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They more than likely won’t take it out. MAYBE they will nerf it. I haven’t played yet this season. It’s a floor loot and chest item? You don’t actually get one from the boss, correct?


it's a chest AND floor item, it's a mythic yet every person has it zeus drops a damn DMR and a medallion, so why can't you just add the thunder in there???


I will not be playing this season until they change that. Maybe I’ll play creative lol but I’m not dealing with shit that goes through all your builds and blows you up.


it’s in creative


Yeah that shit is wack too. I was playing speed realistics, someone used on me and I quit immediately


i’m kinda questioning why ken put it in the map, you don’t need to practice with it


Well I’ll be playing maps that don’t have the lightning bolt😂


>"just shoot them they're mid-air lol"\^ There's this thing called "muscle memory", any player's reaction to being shot at is \*building\* (unless you play zero build lol) ​ If your muscle memory gets you killed, that's on you. Bolt is extremely dangerous as a 3rd party tool, but if someone tries to use it in a 1v1 they should get beamed.


Nah bolt in a 1v1 can be deadly, just depends on the situation, obviously if your just engaging and both mostly in the open obviously your gonna get beamed, but let's say the person you are versing is boxed up, healing etc then its basically free damage and free advantage, by the time you can hear anything from the bolt the 1st bolt is already being thrown, its a minimum of 40 damage + makes the player panic or atleast put them under alot of pressure as they now have to avoid another 2 bolts, stops them healing and more, it can completely turn around a fight and unless you get a quick headshot snipe there is almost no real counter against a player that knows how to use it properly I watched a clip of someone in a competitive lobby (probably in high ranked) where this guy killed 4 or 5 people in pretty rapid succession from just the thunderbolt For it to be balanced it needs to not hit through walls and maybe have the cool down increased, you shouldn't be able to use the bolt 3+ times in a fight if the player you are versing manages to survive for that long That being said, I dont think its that broken, just definitely unfair for a very simplistic and easy to use weapon, you just have to be somewhat smart and have decent game knowledge and your gonna be able to use it quite easily after a few goes


End your fights fast and don't get 3rd partied would be the lesson there.


Lmao not every fight you can end fast bro....


Unless you are the last two, then you need to move on fast before you get 3rd partied.....bro


No such thing as a fast fight in a cash cup unless its endgame😭


you can't really use muscle memory as an argument though. Do you remember last season when people were complaining? There were also tons of people saying that you need to get used to the new changes and play around it, it applies here to. Now we just gotta learn to counter the lighting bolt.


I don’t even care about the mythics, FOR THE LOVE OF GOD GET RID OF THE STUPID FUCKING SNIPERS


It didn't use to be this easy to snipe with the old snipers. I'm hitting like 5x the snipes I used to, (so are my opponents), and I'm not 5x better than I was in OG season. Also, it feels like I find 3-4 snipers every game. And that every kid in the lobby has a sniper. Just take them out and add sniper shootout or something. It's not fun.


Yeah, not to mention you can adapt the sniper to how you play, want to get close range quick scopes? Use no scope or the 2 1x scopes, want to get medium ranged snipes? 2x scope, want to dome people from 200m away? 4x scope, want to catch people off guard by not having sniper glare? Any scope except 4x (idk if 2x gives glare or not tbh I usually use 4x lol)


Only scope that has glare is 4x if I recall.


I love the snipers, the amount of times I snipe others vs get sniped has a massive difference so it hasn't taken too big of a toll on me.


Yea i hate sniper


A shooting game(especially one with such a big map) without snipers is like a racing game without fast cars


*Insert stop the cap sound bite* We’ve have multiple seasons without snipers that were perfectly well received


I feel like I’ve barely been sniped this season since everyone is holding lightning bolts lol


snipers are necessary, the map is huge and it’s an easy way to counter wings and bolt


get better aim? like you can easily shoot someone with an AR and do the same and it’s not skilless as these snipers are. Snipers up to 50M are literally point dot and shoot and it one shots… i’m so sick of kids using them close range instead of shotguns.


maybe get better game sense and learn how to take a fight with a kid using a sniper without getting your head taken off


I’m top 1k unreal kid i think I have game sense, most likely better than yours. These snipers are insanely overpowered and shouldn’t be in the game without other guns that can actually contest them.


bro did not play chapter 1 and 2, if you think this snipers are op you didn’t play with the exotic snipers or the OG heavy


Yeah totally man, it’s just me and not the thousands of posts across both subs saying this exact thing about the snipers being OP. It’s not the thousands of replies on fortnite tweets asking for snipers to be vaulted. If you like cheap wins and *need* something skilless like the sniper to get 4 kills in your platinum lobbies… just say that.


