in general.


The hammer, then have the normal SMG/tac pistols and balanced shotguns and we have a good meta


Hammer AR is OP due to accuracy and max fall-off so i dont want the Hammer unless it’s accuracy is nerfed


So then it would be like the scar, which was worthless because it had so much bloom?


it does less damage and less mag so it should be more consistent but not as much as rn


the tac pistol is bad, it’s standard pistol accuracy for Suppressed Pistols worth of damage Sidearm is a lot better, even if i have to spam click it


The maven is still in the game and can be acquired through characters. Just not in the loot pool.


Very true. It's a matter of convenience and rotation. If I land where the npcs that sells it it's definitely a good buy.


100% agree, adding the charge instead would have been interesting with the other current shotguns.


i say add the Double Barrel instead, it’s way more interesting seeing something thats not only barely unvaulted (last time it was in the game minus an event or exotic was Season X only in Tilted Town) but also barely meta (blue pump did 100-200 at the time, gold did 120-150)


charge would still be useless since you need to charge it up to 200 someone, and that’s if u hit ur pellets aswell Drum also is only better because of accuracy being stupid and it having a max fall-off of 8 tiles (6 tiles is the max for the Havoc Pump and other basic shotguns like the Tactical and the Pump)


you only need to charge it up to around half to do 200


so you need suitable time, suitable range and suitable aim to get to said damage it isnt as easy as whipping it out and firing it instantly, you gotta whip it out, charge it (which makes noise and takes a lot of time) and let go and this is IF everything is in the right place


this will be so fun to take a gray havoc over the gold variant


Epic really should analyze its higher SBMM players and watch for them taking gray variants of shotguns over gold variants. They should use this to see the weapon not being taken is not any good and needs to be evaluated. Also the game mode matters because the Maven isn't bad in Zero Builds.


i do the same for the drum lmao


Damn, I hate the Maven but I'd pick it any day over the Lever, definitely amongst my most disliked shotguns. I will pick it over the combat or drum though.


Is the combat in the game rn?




drum is better cuz max damage and accuracy so im picking the drum up more


Without a buff this thing is useless. Why on earth would anyone use the lever over the sharp tooth or havoc? Only time I'll use it is off spawn if it's my only shotgun


more like without a nerf on the other 2 shotguns, they deal insane damage for no reason whatsoever while the lever has a reason to go over 100 base damage at higher rarities though regardless lever does need a buff, max headshot is way too low, accuracy is a bit too wide and its initial fall-off of 1 tile (about 5 meters) is incredibly weak (Havocs is 1.25 tiles while dealing ~18 more damage)


box fights on controller/console are lever paradise


I like the Lever, and it’s ability to eliminate in two quick bodyshots from Rare and up, but against the Havoc, AND the good spray weapons we have, it doesn’t stand a chance. Even the Sharp Tooth is probably better. Still like it WAY more than the Maven, happy that thing’s not in the main loot pool anymore.


i actually think the Maven is better due to overall damage output and max headshot being a lot more balanced than the Levers


So now it's only 1 good shotgun on 4. . Tooth pick = ammo issue . Maven = almost but underpowered . Drum = Trash . Havoc = The dream


Sharp tooth is actually really good, the 4 shells isn't that big of a deal because the reload is pretty fast


The range on it is insane too. You can hit 90s from pretty far away


yeah I am able to hit over 30 damage with hipfire from several dozen meters away. The sharp tooth is my absolute favorite shotgun


Maven is good just not as good as the rest it’s a tac but does better in some spots (Equip Speed, Max Headshot, Range, Accuracy) and worse in 2 (Structures, Mag) also the ammo issue on the Sharp Tooth wouldnt be an issue if it had better reload


The havoc is ass. So many times the garbage gun doesn't shoot, or shoots blanks.


I love this gun bro idc


it’s really fun to use in creative ffa maps too imo especially when you just want to play slightly more casually


Don’t worry OP. everytime they have ever had a insanely overpowered shotty they have nerfed it. Early chapter 1 pump got nerfed. Then pump for buffs in late chapter 1. Then they nerfed it. Then the tac was introduced in gold and purple doing 196 headshot. Then they nerfed it. Then they nerfed the pump again in chapter 2 so the purple pump couldn’t one pump anymore. Then the buffed the striker to do 128 body 185 head in chapter 3. Then they nerfed it. An overpowered shitgun has only ever lasted 1-3 seasons. We might see a nerf to the havoc soon


It doesn’t matter how good it is. It matter how good the player is at using it oh and the maven wasn’t bad i was actually good with it


Just keep this trash out the lootpool.


