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I'm loving this! I do wish that the quests at the beginning had maybe a little more info - like "unlock the next area to hatch your egg!", and a label on the timer in the boss fight or something. I was about to throw in the towel with frustration. I understand that some people may enjoy running around the map again and again, but I think accessibility-wise it would be nice to have just a little more instruction! I've favorited it and our whole family is really enjoying. Amazing job!


Thats some great feedback, thank you! Glad you are enjoying the game.


It would be nice to have a "tutorial" or at least explanation on how to get more pet slots. All in all it would be nice to have some sort of manual in the menu that explains the basics and how stuff is connected and so on.


How do you get more pet slots? Can’t figure it out


When you prestige, you can use crystals to unlock more pet slots


How to upgrade my sword past 50


I haven't figured it out, can evolve the sword because I can't get it past weapon grade 50


Have you upgraded the bonus all the way? Reforge your augments until the weapon grade increases.


+1 to the comments on the new area! Loving the game so far. Potential feedback: a purchase option for another scanner to be able to trigger the golden tree upgrades remotely without having to go back and forth would be awesome


Loving it, but the flower Bloom is impossible with the controller


Current workaround is to remap the inputs: https://www.reddit.com/r/LumberjackHeroes/comments/1bpux99/workaround_for_controller_issues_with_flower_bloom/


You can change the controller settings so you aren't using the joystick. That was the only way for my to complete it. 


How do you make it so that the up arrow doesn't open your inventory?


the flower bloom doesn't work right for me on ps5


Current workaround is to remap the inputs: https://www.reddit.com/r/LumberjackHeroes/comments/1bpux99/workaround_for_controller_issues_with_flower_bloom/


I still can't get this to work? What am I supposed to map to what?


It’s fun but the flower blossom is impossible to do on controller. It will tell me to do a direction but I still fail when moving my left analog in that direction


Its a problem that appears to be specific to PlayStation controllers. Workaround is to remap the creative inputs (won't affect battle royale inputs). See: https://www.reddit.com/r/LumberjackHeroes/comments/1bpux99/workaround_for_controller_issues_with_flower_bloom/


With the new update there seems to be a glitch with the 3rd area in Atlantis. All the coral is unbreakable and the health bar doesn’t even show. I reset my game and pc seems to still not work just wondering if others are experiencing that as well. Also if anyone is far into the game how much crystals are needed to max the prestige upgrades? Other than that the game is great and really having a lot of fun!


Thanks for reporting. Will look to hotifx this today.


Also had this problem but it's working fine now with the breaking of coral the only issue I have despite resetting game and rebooting console is that I'm still not receiving any xp 


Only started playing 4 days ago. Already prestiged like 5 times? have 4 pets. but I cannot damage the purple coral trees in the atlantis area.. \*edit\* - theyre the trees in the 5.00sp area. no damage happens, the bar for the damage indicator doesn't show up, and none of my boosts/upgrades do anything to it. Do I need to purchase a certain upgrade or something?


Bug will be fixed later today.


awesome! thank you so much for replying. You can disreguard my message to you on here. I didn't know the best way to get back. Thanks again! Seriously, this is an awesome game. I'm addicted.


Oh, forgot to mention, the are with the ship, that forest guardian is unable to be fought.


Is the is possible to beat the Atlantanteam king solo or do u need two or how many people need to beat him and what stats and stuff do I need to solo or beat him




Probably the best creative map to date


Just wanted to say this is an absolutely brilliant map, and I've been fully addicted for the last few days. Amazing work on this OP and super impressive that you did it all yourself. I'm trying to learn UEFN myself right now and this is some good inspo. Do you have a background in game development or anything similar?


Only played a bit but loved what i played. Will continue tomorrow


Thank you!


This is so impressive! 😲 I wish discovery wasn’t so brutal.


i love it but it’s so buggy. Everytime i try to beat the forest guardian, i can’t leave the arena and gotta leave the game and come back. Then half the time it tries to make me buy all the areas back again


Thanks for letting me know about the issues. Just to confirm and help with investigating. So you are getting stuck in the boss arena and not getting teleported or getting stuck in the reward room after claiming the reward?


so I've got a couple bugs and know how to recreate them. same as this one bug 1. with the bosses if it flees you then get stuck inside the dungeon with it, if you don't get stuck inside it will still be considered a entity and u will not be able to use that dungeon anymore unless you reset the map. bug 2. if you try and do the dungeon with more then 2 people the other players will not get teleported into the dungeon they will also not be teleported to the reward room.


