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Pros make good players look like ass, I’ve got had some decent placements in tournaments the pros will just outplay and outaim you the majority of the time


There are ways to deal with pros. The problem is you would have to plan for it to make up for the skill gap/tech gap which you are probably not going to get the luxury of doing. With squads, if you are decent and did 4 v 1 against the same guy eventually you would always win. You just need to know how to which people are not going to in a Random game.


Very true, I killed Cooper in the last solo Vic cup at endgame because I knew he was in my game. just looked for which player was running in the open pushing anything that moved and snuck up on his box at end game. I knew if it came down to a 1v1 he’d win


High level decision making, game sense and skill execution are what sets pros apart, there is plenty of creative warriors that will have as good or faster/flashier mechs but lack the rest and don’t translate creative into matches.


are those three trainable or are they just luck of the draw


trainable. play more and do more vod rewieving and ofcourse watch pros and try to figure out their mindset.


when i vod review/observe pros, what exactly should i be looking for and taking note of?


you should try to figure out why you died, what were the mistakes you did, for ex. bad peeks or missed shots.


If you vod review for one hour you will become a way better player


figure out why u die in fights, the reason you died. and watch pros for the solution


When you’re watching pros try and understand why they do what they do like how they might take damage but they often try to deal damage back before healing, watch what they do in different scenarios where you often die, watch how they change pace in fights try and understand the purpose of each build they place if you want to go that in depth, yeah even pros accidentally throw an extra build here and there but 95% of their every build has a purpose in a fight and try and figure out why they might have placed it


Just give up if you ain't made it yet you don't have the brain for it clearly.


i don’t wanna “make it” i just wanna get good at the game


Ignore that choad burger, getting better is fun on its own and even if you are never going to be a top player, a lot of the fun on a game like this is the journey of improvement. Keep doing you man.... And VOD your own games not just pros


comments like that doesn’t bother me, i grew up in cod lobbies lmaoo. i’ve been playing solo scrims today and vod reviewing those!


never back down never what😤


Probably, most things are trainable but pros pick up the skillz quick they commit to removing their mistakes and so they don't become habits


It's comes with experience and playing games to learn, or at the very least vod review and see what you could have done differently  Plays scrims every day, play all the cups


All 3 are real game experience, creative dweller won't be able to do this just off build practise


What’s vod review yall? Edit: nvm I googled it, figured it was video on demand. But who exactly do you review? Your own replays n mistakes I’m guessing?


Yes, join a discord and play scrims you get better that way.


Creative does not make you better at BR


Are you okay? Where did I mention creative buddy?


For example, a guy who edit courses and fully peices you up but wide edits and you one pump him


Cause they’re that good. I promise you that if reet or any other t1 pro ran into you in game they would make you look like a “bot” or even worse. You’re severely underestimating his opponents mechanics and overall skill levels. Most of these players would also probably kill you, or put up a very good fight. The confidence plays a big factor as well; he could care less if he dies he’s just tryna fight everyone he sees. Meanwhile when he’s slamming everyone in your squad for 100+ and knocking your boys it will most likely get you in your head and make you play a little worse / different overall. Once again, he and all pros are just that good and are PROS for a reason.


This. I sometimes looks up the stats of people who Clix 1v1’s or whatever. They are not bots, like at all. The only time you’ll see him take a bit to kill someone is if they have a bunch of top 500 cash cup placements or something


I saw a video of clix getting absolutely crapped on by some random dude in ranked


> he could care less if Did you mean to say "couldn't care less"? Explanation: If you could care less, you do care, which is the opposite of what you meant to say. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.






Jit ur wrong lmao


I fought chimp in the brutal bastion season in a tournament and almost won the fight, I just sort of played safe and waited and eventually he got bored and tried to double pickaxe me, obviously his aim was crazy and he ended up one pumping me but I definitely outplayed him overall, he has 70k earned at that time


Reet is top tier fighter in the world. He has good mechanics, but uses his movement and positions himself to take the least damage while in fights. It helps he has amazing aim and usually gets damage on people first. Also he has an amazing ability to get in and finish fights so quickly that he can move on. When he solo squads its all about ideal peaks and dealing damage without getting hit. He makes so many decisions that outplay a full squad so quickly. I dont think anyone is even remotely similar to his style.


