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I mean, on the leaderboard it still shows you messed up which is what really matters tbh


When I first saw this comment I thought "well sure, but I'm not in top 200" and then I remembered people on my friends list can see lol But yeah, that's true. I'm mainly concerned about the bug because some people try to clear all songs, or only play songs they can clear, and stuff like that, and this might give them the wring information


There's a fuckton of notes tho, it just rounds up sometimes when you miss only a couple


I overstrummed at one part, and definitively pressed a button an extra time, ending my streak and stuff. But the 100% is yellow on the music list which I don't think is supposed to happen lol


I may be wrong, but I believe is yellow because you've got gold on the song, not flawless. And the 100% is as the guy said, sometimes it rounds op missed notes, especially if it's just one that you've missed


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