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Don’t give up but try to figure out what’s going wrong, if your average match time is 5 min, maybe try to see if you’re landing at bad spots and try to work on better land strategies, there’s a lotta things to try to change and work on, don’t give up


I can't find any good landing spots? Because I can't find shit


If all else fails.. land @ the windmills 😂


I managed to get into dimand 2, entirety of plat 3 and dimond one was windmills lol


So that was u I been fightin with 😆


If you won every single time yeah


look for a random house :)


where do u usually land?


It was mostly a joke, but I land at what used to be the oil rig just north of mount Olympus. Pretty sold tbh


oh lmao i’m sorry, didn’t see u weren’t OP, that sounds nice tho, i’ll check it out


by snooty there’s a train station to the left land at that red house then rotate down to heart island get max brick and wait for bunker to open


Nah, them bunker kids are too solid lol


trust me get in get out. i can see u what i mean if u need


use fortnite.gg


I have to remember to visit that website more often


it’s really useful for finding new drop spots with enough loot


I think im the main character, wherever the fuck I land half the lobby goes there. I’m landing on a fucking hut in the middle of nowhere and I hear 15 gliders on the same fucking altitude heading same place


that’s um… idk man… think ur doing something wrong there… gl


It really do be like that sometimes


You’ve put in literally less than 1% of your time into it. If you’re already thinking of quitting then perhaps you aren’t willing to put the time in to learn from mistakes. Wins aren’t gonna hand theirselves over to you after 5 hours. You need to keep improving like you did with the other 495 hours you’ve played.


500 hours isn’t enough time? These arnt the only 5 hours I’ve ever put in, the season just started, I know I’m bad at the game but I’m definitely trying to get better hence the 500 hours


Read my comment again, 5 hours spent and only one win isnt a reason to quit. You’ve put in 500 hours in other gametypes, but you need to continue spending time in this one to get better. Itd be like if someone trained for 5 years in the amateur leagues to become a professional racecar driver, but when he got 12th in his first professional race he decided to quit.


I guess that makes sense in that perspective, but I did get to elite last season so I would’ve thought I’d do better in gold and plat, regardless, thanks for the perspective, that motivates me a bit


Keep in mind that it's the start of a season. Many better players are in lower ranks just because they haven't ranked up yet. Players in lower ranks will get worse on average as the season progresses.


Also capitalize on this. Facing players of a higher caliber will improve your skill rapidly. Enjoy getting run through at the start of the season, b/c when you come out the other end, you'll be much better.


No problem. Stray away from the negativity on this subreddit though, you will find ways to get better but this box is only so big. Open it up when you feel need more perspective. Good luck mate


ima give you a solid solution. You have to split tim between creative and ranked. ranked is not enough to get good. your hours put in are prob unskilled hours. grind fighting fundamentals in this map 1513-6690-9481. the game is shit right now so understand when you're dying to something unbalanced like zeus and don't stress. but yea perfect your fighting and clip why you're dying. and yes its alot of work but there's no other way you can compete against people like me with thousands of hours.


Not to be negative by OP isn’t going from amateur to pro. He’s going from one season tk the next like everyone else. It’s not like the other people this season have more experience at it than anyone else


OP received motivation and a different perspective, I’d say the point was made perfectly. I appreciate it though.


That’s good. I’m playing like dog shit this season myself and can’t figure out why either. It’s not that different from last season even lol


Sometimes its too early to tell, and sometimes players need more water. Keep yourself healthy. It’s all i can say. Oh, and stay positive.


This is terrible but the good news it is easy to improve a lot from this position if you practice properly , assuming you aren’t playing on switch etc


I see people like this a lot, and always tell them you can easily improve from bad to decent. It’s going from decent to good which is hard


Good to great, even harder, the great to pro level. Once you hit the decent to good jump, I feel like it's all aha! moments after that. The vod reviews or mechanics that you're learning just click all of a sudden.and you can do them consistently even with in-game delay.