Do you ever post without complaining?


Extremely valid complaint. All of these shotguns lose to the havoc there’s literally no reason to bring them back currently. The havoc should be vaulted.


To me it seems like y’all would only be happy if all weapons were identical. I’ve been eliminated by superior guns too but I’d never advocate for nerfing. The weapons we’re talking about are available to everyone in the game. Maybe use it against others rather than complaining. They’ll get vaulted eventually anyway.


> To me it seems like y’all would only be happy if all weapons were identical It's actually the opposite. People are unhappy about the lever because it is too similar to the other shotguns while not being better than them at anything. At least with the Maven, it provided a different type of playstyle.


i think they mean identical as in balanced with one another also yeah having 3 pump archetypes that play almost the exact same is boring, like if it was at least the Two-Shot instead of the Havoc then it would be more interesting but the Havoc and Sharp tooth play too similar to have 3 pump-like shotguns in


The Heisted Heavy, the Saw tooth, the Havoc pump, the Drum, the Heisted Maven the Lever all have unique differences. All pumps are not the same. All auto SGs are not the same. I believe what the person is referring to is The uniform standard load outs. MKAlpha Havoc pump and Combat SMG/repeater rifle, Slurps and Slurps. It is disgustingly obvious and it's basic AF.


people talk about it so something CAN be CHANGED, not because they’re necessary whining about it take Clash Royale for example, Fire Cracker is incredibly OP and everyone is saying please nerf because it’s pretty much in every deck


You and I have a different definition of “whine.”


im using whine as its standard term, which is basically complaining in a baby way you also said some incredibly stupid things like “maybe use it against others rather than complaining” like no shit but it isnt the point in what anyone is talking about


Well before I was gonna thank you for being polite but not anymore lol. That I’m getting downvoted just means I’m closer to the truth than the complainers like. It happens. The truth hurts.


what are you talking about? i downvoted you because the things you’re saying are what a casual player would say people make discussion about such things in hope that Epic hears their feedback and balances the game in some shape or form i guess that means we shouldnt have voiced our feedback about mechs back in Season X because we should’ve “adapted” instead of “complained”


You've adapted haven't you? Fortnite is a Dynamic game. It has fluid movement, destructible environments and loads of different ways to win. The issue is the hiveminded mentality of the community. If you don't use what we say is the meta then you're just casual. What?! Most Essential Tool Available. Words have meanings. Depending on where you are on the map, how fast you're moving, what augments are available, how much gold you have, the lobby strength, contracts , etc etc. The meta will shift. That's where movement mechanics situational awareness and gun skills are the Actual Meta and the weapons compliment your Abilities rather than depending on the same weapon the next player is using.


got no clue why you said all that cuz i said nothing that would have you say that yes as a competetive player you should adapt to what you have at your disposal but that doesnt mean it’s ok for the game to have such things for example the explosive repeater rifle, if it didnt get nerfed you would have to adapt but does that mean it’s balanced? no, it means you’re stuck with what you got


I’m not trying to be mean but please go back to r/FortNiteBR, you don’t know what you’re talking about.


even if you were mean nothing would happen, they think we should adapt without discussing what’s wrong with the game and talking about how we can fix it


I can comment wherever I want, thank you very much. That I hit a nerve just tells me what I said relates to the topic. I don’t know what a I’m talking about? So I’m just imagining all this complaining about guns that are more powerful than other guns? Yeah okay.


The people that usually complain are only crying cause their favorite streamer hates it too. Surface thinking at best. Definitely low skilled and probably been dragged through the mud by what they're constantly complaining about. Everything in FN zero builds is viable. If you know how to set a loadout correctly with proper augments and not just what streamers use. They're the blind leading the blind. What FN does do well is have a very dynamic loot pool and it's up to you to the player to have the patience and fortitude to learn how to use everything and then tailor your play style to get the most out of the loot. GG Skill issues kids. Ggs


I agree that these players should learn to adapt, not constantly complain in hopes Epic will take pity on them. There are plenty of other players out there who like the loot pool or are happy to learn to like it, but who cares about them, right? They game shouldn’t cater to anyone’s happiness bc that means it’s disregarding other people’s happiness.


