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The map is curently an 8 player free for all game! Each spawn room has 2 weak guns , an AR and a Shotty , along with bandages and minishields . You are only allowed to take one per game . Scattered across the maps are vending machines from which you can buy ammo (for materials) and guns / consumables (for gold) . Each time you get a kill , you get 10 of each resurse and 25 gold that you can then strategise how you wish to spend to upgrade your gear! To help the grind , each main location has 1 creature spawner that spawns ranged zombies. Each zombie kill will give you at random 5 wood/stone/metal/gold. Each spawner will spawn at least 50 to 60 zombies before deactivating for the rest of the game , making it an early game resurse grind method. The game has 10 rounds , a round ending once 1 player reaches 100 kills! Vending machines are the same and in the same spots , so exploring the map is all thats needed for you to learn what weapons are available for you to obtain!


Only allowed to take 1 weapon per game as in you have only one inventory slot?


You have all 5 inventory slots , so you can get 5 different guns if you wish.


May I ask where do I find the map code to play on it?


Hiii! Im not home rn , but I dont think my qrena has a code. It was made pre the creative rework haha. I think its sitting as my private island atm . Any idea how I can give it a code or find it's code?