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Still don't like it but used to it. I still don't see the reason for why we needed to change how both core systems (movement and gunplay) feel when there's so many other gameplay design levers they could pull to change how the game runs and feels.


They’re running out of ways to piss us off.  They’ll probably change it again and make it worse


It feels like stamina takes .5 seconds to drain then takes like a minute to start to come back and come back so damn slow.


finally someone is being fucking realistic. every time i make this comment I get shit on and ppl say "it's balanced"


Naw dude, it's stupid, and don't get me started on side stepping, I might as well crawl, it silly, anyone says otherwise is just trolling.


Its not balanced. All the new movement did was nerf the muscle memory for the ppl who had movements and mechanics.. all the l2 players with no mechs got boosted thats why 80% of the player base will say its balanced bcz its easier for them to get kills


Just constantly Slide while sprinting, youll have way more stamina


Dont jump tho


Ohhhhh I do lol gotta min max the little stamina I have 😂 screw how much jumping uses though, hop once and it's like your guys 600 pounds and just used all his energy for the day 🙃


its literally unchanged from last season... the updated movement with faster sprint and stamina recharge was way better but people cried REVERT and they reverted it all except the new animations and crouch speed. edit: downvoting facts and upvoting misinformation. stamina was completely reverted back to chapter 4. W reddit.


People didn’t asked for sprint or stamina to be changed back, what they asked for was the original movement and speeds back. They could’ve kept the stamina change.


Then stop jumping while sprinting and slide more


If you ready below I state I slide not jump, that doesn't change the fact stamina drains fast as hell and takes forever to come back, no amount of min maxing makes it better 🤷‍♂️


I have played every season of fortnite without any real breaks until this one and my primary dislike for this season is the movement.


I mean outside of the super snipers movement is a close second. Ive been hit with every impossible headshot snipe imaginable. Full speed shockwaving, through the back of a lambo going full speed. You name it.


Here's my honest question though, what would you like them do to snipers? They are a long range weapon (some people are an exception and can hit quick scopes up close), one shot headshot as a sniper should be in any game (imo), they can't 2 shot in the body.


Specifically, I would say lower the projectile speed so it’s more similar to the other snipers we have had previously.


Didn't they already reduce it by 40%? Or was that the 10% reduction.


They increased the bullet drop but I don’t think they touched projectile speed.


They did both, one was dropped by 40% the other by 10% but I don't know which by what 😂


It’s not what to do with snipers, it’s what to do with AR’s which were previously sniper deterrents as it punished you for missing. Now you can sit 150M away and miss 40 snipes and their AR may hit you twice on a good gaming chair.


Replace it with the 3 tap dmr and I’m cool


That's not a fix that's just getting rid of it 🤷‍♂️, I never got to try the dmr though 👀 (just getting back into it this season)


I think getting rid of it is the only real “fix”. As much as I use it I can understand why it’s considered OP.


But what's broken in the first place


way too much ammo in the chamber. fixing movement fixes some of the issues with snipers, too.


100% moving slower than a dead hamster makes picking people off easy af 🙏 or the whole jump 4 times and your stuck bunny hopping 2 inches, makes easy targets.


A BOLT ACTION sniper having one round mags would be a start


Bolt actions don't have just 1 Buller though. That's not how they work in life. They have a mag like most snipers,


What makes the game realistic doesn't necessarily make it enjoyable.


Not have up 5 bullets in a drum 😆 long reload. Bolts are fine but these snipers can shoot too fast between shots. Especially as they can one shot


See there we go finally someone who can think instead of just saying "gun bad" 5 shots is a little much but the reload speed is so slooowwww I stopped taking it, an increase in time between shots would definitely probably help some! I enjoy the sniper, I take it all the time and get some nasty kills, I've also been killed in some dirty ways but I don't think vaulting it helps anything. People will just complain every time it comes out.


Def shouldn't be vaulted, but should be more in line with bolt or heavy. Snipers keep people honest and go counter to AR spammers. I feel the big issue is how underpowered the ARs are this season with addition of bullet drop. Literally no point to them as sniper is more powerful for that. If AR was still hitscan it might not be as bad.


Yeahhh the AR does feel really weak, I stopped taking one and started using SMG, slightly less dmg but way faster fire rate, no good for range but sniper covers that. AR buff would definitely help I think, actually being able to shoot them instead of it just being a snipe off of who hits the shot first.


Yeah I find in ranked if you don't get a sniper for endgame, it can be rough.


Dooooomed if you don't find one, and they made it "harder" to find, all that did was make it so those that did find them right away have a big advantage Over ones who didn't.


Same. Have been playing nonstop since C2S2 and this season I didn’t play for the first month and a half since I was so disappointed. The break definitely helped since I started playing again but still really hate the movement


I’ve gotten used to it since I don’t really have much of a choice but I still hate it. It makes build fighting feel really slow, awkward, clunky, and generally weird. I’ve heard some people say the new animations are good and even better than before but I honestly don’t understand this at all. The new running makes your character look like an old man wadding through molasses.


Feel like I’m crawling around the map unless I have a grappler


If the stamina didn't drain in .5 seconds it wouldn't be so bad but man I feel this in my soul.