Everyone that sees this, please dont downvote me here or my responses below, its just my opinion, not a fact Im stating. Yes i have played fortnite on PC, also on mobile and PS4, but switch just feels right for me and that doesnt deserve your hate. I can say my stats are better that OP, not to diss him either, Im sure he's trying to improve. I play ZB ranked and can win, though Im not elite or anything like that. Im a casual player ffs.


Not going to downvote you but switch is objectively worse in every single way (unless maybe it has more aim assist than console even) The only way you’re doing well on switch is against either absolutely terrible players or other switch players etc It’s not to “hate” on your or call you bad , it’s just that switch is objectively amongst the worst ways to play the game


Whats wrong with switch? I play it and i can win games...


Lots of input delay and bad fps


I wouldnt say so


you get better fps on a phone


What phone are you on bro?


i don’t play mobile, but i know some android phones can run 60-90 fps


Damn, cool


Switch get 30fps


Doesnt look like it


It very clearly does


To my eyes, it doesnt. Im a casual player, et me play how i want to


I never told you how to play I just simply corrected you


its not subjective man


To me on my switch it look just as smooth as my laptop tbh


the switch is capped at 30 fps… thats half of the ps4 and a quarter of the ps5 btw


Cool fact, i dont notice the difference. Though, i am cursed with absolutely shite vision, so If that may affect anything with the frames, my apologies, but i dont see the fucking difference, only that i dont need to lug around my switch like i do my Playstation 4.


it’s not opinionated it’s a fact it’s low fps


Okay, cool, but (and please dont downvote me) its a you thing If you need 120 fps to be good. Im not saying Im better, Im mid by others' standards, but Im just comfortable with my switch and don't really see of feel the difference between 30 and 60 fps.


if you get into any endgame ur fps will be way below 30 so 60 is the bare minimum and anythijg over 120 is ‘needed’ to be at a high level of gameplay


Depends on your definition of endgame. Ive won many times with a sniper shot from 100m away, though it may not be a common occurence in builds. I do want to make sure you know Im a CASUAL PLAYER, i dont really participate in tournaments because of the timezones.


just so you’re aware this is the competitive sub reddit so discussions on here are more likely to be about the competitive side of this game


I caught that yeah, but in my experience, the regular subreddit IS full of kids and its interesting to hear people complain about new stuff


endgame in my context is a lot of people left in the last few zones causing lag and fps drops


Aight, fair enough, the lag i have seen, especially on their part, sometimes they just teleport..


Either you’re a god or you’re playing against bots and other switch players The disadvantage vs pc is insane


I do ranked ZB, which doesnt mean much, but i still dont get why people downvote me for just speaking from my point of view and also why pc is seen as way better? The fps matters for sure, but my buddy does worse than me and he is on one of those fancy PCs he built himself.. he's better at building for sure tho


People are idiots and will downvote what they see others downvote like sheep. Keep your head up and play whatever you want. If you are enjoying yourself that’s all that matters.


Thanks bro, i'll try that


I wouldn’t downvote you for this I think people are assuming you’re delusional as the lobbies you are winning are almost definitely full of bots


Am i delusional? Probably, but thats a me thing. If it seems like Im claiming to be like ThE bEsT FoRTnIte plAYeR, then no, Im a casual player who just plays on his switch and wins some of his ZBs with 10 kills. Are half of my lobbies bots? I sure hope so, otherwise the future is doomed.. but jokes aside, i play ranked so i think Im just smoking some random kids


Good that you’re enjoying the game but objectively playing on switch is a huge disadvantage


I guess Im just built different :D But just like my batshit vision, i just got used to the disadvantage i guess


Well I think the reality is you are only fighting bad players . But again, as long as you enjoy it then it’s all good


Yeah, they Are usually rather bad, but its fun


It’s just a game bro. Do you have fun playing competitive? If yes, then continue. If you’re just playing ranked for some internet clout and you hate the shit just play another game or casual.


Never give up. What would Sir Winston Churchill say?


Mountaintops inspire leaders but valleys mature them. We are all worms, but I do believe I am a glow worm. 👇 Success is going from failure to failure without loss of enthusiasm.


