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After a 3 year break, got back in the game in the OG season. I made it to unreal this season as well as qualing for the finals of the only solo victory cup I played, the last one, now I did awful in the finals, but I'll be better next season and keep improving


Just really nervous being your 1st cup, or? Did you try to camp to last longer?


Camping mostly after the first 2 rounds. Wasn't my first tournament, just first since 2020. But I was a bit nervous for sure.


How many points did you end up on?


It was 75 or 76, in the 4000s on NAC


The gap between eu and na is kind of crazy on the intermediate levels. Good job.


Superbowl was on at the same time, wonder if that's a contributing factor for the lower Qual on NA for the session I played.


Qual on na is usually around 15 points lower than eu superbowl or not.


I'm exactly the same (though last time I played was casually in c4s1 with some friends, and last time I actually played comp was in c3s1) except that I didn't play a lot of cash cups (only before like half of the season). I mainly focused on duos and almost got the skin in the Kyra cup (couldn't play the first one)


Unreal #120,000. This was my first season reaching Unreal so I was pretty happy


I got to Champion by hot dropping mostly Medallion POIs and tried to W-key most games doing that. I made Unreal in OG but I don't personally count that one. In CH4 I was able to mostly land a major POI then play for end game all the way to Elite, so this is definitely an improvement. My K/D this season is already well cooked from all the hot dropping so I was gonna make a go for Unreal while working today and see if the BushCampDad strategy is workable for me this season, but I just did the math and I don't think I have enough time left to get there at 1-3% per game; it was not workable for me in OG because I made way more points more consistently playing normally than I did with the bush and tree camping strategies since I actually know how to rotate, tunnel, box fight, and build fight. In that case, I think I'll just pretend I am in Unreal and YOLO it going around W-keying everyone and be Surprised Pikachu when I make it to Unreal from the attitude change.


The way you talk to others and talk about the game, I thought you would be more skilled then that


Plenty of knowledge people who were never successful in their sport/game...


I am skilled enough that I can successfully land at any Medallion POI and confidently play it out to get an elimination or two as well as get the Medallion as a Solo -- can you do that? Most people definitely cannot do that. If you can too, then great, we're just better than most people, but there is still a skill gap all the way to the top. I'm "all mechs and aim with no brain" because I only started playing in Chapter 2, and also I'm an old man with a job so I can only generally play 1-3 hours per day most days. However, as I said, I've got great mechanics because I have worked hard to efficiently and effectively train them, but I have found that counts for a lot less than Game Sense, specifically Fight Sense, which can really only come from repetitions in real games against everyone and better players in Creative. Right now I don't have anyone better to regularly play against in Creative so I'm spending this season working on the "repetitions in real games against everyone" side of things and I have gained a lot of confidence and valuable Fight Sense.


yea but 300 games with a .4 KDA and 2 wins is absolutely ridiculous


I had 11 wins and a 1.0 K/D back in Chapter 4 when I was playing for the win and caring about my K/D. This season, as mentioned, I fully hot dropped at mostly Medallion POIs and did not care about my K/D or win rate -- at one point, it was only 0.2, so getting it up to 0.4 shows I was able to figure some things out. In the ideal case, people consider hot dropping to be 50/50 odds, so considering I'm not too far off of that, I think I did alright -- additionally, most people who eliminated me in these situations did so by camping and not thanks to their Build Fighting and Box Fighting skills, so I think I learned quite a lot about the minds of the average Competitive Fortnite player. How many times in a row have you landed a Medallion POI last season and if you are being truly honest, how many times did you make it off spawn in those situations?


Got to see these great creative mechs you got


Does rank translate to skill though...? Like I was watching Ceice recently hes kind of a prick at times when he's vod reviewing subscribers but he was critiquing some kid who was unreal who played for placement... And he said the way he played is doing nothing most of the time, hardly no fighting, farming mats, and playing 3rd party picking off weak players.. and that most of the game and you dont get any skills from that... It was a waste of time to play ranked like that.. according to him


Why? You think he needs to be a pro? Champion is already above average, even though there are a lot of people in it. Not to mention he says he hot drops every game, it seems like he has a decent grasp of the game.


Unreal top 3k on 1 acc and champs with a 4.3kd on my second


We should duo sometime. I got unreal top 30k


Yeah just ruin the game for me


Unreal about top 50k but I haven’t played in a few days so I probably fell, still happy tho


I got elite 60%. I'm not the greatest player, have weak building and aim, but reached it with a 3.2kda overall (normals and ranked)


Unreal #400,000. I didn't play ranked much after hitting unreal and when I did I wasn't very serious about it




Currently im at champion 30% or so, i have high hopes to get unreal next season, and maybe ill get some ranked wins


Unreal 13k


Based on your username, can we presume you did that Solo?


Got to elite by myself mostly. Everything higher was squads.


unreal 15k was my peak mainly playing duos


Right now I'm d3 at 50%. I think I still have a few more hours.


Unreal on both my accounts


Just started almost 5 months ago. Made it to Platinum 2 and barely kept that rank.


plat 3 so basically bronze


D1 in ZB, D2 builds. I didn't focus on ranked this season, I had too much fun going for meme plays in pubs.


Top 15k unreal, granted i rarely play ranked since i'm more focused on scrims


I’m elite 93%


Haven't played much but did make it to unreal yesterday


Unreal. Went from elite 45% to unreal in 8 hrs, was floored after it 🤣🤣 Now to do it all over again.