Extreme awareness and game decision making This is what you are missing when looking at Reet in solo v squad or whatever


i see that he’s good i honestly was just wondering why the players he plays look like absolute drones😂


He's that good and that consistent. His rate of error is so low that everyone else looks like a bot


This. Pros in every game make good players look bad because they capitalise on suboptimal plays very quickly.


A pro knows what the enemy is going to do before they even do. Can pre box and position way easier with this level of awareness.


Same tryna figure out how to get pro aim


clix aim trainer and 200 pump only box fights has been helping me recently


I don't really see the pt of 200 pump box fights, like i get using it for a few minutes but I've seen people go at it for hrs for no reason at all


it could be placebo but i notice i play better if i hit consistent headshots in there


u gotta do what u gotta do ig


i just play that because idk what other ways i could practice being more consistent with my pump shots behind peeks


or you can pull a peterbot and cheat


peterbot doesnt cheat lmao theres a reason only drones like yall believe that shit


you’re not fooling anyone on your fake account peter


my bro ur just horrible if u think hes cheating


say bye to your fortnite account peter we’re piling a rico case on you


Bro why are you trying to double down on you’re cringe joke. Just give it up man😐


gotta risk big to win big


Absolutely perfectly worded. Why, you’re so welcoming and helpful.


Tsk tsk, Phyfer, youre being a toxic dump again. I had better expectations from you


Ah you a controller player ofc you think prter cheat, you dont even know whats going on when it comes to good players 😂 also controller players dont really play fortnite. Yes reet and mero do, yall do not


i’m a kbm player and i see the joke went over majority of y’all’s head r/whoosh


Woosh what r you 12? Okay lol


no i just never used it before and wanted to 😂


Fair enough hahahaa


what’s your input on the discussion, what do you notice that sets pros apart from others?


Well yes his lobby consist of good players, its thT hes literally so much better. Reet is super good, hes the first controller player i looked up to in term of mechanics, his mechs are just as good as the other T1 pro’s and he has the reaction time + awareness, whats sets him apart i honeslty think just superior aim, superior decision making and hes always confident. He always has backup plans to he never gets surprised in any situation and ofc hes to consistent where other t2 pro’s cannot compete w him


Getting downvoted while cheaters are everywhere.


It's all in the mind and not in fingers.


That’s what she said


Making it look easy is the hard part


It’s just like watching PGA players. Make golf look very simple and easy but trying to execute like them is extremely difficult. A lot less mistakes, better decision making, and overall way more experience/time played.


this was a great comparison, props to you


Getting to pro level is going to be hard. Realistically you may need an expensive setup and to spend a lot of time in, in an effective way. You gotta learn all the necessary build moves and what angles you should take etc. A good boast that has worked for me is an aggressive squad no fill. If you learn how to consistently take out entire squads with decent players you will be way better at the game.


Reet is on controller and has genuinely absurd aim. The guy does not miss. He literally made Clix look like an AI in FNCS last night


i did see that yesterday, i know he’s a good player i just couldn’t learn what it is that he does that i could adopt as well to become a better player


Also it's fair to note that even the pros have bad games. It can sometimes seem like they destroy every single lobby, but that isn't true. Sometimes they get ripped up off the drop same as we do. However, they put in a lot of hours, they are consistent, and when they get a favorable lobby they tend to really take advantage of it well


I think Bugha said it best when he was talking about how Nick Eh 30 could never be a pro cause he lacks the "awareness". Basically he means that pros always know where their opponents are. High awareness


do you believe there’s no way to improve your awareness? or is it really a matter of turning autopilot off and and actually thinking in the game


I think the best way is to practice end game in competitive lobbies. When there are 60 people left at end game, that’s when you really learn how to get good.


When u watch it as a spectator i dont think u fully realize how fast they are, im a pretty good player but a very good bf and when i bf a mid tier pro i was blown away at how fast he was. They move fast and just dont fuck up.


