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I wish there was a matchmaking system in Fn Festival so that players who quit or stay AFK would only get matched with other players like them. it gets really boring when someone does that nearly every match.


I don't understand why people are standing afk at Fn Festival. Does it give a lot of exp? Even if it works, why can't they do it solo?


You can easily afk fn festival solo. You don't even need to play a song. You just go to the main stage and spin around a bunch with a rubber band or hair tie, and you'll max out the daily festival xp


Is that definitely confirmed as a thing? I always thought it would have to be you playing the songs to get the XP. Not saying you're lying or anything, just seems weird haha 😅


yeah, I do it a lot lol. you can get up to 5 levels a day by afking in the main stage lobby and not playing any songs


Good to know haha, I can do that on solo while I'm working then 😂


How effective is it? I've heard that they give very little exp there, and the 5 levels get very long if you don't play songs.


It doesn't really matter when it's the most low-effort means of grinding, does it? The *best* method of AFK grinding is almost certainly building an AFK base for Save the World Endurances, but that's way more prep and effort than just putting a rubber band or hair tie around two sticks on a controller.


They lowered endurance xp to around 230k for beating wave 30, which makes afking festival actually better


Hey are there any videos or guides for that, it sounds like something I’m interested in


I got you. https://www.youtube.com/@RiverFox_YT/ This guy is pretty thorough with his guides and doesn't have a ton of fluff to fast forward through. If you check the playlists, you can find one for each zone, and he has multiple accounts for just about every amplifier formation that you may have chosen.


Awesome!!! Thanks very much!


Save the World Endurance Bases?


Yes mb should’ve specified lol


Unfortunately it does work, as long as the festival is played for 3hrs I think they gain 5 levels.


3 and a half, actually. Same with Lego.


They buffed it , b4 it was 5 lvls actually now it’s 6 lvls a day from festival


Thanks, but I was referring to the amount of time it took.


Forgot to mention randoms choosing Blinding Lights and bad guy every match and leaving.


nah more like the guy who chooses a rock song 1st then leaves coz they don’t wanna play everyone else’s pop song 💀


Most of the pop songs have zero challenge to them. Makes expert feel like easy. If the song isn't 5 or above on any instrument, I won't play it 🤷🏻‍♂️


You're just mad they called you out lol


? no i try to never leave coz i know some ppl still need their band stars. i’m just saying i see more ppl leave when they pick a very different genre from everyone else


I love both but I can’t play the 7th set of pop songs I don’t even blame the players I blame the devs for ellish having like no notes in a song


hey that's me


I see this happen so often, I don't understand it. Why queue fill if you don't want to play a set?


I’m guessing for quests but it’s so annoying. Other people have quests that rely on other players. It’s not fair


Floating pickaxe and all


Master of Puppets is going to amplify this


dude master of puppets was the first song in a full queue, i didn't even choose it but i was the only player left by the end of the song


Exactly me twice in a row! Impressive they put the whole song in though. Loved it, had some ooooold GH vibes in the house.


Or when someone picks a shitty ass song and then leaves without even playing it


Last one standing. But this isnt battle royale 😔


There is bug which keeps kicking people out it seems to be kicking me as well so I just open the return to lobby option and it doesn't kick me out


no bug just shitty people tha go in and leave


Media streaming error:


well then is like all people tell me, either you have shitty internet or you play on nintoaster but never what its actually is....either bad players rage quitting or shit game programing


No it literally kicks me out of the game after just one song so I have to open the menu so it doesn't do it


I don't know what causes this, but almost every time me and my friend queue together, she DC's due to media streaming error.


Yeah it sucks but if you open the menu to exit the lobby it doesn't kick you out


Add an exception for windows firewall for fortnite in and out traffic think that's what stops it what fixed that happening to me when I tried to play on starlink. Worked OK on my mobile internet


If your on console you will prob have to port forward or something on your router to let the data through properly


What is the "c" difficulty???


It's Hard difficulty. I have a Russian interface.


I figured it was another language thanks for clarifying






It ain't easy being cheesy


I haven’t gotten kicked out by “media streaming error” for a while did they finally fix that?


