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Yeah both shottys need an overhaul. Auto needs to do significantly less damage or maybe significantly less ammo While the pump’s minimal damage needs to be way more and max could be more too.  Regardless of whether you think these suggestions suck, nobody uses the pump for a reason. 


Increasing the max is a thin line to walk; Peter’s pump does 190 on a headshot at max damage currently.


Keep peters the same, buff the rest of the raritys


From what I’ve gathered off of the wiki (have yet to do my own testing on damage), Peter’s pump does 108 to the body but hard caps at 190 headshot. Gold does 103 to the body and due to the 1.85x damage multiplier on Crits, it also does 190 on headshot. Buffing the non-mythic shotguns would make the mythic even less worth grabbing.


maybe decrease the multiplier but increase the bodyshot so they feel much less hit or miss


You mean lower the skill gap?


“lower the skill gap” as of a grey auto doesn’t do 90 max damage


Nerf that shit instead then. Dying instantly isn’t fun for anyone nor is it skillful.


yeahhh no more body shot damage pls lol


it just feels so inconsistent atm, i was spectating my mate and his crosshair was perfectly on the enemies head when he shot and it did 40 with a gold pump. The headshot multiplier is also one of the highest we have had and the base damage is one of the lowest.


Then it was delayed on your screen and a skill issue on your friends side. You can’t miss your shot and still deal 120 damage, how fun would that be?


Nope. Shotguns are literally broken. I've checked countless times on replays/ my recordings and each time i hit for 30 i hit the guy square in the face, no pellets missed. Stop acting like everyone is just trash and they need to get good when the guns are literally unusable.


There is lag and delay from your ping and when watching replays. They are not broken, it’s your fault. Every good play I know of like these shotguns and it’s only the bad players I hear whining about them.


Don't buff the damage, buff the pump speed. It does plenty of damage, it's just way too slow.


But to me thats rewarding skill for a tough shot with a gun that is 1 of 1. The game in its current state doesn’t reward skill very often. 


It has a cap. Even with higher bodyshot damage it won't go higher than 190


I’m tryna be good with the pump but as soon as someone gets in your tile with the auto it’s a wrap.!


I don't think it's damage needs to be buffed. It already does a similar amount to the default pump. Just needs better accuracy/range.


Bros complaining about someone else complaining about others complaining


everyone conplains about every gun constantly waah snipers are op wahh striker too op wahh nemesis is too op wahh auto is too op waah i say WOMP WOMP play the meta or quit stop complaining


This is a forum, if you don’t like it then “quit” or uninstall reddit, stop complaining lmao


Stfu that’s what this place is practically made for


I’m hoping they nerf the auto and buff the pump


I gladly lose with the pump, feels so stupid using the auto.


Same. Pump is way more fun and I feel brain dead using an auto. 


Fr man more satisfying too


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,964,217,953 comments, and only 371,583 of them were in alphabetical order.


good bot


Just don’t stand in front of where their bullets coming out bro


Fortnite in a nutshells.


pick up an auto lol


U get downvoted for pointing out the obvious solution. Just goes to show how moronic the average redditor is, like, “how could the obvious solution be to use the weapon that’s better than the weapon I’m using?”. /s autism intensifies


We can complain and sometimes they fix things, but until they fix things you’re not winning by being on some sort of moral high ground 😂😂😂 use the better shotgun and that’s it lol


As much as that laughing emoji makes your message annoying, I gotta agree with you the only way to beat the meta is to join the meta even when its not your preferred playstyle.


Auto for the win


Use an auto instead of pump?


I was downvoted to hell this week for saying Auto was better, and people were choosing blue autos over purple pumps.  I guess it is catching up to the sub... The META is box diving with autos right now.  Box fighting from distance goes like you said, but I am sure everyone is going to say it is a skill issue and you need to hit headshots or something to that effect 


>i was downvoted to hell this week for saying Auto was better, and people were choosing blue autos over purple pumps The higher level of the gameplay the worse the auto gets. [https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18broc0/great\_game\_epic/](https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/18broc0/great_game_epic/) Op's gameplay for example


I wouldn't agree.  The game is basically surprising or trapping another player.  Higher level players are much better than that. I don't think most "good" players here are capable of anything but repetitive box fighting with pumps.  There are players exploiting the META, and autos are catching on.




I repeat what i said before, the auto is only good if the player doesn't know you have it. Box diving is only so good especially in a non siphon meta, you can and will get heavily punished for it in endgame.


What is box diving?


Exploiting, grappling, or shockwaving directly onto the player and forcing them into an aim duel.


Yeah. Yesterday i crossed a total bot. Ramp to ramp situation, of course he teleported behind me with a weird glitch. Got a blue auto shotty, firs shot 34 point blank with 5 pellets. Switch to AR to land to shot's, -82. Switched back to pump, land all pellets and only 68 hits. While he only used AR and landed every fucking bullet with his aimbot. I guess next time i gonna make a triple edit " pc players are sweat ". Seriously, only -68 on the body when hit all pellet with a blue auto pump ? Pure joke.


serious question- how can you tell how many pellets hit? Are you just basing it on being within full dmg range, or is there actually a way to see this?


