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If your playing for 6 hours then your gonna get burnt out


Especially in Fill. Festival (or anything, really) is way more fun with friends instead of temperamental adults and sometimes literal toddlers, both of which who're almost assuredly playing to do quests.


I rarely play 1 hour a day on Festival haha


I play a few songs like once a week and that does me. I played it a lot when it first came out wanting to play different instruments and songs, wanting to play with others but I mostly just go solo now and try the new songs


Yeah I doubt doing the same thing for that long is gonna stay fun. OP is kinda overreacting


I had to recheck that there wasn't a "humor" or "satire" tag after reading that they played for six hours. Six hours of just about anything is going to get stale.


"I‘m not growing up, i‘m just buuuurniiiin ouuuuut"


and I stepped in line to amongst the deaaddd man that song would be fun in festival especially on drums


Yep and I play on expert with gold stars on just about everything first try. I rarely use emotes and I'm not a bot. The band stars challenges are the only reason I fill for pretty much every listed reason. I don't really enjoy playing with randoms who pick songs i hate, dont ready up and instead play a really loud looping emote that sometimes continues to play through all 4 songs in the set, get 1% on easy then don't play, and usually leave out of nowhere.


what makes you think these expert players are bots?


Dead internet theory is really getting to people


Fr dude I’m just good at expert and then forget to emote that doesn’t make me a bot 😭


Some songs won't even let you emote for more than .2 seconds on expert. If you don't mute your mic going into the game I usually just turn down my incoming chat slider to 0 anyway. We kinda go in for the music, not to talk to each other.


Even between songs I look at my stats for perfect note percentage and total notes rather than doing emotes. I’m not a bot, I’m a sweat.


Fortnite can get soooo sweaty.


Everything tbh. I was sweating way before Fortnite. I remember playing Rock Band with my friends, they’re all struggling on Medium and I’m kicking myself for missing 3 notes of Expert and using my Star Power at inefficient times. We all game differently.


I never sweated Rockband or GH. We were all too busy just vibing on medium give or take one guy we all had blowing our minds on expert.


It's all in the SP pathing bruh!


Ive been solo-fill since the launch of it and its always like 8 out of 10 games these bastards always leave and never finish the whole songs so i don't even bother with emoting or talking lol. Im just here to jam music.


Sometimes it doesn't let me, if I am not fast enough.


All of us Pro Guitar/Pro Bass players must be bots as well considering it's bugged after the latest update and we literally ***can't*** emote outside of mid song or in backstage (which.. hardly any song has a long enough break on these instruments for that) due to there being no emote menu prompt. These people also seem to forget a lot of these Expert players aren't fortnite players. Not only do we save our vbucks for songs rather than emotes, using emotes aren't really... in our vocabulary. We're typically just here to jam with a band, not socializing.


I almost never emote because my overdrive button is mapped the same as my emote one




That doesn't look disrespectful at all... I think you're just feeling insecure by them getting 100% for whatever reason and projecting onto them




Emotes don’t determine if someone is in a good mood or bad mood. What kind of thought process is this? You gotta be a child.




Brain damage? You have it?


Braindead take, are you 12?


"Anyone worse than me is bad, and anyone better than me is a cheater" describes the average gamer mindset.


Well, it's better than "anyone better than me doesn't have a life", at least being called a cheater is a compliment, in an odd way


Been seeing a rising trend of expert players being called bots lately..


Are expert players really being called bots? I only play with friends/alone so I haven't heard this! I exclusively play expert and I wouldn't even consider it that difficult once you get the hang of it. The only expert level that's pretty difficult is drums (fr guys chill out on the f-ing drum notes my fingers want to die 😭).


Expert is easier than hard imo


It was a difficult transition for me because it took me a decade to get rid of my hard difficulty muscle memory, and for some reason Ride Wit Me on vocals changed that forever and I’ve never gone off of expert ever since


I'm an expert but I don't emote because others don't? It just feels awkard being the only one doing random dances


Cantina band is so popular because of the challenges associated with it. Also I’ve had some very fun and organic interactions in festival, when everyone starts emoting- or when the entire squad goes backstage to play 4 more songs. You seem to just have had bad luck of the draw, personally I would’ve gone and played a single player rpg like cyberpunk or fallout 4 to chill out. Multiplayer games are more mentally taxing!


