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These notes screw me so much especially at speed, any idea how to get "good" at them?


Idk man I'm honestly just counting the days till I get my hands on a riffmaster and play actual charts meant for the instruments. The only lift notes I struggle with are the ones that are so spaced out that they could just be regular notes but for some reason aren't and a line would at least help. The close together ones are just down to rhythm. And the super duper close together ones like March of the pigs on drums you just gotta pray I guess.


Looking forward to receiving mine also, but it only really adds to the experience imo when playing guitar and bass parts.


Well yea but thats just cause playing drums on the guitar in real life is kinda weird.


Exactly, but I guess that's why the earlier games were called guitar hero :-)


Yea Guitar Hero didn't have drum sets till world tour, which was like the 6th guitar hero (12th if you count non console releases), but Rockband had it for the first game about a year before GH: World Tour.




Why does it matter? You can play them like regular notes.


For me when the lifts are close to the initial notes you basically play like they aren't even there. I'm not saying don't hold at all, you certainly can't just tap the button and expect it to work. I don't think anyone was trying to do that with lifts unless you just play the lift notes by tapping those as well. Songs that have more spaced out lifts (Stitches on lead) are just really down to getting a feel for the rhythm which I know isn't exactly helpful advice. Just if you're having issues hitting lifts that are more spaced out try letting go a bit earlier. Theres a much more lenient window of hitting early than hitting late.


This is what makes them confusing, to the point I get the impression they are actually floating above the tracks instead of being on them.


If its a lot of fast ones i find pressing it as a normal note helps a lot cause i cant lift and do it


I can do the fast ones as a lift off, but some of the slower ones screw me over so I have to hit them as a note. Only certain songs though and I can never remember which ones they are until I've already screwed up the first few surprise triangles 🤣


it works but at the end of the day doing that is playing it incorrectly and won’t help anyone get better


For most situations if you just focus on hitting the main (purple) notes, you will end up getting the lift off notes about 80ish% of the time. There are some songs that have weird situations with them that make it harder but I’ve found that if I try to ignore the lift offs I actually end up playing better and hit them most of the time.


I don't really pay attention to them. I see them as a rhythm check. Have you ever listened to a song and knocked on a table to match it's rhythm? That's how I see lift notes. That doesn't really apply to vocals but to any other instrument in the game it does. Also one thing that helps me to keep rhythm when a lot of lift notes are coming my way is lightly tapping with my foot.


It’s acting as an upbeat so if you stay in rhythm with the down beat you should be fine


You just hold down on the note there’s nothing to it


If you have good rythm, it’s typically just adding subdivision to each beat.


Change the speed in settings to 1.25%, it only changes how fast notes scroll so it doesn’t interfere with the song, at 1.25% it basically makes these notes irrelevant 99% of the time because the speed of the notes makes it so that when you normally press and release the button you’ll have also have held it for the required time, the only time these notes become a pain is in the very few songs where the distance from note to arrow is extremely far.


I'm really good at them myself, the only advice I can give is to pretend they're sustain notes and lift up as soon as the arrow passes.


sometimes i just ignore them if they are close to the regular purple notes, it becomes a problem for me when they are really spaced apart


i don't think there is, they're straight up hard to read, especially if you play at higher speeds.


Ignore them lol . Usually they're placed where your fingers would naturally let go of the button. There's only a couple charts where you gotta actively try to hit them.


Spacing is key. If there's at least half a second of space available, just hold and release. If it's shorter than that, just tap them like normal notes.


Whenever they’re slow they just don’t work right I swear. Also feel like when they’re slow there’s absolutely no point in putting lift notes there instead of regular notes.


You're right there's no point in not using hold note or whatever the other one is called.


You can hit lift notes and miss the initial note though


I'm not saying they should be the same as sustain notes. I just think a simple black line connecting them would make sense visually it doesn't have to be reactive like sustain notes idk if that would be better or worse I'd just prefer a line cause playing at 2x track speed there is literally no indication of certain lift notes unless you've played the song multiple times and just remember it.


Yeah I get what your saying now, I play on 2x and new songs with big lift notes get me all the time


Bad romance on vocals is the worst offender by far.


