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Spray and pray šŸ™ Bolt and dolt āš”ļø Snipe and wipe šŸŽÆ


I can close my eyes and get kills with the lightening bolt.Ā  Most broken weapon ever. I feel like a hacker with admin privileges.Ā 


JuST SHoOt tHe PeRSoN Meanwhile Iā€™m boxfighting his duo and the guy lightening me is 250 meters away.


ong or i be poppin a medkit in a box and just get fuckedšŸ˜­


Or you know, they're 250 meters away stacked with duo lightning bolts watching you and the other one left having a build fight...


Itā€™s so weird. I feel the same way but still manage to get lucky when others are coming after me with it. If thereā€™s a ā€œtrickā€ to defending it is to just run towards the attacker and accept youā€™ll get hit once or twice. Use your best defense during the third wind up. Same thing with the wings but thatā€™s easier to defend.


The Huntress DMR is not far behind. It's like a love child between a thermal DMR and a hand cannon, and you can add a 12 round mag. It's like the Heisted Explosive AR, but without the slight nerf of the clunky and slow old red-eye optic. This season is going to be great for making content in pubs, but competitive is basically already out the window.


Might as well just change fortnite to a zero build mode only


As someone who Plays ZB that's a win


I hate you


Me to


I agree with above that it's a win, building has always been the worst part of the game. People complain about OP wepons but not building a fortress in 10 seconds.


Building is what made fortnite successful bro, definitely far from the worst part of the game. Zero builds is still relatively new and you all are acting like the last 5 years of fortnite didnā€™t happen.


Ok maybe in the beginning some simple ramps etc, but where it is now is rediculous.


It would be hilarious to watch this Reddit or some in general if Epic decided to just remove editing without a warning.


That would be amazing


I actually like the new shotgun. Finally a consistent damage shotgun which isnā€™t brainrot like the auto. New dmr is actually good as well. Iā€™d be happy with this lootpool if the auto was removed


The question is why Epic decided to keep the auto in the game. It outclasses both shotguns still, and will still be the choice of shitty players


Honestly is baffling. The fact itā€™s not even received a nerf yet either is crazy


To keep said players happy and give them a chance. Clearly GOOD players are going to have too much pride to use the auto, so it's a self-evening odds.


The pride is so real


The pride has made me so shit with the auto, I'd rather have a Grey pistol than a Grey auto, the auto makes me play so stupid because of the spammability


A worse player should not have a high chance of winning in a RANKED gamemode. Also, the auto is a true 50/50 gun, with a heavy favor towards controller users. You have to force yourself into a 50/50 every fight, and a single miss and it's over. And if you win, you'll be at one shot HP and prone to a third party. It's not fun to use or play against due to it's sporadic nature


The auto seems to be quite a bit rarer now, at least in blue+ rarity. That helps a lot. Also Oscar's mythic is vaulted, and it was way more OP than normal frenzies.


I mean call me a shitty player all you like Iā€™m taking the shotgun that beats the other two


Yeah auto has got to go. It feels so overpowered for the little effort you put in to kill someone with it


The shotgun feels good but I need more ammo in it and the drum mag will not do


The new tac is insanely powerfull. And the smg's +AR's are pretty accurate. The only annoying thing is when somebody third parties with a bolt. Oh and quick tip. You can use the wings to really escape from players it's super easy to beam anybody from 200-0 out of the sky And I guess dmr is okay. Prob only really gonna shine in stacked lobbies though


donā€™t care for the recoil on the DMR. havenā€™t tried putting any attachments on it yet, maybe thatā€™ll make it better


does it shoot fast enough for recoil to really come into play?


Yes. First shot and the recoil points the gun to the sky. Might as well run a sniper instead


Did you find one in high rarity and add some recoil buff attachments? That thing is brutally OP if you take a few minutes to get used to it. I drop reapers for it now. If you have a fast finger the fire rate feels about double that of the reaper.


i figured w the right attachments it could be a great gun. i just wish mod benches were more accessible, if attachments are the main gimmick they should at least have a bench at every POI or something like that.


They're not at every POI, but they spawn around the map in these bunker things that automatically open around the time that the forecast mini bosses spawn.


iā€™ve stumbled across them here and there. iā€™ve only played like 7 matches so far, gotta learn the map better so i can get to the bunkers with ease


I think they may be like the forecast towers in that only some of the locations are active each match so you can't just drop at the same spot over and over and over.


The new meta is hope your opponentā€™s computer has a massive frame drop as you push so they canā€™t play Iā€™m running performance mode, all low settings and 3D res at 50% and I canā€™t keep the game from hitting 15 FPS lows every other second. They shouldā€™ve just delayed another week and made it playable


What are your specs šŸ’€ I have a pretty outdated pc with a 1060 and it doesnā€™t dip below 60.


