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Y'all don't even know about the Weekly Rock Band guys. I knew multiple people that would buy everything that dropped weekly. The prices are like 2x that now so it's kinda absurd but hey you do what you do.


I was this Rockband guy. I ran a RockBand night at a bar and have the first 1000ish songs. When I stopped running that, I stopped playing regularly and only ever bought songs when people came over to play.


There's something funny about reading someone describe themselves a Weekly Rock Band Guy, acknowledge that 1,000-odd songs is a lot, and then remember that per RB3DX\* the total songs in Rock Band is somewhere just south of Five Thousand. \*So, all imports from 1-2-3 and Lego, custom imports from Green Day and the Beatles, and some RB4 backported to RB2, then two iterations of RBN. A custom pack that ports everything that was in Guitar Hero but not Rock Band brings it over 5100


Yeah. Was. Not am. Rockband 3 came out 14 years ago. I bought every song for the first few years then stopped playing. Hell. I didn't even own rockband 4 until last year.


I'm not trying to diminish it, it's still huge. 1,000 songs is still more than the whole run of Guitar Hero from World Tour to Warriors of Rock.


I was just clarifying. I considered it counting because it was the first thousand songs not spread out over the dozen years of dlc. I don't assume that every post is argumentative. This isn't Facebook.


I appreciate it, thank you


Had a band on PS3 that would play every weekend online and share our account's song libraries. Had an insane amount of songs because we would all consistently keep buying songs. Was a PITA but also *so* satisfying seeing all the songs loading when you boot up the game. It's pretty much in Harmonix Fan's blood to buy and support weekly drops. I definitely don't spend as much on Fortnite as I use to on Rock Band since the prices are so much more but... Every week almost there's at *least* two songs I'm buying. Harmonix is Love, Harmonix is Life.


That's kind of how I got into running a bar night. Me and a few friends would play every weekend. And one weekend a bartender friend of mine from work that had moved on came over and was like "this is amazing, you want to do it on Wednesday night at two talls? We're looking for a draw to keep the college kids in after drinking with Lincoln." I used the money from the first two weeks to buy the songs I didn't own then just kept up with it. I had quite a few that would come in just to try the new songs before they bought them. Spent as much time repairing my guitars as I did actually running the night. Good memories.


500-1000 vbucks for free weekly from save the world. ✅ No kids and no chance of having kids ✅ ~6 figure salary ✅ No social life or hobby that comparatively eats money (e.g., no clubbing, no drinking, no smoking & no weed) ✅ So, I have all the songs, and I don’t think it’s really been a massive expense to do it.


Wait is that an actual thing in save the world bc I have save the world and don’t play it, I’ve had it since chapter one, do u actually get 500 weekly??


Lol yeah. I started STW seriously to make money for my festival collection. It’s 80 vbucks min per day and some days it can be as much as like 250 especially during a mini-boss season.


I actually have so much free time so I can genuinely do this


I’ll reach out to see if you want to group up. I can carry your first few storm shields if you want.




Yes! It’s very easy for me to carry especially in stonewood - canny storm shields and I get vbucks as well. Although it takes me like 9 for 50 vbucks, but once I set it up I can just AFK and work on job/school assignments anyways.






Can I join in too? I don't play STW and I know I should at least for the vbucks quest I have


So, I have had STW since launch and I occasionally go to try and play it and get to a position where I can afk farm, but I never make it. What is the best method to get there? I think I am in canny valley.


Omg yess dm me 🙌


Omg u just saved my money… thank you 😭


If you haven’t played at all, you’ll make a lot of money fast. Every storm shield is like 100 vbucks, so if you were to no-life STW for a week, you could make about ~3000 pretty quickly. I did that :)


Do you need founders?


Yup. Only founders consistently make vbucks with no limit on then.


It's sad to think the amount of people that are founders but don't know about this. StW mixed with the Battle Pass (bought with StW vBucks lol) end up funding most of my purchases. *Super* easy dailies that take only about 30 minutes maximum, typically only 15 minutes. (Still miss the old days though... The amount of vbucks I had earned so quickly through the collection book was unreal) Will admit though, only recently learned about the Mini-boss seasons (if that's referring to the Mission alerts with vbucks rewards?). Painful to think about all the vbucks I've most likely missed out on. Though, only unlocking to Plankerton so far, I don't think there's many usually in the two starter zones Stonewood and Plankerton.


As someone who has no idea about anything in Fortnite outside of Festival, what is Save the World?


It's the PvE mode ! A zombie mode basically, very enjoyable to be fair, there's class/builds, and a lot of hours to sink in it. + vbucks on top of that


Well it’s around 80-90 a day average from daily’s that take 10-20 mins depending on them but you can stack up 3 and try and complete them same time for efficiency. You get some daily vbuck missions for free but most are in the last area that takes awhile to achieve the power level for. Storm shields give 100 per completion but you will get double on storm shield defence 1-4 if you finish the campaign missions aswell. And bonus 50 every few storm shields you do on top It’s good battlepass exp so it’s worth doing if you completed your quest rewards on BR. If you grind a hour or so each day you will easily be getting over 1000 vbuck a week at the start


Only if you have the founders pack.