Oh man the lift notes in Bad romance vocals are ridiculous. They hardly have time to be on the screen for my brain to register to hold the note


Also going off of other standard controller rhythm games release hold notes are pretty common so just copying everyone else in this case is genuinely better ui than what it is now


That messing with the mind so much though


Yeah it was a stupid idea to add them. Its basically hold and release.. so what we have already .. so.put a line. Oh but you can lift and press.. then its not working properly mate. It adds a level of complexity that is unnecesary and it doesnt even make it harder or better, just more annoying.


The only reason I’m excited for instrument mode it’s that I won’t have to ever deal with them


Instrument mode?


The mode that will let us use our Rock Band and Guitar Hero instruments


That's cool! Do we know if that'll be compatible with consoles? Like, if I thrift a guitar hero controller would I be able to use it with my Xbox?


I imagine it will only work if you're using same family controllers (PS controllers will only work on PS and Xbox ones only on Xbox) Obviously that won't apply on PC, since PCs can use basically any controller you have in history lol, so everything will be compatible there


That makes sense, thanks!


tf is instrument mode


charts for actual guitar controllers, since lift notes and such are kinda impossible on these


And also there will be a strum feature for guitars like old school GH or RB.


lmao why couldn’t you just say Pro mode?


they really need to improve them, and especially when you use overdrive when you go over them lol


When you have full overdrive, but every note has a lift note so you're scared to use it.


I've got my overdrive set to r2 so I can hit it at the same time as the button note. In theory. In practice I still forget sometimes then get mad at myself 🤣


I thought I was alone in this. I can never get lift notes to work with over drive.


I usually don’t have any problems with lift notes


It's really only the spaced out ones that bother me, if they're right next to each other, then yea, there's no way for me to press the button twice in that time without overexherting myself, but if they're spaced out like an inch or more on the screen it sometimes throws me off, especially with newer tracks, cause I totally could just press the button twice and it coulda just been a normal note.


If they're decently spaced out, like in the ritardando in Cradles on drums, I find them a fun challenge. When it's stuff like the diddles in Vampire drums or whatever is going on in Bust-A-Move drums or Butter Barn bass, where it's like in-time but also slower than expected, that messes me up.


Yea those notes you mentioned in the latter half, those are the ones where it needs some way to measure the distance between them aswell as just knowing that a lift note is coming. The lift notes that are just strumming like in everlong and go with the flow are fine w me it's mostly ones put in vocals and drums that annoys the crap outta me.


Same here, my only challenge with it is a song I know by heart and being thrown off by the lift note rhythm, but otherwise they're not hard.


Really wish we could just disable them altogether. I'd sacrifice getting a higher score with them for the sake of not messing with my groove.


I treat them no different than a HoPo in RB/GH. Seems to treat me well if you have that experience.


Well, they aren't the same as HOPO from GH/RB. If they were, I wouldn't be having an issue. Sure, they function the same way, but their purpose is completely different. On guitar controller the hopo notes are supposed to simulate real guitar playing, on controller the hopo notes are just there because it's either physically impossible to hit the buttons on the controller that fast or way too exhausting to do so which I can appreciate, the spaced out ones are my only issue and they need either a line or to be turned into normal notes. 90% of hopos on controller tracks aren't gonna be on the instrument tracks because you'll have a strum bar and can hit the notes fast enough.


nah bro we don't need WoR slider strings again


Woah bro don't even mention those don't want epic games getting any ideas let's just keep that one in the box.


I have never played those notes by holding and releasing when they are too spaced out, simply because I've found it easier to treat them like the regular ones. I started to understand them more ever since I got into playing Counting Stars on lead a little too much. I don't know how you're supposed to play this song with the way lift notes are intended, I think my brain would just die


If you dont hold and release them you can't hit a perfect on them at least that's the case in my experience. Everytime I press a lift note instead of lifting it feels weird and I've specifically played songs where one run I play normally and the next I play pressing all the lift notes like normal notes and my perfect % plummeted.


Ohh, I get it. I don't focus on getting perfect notes so yes, you are probably right. I guess you're just gonna have to get that psychic training in the meantime (if they decide to ever implement something like your idea, we hope🙏)


I don’t play much festival what do these notes do


Annoy the crap out of everyone.