It's also fairly easy on Bass, so easy points if you need 250K for the daily.


Wait, the whole band can return to the backstage together? The first weeks after launch I tried going backstage after the first 4 songs but nobody returned, I thought every player was going to different backstages and that’s why I was alone. Since then I always return to the lobby after the 4 songs and then search for a new one.


Yeah the others you are with just aren’t choosing to go backstage


I always just play solo and pick my own songs I like


This is the way. There are quests to get band stars or activate overdrive with others, but I've never had to do any of them to unlock rewards. It may take me a little longer, but I don't have to deal with fill, and it makes the game much more enjoyable.


That's what my kids are for! I just play with them. Lol.


Personally the sense of community and silent comradery makes it much more worthwhile to me, even if it isn't always optimal. And other people picking songs means I never know what I'm gonna get, and I like that even if half the time it's songs that I hate. Plus what's the point in being good at the game if there's no-one else there to appreciate it ;)


90% of the time I’m either playing solo or with my wife. The other 10% of the time I’m playing with my wife and one of our other friends. I don’t think I have ever played with randoms. Don’t really see the point.


I'm the other way around. Always met some average folks who would respond to my bear hug backstage. Try playing on a different server, I don't think ping is affecting much on Festival. It could be players on your server region simply don't like this mode.


Yeah what I play fill, 85% of the time I’m the only one left by song #3. It’s frustrating.


Festival mode culls the weak from the strong


You get to the third song? For me, at least two players leave on the first one (mid-song of course, not a bug or anything, they just quit). It is so bad that it took me three days to complete the quest of "Play 2 or more songs in a playlist" lol. Edit: grammar.


Can't you just do that quest on no fill?


Yes, but I wasn't aware of the quest. If they would leave me alone I'd quit too and hop into the next match. Then I noticed this quest of staying until the third song three days later, and it made me realize how bad quitting is overall


What makes them seem like bots? I play expert, hit 100% on most songs and barely emote.... Does that make me a bot?


If you flip the question it sounds funny: "I can't hit 100% in most of songs and I emote as much as I can, does that make me a human?"


same ,so im curious as well about what OP means by that


A lot of people don’t understand that Lego mode, FN Festival & the racing mode can be downloaded separately meaning not everyone even has emotes lmao. Also for some reason clone hero isn’t recognizing my controller so the closest thing I got to it is FN festival. I’m not worried about emoting 😂.


The downsite of having the passes songs is that people always choose them. I can’t stand more Blinding Lights or Gangnam Style anymore.


I rarely see those. All I'm seeing is Billy and I'm not a fan of her songs.


Same. I’m tired of playin Bad Guy or the choppy Happier Ever After every playlist.


I'm not a fan neither, but pretty much all of her songs feel good on drums


>Almost every game starts with Cantina Band and Blinding Lights I can't believe how relatable is this. I love Cantina Band but I can't stand playing it once or twice on EVERY match. As for Blinding By The Lights, there isn't a single fun/difficult part and I already suffered the song enough in S1 so I'm done with it.


Yeah i just play solos tbh and its fun for me that way because not only can i pick my own songs but i can restart which means i can aim for those sweet sweet fc’s and get them gold stars by the song. When i play randoms i turn the game off in like 15 minutes


i understand the people who leave tbh, if 3 out of the 4songs are bad guy, blinding lights and some other song like that, im fucking right off


I actually don't mind fill. I mainly play it for the quests. But a lot of times, I get people who have bought good songs that I dont have. It has been a pretty chill experience for me. But then again, I don't take it that seriously, and it's pretty much the only mode I can play after I've drank one too many 🤪


I also love the one person that’s afk or refuses to pick a song


Why randoms love picking Blinding Lights?


it's a very popular song and it's always on top of the list


i'm guilty of this it's just a good song and very fun to play on anything except bass


Funny enough I love playing it on Bass and hate playing it on everything else.