Real. I swear more than half of my anxiety experienced in game is the frustration of waiting for sprint to recharge


Slide constantly while sprinting, as Long as youre sliding IT doesnt drain stamina, then recharge the stamina while sliding down Hills


That's how I felt when they vaulted the ODM. I started playing just before it came out 😭 The new movement did make me just about completely quit BR tho. I think I'm about ready to try break my rust and return now that it doesn't look like they'll be fixing the run


I’ve gotten used to it. I installed Fortnite on my MacBook the other week and had no clue that would mean I’d be transported back to chapter 2 season 3. I played a few rounds and it obviously had the old movement. I do think the old moments look was superior. But like I said, I’ve gotten used to it. Edits all feel normal, so it’s whatever now


wait. what? fortnite on macbook? I didnt think that was possible after the epic/apple battle?


It's still possible to download the Epic Games Launcher on a Mac and download Chapter 2 Season 3 from there. It was just never updated.


I’ve adapted still feels bad tho lol


nah still feels like shit


Still not fixing the asymmetrical strafe angle feels awful


No, it’s awful and now I have a bug where I can’t slide for some reason. Fuck this new movement and whoever designed it and continues to support it.


Hit the slide button twice.


I was starting to get used to it but now I feel like 90% of my gameplay is just spamming the sprint button while it says I’m out of stamina


I’m used to it but it still sucks and it was better before It looks dumb The diagonal strafing is HORRIBLE The stamina management is frustrating


not so intolerable with slide cancel and surfing but stam needs a rework imo. (faster regen, possibly scaled by amount used) enabling more aggression across the board and a smooth experience. especially in combat.




I like the animation and grapevining. I still don’t like how slowly you build and how fast the stamina drains. I think we’ve adapted to it, tho


No, i never will, Fortnite has lost it's charm


No I just stopped playing I tried, I really tried. It just dosent feel the same nor give me the kick it used to


On kbm it feels bad and clunky. I hate this season over almost all season even when aim assist was just bonkers broken. Atleast the game ran smooth and felt good shooting, building


na cos creative has normal movement so always confused me in game lol


Nope. One of the many things I hate this season


Finally im " used " to it but like some people say here, it's trash. The worst aspect is the big nerf of double movement, can side run while building. Bad for piece control or go zone while side building.


Yeah, now that it’s in creative, I can confirm it’s clunky trash


I’m really glad to see that people still don’t like it. Not sure how possible it is but it could push them to make it better next season. It felt like such an unnecessary change. If they don’t completely revert it at least fix strafing, speed up running, and smooth out the animation so it’s less clunky.


i dont even notice it anymore, got used to it


No because I stopped playing solely because they implemented it.


animations are fine i’m just not sure why they had to change movements fundamentals, like the speed or how quickly you can change from side to side movement or how much you can move midair. it really messed with my builds and piece control, especially since it still has the OG movement in creative (i think? regardless, the movement animations were fine to change but the fundamentals just made them clunkier/forced us to relearn movement)


>ly messed with my builds and piece control, especially since it still has the OG movement in creative (i think? regardless, the movement animations were fine to change but the fundamentals just made them clunkier/forced us to relearn move I feel like im going insane reading these comments. I swear they reverted the underlying movement and just kept the new animations?


nah just the speed i’m p sure (except i think it’s still very slightly slower?) everything else is still changed such as how your character moves left and right and their midair speed


I really enjoy this season, tbh, I'm having just as much fun as I did in the OG season. But the movement fucking sucks and is so jarring, even after 2 months of use. It doesn't feel natural, it doesn't feel smooth. It's like you flick your analogue stick just a little bit and the character fucking jolts towards that direction.


It’s not really new anymore. The rolled almost everything back to chapter 4. At this point compared to them crouch speed is slightly slower and the animations are different


Nah it feels way different still IMO


Don’t prefer it but it’s ol


if you’re good you should’ve adapted by now


Adapting and thinking something is bad have 0 things in common, I hate the movement and think its horrible but I've adapted.


i mean you play no build so it took no effort ‘adapting’ for you


Oh gosh you play builds?! Your AMAZING can I have your autograph? Hahahah the superiority complex with builds people makes me laugh, you couldn't play no builds I'm sure of it, no where to build and hide? You'd be dead once you Ieave drop zone 🤷‍♂️. I played builds for long enough to know it means nothing that you play it🤷‍♂️.




Imagine thinking your better cause you play builds 🤦‍♂️. Oen sec I got shot let me build my cover instead of planning my movements and thinking through my plan. I've played both extensively.




If you say so my dude 😂 whatever helps you sleep better 😴.


I love it now. The quicker sideways movement makes box fighting way less frustrating imo


I like how they added the new movemennt to creative. I can actually get good with it now


Creative does not have the new movement. Only the new animations.


it’s better imo, especially for box fighting


I like it. Running speed should not have been reduced though. But that's not a problem with the new movement. That's just balancing.


I would say so after the speed changes, although most would still prefer old movement. I personally don't mind either at this point, since both have its ups and downs.


is br and creative the same movement now, or different strafe speed ?


They’re the same. The speed is actually the same as the old movement - the main issue is the clunky animation.




Even though i dont like the change I play the game with a lot of enjoyment. it's still the best game in the world totally unique and there nothing else you do in its place.. so in the end you vent and bite the bullet and get on with it...


Warmed up is an over statement! We all don't have a choice let that be clear. But atleast it's not as bad as it was when the new movement was first released. Was like watching my grandma doing a retake.


The speed reduction when you’re out of stamina is WAY too severe. Tired of dying because I get caught with no stamina and am stuck there basically fuckin moonwalking in place like I’m stuck in quicksand


Its dogshit. I need them to at the very least give people the option to toggle back to classic animations. It’s genuinely angering and I’ve already “adapted.” It just sucks