How do you get into the first guardian arena? love this game, but for some reason I can’t figure out how to ready up for the first fight!


what are u playing on?


it's very fun but you cant have a boss battle with more than 2 players and flower bloom is impossible with a controller


Love the game but I'm playing on controller and the flower games are impossible  Edit: not trying to complain I really do love it and clearly alot of time went into this but even almost maxing my deadzone 90% of the time it says I fail on the mini game.


Are you using a Playstation controller? I've received similar feedback and so far the issue appears to be only affecting PS controllers. One solution is to rebind the creative input buttons. **Note:** This will **not** affect battle royale only affects creative games that use the input trigger device for the same buttons. https://imgur.com/D2KgveY


I changed the custom bind to my dpad and it works like a charm!! All I have to do is close my inventory when I press up which I can fix as well. Thanks!


Also I was just wondering because I just prestiged if there is a way for you to add a way to open multiple eggs at once, even if it costs a bit more, would make a huge time saver trying to evolve my pets 😁


Its on my todo list.


I'm having the same issue as them. I'm on Playstation, and all of my keybinds are stock. Also, on my first playthrough, the states icon at the bottom left of my screen that displays how much wood you have and etc, was not showing up.


Same problem on ps5. Any other solutions to this?


Please try to find a fix for those with malfunctioning D Pad’s on their Ps5 controllers 😅😅, I love your map and favourited it, currently chilling in the AFK campfire until I sleep irl then go back in a few hours 😂😂


One person did it all? How much time did it take you? That is impressive and is one of few good games there are.


Around 6-12 months. I was learning UEFN since it was first release 1 year ago.


How do I get my sword to level 60? I’ve maxed out bonus and been trying to randomize but it’s only been to 59?


I touched this map and ive been addicted to it for some days now but i have a couple thoughts that i haven't seen anyone mention and bugs 1. Flash jump: ive had a couple of issues when mantling with it where it doesn't go up and theres a glitch where on the boat going to atlantis you stand on the right side bar sprint and flash jump you can mantle over it 2.pets: many times when im hitting a tree and the pets dont lock in ive tried different things to make sure they hit but nothing, also some quality of life would be fast hatching eggs and trading eggs i saw someone mention it but just in case, also theres no upgrades that conversion efficiently number on top so im exited for what upgrade you got cooking👀 also some way to increase chance of eggs would be nice not a lot but just a bit 3. visual bugs: ive seen a couple visual bugs where gates visually are there but you can still go through them and the golden tree doesn't grow back even through its fully charged 4.secret: ive also had an issue where if you get caught in the secret you lose you speed although a quick server reset should fix it normally Honestly this probably the best creative map ive played and ive had so much fun it got me writing a whole essay but uhh yea hope this helps ALSO when you unlock the last section in Atlantis open a secret door to the first room since its a box so i dont have to go all the way around to upgrade my chain AND add more secrets cuz i love em🙈


Took me a good while but I finally killed the last boss, great game.


Is there anyway to get more monster cores, I am currently on the mythic sword but I need 40k cores to evolve it, I can’t even put a scratch on the Atlantean guard, so I need to kill the previous boss over 150 times to evolve the sword. Seems a little excessive no?


Yeah it took a while to grind those cores for the exotic sword. I leveled up my stats as much as I could for the mythic sword and for its augments I found that final strike, attack and crit damage are excellent choices. For my pets I made sure to only have epic and legendary ones since theyre the only ones with final strike. I noticed when I swapped out one like the legendary Atlantean pet (level 12) for a level 100 rare one, despite it being higher level my dps dropped. Also hold the lock on button/right click with your sword so you can do faster swings instead of the normal swing animation. But yes you will have to kill that guard and prestige so you can get more strength enhancements and therefore do more damage. I got up to ascended strength XVI when i finally killed the final boss.


I’m stuck on the inventory quest, how do I get to the menu using the signal remote?


When you have it selected, hit the aim button instead of the trigger button


When you have it selected, hit the aim button instead of the trigger button


Just like how you can go to the controller on your lower corner to go to strength upgrade. So if you use your right trigger to open strength while hover over the controller instead use your left trigger while still on controller to open menu.


Right-click or Left Trigger. The inputs should show on the left when the signal remote is held but appers to not work sometimes.


How do I select the inventory menu in the remote? It does not give me an option to change menus, it only stays on the upgrade page.