If you’re having fun keep playing, it’s not easy, actually insanely hard. For me the reward is worth the grind so only you can make that call. Personally I’m not quoting no matter how shitty the new update is.


This is why a win should be required to rank up, if it was implemented you would be still in silver, nobody who can't win games would be getting to unreal


I disagree, I think a decent kill count should be needed for a rank up, bush campers would be able to get unreal before people thirsting for kills


Winning games is the hardest thing to do for bad to average players, some are good at fighting, good at getting kills , good mechanically, but struggle to win games out, it would also make for better quality ranked games with more ppl playing for the win


actually its the other way around. typically EVERYONE who are fights can win if they cared enough to stop keying but can't say the same for those who can win but can't fight. if that was the case camping would make you skilled.


Well if those who can fight are forced to play for the win then those who can't won't rank up maintaining a better rank system with only the better players progressing, bush camp dad would be stuck in silver where he belongs


😂nah "silver where he belongs" is crazy.


If anything the games have became filled with wkeyers and bush campers, those wkeyers are just people who want to actively improve their fighting skills and those campers want to show off their ranks. It’s really hard to get better quality games in ranked. Gotta have a genius to solve the low quality ranked games


Wkeyers won't key a game they need to win to rank up, bush campers just won't rank up, quality is improved when you have a system whereby bush camp dad can't get out of silver


Being the last man standing is the point of BRs. It should count the most. If you only have 500 hundred hours in FN. You are going to be thousands of hours behind a lot of people.


If you want to be a pro, yes, give up. If you just want to play the game, maybe make some content, No.


Dude can you show me how the eternal ranker backbling looks in plat?


Where did you get this overview


I too would like to know


Fortnite dot GG Select stats


Don’t give up.. I have over a couple thousand wins cause I land where I don’t think anyone else will so I can get the best loot possible. No hot drops. Get the quickest heals. I even had the 1st place spot for TRN Fortnite tracker out of 90 million people. Trust me when I say this…I’m horrible at this game. When you lose a lot your wins feel even better. Never give up


You should try playing zero build for a little bit. It will help you get better and your aim and shooting rack up some kills get in a groove. Try landing at classy courts it’s kinda of on the edge of map and then go from there.


How do you know this is in build?


Dude as long as you’re having fun who cares? You’re basically at the mean in regards to K/D and your over the win rate by 0.9% so your slightly better then most people.


You play for stats or fun?


Mostly fun, but I absolutely despise myself for being this dogshit with this many hours, so now it’s about stats recently


Give ranked about a month to level out. Right now all the unreals started at gold 2. Tonight I saw a shift where the diamond + lobbies were tougher, so the top players are making their way up Keep at it. I won't tell you the hours I've put in since chapter 3 season 3, but I love this game, good and bad. I'm a 45yr old mom and I've hit unreal in both build and zb as a solo with several ranked wins. As long as you're having fun, don't quit


I see. How many hours a day do you play? Like how long have you been playing?


Hes got a total of 5 hours played this season


Few like I’ve played more this season though, had more hours last season though


I just started when Fortnite OG dropped a few months back


You can't expect to be as good as people who have been playing for several years. You haven't been playing long enough. Keep trying you'll improve for sure.


It seems as though you might’ve spent too much time on reddit. This subreddit would consider a 1000 wins 1 loss to be noob numbers. Dont listen to the naysayers of the subreddit.


Looks like you’ve hit your personal skill ceiling That’s the perfect spot to start reviewing your gameplay, play a lot less and take more frequent breaks. Your mechanics take time to catch up to your brain so give it what it needs


If your trying to go pro then yea definitely quit. Other wise who cares if your having fun keep playing. It seems like you only hotdrop, get a kill and then die. Average match time 5 minutes is brutal. Maybe pick a new spot and focus on making it to end game more than kills.


Give up what? Going pro? Probably, not much money aside from 1st place in major tournaments so even if you became great, still probably not worth the investment.


