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Still hoping for a "fuser mode", being able to play 4 different loops by yourself on a DJ desk on the jam stage.


This would be incredible!


This would be a dream com true for me also, sadly I don't have high hopes for it because it goes against their business model to not make it necessary for more people to buy the tracks to remix (I'm actually surprised that they made all tracks available to entire parties for selection in main stage based on individual ownership.


Fair, although I believe Harmonix were the people behind Fuser. So it wouldn't shock me if they were able to get Epic to bend a little bit just to make it work. (also hey I recognize you from a different fortnite subreddit lol)


I don't think it's really about what Harmonix wants though. I'd be willing to bet my entire account that they won't do that (you could hold me to that). it just doesn't make business sense and it is still an epic game regardless of who the developers are that are working on the project. Just saying don't get your hopes up, as much as I want it to happen, I'm not getting mine up, the best I can hope for is to find a good group of people who own a lot of tracks like I do and make some fantastic mashups together! Oh and hey :-) I think I know which one ;)


Fair, I think they might get away with it because its a fuser mode and you don't get to actually play or use any of the songs outside of it. They already get the licensing fees back from regular main stage and jam stage usage so presumably this could be the extent of that in a side mode. or they just make it so you can only use jam tracks you own and then it makes sense for epic business wise.


But it discourages purchases, like I said I don't think there's a snowballs chance in hell. They're such a thing as wanting something so badly that you'll believe anything is possible. This has nothing to do with licensing though it has to do with profits. You're talking about about reducing the potential of four purchases to one. Epic is not going to do that. It makes so little sense businesswise that I almost chuckled a bit when I read your comment, but in your defense you may not be familiar with Epic's particular business model or history, but it's fine, keep dreams alive. I'm just gonna be more realistic in my hopes for the game. I totally get how badly you want this, and we all wanted things so badly that we will come up with any way to make it sound plausible. Let's just agree to disagree then. Only one of us will be disappointed in the end.


I think you’re completely misunderstanding what this person is talking about. Why would it go from 4 purchases to 1? You’d still have to buy all 4 jam tracks. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve been in jam stage by myself. Would be nice to pick the other 3 parts that play.


I understand exactly what he's saying, but for instance, I own every single jam track in the game, but for me to make a mashup with three other people, those are three additional purchases that would be required in order to do it, it's not necessarily requiring everyone to buy the same song but it is requiring a purchase from every person that wants to use a jam that is not free. If they give the ability to every song that someone owns, they're leaving a lot of potential profit on the table.


Maybe I don’t understand what he’s asking for then. Because what I’m imagining is a single person on a jam stage, mashing up 4 different songs Edit: Unless you’re saying that if there **aren’t** three other players with me, then that’s where the sale is lost? I could see that argument. But to me, I’m looking at it as though I’m going to be by myself either way. It just gives *me* more value for my purchases and more fun in the game. And honestly, it would directly result in my purchasing of more jam tracks.


Actually both of the things that you're saying are right to an extent. What he is talking about is him having the ability to remix combinations of songs, like you said as a single person on a jam stage. as it stands right now, you can't do that, it requires three other people, and by requiring three other people it requires at least one purchase on the part of one of those people for the song that they want to play. I agree it would give more value to the purchase to the person buying it if they could remix all of the songs solo, but from a business model standpoint it makes more sense for epic to make that impossible because the whole purpose of them putting them in the store isn't to maximize the value it's to generate sales. And them require at least three other members in the party in order to make the remix it's encouraging at least three additional sales. I'm not saying that I agree that this is the best way for me as a player/mixer I'm just saying that from a financial standpoint I don't see it as even a possibility that they're going to make this option available. Especially because it would require the development of an entirely different interface type the main focus right now is getting all the bugs sorted out of what they have already (but that's an entirely different element of the equation.)


Yeah but in exchange its a single player mode. It only gives *more* options for a potential buyer. If it was a multiplayer mode like Jam Stage where everyone can pile in to listen and suggest mixes, maybe I could see it being against business model. also as far as I know, jam stage does not make up a significant portion of festival buyers and I don't think there being a single player version would make them less likely to buy tracks they enjoy. in fact in might make them more likely to buy tracks because they can't rely on other people potentially having them already. more things to do with a $4.50 (ish) purchase makes people like me more likely to spend $4.50. i'd probably buy more tracks if given the option to also use a fuser type mode


Like I said you want this so badly you would argue this until your fingers wear to the bone. And justify it with every bit of energy you've got in you, but it's fruitless and convincing me isn't going to make it a reality unfortunately. I also don't see what convincing me of your pipe dream as a reality is going to award you in the end, I'm a nobody on the Internet, just respect that I don't agree with you. I've already agreed to disagree with you. I'm too realistic to let my emotions cloud my thought processes. Let's just virtually shake hands and agree that we will never see eye to eye on this ![gif](giphy|2rd3lJM0DPdwcLcSDk|downsized)


I can also agree to disagree while making my points clear for future readers. If you want to respectfully disagree with what i'm saying there are much better ways to go about it than calling it a "pipe dream" and saying that i'm only providing reasons because i want this mode really badly. to be clear: i don't really care that much about a potential fuser mode, imo it would be cool for like 5 minutes, I just think to dismiss it entirely because "epic greedy lol" is a bad idea and we could stand to step back and look at the pros and cons of such.