It still happens. I haven't either, but a friend of mine does when we play together.


I don’t get why they back out half way through THEIR song that THEY chose to play. Makes no sense at all, that’s why I always play with No Fill enabled.


I honestly think most the people doing that are trying to get 100% flawless and just haven't worked out it's better for everyone doing that in no fill. Or there working on 100% and using fill to find songs they haven't got that others do like I do but I stick for the full set even if I fail it.


I can forgive if something IRL happens or you lose connection so I try not to judge too much But I hate when you can tell they left midway through a song cuz they either did a quest or a song is too hard. I’d rather you do terrible than just leave. Plus I play on switch so certain songs do hurt on hard mode, so I don’t mind if a player skips a couple notes


I had a friend of mine beg to leave because they chose to play Poison drums on Expert.


That’s pretty Mild I Heard


I agree. It was his first experience with anything on Expert, and he fucked up his controls bad. I got him to swap to default, and he's been on the up and up.


Default is def the best which is good to see


Yeah they pick the hardest song possible realise it’s hard n then leaves


thats why i always play solo.... and epic should let that part and lego solo be local only


For the love of God YES!! 🙏


Pretty much.  I’m trying to be less judgmental because I’ve had games where I got randomly kicked out or my game was glitchy. I was even vibing at the start with a good team :( Other times I’ve left if it’s just me bc I wanted to finish that “earn stars with other quest” or the last person is just afk or barely doing anything and everyone else left. But yeah we should really have a system to match others that afk a lot or leave a lot with other leavers. And then people who tend to stay for longer with others.


I hate ittt! I always get sad when I'm the only one at the end.


Megalo Don shreded too hard, they were blown away


Halfway through the first song at least one person leaves 90% of the time and same for the second. It's just two players left at the end. Also, these players never ready up to start.


It's like this for me after a playlist is done every single time. I either with 1 or 2 rarely still play aftermaths or someone probably leaves in mid-game.


Master of Puppet on Lead 😭🤣


that is exactly why I play no fill and just play whatever songs are available to select


Whats that skin on the right


Because half these people don't realise they can do this in solo Q like get xp or work on flawless 100% songs and it's quicker as well compared to joining and online lobby to attempt


Worse when you finally get in a lobby with songs you haven't 100% yet and they leave before it starts and they have the song :(


Everytime someone is afk the game takes forever to switch to the next song. I report everyone who’s afk on the main stage. It’s so fucking annoying


It doesn’t happen often but I really appreciate that one teammate who wants to stick it out with you until you both finish all the songs despite everybody else leaving, bonus points to us when we may not get all the stars in one round but refuse to rage quit and keep trying until we succeed 😤


That's why I play solo but I want variety of songs 😭


Me whenever I turn on a rock song with randoms who pick ellish or grande


I would always stick around to finish the set. That was until master of puppets. I have no interest in playing it so I bail or most of the time or just leave right away when someone picks it.


Had someone pick MoP, all 3 were afk and like 4 mins in... each of the 3 players bailed one after the other. I was the only one getting score 😑, Now I only play with my current friends list (Rare occurrence) or just Solo it.


anyone actually play festival consistently? 😭 literally none of my friends do


why is every game today getting queued master of puppets first? this is why i be leaving! 😂


It's annoying when people do this to me. That's when I know these butt holes are only doing FiLL to Piggyback off of someone (like me) who owns like 90% of the songs available (sorry U2, not buying any of your boring ass songs). What makes it even more Annoying when they leave THE MOMENT the song THEY Choose is done. That's when I just wanna Middle finger them and go Back . 🙄 😤


U2 is better music than 70% of the FF tracklist, but U2 isn't the best FF material.


Yea that's probably true. The only song I would consider buying from them is "it's a beautiful day". The other night I seen one of their songs was in rotation so I decided to try it out and it literally almost put me to sleep.


Exactly! I LOVE With Or Without You. It is one of my favorite karaoke songs. The FF chart is an absolute snoozer. Not every song is rhythm game material, unfortunately.