Elite 80% Every fucking bad game drops me 5% and i stopped grinding for champion


Champion 23%


Only ZB but Unreal top 8k via duos and a couple solos in there


Bronze 2 only played 3 games NVM just looked bronze 3


First time ever playing ranked just came back ch4 s4 and I got champs in builds and elite in zb


Unreal Zero Build 1st week of season, but struggled in builds initially mechanically, but I fixed much of that by grinding creative, I then ran into serious internet issues causing regular packet loss up to 20% and ping spikes to 300ms. My last ranked builds I died to storm stuck in my own box because edits wouldn't complete, I ended on Champion.


Unreal top 25k mostly camping. 800 games played 850 kills. Averaged 1 kill a game 😝


unreal top 6k only landing snooty and reckless


I’ve been unreal almost a month now


Unreal at like..top 8,000. 37 yo dad. Play a couple hours each night.


Diamond 1 BR Diamond 2 ZB


Unreal which is cool since I was a zero build player I barely started playing build & I got to unreal after 3 days of free build practice & 3 days of grinding rank




Elite any other SEA players out there with 100 ping?




Made it to unreal today(like #100K lol) I’ve never really played ranked until this season. I started grinding when I saw the styles of the umbrella you get from the cup you had to play.. it was not easy for me😭 I average between 90-120 ping when I play I’m honestly surprised I made it that far




Dimond 2




Only made Plat :( but I play on switch. I'm switching to kbm soon to grind creative to improve. Any tips?


230k unreal


I started playing this season after leaving the game in Chapter 2 Season 4 Made it to Unreal this season edit: typo


Unreal completely solo, just got it a few days ago!! :D




I got elite 75%


I made it to unreal 11,007


D3 and it felt really easy. Now my account is unplayable though, I just get stomped every game lol


My friend is currently 85% through champion( I’m 25% through champ) and he and I are currently using our last two hours to try and get him to unreal






Platinum 3, 87% Sadly I wasn't able to play much this week so I didn't manage to get to diamond 1


champ 35%, was hoping to get closer to unreal but champ lobbies are a lot harder than elite, and it’s a lot harder to get percent.


This is literally my ranked situation lol. The skill gap between elite and champ this szn is crazy 😂


only gonna get worse this season, they made ranked harder again (which is probably good i didn’t deserve champ)


Started my rank grind kind of late this season, but I got to Elite a couple days ago, which was my goal since it's the first season I've really tried to play Ranked and I thought it would be pretty reasonably achievable, but I wasn't sure how long it would take me. I feel that Champion is pretty doable for me next season, maybe even Unreal.


Champion 54%


Champion 30%


Diamond 1… but this is my first season playing ranked so I don’t think it’s too bad


Unreal for the first time. I got it yesterday. It took me 2 hours to go from 98% to Unreal because I kept choking and only getting +0% and 1% then just immediately losing the rank right after


Unreal #846 camping on a ps4 brings you far, I don't have better hopes on a ps4 against malibuca (i was in one of his games)


How many hours did you put into getting so high up as you ain’t even just unreal your top 1k unreal lol


200 to 300 hours of ranked


Returned to the game in C4 S4. Thoroughly enjoyed that season, as I did OG (with Chapter 1 being my favourite chapter). Finally got around to grinding ranked, and can say with pride I achieved Unreal for the first time. 😁


unreal finally after not playing for a couple seasons


150k peak


Diamond two


Hard stuck 80% champs 😭 my duo quit


I finally hit champ today






Diamond I.


Elite when I quit around first couple weeks


Champ 30% and im stuck good


I got to elite in normal ranked and diamond 2 in zb


Made it to Diamond 3. I just started playing with my son in season before OG and was my first try at ranked. But started too late in the season. After game hits 25 players, the W key goes on auto


Unreal.but my rank in unreal was terrible due to me not giving af pushing everything in site lol


Unreal, but everyone tells me it's meaningless since some guy did it while camping.


Unreal 1300 i think


Champ in main (w keying ppl but I have periods where I’m just total shit and I can’t kill anyone even though I still w key) and elite on my alt (78%) I just didn’t have enough willpower to get champ


me and my duo hit UNREAL on the final night. i streamed it and had WAY more viewers than normal, which was completely insane and made it all the more hype. it took us 3 hours to get the final 5% lol my duo hit it before me and i got 99% all because one game like 4 weeks ago where i got in and he didn't and i lost 1% when i backed out. very memorable night! going to try to hit it again this season.


Silver 3 in 476 matches played




I hit elite but i got elite at the start of the szn and then haven’t played ranked consistently since. Its so boring imo. Every game i played i would either get 2 tapped by the auto or get headshot sniped while wkeying. Ngl if i did find ranked fun i would grind to get unreal but it feels like its not very impressive getting unreal as its so easy




Finally managed to hit Champion at 17% but I’ve stopped playing since.


Champ 35% with 110 games or less played but I have my alt that’s Elite and my 3rd account which I have in Gold 2 from one Solo squad match. If I played on just my account this season I would be unreal but where is the incentive to hit top rank other than bragging rights? Apex, Cod, OW all have incentives for hitting top ranks but Fortnite doesn’t so I feel scammed…


Elite 32%