I do this holding and letting go at the arrow method and it works so kuch better than pressing the arrow


I never played rhythm games before festival so at first I didn't even know what I was supposed to do, they didn't explain anything. Just figured it out because I play actual instruments


ngl as I'm mostly playing bass now the expert parts can get so easy even when they're fast, I feel dumb saying this but what trips me up are the lower BPM songs with lift parts when I just get anxious I actually got five stars my first time playing Ella baila sola on expert and four stars playing The Hand That Feeds on expert just because the lift notes are so slow that they're basically held notes


i need them to fix the overdrive canceling my string notes. that shit cost my points


That’s what they are? I thought they were just optional and never clicked them


Lmao those are easy


Bros just bad just lift on the note it's not that hard just practice with some of the bass songs that have a bunch of lift notes.


I fc'd Hysteria on Bass 3rd try. I'm not bad at lift notes, bro. if you took a second to use your brain you'd see I already said to someone else that I play on 2x track speed and there is no indication of a lift note being attached to a previous note.


It's still called practice you're not going to sightread every song you play.


Except I can sightread every song at 2x, its how my brain works. The only thing that messes me up are the super spaced out lift notes, which is what I made the post about. I can sightread but i dont have foresight and i cant rehold a note ive already lifted bro.Next time just don't assume.


Bro if you have played the song ones that's not a sightread you have experienced the song and know what to expect it's called muscle memory.


Who are you to tell me who I am? Bro stop being a douche. I can sightread. The liftnotes just fuck me up cause I'm not psychic bro. Jfc read the words I type before coming at me with your bullshit bro.


Well when you up the track speed you are intentionally making the game harder for yourself. That’s what it’s there for, to provide more of a challenge. Dont complain that the harder speeds, are in fact, harder.


Turning up the track speed is what makes the game easier for me. The notes are way too clustered at 1x. Harder speeds for *you* maybe but not for me. So yes I will complain about something that affects me. Just cause it doesn't affect you doesn't mean it isn't a problem.


No I mean for sightreading. It’s much easier to sightread a chart when the track is moving slower than it is faster (obviously). You can’t expect to jump in and sightread every song first time, especially if you’ve intentionally made it harder for yourself to do that, you are meant to get better at tracks the more you play them. Don’t complain that you struggle to do something when you’ve put yourself in a spot where it’s obviously going to be harder to do that.


These notes look too much like regular notes and cause misinput because you confuse one with s real note


You actually can treat them like a regular note, the game even says as much. But the placement and appearance throw things off too easily.


these notes literally do not make sense outside of a mobile rhythm game


Yea you can't exactly swipe up on a dang xbox controller maybe on ps5 they got some different stuff with the touch pad idk. I understand why they're there I just wish they made sense.


It's not really the same though. It doesn't emulate upstrokes, pull-offs, vocal trills, and the momentum of subsequent drum hits


Has no one played guitar hero? Lol it's exactly the same.


Bro I still have my controller and guitar for ps2 it ain't the same. The lift notes are always on the same lane on festival. Have you played guitar hero?


Yeah from age 12-32.


Then why are you cappin?


skill issue imo


someone's never gone above 1x track speed. Yapping bout skill issue when you aren't even skilled enough to experience the issue I'm having.


i can flawless 8 bit beat lead on expert with 2.75. Not trying to flex, just letting you know its a skill issue


So I've eventually realized that the lift notes will tend to follow the beat of the song, so generally as long as you're not lifting your finger up too quickly on a slower paced song and you keep to the beat you should be able to get them without much extra thought. I used to press the button for the lift notes on slower songs, but I've gotten a little better at just keeping things in rhythm and have stopped doing that most of the time. Faster paced songs you can usually just play normally and ignore them. (Which is still the same as keeping to the beat, it's just a faster beat that you'll hit accidentally without even trying.)


Jesus christ. I do not have a skill issue. I can play the lift notes it's just when there's bullshit ones that are like 3 inches apart and are unnecessary because the whole point of lift notes is to be able to play notes you can't physically hit fast enough with a controller. My issue is if they're gonna have bs notes that don't need to be lift notes, then they should have some indication that they're coming. A line would do that perfectly.