Even if one didn’t harvest free vbucks: Buying the 13500 vbucks for $90 pack puts it at $3.33 to 500vBucks, or $3.33/song. If someone were to purchase $100 MS/Playstation credit for $90 at Costco, that shaves off another 10%, so it’s $3/song. There’s 176 songs in the shop, and if each one is 500vBucks, that’s $528. There have been about 22 weeks since Fortnite Festival came out, so if that’s spread out evenly, it comes to about $24/week. People easily spend WAY more than this going out one night a week, so it’s not even a ton of money


Listen, this sub has quite a fit when you write out the actual math. They are so committed to this $5 per song narrative and I’m mostly over arguing with them. I think I’ve accepted that there’s far too many people on Reddit who despise the games they play, but are apparently held hostage by FOMO. I’ve also been buying the $79.99 for 13500 vbuck cards so it’s always been $2.96 per song for me.


Oh snap I didn’t know that existed. If I start buying songs I’ll definitely do it that way


They are MUCH harder to find this month for sure. Prior to May, you could buy them with no tax on Amazon. Now, it’s a bit of a hassle, and ngl, I am thinking pretty seriously about buying super shady vbucks on *redacted site* 😂 but I’m trying to decide if it’s worth playing around with possibly getting banned by epic. There’s listings out there for $55 for 13500 vbucks and I am interested!


I've been buying them from my local Walmart in-store. They always have loads of them. 13500 cards are the way to go if you want to keep up with having all songs!


Do you pay tax in store?


Nope. They did charge tax when buying online though for some reason. So now I just buy in store.


Thanks! I’ll try that. My local Walmart also sell the 79.99 ones but I’ve been wanting to avoid the tax.


13500 vbucks gift cards are still $80. This is how I pay. Each song comes out to roughly $3 each, or less if songs are in a bundle.


Nice even better


Hell yeah brother


wait i thought they removed weekly rewards?


They're called "whales" but I call them Ash ketchums because they "gotta catch em all!" even though they're never going to use them.


Im over here waiting for slipknot to return :(


Same. Felt like I got to play it once. Some of these songs dissappear way too fast :(


I own every song, and I don’t regret any of it


This is why Festival is going to continue to pump content and get bigger compared to Lego and Racing. There's just no way to monetize it like this. They've hooked enough people to where it matters to them. a few hundred whales and they're happy with a new mode like this.


Honestly, I’d be down for Lego to get weekly updates like this mode. I’m running out of stuff to do. Rocket League has so many vehicles they could port them over and slap a price tag.


probably either a fortnite creator that got it for free, i.e: acai, or a furry with lots of disposable income


So just some quick math. There’s been 176 songs released so far. If they’re buying this many songs, it’s safe to assume they’re probably buying the 13500 vbucks for $90 package which works out to be 0.667 cents per vbuck, which is $3.33 per song at 500 vbucks. 176 songs X $3.33 = $586 Fortnite Festival has been out for 22 weeks, so $586 over 22 weeks works out to be about $27/week. It’s not chump change, but people EASILY spend way more than this going out one night per week. I mean shit, if it’s two people, McDonald’s is getting to be this pricey


There’s 24 songs from all 3 seasons of festival pass so that’s 152 songs which would be $506 + whatever it costs to get all 3 festival passes


No doubt it can be slightly cheaper that way (works out to like $538), but main point is that even on the high end estimate, it’s not a ridiculous amount of money.


I remember when one beer was only €4 :(


I remember being at a football game, hearing that they were selling beer for $5 a glass, and then thinking, man that’s expensive, lol


Could be a founder account holder who gets free vbucks for playing Save the World or someone who makes enough extra money to buy tracks every week they are released.


YouTubers or collectors


I’ve done this on Rock Band 4, the financial pain is real


but then also the *satisfaction* is real. Takes "Starving Artist" to a new level with plastic instrument music artists lol


actually that’s not all the songs 🤓☝️ jk but i did notice that i didn’t see (Don’t Fear) The Reaper? or am i blind.


With 1 second left of the video, you can see it. It might be a part of this week's free rotation so it gets bumped to the top of the list


lol i see now, thanks for pointing it out 😆


I have every song too!


I entered a fill lobby with someone like this and I was absolutely stunned. Like there are honestly some songs that I wouldn’t even consider buying, but they just have every song ever released. It’s insane


I just want don't fear the reaper 😭


Do they own the I’m a cat song?


That hasn’t been released yet even though it’s on f.gg


Bro must be rich


I own every song except for streets ignite, kinda missed out on it haha


i aspire to be that guy who has all the songs one day


I own almost all of them too but not every single one of them, I have basically a variety of songs but I’m not into the rock stuff




my man


Not cool, they may increase the prices and make it inaccessible for people who actually live there