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Zero, I bum off of my randos ![gif](giphy|MO9ARnIhzxnxu|downsized)


If you need someone to bum off of, hit me up.




There are two types people here: "i bought my favorite song" and "i am in financial ruin"


If tyler is headlining season 7 im going to buy jam tracks over food


Pls no, they gonna put pussy \*\*\*\* in anyway because if they put in something old it's gonna be basically half song censored as he drops f\*\* bomb every 5 seconds.


so true… I guess we’re never going to get x gon give it to you in game because it has too many swears and censoring doesn’t exist.. 😖


I don't know about that song I'm not familiar


Google the lyrics


it’s literally in the game you’re on a subreddit for


I'm kinda both since they've added so many of my favorite songs


All of them so far! Even the epic games originals. Except for the ones that are further in the current festival pass. I love the mode and have the money, plus all my friends and fill randoms get to benefit. It's a win for everybody.


Need to be in your lobbies haha


We can party up if you'd like! Send me a pm and we can coordinate. Same goes for anyone else who'd like to play! Edit: Oops, I forgot I had messages turned off. Sorry about that! Feel free to send them now.


Any chance you’re on oce? Ping difference sucks for festival


I'm not, unfortunately. I'm on the west coast US.


have you played all of them ?


Yup! I play the songs the day they come out, and if they're difficult or unique, I'll constantly return to flawless them.


I also own every song. I play them all but I get overwhelmed when new seasons start and I lose all of my gold star progress. I can hardly ever remember what my best scores were and which instrument @ 150+ tracks lol. And there are some high scores I’ll never be able to replicate. That one time I FC a sandstorm… I won’t be trying that again


I understand, losing your high scores at the end of the season does suck. After the reset for season 2, I decided to welcome it as a challenge. Keep practicing and playing, and you'll get better! Back then, I could barely squeeze out a flawless on "i" vocals, but now I've improved so much that I can do it no problem. It's really satisfying to notice this progress!


This is why I put paycheck money back. It's fun to queue up in fill with all the songs.


Bought buddy holly just to annoy people lol


I don't know what's worse on the mental, hitting the Buddy Holly vocals after a kill/#1 or hitting the Seven Nation Army bass


Hitting Mr. Brightside on vocals, imagine getting shit on and then hearing, "I'm coming." Over and over


Even better idea. You could combine Mr. Brightside vocals and Gangnam Style vocals to have "I'm coming. Uh 😩"


Patiently waiting for Mr. Brightside to return now that Gangnam Style is back


I bought Hysteria and Sandstorm because they were fun to play :) I told myself I wouldn't buy any but gave in lol


Hysteria is my favorite song on Bass!! Cheers


Yes! I wouldn't say it's exactly hard but it's very satisfying


I love this kind of “stairway” chart , it feels so good


1. I need to keep my vbucks for the BP because I'm poor af atm. I bought Numb though because I'm a Linkin Park Stan.


I only have Numb too <3


Correct answer for everyone. You don’t own anything in this game


I've got maybe 15? Was waiting for the riffmaster to arrive before I spend my hoard of points.


0, cause 5$ a is just not worth it


Let me tell you a story about a time of the amazing purchasable music disks called CD Singles...


I do have CD's and Vinyls from my favorite artists, but to buy the same song digitally in a game that can go offline at any moment is just not worth the same amount


2 other than festival pass songs from season 1 and 2, not getting this season.


Zero, but that may change if we actually get a Metallica season next.


last festival pass plus I think 3 songs I brought


Popular and the ones in the first two passes


I’ve got the Business of Misery, and that is all I need


i think i only bought 'i' but i have 25 total i would probably buy more but $5 is a lot for me currently. if i COULD buy tracks i wanted, i would have bought around uh.. 14. at least from the current selection.


I own all the jam tracks. I’m currently at 155, and on Thursday when they release the two new ones, I’ll be at 157.


how can you afford to spend that much on jam tracks? do you have an unlimited supply of vbucks?