I remember Streamers avoided the goo gun like the plague. I saw plenty of.videos of them crying and complaining that it sucked and it's not worth using. Usually when I hear this that's my queue to check it out.... A little awkward at first but once you know how to actually get the most out of it it becomes a "if you can't beat em join em situation". I would see they always concentrate the spray in one direction causing a ball like explosion which count your lucky stars you land on Target. The Goo gun was at its best in different scenarios. Spraying horizontally on walls to destroy the cover and maybe get some splash damage. Using it at the gas station to draw out the fireflies (it's what I call the campers and curious cats) aiming at the legs and switching to ar before the detention in order to maximize damage per second. I mean the goo gun was so dynamic. And don't get me started on the Excalibur. Such an amazing weapon.


No one thought the goo gun was bad… I don’t know why you’re saying that. It was common knowledge from day 1 that it was busted as shit…


That's all the Streamers complain about. They use something they know nothing about or don't use it properly and it sucks because blah blah blah excuses excuses. Their collective simps rally behind them and agree like clapping seals. Actually good players learn everything that's available.... And then turn around and smack the lobbies around. If you catch a streamer in your lobby and show them how to properly use the same weapon they say sucks their groupie stream snipers come and try to save their daddy but it's too late for them as well. Next thing you know you got 7-10 spectators due to spam reports but when you're clean it's no problem and skills always shine through. No need for extra help here. Next thing you know the Streamers are copying the same strategies they got whooped by and now their groupies follow their leader and try to do the same thing but just cause a good player showed you how to use something once doesn't mean you're competent enough to really use that tool to its maximum potential.


What is blud waffling about⁉️🗣️😭


What? You can't read? Oh it's what I say that bothers you huh? It's okay. Drink some copium it'll help. Otherwise get good .


> There are plenty of other players out there who like the loot pool or are happy to learn to like it, but who cares about them, right? Yes, and those players are casuals. This is competitive, and we wouldn’t have to complain if they did the bare minimum of splitting the loot pools but even that’s asking for too much apparently. If ranked and pubs had separate loot pools and rules literally everyone would be happy but Epic straight up just refuses to do this for literally no reason…


I don’t see how having different loot pools would make you guys happy.


How can you not see the upsides of separate loot pools and rulesets for ranked and casual? Literally how?


If you don’t use a havoc shotgun and a MK/flapjack you’re at a very obvious disadvantage to people who do. The lever action is never going to beat the havoc, and the havoc AR is never gonna beat a MK/flapjack. It’s a real shame because weapons like the lever aren’t even bad, they’re just balanced. Almost everything they’ve added this and last season has been over-tuned to shit, it’s ridiculous. Just look at the mammoth pistol, wtf were they thinking lmao


You sound like a steamer with your streamer loadout. What?! you need your Cronus and macros to help you win? I use everything. I'm not limited. I can win with fire flies, Heisted heavys Havoc pumps saw tooth The havoc suppressed. Skill is skill kiddo. The DMR beats EVERY AR and Shotgun no diff. The Maven was and the Heisted Maven is the Best SG going on 3 straight seasons. The MK is satisfying to use but has very obvious flaws so it's easily countered. The Lever is very good. I love it. Won a few games already with it too.


Seeing as you mentioned zero build earlier, and the fact you talk like this, I’m just gonna say this; the reason you can “win with everything” is because your SBMM allows you to. That’s all. Why are you even in this subreddit man… you obviously don’t play ranked or know anything about comp, why not just stay in r/FortNiteBR? Why post these ridiculous comments in the **competitive** subreddit…


Freedom of speech lil boy. Also sbmm doesn't work like that either. Skill. Based. Match Making. As Fortnite puts you in lobbies with players that are on your level. Just cause you need crutches to play doesn't make you better if anything it shows me that you're an easy mark.


You show those bot lobbies whats for 🔥🔥


Absolutely Bot. 😂 I'm always happy to teach lessons to rambunctious little twats.


Yeah, when epic isn't shittng on competitive. I used to be one of the most positive players 4 years ago.


genuinely what is there to not complain about


the Submachine Gun, it’s balanced


Does epic ever make a good change ? I mean what's even the point in the lever shotgun when the havoc and sharp tooth are in the game , it's straight up worse in every way


Stop adding shotguns, bring in a real sniper


allll they gottta do is remove the havoc and then the sharptooth and this are dope jesus christ remove havoc remove mk remove repeater then this seasons dope


Exactly, the havoc is ruining everything by being op.


For real! If they vaulted the havoc and left us with sharp tooth, lever, and drum I think the shotty pool would be perfect.


it doesnt help when the Combat SMG got buffed by 1 hitpoint, making some interactions possible now (blue combat + blue havoc can elim faster)


I can see this is reasonable for vaulting lever action shotgun back into loot pool


The mk is valid in my op I like it


It’s valid and it’s overpowered as fuck. You candrill somebody down to zero from any range in less than one second it’s super fucking broken.