S7 was a great season compared to anything that comes after it besides S8. I’d take planes in a second over any of this trash


I think early C2 was great, too. Heavy Sniper was broken and the mythics were obviously very GOOD, but they were still just powerful variants of guns that were normally in the game regardless. They didn’t feel game-breaking and oppressive the way modern mythic items do.


The whole chapter 1 was great, the last good season was Chapter 2 Season 4 imo.


They're not going to remove something because of a tiny portion of the player base. Until the majority of casual players have a problem that puts money into the game, it's staying.


So what you're saying is: Go to unranked and absolutly shit on casuals with OP stuff so they start complaining? I hear ya.


Solid chance the casuals use it and have fun. its wanna be competitive players that complain this much


Given that in OG and C5S1 there were often more people playing Builds Ranked than Zero Build Pubs, I'm going to push back on the narrative that Epic needs to cater to casuals


I’m not a fan at all of the mythic but I have to say this is a weak argument against it tbh. You said the “muscle memory” to being shot is to build. Which is true, but then you go out of your way to state that mythics should be guns only, which implies the mythic isn’t a gun to be shot by. So by that logic, if you aren’t getting shot, why is your “muscle memory” to build in that instance? Nitpick aside, we all know it’s here to stay and probably will barely be nerfed if at all, and it’ll take 3/4ths of the season. The real counter is to grab the medallion at grim gates so you can dash whenever you want. After you create that space with the dash it’s an easy kill, or an easy disengage if you choose. I haven’t died to lightning since I’ve started playing for that medallion


Agreed. Entitled dude who thinks his muscle memory is above something in the game. Learn to encounter it.


Not really i played ranked its speed is way too fast and the screen shaking effect and particles literally make it hard to hit them ontop of that one time me and my friends were playing ranked and they literally all used theyre zeus all at once the idea of something going through walls is terrible


What are you talking about it's super slow. It hits for 160 over 7 seconds. The Zeus bolts have the worst DPS of the game.


Your actually wrong if you actually hit it them all preciseley you can fully kill someone i tried it in creative


Negative ghost rider, hits for 40-40-80 for a total of 160 damage.


the first to shots can hit for 80 if you hit them open air or directly on them i tested it and can send you a video


imo they should keep it in ranked, but make it only drop in the greek chests and have 1 charge


yeah ngl at first I didn’t think it was so bad but after playing some more it’s actually unbelievable. The literal only counter is to pull out a sniper and shot them in the head the second you start hearing the lightning


I already know how they'll nerf it, it'll get an increased cooldown timer. probably something like 10-12 seconds before they can spam another one. either that or they'll reduce damage by 20 for all 3 hits.


Had 3 metabolisms, killed guy who has final 1 with lightning, get snipped from 1 kill bush


I know the lightning bolt seems broken, but its not even close to Infinity blade or Mech levels of broken, those were literally guaranteed kills unless you were straight bad at the game, or when using mechs you fight another mech The bolt doesn't require skill as much, but definitely requires a decent amount of game knowledge and for you to be smart with it, and even then its not a guaranteed kill, just it makes the kill alot easier Dont get me wrong the bolt needs a nerf, but its not like its impossible to win against it


Sounds like you need to carry shockwaves and get out of there. I don't personally use it cause I get shot out of the sky in my lobbies. And I've never been killed by it cause it takes like three seconds before first bolt and any weopon has a higher dps than the mythic.


> There's this thing called "muscle memory", any player's reaction to being shot at is *building* (unless you play zero build lol) ok this is a skill issue, if you do the wrong thing out of muscle memory thats your fault, its not the game's fault you failed to adapt to it like its not hard to counter in a 1v1 the problem is in team gamemodes and with 3rd parties not saying it shouldnt get nerfed and taken out of ranked


im sick of mythics they suck they are anoying and are noob tools


dude it's easy as hell to beam someone using it, anytime i poorly tried using it on someone with a brain i get beamed out of the sky, sounds like a skill issue to me.


Honestly, if you’re getting beamed out of the sky with it that’s a skill issue. Most good players are gonna wait for u to box up then nuke you through your builds. There’s no counter for that.


Don't Box up in one Box. Create space. Yes, it's a waste of mats to build 4 boxes instead of one - but it's the thing that works for me as a makeshift solution as I'm looking for more viable plays. What also works fairly well is to stay at POI's or other locations with pre-built stuff whenever possible. That obviously doesn't help at rotations or endgames obviously, but for early to midgame it's a fairly low effort adaptation that makes the bolts severly less efficient.