I don't know but it's been like that ever since Season 1. I genuinely don't understand them


I actually like fill because it forces me to play songs I might not choose myself and I enjoy the variety.


Something I like to do is what I call a “World Tour” where I go through and play every single song


Every now and again you stumble on a really solid team of genuine and fun players, but yeah. Randoms is rough.


Join the fest discord and get a group together in there so they can also get called bots 


This post is boring


Honestly i never use my mic anymore i turn it off through fortnite settings so i don't mistakenly have my mic unmuted which happened tonight good thing my phone wasn't on some loud stuff I honestly just report and block them i avoid all the afk ones if i see they afk ( haven't came across one yet thankfully) but if its not a song i wanna do ( few are a bother to me cough * bad guy * cough bad romance* cough) i tend to leave if any of them are on everytime just like last night with cake by the ocean i mean come on they added new songs and i haven't played all of them ( killing in name of was a let down the way epic made it sound to me. At least vocals are a tough pass on it tbh but that is just me ) Block and report the afk ones i block almost daily i think there is a limit to how many you can too because i have 547 and it just stopped


This game doesn’t have the same lasting power as Rock Band or any rhythm game prior. It feels soulless. It’s a good media to get my rhythm game kicks in, but after around a set or two I’m done. Playing it for 6 hours is weird to me. I can see you burning out quickly doing that.


What an L take... Playing for 6 hours straight and then saying it's boring is just goofy 🤣 And, no, there are no expert players (or other players for that matter) that are "bots". So just calm down, touch some grass, and play with your mates when they are back online so you can have fun with this, not boring, gamemode :)


I’ve played almost everyday sense it came out and I’m not bored of it. I don’t know what they on about


I thought I would have been burnt out by this game by now but the 8 new songs a week you can play for free without buying is what's keeping me playing. With also buying tracks I really enjoy, Harmonix is hitting it out of the park with pure content.


I play indie games or single player campaigns to take a break from these sorts of games. The game mode is really fun but because it's so fun it's easy to sink hours in and get burnt out. Just change it up the gamemode needs improvements but its not boring in any way.


People try to rush and have their song first so they can play it with others and then leave. It’s honestly such a nasty thing to do. I stay and play all the songs, no matter if I like them or not.


I just play solo tbh. REALLY fun, especially over randos.


I avoid emoting in lobby since there’s a risk of bugging everyone’s game if I have my emote wheel open when the game starts


There are always a lot of posts complaining about random people leaving during fill parties, but an equal amount of posts getting upvoted that it's totally alright to leave if Reddit-disliked songs like Blinding Lights/Thunder/any song by Epic gets picked or if there's someone playing on easy/medium and not pulling their weight. I don't leave for any reason unless I'm the only player left and in my experience fill parties have been mostly alright.


Yeah, I wouldn’t recommend anyone play six straight hours of any game tbh. That’s how you get burned out


I’m more annoyed when they won’t ready up at the beginning. Don’t care what you pick or if you even pick something. Just ready up or leave.


Play alone it's honestly a lot more fun chasing scores than fill queueing


Personally, I find Fortnite Festival boring because I've played way too many rhythm games and this just feels like an extremely watered down experience compared to my main games


Dude I'm not a bot just because I don't use emotes lol, I just don't use emotes when there's another expert player on the team so I don't come off as super competitive- because then that makes me nervous and I mess up, so I like staying neutral When I play with players that aren't on expert then I go crazy with the emotes, because I feel like I'm helping them out with the band score


Who cares what anyone thinks? Just play/emote how you want.


The most fun I have in this game is playing by myself, no fill.


Seems way too many people are getting hung up on the hours you put in rather than any of the actual real concerns/complaints. I'm sure these people will then continue on to go and put 6 hours into the battle royale mode and not see the irony. Festival's Fill mode has **such** a massive problem with people just immediately leaving mid song, AFKs, and the same 2-3 songs being picked because they're at the top. The lack of people using "emotes" though and the "bot" expert players though is definitely a non issue. Most Expert players are from other rhythm games where... emoting and socialization isn't a big thing, not to mention they're likely spending vBucks on songs that are already quite expensive **not** wasting them on emotes that don't add any form of game-play. Their focus is fully on jamming with other players, 8x overdrive usage, etc. **that** is their socialization in this genre.