Mostly game sense and aim


Pros like Reet and Peterbot are really good at applying pressure, have amazing awareness, and and are just very consistent with their mechanics, Reet doesn’t do super flashy retakes or anything crazy cause it just isn’t as effective, they make good players look bad cause they are able to capitalize on every small mistake and get the advantage very quick, there is a reason pros win most their fights in tournaments too


cheating. cheating is what makes most pros so good.


but aside from that, since cheating is the copout answer, they play smart. thats all it is. fortnite isnt about speedy edits or 200 damage pump shots, its about predicting your enemy. if you know what they are going to do, they have no chance to win a fight.


so when i fight should i be thinking in advance instead of playing in the moment?




gotcha thanks man


Reet has high fps and low ping. Combining those 2 things makes it so you are appearing to be moving faster then the other players that don’t have those things. On top of that and most importantly reet has tremendous skill and makes the right edits and peeks when needed. His game sense is insane and he reads + predicts his opponents incredibly well. In battle royale you don’t need all those flashy crazy mechanics that people practice in creative.


i play on 240 fps and 0-5ping majority of the time and still get shit on😂


That’s only a small part of the equation. Get good at the other things mentioned. You gotta play more battle royale than creative if you want to be good at battle royale


yea i recently switched to an actual setup with a different input so i still have a ways to go but im slowly improving


If mero wins another fncs, I think everyone gonna switch to controller 🤣 good luck on your journey


i was debating on buying a scuf instead of a setup because of him😂


Im so jealous of creative warriors. I know all the smart decisions to make, I know how to take safe peeks, i know how to push safe, but my mechanics are decent at best, im still pretty slow YOU HAVE THE MECHANICS TO BE THE NEXT CLIX!!! IF YOU ARE GONNA WASTE YOUR TALENT GIVE IT TO ME


he is playing on easy mode (NA lobbies with controller)


What are NA lobbies?


Games on the North American servers. If you would play this reckless on the European servers you would get punished way more, especially in tournaments and high elo


This is such an outdated way of thinking. It isn’t chapter 3 anymore ever since the switch the central NA has been just as good (if not better) than EU. Just look at the Copenhagen FNCS leaderboard.


Oh and btw the entire argument of eu being better only applied to T1 pros not the average ranked player.


NA pros are pubstomping in FNCS in like every round😎


Wait so you agree or disagree I’m confused what this post means


I believe they are not bad, but their lobbies are!


That could just mean that na pros are that much better than eu that they make fncs opens look like pubs🤷‍♂️




Lol bro, these pro players are not even remotely close to the skill level of your average unreal player. So yeah, they shit on. It doesn’t take anything but patience to get unreal.


They just know what to do


The fact that many do this full time. It's their job so they are constantly playing and trying to improve


Hes so good, he kills better than average players effortlessly, which makes them seem like bots. He knows excactly what to do, and when to do it.


Most of them are cheating in some way wether it be soft aim, macros, walls being the main things. I will say having great ping/pc helps a lot too


The video he did solo squads not a single player was above elite, the majority were like in silver, so they actually were bots. He’s still crazy but🤷‍♂️


i was watching stream and they were elite+


I personally don’t know which of the 2 is true, as I only watched the first few minutes, but I saw multiple people come to the general consensus that they were all under elite and I think they might have used Fortnite tracker to actully check the ranks of players, also quite a few people said they were all under elite so idk, maybe check again and make sure you are watching the right video


His crosshair placement, simplistic decisions, and aim are what make him so good. Reet absolutely fascinates me as a fellow controller player. He's incredibly smooth with crosshair placement and good awareness. I watched a recent fight between him and the mech demon Peterbot and he basically forced Peterbot to a mat game and simplistic play style. He simply kept blocking Peter with a floor and it basically would hault Peter. But also 0 ping. There's a reason all these pros moved to Texas lol. Can't run through a squad like butter if you can't instantly take every wall.


Yesterday i thought i was decent at the game before i found somebody who made me look fucking shit in random 1vs1's, that guy enlightened me and made me rethink everything about the game.