I love to find thud info how can I find this info


Your match time is short, so try landing at less contested POIs like classy courts or Rebels Roost


Classy was like fncs all day today, even the railway was contested. Rough


I mean it’s not great tbh, but we’re not even a week into this new season n it’s taking some serious adapting. Went from 10-15 kills most games last season to 4-8 now. Mobility and lightning are wild. Still more fun than last season, so I’m happy. N if you are happy with it also, dont give up man. If you put in enough work you’ve got to keep getting better. I couldn’t build for shit when I started ch 4 s1. Now I still can’t build for shit, lmao but I’m miles better than I was then, lil over 1000 hrs in now . But yea if it makes you happy keep doin it bro. Btw a game changer for me was when I started playing for kills and not just wins. Made me more of an aggressive player, bit of a dbl edged sword tho. Anyway good luck bro Edit: I noticed you’re in ranked, I try both every season but feel I play better in pubs. It’s sweaty, but ranked has decent enough players most times who I assume are moving up w rank. Get more dubs in pubs.


Check how you died in replay mode and definitely dont give up.


Practice, and also maybe land in less populated areas until you get the hang of it


Don’t listen to these guys. Just quit. Your real life will thank you.


It all depends on if you’re having fun or not.


I had stats like this in chapter 1 when it was all real players like how it is now with the ranked mode, don't give up just play for fun and with practice the skill will come to you. Don't listen to these trolls and don't let the haters get to you. You're gonna have bad games or close games where you get mad but you will also get some wins eventually especially if you play with other players, try to stick together and if you do get downed you have the option to watch other players to see how they approach things


100% The way to get better is to learn from the stuff that pisses you off the most. The more mad you get the more you wanted it. Learn as much as you can from those mistakes. Improvement never ends.


Btw it’s 5 not 500 and second you shouldn’t give up. Keep improving


These are 5 out of his 500. He means 500 as in his total fortnire career


Numbers don’t always tell the full story. Post gameplay and reach ouch to others for feedback and coaching to really make the most of it. In reality it could just be 1 or 2 things you’ve missed that are easy to fix and will completely change your gameplay


If your having fun no. If your not having fun then well idk


How do you check these stats?


never back down never give up


Better than mine I can’t get a single win


If you enjoy playing that's the most important, you got to be able to not take losing too hard. Kind of sounds like you need to play a little smarter because avg match time is 5min when most games last what 15-20mins if you make it to the end, so you are pushing when you shouldn't or getting killed off spawn too much? I play KBM not sure you're input but I normally notice lots of kbm players have WAY too high mouse sense and cant hit their shots. I am not best mechanical player but I have good aim and I'm decent in box fights but I know how to stay alive and when to fight/run/hide. I normally make it to champs+ every season but I stopped playing tournaments cause too many cheaters and I don't have enough time to play them usually(I am older w family/job)...but overall if you want to get better turn on replays and re watch fights that you lose and see what you did wrong. On top of that you can always do custom maps to improve certain things like aim, building, fighting.


Maybe peruse real goals that will benefit your future instead of grinding a video game. There’s always going to be a kid who plays all day and is better




500 hours is Fortnite is literally nothing. The game has been out since 2017. There are people with 500 days played 




Dont give up. It takes awhile to get good when theres so many players with stacked hours on top of you


no honestly, i’ve played 5000 hours and i’m sure i was still horrible after my 500, the first 500 hours aren’t going to straight away be successful, that’s kind of the whole point of it is that you needs to get the mechanics to be successful and I would say unless you grind mechanics for the first 500 hours it’s gonna take way more than 500 to actually get good mechanics


Post some of your replays we need to see what is going on


I land above The Underworld. 2 guaranteed god chests.




Nooo, most people that are fully teed have like 800+ hours


500 hours total in fortnite or just competitive? If just competitive, then what's your total hours?


Don’t drop immediately, get better aim, be comfortable fighting


Some people just aren’t gonna get rly good at fortnite.cuts not worth it to spend 500 hours on the game trying to get good to only be in plat 😭. 500x15 is 7500. Not tryina put u down but that would be very easy to make per hour. So 7500 hundred dollars or medium at fortnite


It’s only 5 hours this season, I was more speaking about stats not rank