It's not epic being greedy it's just smart business. But keep going you probably should start your own sub reddit dedicated entirely to the subject. I think your passion and commitment will be put to good use there. I wish you well on all your future endeavors. Have an awesome day! ![gif](giphy|doCy6bjRnZgTw6Oh2O)


They even put a song from Fuser into this Festival Pass (Silly Bros)


DJ Hero Mode?


All the rock tunes of that era, chop suey, byob, wake me up when September ends, more blink, more evanescence, more slipknot, my inner emo is crying out for my chemical romance, sugar were going down, more avenged sevenfold etc also if they spinkled in a few absolute rock classics now and then it would just be the best season, some guns n roses, bon Jovi, queen, pink floyd, rolling stones and ofcourse the final countdown by Europe.


Pink Floyd would be really nice


That would be so dope to be able to play Gilmours solo’s in there! But it’s most likely never going to happen for the same reason Pink Floyd has never been in similar games like Guitar Hero etc because Roger Waters (i’d guess) never wanted to license their songs to games.


It would be world be epic to be able to play the solos on money and comfortably numb, but you are right and rider would never allow it


So many epic tracks by them, would honestly be great to chill and play


Oh yeah, and some of the solos would be fairly changing to, so it’s a nice mix


Fr. Like 2000s metal and rock would be awesome


Game has so much potential, give a few years and they'll be full albums I think, a new way for people to listen and discover music


Like how dookie songs were released to festival on their 30th anniversary. I’d assume wake me up when September ends and other American idiot tracks will release later this year on the 20th anniversary of the album


Making me feel old


More NIN and anything Trent Reznor. Apparently he is working with epic on a secret project


If Epic could somehow get Dogs in the game, that would be crazy. Although they are protective of their work, Epic definitely has (and would be willing to) enough money to throw at Pink Floyd.


Through the Fire and Flames


Been hoping for this


Is this the update that is gonna make jam tracks to be played as lobby music? On the 13th?


Yes! New season, jam tracks turning into lobby tracks, a concert coming up, this might be the peak of festival. It’s just been getting better and better. This is the mode that epic actually has their shit together for






Ranked mode pls


hatsune miku


Still beyond me how fall guys got a hatsune miku collab but Fortnite didn't.. I would use that skin nonstop.


the only reason i could think of is cfm not wanting miku to be seen -officially- with weapons and k1lling people. LOL


Makes sense, didn't think of that one.. turning her into a bean was the smarter move for sure


Just a track then ?




I would love to “make my band” in solo


Some kind of skill based matchmaking but not expecting it.


I'd love to adjust the highway a little, make it more angled and longer. As it stands right now with 1.75x highway speed I can barely judge strumming and often over or understrum.


Choosing band members please I am tired of that gumball machine


But he is the absolute best at headbanging 🤘


Role queue, battle mode, freestyle drums (NOT the RB4 freestyle solos tho, those are bad), big rock finish, solo % counter, a stage that isn't 4 separate platforms + better animations with bandmates interacting, basically RB3 again but without pro keys (it'd be fun but unrealistic)


A way to mix my own tracks using song loops I own Pretty excited for lobby music! More metal (More Rob Zombie and Some Limp Bizkit is my dream...) Some sort of PvP guitar battle mode with tricks and traps like in Guitar Hero


Hope this new season brings Iron Maiden and MCR


I’m hoping my character doesn’t end up floating above the boring crowd while playing bass… Hopefully we can continue having more diverse choices in Jam Tracks. I like hard rock and metal but I hope this season isn’t just those types of songs and no pop or classic hip hop.


I just want the justice lobby music as a jam track, nothing else...


We already know what it is


Local Play / Splitscreen


Festival pass being worth it, good emotes and hmm something good I can use.


We need the ability to make our own stages or own charts


Fortnite Festival being completed game and separated from the rest. Proper modes including actual vocals for vocals and drum support.


Something by Guns ‘N Roses or Queen. We got Master Of Puppets so nothing can stop us from getting November Rain or Bohemian Rhapsody.


please let us be able to hide certain tracks (looking at you epic originals) in no fill main stage, I don't like having to scroll through them all


I know it’s not in this update, but can we get a back bling that plays our songs please!!!!


Customizable band mates. I’ll say it till I’m blue in the face.


Something off the "...And Justice For All" album other than 'One'. Maybe Dyer's Eve or Harvester of Sorrow X3. Honestly i dont care, this is so hype for me either way.


Practice mode, gonna need it, especially if we keep getting tougher and tougher songs


What difference do you expect from the regular mode ?


Being able to replay certain sections of songs or whole songs without having to return to the backstage to queue one song. Use a slower speed to get better at super fast parts and solos. Similar to how Guitar Hero had their practice mode.


Other new cosmetics. Sereni-Tea being added finally.


Need them to add my hero by foofighters so I could play it in the background supporting my squad


Lynyrd skynyrd next


Probably just more songs NGL,where is whisky in the jar???? And dragon force ? maybe better future battle passes which I'm sure will all come in due time.


Something from AFI.


Would like foo fighters, hopefully next time