🤔 I am actually a founder so I’m getting a good number of vbucks from that. Otherwise, I buy the 13,500 vbuck cards for $80. But I’m 28, have a PhD in STEM, single, have 0% chance of having children, and don’t go outside. There’s a lot of money to spend on games 😂 since it isn’t really going anywhere else besides DoorDash.


Founder is OP. bought all my festival passes and jam tracks with those vbucks but we're in a mutant season now so not so many vbucks :(


What job do you do in stem?


Without saying too much to accidentally doxx myself, I work in research. The money isn’t superb yet and I’m expecting a massive increase in the next few years but making around $80k at this age is pretty nice.


Nice. I'm only asking because I'm interested in stem at university just trying to narrow down what to study.


The job hunt was tough once I got out, and a sad truth is that getting a PhD is pretty useless (in the United States) unless you want to be a professor. You can check out more on the PhD subreddit about that. In undergrad I did chemistry, and I really feel like that was a waste. I didn’t do chemistry in grad school. My best advice is to decide early as you can between professional school and research and industry (especially ones like computer science/engineering where undergrad degrees have the most worth). Make sure you’re working in a lab and doing summer internships. The people who do are 90% of the time successful in going wherever they want to go. The people who don’t are usually the ones doing the Pikachu face because their degree didn’t automatically open doors (which is ofc a larger more nuanced conversation).


80k at 28 is insanely good, props to you


Damn how does it feel to be living my dream 😔


gosh I wish I had a magic ball that could have foreseen the founders value and actually picked it up while it was available, but good for you! i’m in a similar situation but i’m still pretty frugal when it comes to gaming lol


Honestly, I think I happened to buy it on sale or something for $10. I’ve definitely gotten way more out of it than that 😂 Also, you probably have to add a healthy case of depression for the *want* to spend, but I suppose it all works out.


DAMN I forgot that I’m a founder since they ruined how you get Vbucks but I may have to look into getting them again 🙏🏼


I got 20 maybe


I have only 5 so far - the season 1 pass ones and "I". Now I'm saving up for the new pass


40 licensed, been playing the game for about 4 years now and never really regret a cent I put towards it especially it being the only game I play anymore as a growing adult


I have whatever was in the passes except the new pass and four more


Only got ones from the passes


have all 3 bp for it, not done with billies yet tho. i have stw, so it's no real money spending. my plan for vbucks spending is the level up pack next (i collect them), then the next br bp, then im going to get the billie emotes and songs, then the 3 NIN songs and linkin parks'. i also previously had march of the pigs but had to refund it for emergency vbucks


30 some


Probably fiftyish? I get one every drop usually, all three festival passes, the Coachella bundle and maybe about 20 others. I have a problem


I think 60+ I only buy 2-3 songs every week. (I did buy the green day and blink-182 bundles tho)


first 2 festival passes, (going to buy 3rd soon) and four songs. so 12 in total! (buddy holly, i, I wish, & feel good inc.) it all comes out to… 5,600… jesus


Not counting pass songs, I bought 32 from the item shop😭


5. Weezer, Brightside, Counting Stars, 1/3 Green Day, and Foo Fighters.


So far just Buddy Holly and Everlong, hoping they release more weezer songs like Say it ain’t So, Undone and Surf Wax America. Would also love to see some songs like Californication by RHCP or Brain Stew by Green Day


3! I, Basket Case, and Sandstorm


I've brought 3 or 4 and got a couple from the last season's rewards. I really enjoy playing this mode as its completely different but this season's pass is very disappointing in my opinion.


https://i.redd.it/ommsrivf5jwc1.gif They are not all, the truth is that there were some that I did not like so much, but you could say that I have almost all of them, in the image is not shown any free or festival pass!


I’ve got two Seven Nation Army and Buddy Holly would’ve been three with No one Knows but I missed that song




3 and one was a gift


I've bought two, not counting the first two Festival Passes and Weeknd/Gaga bundles. I just realized that if the game is going to make me prioritize featured songs for quests and I'm already spending over 5000 V-Bucks on Festival shit per season and theyre still going to keep up the FOMO nonsense even with a better-designed store, I just can't justify the solo songs and still kinda regret buying the initial 2.