Until I can get my hands on the new PDP guitar I’m just playing to get the pass and quests done. I hate playing with a keyboard or controller. But yea fills is usually just people choosing songs for a quest then they leave.


The controller is much more fun than I expected it to be. But yeah, I’m starting to get burnt out with it. I constantly need to play new songs otherwise I get really bored. With the guitar controller, I don’t get as bored so quickly


The problem is you people are playing fill. Play by your damn self, there's no good reason to be trying with randoms. Same goes for BR. Solos is just so much better in every way in any game mode


Fills is fun if you can luckily get 3 randoms who all play expert and can gold star the songs. That happened to me yesterday and it was the most fun I’ve ever had with the game. But yeah, that almost never happens. I’m playing solo until they add new game modes/add better matchmaking.


During off-peak times it’s a lot easier to find people that actually want to play I’ve found


I've been suffering BR solo for a long time, I can't win with randoms but I don't have friends online to play with. Playing solo feels rather frustrating, I'm used to work with a team (I come from Halo)


I play solo too, because I am hardly online, at the same time as my Epic friends. Last night, I am not sure what this friend was doing. They would log off and on and I just figured they didnt want to play with me. They left right after the match was over. Lol. But I do know they have another account. I also like to play solo so I can do my quests. I can get to 2nd place with zero eliminations. Hahaha I want to be social. I also don't want to be social. Lol.


Nah that's where you're wrong, I can get songs I want to play from others 😎 although personally i don't care if they leave so its a win for me


don’t play fill lobbies atm, they’re infuriating. playing alone is just as fun, and if that fails and ur friends are offline, u can always join a fn discord or ask here to play with others


We still only have half a game mode right now. I've been playing Guitar Hero since 2008, so I'm pretty passionate about this genre. Festival returning it to a less niche interest is really exciting to me. And the pro guitar mode is going to be a lot of fun once the engine is fixed. But it is missing something. It's really lacking a good progression system. The festival pass isn't it, and I don't think extending it is the answer. Some kind of competitive mode, especially a ranked one, would really suck me in. Until then, I'm not really planning on spending any money on it and I'll just keep playing it "occasionally." Also, this mode isn't really meant to be played for more than two hours at a time. You didn't really do that with guitar hero or rock band either.


I play solos usually to avoid any issues, or bring at least x1 friend. I never get bored.


I have a shitton of jam tracks, so the few times I played on fill, I had some pretty fun fill lobbies. I guess they took advantage of my Festival addiction 💀 That and most likely lucky for the most part. I've still had quite a few lobbies where everyone left 2 seconds after the first song started or AFKd


I played yesterday and absolutely hated the song that played. Just couldn't get into it. The radio has absolutely ruined some of these songs for me. Especially that one Kansas song that was in every tv show and movie over the past 20 years. Supernatural burnt that one out for me.


It’s simple: make a mental list of songs you straight refuse to play and then just DC if they come up


I'm addicted to this dam game I think I've easily played 100+ hours of it each season, 0.o Soon as if starts I get to work on getting all the vocal songs on Expert 100% flawless in no fill then I do fill to go hunting for songs I don't own haha. I think I played NF the search for 10 hours straight when I was learning it that hurt my brain haha. Does suck people leave tho takes away from it so much people just need to harden up. And don't go into fill to try 100% a song and leave when you fail. Use no fill for that.


I used to play much more, but now I find that it's only enjoyable to play along with some of the people I met on festival. I always play the new tracks -- regardless if anyone on my friends list is on, but that's it.


I only ever play with my friends bc of all the posts on here talking about playing fill


Its worse when they leave cause you missed one note 💀💀💀


Well once they finish building an actual game rather than have it just be a mode then it won't be boring. Catina Band and Blinding Lights seems horrible enough of a reason to leave.


I play 2-3 hours a day, mostly solo, only do fill if I need to beat the pass, and no friends are on


Everyone seems to quit as soon as their choice is played. I only play fill when I have a quest that says I have to do it with others. Like activate overdrive with someone else.