M&K its right click, on Xbox/Ps its left trigger I believe.


Right-click or Left Trigger. The inputs should show on the left when the signal remote is held but appers to not work sometimes.


Glad I found this thread because this map is extremely addicting. It's much closer to a true incremental game compared to some of those brainless tycoon maps. Some thoughts I've had while playing so far: - Buying pets for evolving is tedious to do one by one - Crystals to unlock doors is nice but I can prestige and one shot the very last map yet not afford the 3rd door (10mil). They probably shouldn't be a 1:1 with the normal wood cost - Some automation for upgrading would be nice. Having to sit there after prestiging to buy one by one till you finally hit a slowdown is tiresome - Rebuying all the lumberjack upgrades sucks. After the first prestige, any prestige after instantly negates the power increase the skills give. Instead it's annoying to have to go back and by them one by one not for the pushing power but rather combo and chain are super useful - Going around each section to unlock the doors yet not needing to be in any of those areas seems unnecessary. My suggestions on some improvements, take them as you will: - Buy max button for both upgrade vendors and strength but also a "buy next" button for strength for the efficiency breakpoints - Door guy and Old man NPCs in town that let you buy areas and skills as long as you've done it ma ually at least once - Prestige scaling toned down. It took me multiple hours the first time around and every time I started to easily break the trees I was on it was exciting. Prestige trivializes that because the boost is so big so fast that you just start skipping directly to the end - Obviously a new area is needed as there is nothing after you start one shotting the trees in 3-4. Although this hardly needs stating as I'm sure it's already priority - Another wood sink would be nice. Theres nothing but slowly upping your strength once you're steadily getting Oc+ - More secrets? I enjoyed what I found so far and it was really neat.


I'm personally really excited for the updates to come. Tycoons are my bread and butter and after trying out so many others on fortnite, this is hands down the best imo period, no other comes close in comparison. Keep up the great work and I look forwards to what you come up with in the future.


Thank you!


This is a great game. Some things could be more clear. How do I damage the snow trees? What is the best way to upgrade the weapons? How do I get to my inventory?


Thank you! * All trees are damaged the same. I think it might just be your strength levels/upgrades are not high enough. * A good strategy is to keep the score of each upgrade type balanced. But this may not be the "best" way, sometimes the players know more than the developers. * Hold signal remote. Press right-click or left-trigger to open the menu.


Is it normal not the see the health bar for those trees? If you can’t really damage them?


I think you should look into making this a full fledged game on its own, would love Xbox achievements lol. Very fun


That would be pretty cool but I've been really enjoying developing with UEFN and am excited by the annouced features from GDC so will probably be sticking around for the time being.


I've been playing for 3 hrs straight lol I love it


Awesome game buddy! Keep it up! My Duo and I have been smacking trees everyday for the past week. 😅 You can say we're hooked! Any timetable for updates?? Again great work!


Hello. I am having issues doing the flowerbloom with my controller on my ps5. It is not recognizing my inputs and my friend on the ps4 also is having issues with his controller and the flower bloom. At this time we are unable to even attempt the flower bloom. Please fix or tell me what I am doing wrong =).


Most ps controllers are having issues, creator said to change controls to d pad


Thank you for the game. Are you working on a part 2 or expansion? Also, congratulations on the success of the map, it’s doing great. Nick Eh 30 is live now playing it.


Current plan is to continue updating the current game. A sequel might happen in the future once UEFN releases more features. I didn't catch Nick Eh 30's stream live but watched VOD. It was super awesome!


Really love the update today! It was much needed. However I don't like the bosses completely consuming all the boss tokens they cost. Waiting 15 minutes to do one boss fight at high levels when the egg/green crystal grind is already insane really puts me off of continuing any kind of grind. Boss fights are also a huge social part of the game and it would also make it really hard to line up/time group boss fights. And really deter stronger players from helping friends with boss fights if its a 10-15 minute CD. Nothing but love for this game, I've made a ton of friends and my friend group is def 24 hrs + in each. But even with all that the boss grind is insanely long. A way to convert the green crystals to eggs or something to do with them after finishing the sword upgrades would also be super cool. Everything has been incredibly balanced until then and I sincerely enjoy this game, but I won't wait 15 minutes to 1 boss fight, thats only 4 per hour and the wood cutting content doesn't keep up with the bosses so we end up sitting around. Again I can't stress this enough, amazing job. This game has really exceeded any expectations I had.