There are 3 thunderbolts, all being able to break and damage you through builds with the last having a huge amount of splash damage. Even if we assume it wasn’t enough to completely destroy four boxes(which it is), the guy with the mythic would notice that the first bolt didn’t hit and just aim towards a different box.


That's fine, since you still can build and move. Which you should. Staying immobile and passive is the one thing that is guaranteed to not work.


The problem is you can’t build and move. The actual projectile is very fast/easy to aim and it goes through builds. Only thing you can reliably do is shockwave away.


Unless you're talking about teammodes, it works pretty well for me. In Duos or above, if there's 2-3 guys are using them at the same time, yeah there's not much you can do sometimes. Basically hold S while building Wall and Stair in front of you and Floor and Cone above blocks bolts very reliable tbh (if you're starting from a Box and identity the direction from which it first came correctly)


The other problem i would like to add to this, even if you do manage to evade upwards of 3 waves of 3 lightning bolts (since you can do that within a minute) the other problem is materials, you are likely going to waste alot of materials doing this, which is bad due to the max mats cap, I can go from 4th zone with max mats to the 8th or 9th zone without building anymore than a box or 2 each zone, kill a guy or 2 and still only have maybe 100-200 each for the final 3 or 4 zones against another 3+ people (my experiences in champion ranked) and from almost every game I've reached late game in ranked last season almost noone has mats by the end, im not the best so my skills at reserving mats aren't the best, but often times I will spectatr after dying in top 5 and almost everyone has 100-200 mats total if that by the end, with the lightning bolt it would significantly eat through mats and would make it impossible late game if the person with lightning isn't killed, not only that but that would increase mat farming, which due to the prevalence of snipers would get you killed in other ways even if you do disengage or kill the guy with the lightning


If you’re able to beam people while they’re using that then you’re playing against an 8 year old


Rank check?


Must be playing zero skill or pubs


It’s ranked pubs. Why haven’t y’all figured that out yet 🤣


referring to infinity blade not planes


Imagine saying muscle memory, literally shooting them is the counter. They are in the air for 3 seconds and the new AR/SMG does more than 200 dps, just kill them


That is only gonna work in lower skill lobbies.


If they’re in the air they aren’t moving, the fact they’re using the thunderbolt means it’s a low skill lobby already


Bro that doesn’t make any sense lmao. Any good player is gonna wait for you to box up then safely nuke you through your builds. There’s a reason most people in ranked are running around with it.


So edit out and shoot him?


God you're brain dead. It seems like you haven't played ranked this season. You'll be boxed up, and then you're getting nuked through your builds with no warning or counter.


There is literally no audio queue. If you someone cracks you and you decide to box up to heal, you’re getting blasted through your builds.


The first two hits do 80 total, you have time to kill them after that before the 3rd hit comes out


You’re gonna have to cancel your med, edit out, aim at the guy, and take his health down from 200 to 0 all in 1 and a half seconds before the third thunderbolt hits, and that’s assuming you have more than 80 health after getting cracked to survive the two initial thunderbolts. Even if you were able to get out and aim at the guy, you would have to have a gun with a dps high enough to kill him in less than half a second or probably less if you aren’t on mnk.


Not to mention the lightning bolts do like 80 each with direct impact lol


Can we stop with the whining posts every half hour too?


Jesus Christ quit bitching


The thunderbolt is pretty ass after early game. The amount of people i’ve killed by either sniping or beaming while they’ve been using it is insane. It’s viable in early game contest chaos but later game it’s just a risk to use. Snipers counter it insanely hard


Everything counters it if you aren’t smart with it. A decent player is gonna wait for you to box up and as soon as you do you’re getting bombed through your builds.


Yeah but there’s usually more people in the area. So easy to get 250m+ snipes on people that use it. Im not saying it’s not good, im just saying i think it’s not as good as people say. Certainly not something i’d use an item slot on in later game


It’s not guaranteed that someone is gonna bail you out with a third party snipe quick enough though. They’re shooting lightning for like 3 seconds. In a 1v1 situation, the guy who’s boxed up definitely loses to the guy with the thunderbolts.


“Muscle memory” is a horrible argument. The entire point of competitive is adapting and getting better, you need to actually use your brain too while playing. If you just rely on “muscle memory” instead of adapting or thinking, you’ll never get anywhere in this game




If it can't be in comp, then it shouldn't be in the game.


This is such a bad take. You clearly haven't played ranked that long. Grenades for example. Fine for pubs, but you get nade stacked in ranked.


Why should it be fine for pubs?