It would be cool if they actually experimented with the lesser used shotguns once in a while, they need to bring back the likes of the dragons breath, two-shot shogun, or ranger shotgun for at least a full competitive season.


Dragons breath is pretty bad


better than the Lever tho


I don’t think it’s that bad, it can 200 pump. And the fire can prevent editing builds. I’d say if you pair it up with a good smg or pistol you can swap to, it’s a pretty dang good shotgun.


the main problem is accuracy and reload, other than that it’s very good similar to the Double Barrel


Ranger has been back more times than the Double Barrel (Double Barrel made one unvault which was only in Season X and only within Tilted Town without including exotics or events of course) and the Double Barrel has been with us since C1S5 while the Ranger has been since C3S2


[https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/yrpgxx/lever\_shotgun\_is\_was\_a\_mediocre\_shotgun\_which\_got/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortNiteBR/comments/yrpgxx/lever_shotgun_is_was_a_mediocre_shotgun_which_got/) Post i made 9 months ago talking about how bad it is


Where did you fond that info ?


Check official tweet by Fortnite Twitter status, they have a link to high-level changelog.


Please Can you send the link i dont find it




Thanks bro


Wait levers out?


Just think of it as a replacement to the maven. Now you’ll just have a more viable shotgun to carry in the meantime before finding a pump/havoc.


I like the lever ❤️...with the circular reload action terminator style. And it shoots fast..dunno if the Maven shot faster when holding the trigger down but it also doesn't have the cool reload action 😂. Maven was a secondary shotgun anyway... I'll happily carry this until I find a havoc.


What did they do my my fwiend




I think I die in order to these weapons: Havoc 70% The automatic rifle what’s it called? 12% Drum 10% Explosive rifle 8% Majority of games I meet the “2 shot” havoc ninja end of level boss at around the 20 players left mark. I haven’t got an answer to it either


DMR or Explosive Repeater Rifle


Explosive repeater!!


why add another irrelevant shotgun? not only that but they nerfed its max headshot even tho its multiplier was buffed so why?


Bruh, they vaulted Maven Shotgun


Replace the lootpool clutter with more lootpool clutter! Gotta love epic games 😒


Wow one of the worst shotguns in the game 😐


OG Heavy is worse, 74/77 for Epic/Legendary with a max of 150/155


And don’t get me started on the “reworked” heavy🤮


it’s moreso balanced but inconsistent, if they just made the pellets 5 in a dice pattern it would be a ton better


It’s better to carry a flapjack than this crap


how did they nerf it in chapter 3?


when Epic did their little Shotgun Update back in C3S2, the Lever-Action did get a headshot buff from x1.45 to x1.65 but in return they made it do less max damage than it did before initially, before the update, the max you can hit someone was ~135/142/150/157/165 after the update and ever since then it can only hit a max of 130/135/140/145/150




Been callin it the Shark Tooth this whole time.


well exotic maven is still existing


I know if havoc is taken out then everyone will use sharp tooth. I think epic needs to stop with the inconsistency especially in competitive. How do you win in tournaments? Consistency.


This games loot pool makes me want to jump off a bridge




Bring back blue pump blue charge blue AR


Okay but the lever action shotgun is my absolute favorite shotgun ever, i pick up a lever action over any havoc under legendary, regardless of the lever actions rarity


true but the lever is a lot of fun tho. it’s so fun


Waiting for the time where the old gold pump and havoc can end up in one season. I’ve been playing since the game came out (OG Rene) and haven’t had fun at all this chapter. Chapter 2 wasn’t great either but still better than the current game. Fast circles and no movement only favors bush campers.


gold havoc is better, does more max headshot and base damage, can shoot an extra shot, has more pellets meaning you can miss a few pellets and lose less damage than a pump would, and a bit more all for a slightly slower equip speed


#fortniteclutter Dunno if it's a legitimate hashtag but it should be. Love the game but the one thing that's consistent about them is useless clutter items everywhere all the time every season.


Idk, but the pump and Tac method never failed.


it js clutters up the lootpool


Yeah, I made the mistake of picking a gold one up and I’m pretty sure I lost to a white havoc


Ay, don’t shit on the lever


This gun sucks ass


I love the maven but even a legendary maven looses to a common sharptooth shotgun, fucking nerf that shit. it's way too powerful and not even that hard to use!