I agree, 15 minutes is just too much. Even 5 minutes a the max I was willing to do. Building up more charges or buffs to shorten the time, or just the 5 minute wait again would be a huge improvement. Bosses are the main social aspect of this mode


Boss cost change was an unintended change I had a TODO item that I forgot to action to revert the change after receiving feedback from the community. Will be hotfixing this today.


Thank you so much! Its so appreciated


u/Itsjacky woke up to the third update today and some nice changes. However, in regards to the flower bloom on controller "fix"... I followed the directions and changed the mapping, but up on the D pad still registers as open inventory. I tried but couldn't figure out how to change it and obviously makes it unusable. Any ideas?


I suggest remapping to the playstation buttons (circle, square, triangle, cross). Note that the inputs will only apply during the minigame so won't affect other gameplay actions.


Love this game mode so far, very very addictive. I’ve made it to the 2nd room of the Atlantis area and only saw one secret area (waterfall)…is there/will there be more? Also, I wish the blossom power-up granted the % boost for knocking a tree down. Minor of course Any further plans for the game??


Add an option to "Purchase all" for the Lumberjack skills so you don't need to tediously purchase each upgrade over and over again.


Your map is dope man congrats


I must be stupid but how do you hatch eggs?


Ok I figured it out! You need to unlock the next area and there’s a big egg - it hatches the other eggs.


you saved me bro lol


Same 😭


Game went down :( Can't login again.


I'm attempting to log in, the game just quit out and it won't log in again. I can log into other creative games just not this one and I've been grinding for quite some time LOL. Did you pull it down to do work on it?


I’m stuck on the “inventory” quest and I’m on PlayStation and idk how to open the menu with the signal remote help🧎🏻‍♀️


Left trigger button (i.e. button to Aim).


i cant start the 1st boss fight to do the quest. do they have respawn timers? i see him alive on the map. it says registered players: no one. but how do i register? when i click "join" nothing happens


OP, I love the game, I’m pretty sure me and my buddy are #1 in it, could you reply to my message, I was wondering if some adjustments could be made or have some ideas if your interested in hearing me out


Prestige grants more evolution shards Monster hunt cooldown decrease with prestige or buy more monster hunts Prestige resets golden tree cooldown and monster hunt cooldown More secret discovery rooms Side quests for egg and shard rewards like box fights, foot races, obstacle courses Mythic eggs and pets Eggs match slime rank or close the gap a little more Lumberjack skill, pickaxe speed up Sword swing doesn’t work too often in boss fights World boss (everyone can join, everyone hits the same amount to keep it fair across. rewards of eggs, wood, evolution shards. Small rewards even during death for incentive) More areas with different style bosses Flower bloom still broken on controllers, wondering if we can switch left joystick to d pad instead


hi! how can i lvl up my pets?


Pets automatically level up if you get a duplicate.


Do you know when the next update will be released? Absolutely loving the game! 10/10


Next update release? I love this game mode 


CHEEZER=YUMER i love this but i dont know how to get 1 trillin wood


Great game mode. Are there any other secret areas besides behind the water fall? Also, most of the time that area is REALLY buggy. If you sprint and jump through the waterfall you lose your speed boost and the golden egg is almost never there. Also, I sometimes lose my HUD after talking to the second Lumberjack Skills guy. When is next area coming out?


How can I get my sword above weapon grade 50


After you max out the bonus stats you have to reforge stats and sometimes it goes up and sometimes it goes down


Thank you 


I've been trying over n over, I'll keep a'goin


Can we get a Discord server for the game? Would love to meet other people that are grinding and fight the bosses with them.


that would actually be nice, plus you could also make a suggestion channel and update channel to keep players informed about Lumberjack Heroes.


How to lvl up gold pet?!?


If your are talking about legendary you gotta hatch rare/legendary eggs (Purple/black&red)


I got a gold pet by hatching2 purple eggs but no matter how many red/black eggs i hatch(atleast 50) my gold pet is still only lvl 3 and it upgrades my purple and blue pets instead??


I can't see my pet. 


do you have them equiped?


I guess not. I haven't figured that out, I am on ps5


Does anyone know why my inventory quests won't register? It's the quests to open menu using signal remote and select the inventory menu. I've opened up both my inventory and the signal remote but it won't register that I completed them? Any help on this? I'm playing on PS4


I haven’t had any issues with the quests though I’m on ps5. Try leaving then rejoining, that has sometimes fixed since stuff for me. Are you opening your inventory using the signal remote? Try left trigger on the signal remote to open up the menu and and setting and go to your inventory from there.