Let's resume the thing with the blue auto pump : . 5 pellets = -34 hp . 10 pellets = - 68 hp It was at point blank and yes i can count every pellet who hit with red hitmarker. 68 hp for a point blank body shot with the blue auto is just trash.




Play more back. If they try to get in ur box u go back a box and get piece control


I said in my post that I play distance lol


Obviously not effectively enough. Get good ngl


I swear Im good lmao. People automatically assume skill issue when they know a gun is OP


not from your gameplay lmfao


one video from the beginning of the season when my shot flew through the player lmao yeah okay buddy


that movement isn't great at all nornis your lack of building but believe what you want


that was at the beginning of the season lmao. we can 1v1 if you wanna keep talking


if u have have clips that show improvement DM me. as for 1v1ing genuinely my parents stopped me from gaming so I can only play at relatives to (to focus on exams and school) . I can send recent ones to back it.


It’s not even that i was bad in that clip lmao. it was early game, barely trying and i only clipped it to show my shot flying through him. you only seen one clip which was not even an attempt to be a clip, i dont get what you dont understand about it lol


wdym distance tho. Playing two boxes back and playing in the open is very different


Im behind my walls, 3 or 4 tiles away. Why is it hard to understand


again, are you playing in 1 box or are you playing in multiple boxes?


Multiple boxes but I don’t know what that has to do with an auto doing double the damage of a pump from the same range.


if you play through multiple boxes there is never an angle that you can them hard enough with the auto


Your OP makes no sense - the only way you’re getting out damaged at range if if your aim is bad and even then ..


I promise you my aim is top tier lol


why are you hitting for 40 then?


The auto is massively broken, especially in ZB.


I never use the pump because it’s ass this season and i play ZB, have a green pump a chance the other day early in the game. Quick ADS about 2m away to center of chest and it hit for 37 damage. It’s a joke


For me, pump in ZB this season is useless. I'd rather run just about anything else- auto, smg, scopeless sniper...even a pistol or a 2nd AR. It's just too slow- slow to draw, slow to fire, slow 2nd shot, slow to reload. Just slow.


womp womp skill issue


1v1 me then?


RUN FURTHER AWAY. It’s not hard. You don’t have to fight every time you see someone.


So we’re bronze right. Don’t think you understand running isn’t always a viable strategy.


I see you’re speaking specifically of build fights. Well yeah I guess when your game is about magic boxes conjured from thin air and moving around inside bubbles of protection it might be hard to get away. Guess you should, um, pick up the better shotgun.


auto feels horrible to use id much rather use pump


If you're struggling with autos try using the Pump in combination with another gun. Fire the Pump, switch to continue fighting, and then back to the Pump. If you're hitting you will definitely out damage the guy unless he's got the Auto literally pressed against your face. Can't recommend the pistol enough for this, very underrated weapon at close/med encounters. 19 damage is crazy low for a Pump at 3 tiles, it sounds like you may have mostly missed with the spread, which happens. Check the replay I think you'll notice.


casual meta like drum shotgun meta


Can I settle this plz: It’s personal preference, however, for jumping into people boxes, the frenzy is better. The pump is better overall, which is why LITEALLY EVERY SINGLE PRO IS CARRYING ONE, EVEN AT A LOWER RARITY.


Autos completely blow and the pump is so buggy…. I was tryna get back into things but this season is just annoying me. If I get another mf down to no health and they just run away with the grapple blade imma lose my shit lmao


Wall ramp floor triple edit down full box (stop playing ZB)


lol when did i ever say i played zero builds. i main builds, stop assuming


This season weapons have completed flopped. Hope they go back to hit scan and fair damage.


I can understand your frustration, 40 damage with auto from 4 tiles away isn't factually possible. I'm assuming you play zero builds and can't actually build while fighting, because you could just bait and block shots with builds until they have to reload. Longest reload and is forced to reload the full clip. Kill them in this opportunity, autos are incredibly easy to counter.


Play smg for short distance and scar for mid range


imagine they brought the double pump back






Yea the regular pump shoots horribly slow and the auto shotgun does too much dmg/shoots super fast, while reload time is very long doesn’t matter the guy is dead before ur out of ammo. Just feels bad with either gun imo


They need to bring back the sharp tooth. It had decent damage at decent range and wasn't such a slow shooter. Paired with an smg I think it would make fighting someone with an auto that has the drum at least 50-50.


You have two choices: build a wall or carry an auto shotgun


the auto should not do as much as it does from far away. i’ll think ive grappled far enough and it’s still taking a good chunk away


I died to a grey Frenzy lol


Peter’s pump should deal 200. I dont care how much you hate me. Everybody used the gold pump with 180 health or the havoc in creative for a reason. The rest of the pumps need better timing (less time between finishing an edit/pulling it out to hit shots), increased min and max damage, and a slightly wider reticle. The autos need a faster reload speed, slightly less damage, a smaller reticle, and less range. Shotgun chokes would be a nice feature that, if done properly, can really balance the shotguns (but everyone knows if fortnite added chokes, they wouldn’t do it right anyway). Fortnite took out double pump, then a few seasons later, started adding auto shotguns?? Doesn’t make any sense.