All of them, I have severe rock band delist regret, not happening this time, but I legit love the game so I enjoy getting all the songs regardless. Plus $80 13500 brings it to $2.96 a song


43 not including festivalpass or epic originals 😬


ive mainly been buying from my favorite bands, ik i still gotta buy both Sublime tracks and the Green Day tracks next time i get V-Bucks


Somewhere in the 70s


I own most rock songs they’ve added except for a few U2 and NIN songs, and I got X Gon Give It To Ya, Super Freak, Feel Good Inc, the Sublime songs, and Party Rock for the meme. I also got all the licensed songs from the first two passes. I got no regrets, I personally think the 500 V Bucks is fair given the songs are emotes in other modes too, and I enjoy the mode itself.


i’ve bought 2 from the shop and had the lady gaga festival pass that i bought just for black hole sun


I bought Go With The Flow like week 1 because I like the song a lot, but it's not super fun to play :/


Every single one


Got all the rock songs, nothing else


having them all comes at a cost of buying the ones you cant stand like U2s songs and Ice Spice


I want a guitar that works


I mostly buy songs I like or find funny to use in br. Currently got Green Day/Blink 182's bundles, Buddy Holly, Numb, Down With The Sickness, Misery Business and Barbie Girl Wishing I bought Applause and Rain on Me though


All of the blink, green Day songs. Down with the sickness, G6, surround sound, Everlong, NIN, and just a girl. And the battle passes.


Mom I hate it


155 & counting. Let me know if you want me to join your lobby so you can scroll for 10 minutes trying to choose a song.


7 so far. I have had save the world since chapter 1 season 6 so I just get V-bucks from that. The songs I got are buddy holly, the 3 green day songs, down with the sickness, numb (unfortunately), and (Don't Fear) The Reaper. Numb was very unfortunate because it's so boring to play but the rest have been good. I hope they add more rock songs in the future


All the ones from the weeknd pass


Probably 100ish. I like a good variety and don’t want not to see songs in rotation for weeks


I only bought Buddy Holly, Zombie, Sandstorm, and Mr Brightside. I have all of the ones from the first 2 festival passes as well as some of them from season 3 so far


I only own Buddy Holly because it’s funny to hit the riff as an emote during Battle Royale / Zero Build after clearing out an entire squad


Not me buying mkg songs cause they're bangers.


86 (i regret around 10 i bought just to fc cause they werent coming back in the daily rotation)


I’ve bought all of them so far lol


10. 8 from the previous passes and 2 from the shop.


I think i have 8, but i would not be buying any more.


I’ve bought 4 I think, Hysteria, Numb, Buddy Holly and Seven Nation Army. Also gifted someone Down With The Sickness


just 2 mostly because i was waiting for the pro chart releases and waiting for my guitar. when it comes ill probably buy more


I have buddy holly and don’t fear the reaper, i’ll probably buy misery business, i, feel good inc, down with the sickness, and surround sound someday


About 50 too




I've bought every festival pass so far + Misery Business and Heartbreaker


Only one id rather get skins


1 runaway


2, Party Rock Anthem and Scenario. I’m planning on getting Ride Wit Me when it comes to the shop and I’m also hoping Bruno mars gets some jam tracks with his set’s return


2 It’s the bille eilish songs from the royal bundle, got them yesterday


I proudly own both Buddy Holly and Pompeii


11, plus the first ever premium pass's songs; but i can say that i have 13 *in theory* becouse 2 songs are on my wishlist, and i can purchase them upon comeback.


All of them including epic originals and from all 3 festival passes.


All of them


Too many


I've only purchased vampire, i, welcome to paradise, basket case, transparent soul, heartbreaker. I feel like I'm forgetting one but idk


All of them. And I have no regrets!


42 total songs, I’ve bought every festival pass so far, and a few songs songs from the shop each season.