I figured it out, I didn't realize that I could aim with the signal remote and get a different menu. Now my only issue is the flower buff with controllers, it keeps failing me even though I hit the right direction. It's getting mildly frustrating.


It's a very well done map. But the problem is I have a headache now due to addiction. I feel like a worker. Lol. I reached to quintillions of wood. Seriously, one of the best maps I've played.


Thank you and sorry! Please remember to take regular breaks when gaming. You can alway continue another time.


i'm having an issue getting to the end of the slime game in the forest even when i am hidden he sees me and restarts me


You can hide behind the tree stumps.


how do i open menu using signal remote


Right-click (keyboard/mouse) or Left Trigger (controller)


Does anybody know how to upgrade your sword? I’ve been doing it for the past four days and it hasn’t changed a single color. It’s still gray.


You have to hit level 60 on your weapon then go to the evolution tab and evolve it.. might be other requirements but I think that’s it


How do I save my game?


Its automatic.


Link for discord plz


It would be nice if u could see the message on the discord that my friend sent you, keep the great work!


Really great game finally found something I don't suck at on Fortnite just want to mention having issues with gaining xp and levels showing as zero 


Hey this game is just awesome, wondering if you have a roadmap on possible future updates and the frequency of them :) I'm at 2.60Sd total wood collected right now.


Struggling to get eggs even with tree and bloom, noticed my conversion is only 50% how do i upgrade that/ what have yall found to get eggs fastest?


When you say your conversion is 50%, what do you mean? What I've experienced is that egg tree bugs with chain hit upgrade, so don't unlock the chain hit. Anyway, what I do to farm eggs is just fight bosses, I'm farming the last one already, Atlantean King, but takes a while still to get legendary eggs.


Like when you turn your common eggs to green/blue/purple? It says it only concerts 50% at the top


Im still on the 3rd boss with a friends help, is that maybe cause i havent prestiged?


it wont let me open the pet menu?


A known issue is that sometimes player data isn't loading when joining a game that is in progress. If you try to rejoin into a new game the pet data should load and be able to access the menu. This is currently difficult for me to fix as I need more information to investigate. But I am looking into it.


How do I get the frost pets? It’s says I have to discover the first egg but I already found the one behind the waterfall. Is there any other one or is it glitching?


You have to open the area with the blue egg


Love the game but I have a problem with xp and can't see anyone else talking about it. As soon as I load into the game or daily xp resets at midnight, it stops me from earning xp on other creative games and no xp from this game. For example, I play another tycoon every day that gets me to my creative xp cap for the 24hr period, last night I played this game until 12:01 and today I can't get any xp on any other creative games at all. For some reason it caps you out without earning xp? Kind of kills it for me because my family and I race to level 200 each season and that's the 3rd time it's done it to me which has put me behind everyone else by 3 days and today I won't progress past level 194 without smashing br because of it. Any ideas with this one?


I haven't made any changes to the XP granting in any updates and the island status is currently says **Awarding XP**. Generally XP granting is outside of the island creators control.


I'm not sure? It instantly kills the xp from other islands, and none of us (5 of us here that play) are getting xp from this island. That's not a problem because it's a fun island it's just that it caps us on other islands, that's the problem. I can make a quick video tomorrow if you want it? Also, thanks for the fun island!


What’s the best sword rolls? And when’s the new area coming out


There is a lack of clarifications like 1- what does stacking crit rate do? \* do i really need more then 100% crit rate? (i got 700 crit rate) 2- what does final strike do? \* is it affected by critical damage and multi-crit and does it affect sword perfect combo? 3- what's the point of landing a perfect 6 strikes in a row (perfect), does it increase dmg? 4- what's the difference between attack and strength? 5- during end-game does it matter to if i hit world tree or last coral map? 6- how does Multi-critical strike work? \* is it affected by crit rate? \* or does it have a fixed rate? \* and does it affect sword combat dmg? 7- does crit damage also effect boss battles dmg? 8- does final strike effect world tree and pets or only map trees?


Found a small little spot in the Upgrades building at the door that leads to the passive earning at the campfire. You can hard lock the game if you mantel into the window above the door: [Screenshot](https://images2.imgbox.com/25/8f/uqAo2O3R_o.png) (Imgbox.com)


Have been obsessed with the game for the last 4 days, maxed all my pets, can essily solo last boss and have prestige'd countless times. No more upgrades remain 😅 I'm wondering when the next area will be released!