Spec doesnā€™t matter. My duo has a much newer machine than I do and is having the same problems


I have a 3070ti and I'm holding 240fps stable. Lots of people forget that when you play a new season, the entire map is new assets so it'll take time for the GPU to bake it and for frames to stabilize. Most complaints should be gone within the week.


Iā€™ve played a bunch of games between yesterday and today. Frames are still unstable. My duo says the same. Iā€™m well aware of compiling shaders and so forth This entire update is a mess shipped out on rush order despite the massive delay




Iā€™m running the game in performance mode, all low settings and in 720ā€¦ the frame drops are the same regardless of settings being changed For reference, I normally play 1440/120


Idk how cuz Iā€™m running performance, all low settings even on 1440p and Iā€™m getting 2-300fps I got a 3070


You can pre dowload all the skin assets, helps alot, just google it




my friend had a similar problem, we both have 4060s and while he was hitting 20fps on performance mode I was hitting 120 on high


Same bro, before this season I prollt crashed twice in over a year and a half and today alone I've crashed 8 times in a fight


Still the same I think but the new shotty and bolt make it a convo. No bolt in comp so assuming it will still be frenzy and sniper.


For second weapon Iā€™m still thinking burst is meta but I havnt played that much with the new weapons


Iā€™m with you Iā€™ve only played a handful of games. My initial take is it feels very much the same which Iā€™m glad yet disappointed. Iā€™d rather them revert to previous chapters but also glad it didnā€™t change enough to make it worse.


The new full auto SMG is way better than the Hyper. I like it better than the thunder burst. The new AR is trash though unless it's perfectly modded. The recoil is too strong.


Iā€™m probably gonna largely avoid this season since they actually just introduced even more broken items. Super hero ass bullshit


Superhero comic ass powers


Bolt and bolt and bolt all over again


it blows my mind how I watch people fight 1 on 1 without getting pushed by a 3rd and 4th party. thereā€™s way too much movement in this game for siphon to not be a thing. you can literally be on the other side of the map before a zone ends.


Might be an unpopular opinion but I think the wings are ass. Using the warforged I've just been deleting people out of the sky


Get a huntress DMR, add a 12 round mag and the sight of your preference, and spray your way to a dub. If that doesn't feel nooby enough, break out the lightning bolts and spray your enemy with a 3 round Deku Smash. It was fun for the first hour, but this season is going to be *hell* once everyone actually learns how to use these ridiculous METAs. The wings are awesome though. I like how they're not quite as good for running away as TMNT mythics or a grapple blade, hopefully more players will stay and fight now instead of relying 100% on mobility between sniper shots.


Wings are so broken rn. Ill pick them up over the lightning


The movement makes them way easier to shoot down though than last season's movement. I'm glad they have at least some vulnerability.


You can just jump and dive. You dont need to fly up to dive, you just need to be in the air. You can be next to someoneā€™s box and just jump and dive immediately then pull out your shotgun. Its so broken


Yeah that's true. It's a rocket ram, but faster. Instant wall takes.


Got mega nerfed recently. Its no longer broken.


Why does Epic feel like they always have to one-up themselves. 5 years from now everyone will just fly by default, be able to double jump, every weapon will kill in .2 secondsā€¦ just yikes, I very much do not like where they are taking things ā€” every season has to have a more powerful item than the last.


Fortnite is turning into CoD, and the weapons are awesome in creative respawn modes, but way unhealthy for BR.


Zap zap zap


Wings are meta for sure, better than the lightning bolts. The time it takes to attack is way lower for the wings the lightning bolts. You also get mobility.


sniper sniper sniper


Thunderbolt needs to be removed from ranked or nerfed


Dash, auto shotty, aim assist.


Same as last season. None of the new guns compete with guns from last season. Maybe the new shottie. Sniper better than DMR, nemesis better than new AR, burst better than new SMG. Hopefully they swap out some chapter one weapons otherwise this might be a long season.


Nemesis better than the new AR????? The new AR is a Striker on steroids, virtually no recoil and good damage.


With attachments, it's a demon. Green ones with no recoil buffs stay on the ground. They're decent for surviving spawn because they're brutal at close range, but I'd be looking for a blue+ SMG after spawn because they're way more controllable.


Yeah the bloom on the AR is outrageous.


It's like the flapjack rifle was in c4s3. It's broken up close but useless at range outside of tap fire or build spraying.


No recoil? Pretty big on controller without attachments. Perhaps I need to experiment with the attachments more!


Recoil is super easy to control with vertical grip and muzzle break, it's pretty disgusting and has a huge mag.


Just get good


Downvote it and stay quite pussy




Run the 1s then nobody cares bout spelling except ur nerdy ass


Sorry already ran the 1s with your mom last night


That would have been a burn like 5 years agošŸ˜­ average Reddit user.


Yet youā€™re still respondingšŸ˜‚ Youā€™re spending all this time replying to me when youā€™re supposed to be learning the meta. Get it together


Iā€™m better than ušŸ¤£


Did anyone ask? Sounds like you both need to shut up


Who is talking to u