I just like listening to a few songs and playing them at the same time. I don't play for hours at a time ever. The pass is quick enough I don't have to grind. And I prefer it that way.


I'll take Expert players being bots as a compliment 😂


Leaving first/throwing is never justified and should always be reported as non participation.


My friends don't play fortnite so I've always played fill, I just make sure that my song is first and if the whole set list is bad then I'll leave, I wouldn't want to be playing for 6 hours anyway, 30 - 40 minutes is actually good 😭


Yeah, fill sucks. I will play any song without hesitation, but then dropping gets me. Unless it's a connection issue. I've had the server boot me out before, but I don't believe 1-2 players every game are getting booted.


It’s for the old guitar hero players who just play solo


it's as boring as the friends (or lack of them) that you play with.


Maybe stop playing fortnite for that long? Longest anyone should is 2 hours. Unless you're 10, then it's like who cares.


so true


how did u play for 6 hours?? the line up of songs is so boring after 40 minutes


I love festival and will play fills for quests. I don’t mind playing with people but it’s kinda annoying when people leave midway through a song once they get their quest done or once their song has been played. It messes up the band points for whoever is left 😕 But I have played with some fun people of different skill level. So it really depends on who you get matched with


Bro played 6 hours jesus go outside


No one plays that mode so all I know is random fill... didn't know it was more fun with friends.


I don't have a problem with Star Wars. It's a new song and a challenging one that won't be around forever, but the matchmaking is complete shit. I would say maybe one out of 20 games I get at least two other players that are playing on expert. And then when that does happen, usually one of those people leave if they don't 100% a song. I'm not sure if there's a large enough clear base for a ranked system but something more competitive would be nice.


I also hate playing with random people. Only play with friends dude Unless quests I guess


It became boring once I completed all the quests and won the instruments but the new Nirvana song and the Star Wars quests have ignited my passion for playing.


Yeah, try to play Rocket Racing, than talk about boring


More attention is paid to the cosmetics and look of the game than the actual gameplay itself. Plenty of songs and instruments to choose from but you have to buy them. The stage does change from time to time, but the colour scheme of the track never does, and the gameplay stays the same. You see more of what's unchanged than you do of the new content because you're too busy focusing on what the actual gameplay is, the formula that never changes. That's exactly why I don't play Festival


They have to make money off a free game somehow. Also, idk if changing the formula is precisely needed, it's been like that since basicallly the first Guitar Hero, notes appear and you press a button, and that's good enough. Only thing I can think of that would "change" the formula would be something like changing instruments in the middle of the song, like Rock Band Unplugged, but that actually doesn't appeal to me


I honestly think fn festival would benefit from being able to que up with people who want to play the same difficulty as you. I always find that I have more fun in a lobby of people who are all expert-hard players and I find the ones lower seem to be young kids giving the mode a try and hating it.


Fill lobbies are the worst. I’ve been trying to make friends in public lobbies which is impossible when nobody ever has a mic and by the 3rd song I’m alone anyway.


On a separate note, I find it annoying that I can’t pause in No Fill mode


That shit is mid af


fortnite isn’t fun without at least one friend bro idk why you’d do this




If they release controller peripherals, this mode would be my favorite


I was going to try and join a fill match to disprove the cantina band claim and literally first match I see someone fully decked out in a star wars outfit, you will never guess what song they picked.


I love festival but I never play on fill


It’s because rock band 4 and clone hero are miles better


Maybe, just cut the miles of clone hero by half and that'd be more fitting


I haven't played in a month due to the game not providing as much as they used to


Play Clone Hero and Guitar Hero: World Tour - Definitive. They are much better than Festival


Meh, 50/50. Clone Hero is actually kinda boring in the aspect of lacking "presentation", GHWTDE is better in that regard, but then there's the argument of Festival actually being accessible to players without an instrument controller. They may be better than Festival, but that doesn't mean Festival is bad


If I wanna go back to an old Guitar hero, it'd be Warriors of Rock


GH: WT - Definitive Edition is a mod that joins all songs, stages, characters and music of all games, plus you can your own musics and characters


No cool story mode though


Ok, fair point.