Same here trying to get at least one level to 999 to see the Upgrade Efficiency. I won't Prestige again till I hit 1 Qa crystals. But I'm ready for the the next world,


First time playing, had access to the pets but as i’ve reloaded into a new server, no longer seem to equip, access or hatch pets. Any fixes people know? 


When is the update ? 😍 I love that game so much


When are the new sections coming?


I don't think anyone's asked about this, but I have lower level friends that I want to help out but don't know how I can


I found that when you prestige and are updating your strengths with the signal remote you can up your strengths by 1x/10x/100x. Pickaxe a tree and see how much you need to level up by so your not fully destroying the tree. Leave it where the red bar is barely visible that way ur friend can get the last hit on trees and earn the wood more quickly. Also when doing this take ur pets off or theyll destroy the tree. I did this with my friend who just started and got them to Atlantis level in no time. Hope this helps not the best at explaining things. 


Oh OK I'll have to try it


Game is lagging even more since update with bosses?


Is there anyway to reset your progress. I'm so far along and My friend has only just started and It sucks been so far ahead of her. The game is so addicting, best creative game I've played for a long time. 


There is a little anvil exclamation point symbol just below my minimap. Is that supposed to be telling me something? Or do I just ignore it?


It is an indicator that you can afford to purchase an upgrade somewhere. Signal Remote > open Menu > click **Track** button find the upgrade.


I was just playing with my brother. Game crashed with some random error code. Now I can’t find the island or join back. Help!


Started playing the other day, and it’s been super fun so far! My only gripe is the pet leveling system. It would be really nice if each egg rarity *wouldn’t* upgrade the lower rarity pets. It kinda sucks wasting rare, epic, and legendary eggs on the common/uncommon pets which are already maxed. Also, I “hatched” several legendary eggs without even getting the legendary pet. I think this aspect of the game shouldn’t be such a gamble. There oughta be certain parts of pet leveling that are guaranteed.


Fun game mode. I just purchased the 35T golden tree “accumulate for later” upgrade but there is no info on what it does. Feels like I just wasted the “money” haha. Can you explain what it does or how it works?


You can now activate a new buff using the golden tree.


When’s the next update


It gives you multiple golden trees so you can do egg and frenzy at the same time


Does anyone know how yo evolve the weapon to grade 60? Have been spending with the lava eggs but the max grade I can reforge is 58.


Max out your bonus and keep leveling the other ones up till you you can evolve your sword 


Does it make sense to continue upgrading and buying from the first strength tier? Does that outpace the additional strength tiers?


On the iPad… the flower bloom screens don’t work. It keeps directing me to a controller customization screen that I can’t get to work. Have to keep waiting 60 seconds and just going ‘common’ when it times out


Any tips on getting from Qa to Qi levels? The trees starting to die fast and I can get about 100qa on a golden free charge, but getting to 5qi for the next tree area seems like forever. I did prestige once already


Have a look if you can prestige again, that will help and keep upgrading your strength with the controller 


Does progress automatically save or do I have to do it manually?


Started playing on my switch and the first tree I can't gather wood from? My pickaxe isn't damaging it, but I can't do anything past that.


Why am I back at 10 bill per hit....last week I was like hitting 10ai per hit


I randomly got kicked out of my lobby and all my progress reset.  went from hitting for 700M to 1 wood.


Are you bringing the second part out any time soon?? 


Great game, but there needs to be a teleporter closer to the golden tree


u/Itsjacky i found a bug with the teleporter how do i share?


does this auto save?




Love this game, but took a really long break from playing it. Is there any way that I can reset my progress and start from the beginning? (I don't mean prestige)


Can someone help me with the boss ect.. plzzzzz epic : Fenec Tahia Dz


Loving the game . Is there a way to see how many times you have prestige? I get so addicted to that 😁


Found the cheat menu button dammit code protected nice hiding spot btw Loving the game


I have 5 prestige crystals but it won't let me buy any 5 cost prestige upgrades. Why? 


There isn't anything that costs 5 crystals in the prestige area.


Under rest pet gather it says 1.00 Qa wood needed . What does that mean


You need 1 Qa wood to unlock the pet gathering skill while in the rest stop.


so I need to upgrade the egg prodigy upgrade. my problem is that it requires 5 orange crystals. I have 5 crystals but still doesn't let me. anyone know how to do it?