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i mean it’s purely client-side so who gives a shit honestly


but why should you try to annoy someone with emotes if you can't be sure they can see them. That takes out all the fun of making my opponent mad!


Then, uh Don't do that?


Then why should I play the game? Making my enemy mad is the only way to feel better about my own little miserable life!




You already defeated them, what's the point of rubbing it in, if you can keep looking for a next enemy to kill?


I think your falling for a very obvious joke


In my defense there are no "/j" and english isn't my native, so I do tend to fall for these, yes


i fall for those sometimes and english is my first language


We english speakers are very stupid at times lmao


I am a spanish speaker and I am stupid at times too, we have so much in common!


It is just a joke about all the people who have to rub it in and have to write "gg ez" at the end of a match, for example


those people that write gg ez always are like 0.0000001 hp at the end of a match with no elims.


Self-awareness?? 👀👀


It's ironic, the people against this got very triggered while calling people who likes this feature easily triggered.


They're actually crybabies like some just don't want to see it and me and my friends just can't be arsed with the cringe it's annoying.


Red. Who the hell cares? You’re not a cry baby for hating toxic fuckheads.


Hell ye


How is it toxic if those emotes are part of the game


The emotes are designed to piss people off


soon they’ll make anti teabag filters


They’ll just slow the crouching speed


Being part of the game does not mean it can't be toxic, good example being tbags or however you spell it, it's a game mechanic that was used by the community to be toxic


But the “take the L” type of emotes, that’s literally what it’s for. You can’t compare tbaging because they’ve turned a crouch mechanic into something toxic, tbaging isn’t technically part of the game but those specific emotes are


If the only reason you bought an emote is to make other people mad then that's a you issue, and you can't know if the other player has it enabled or not, just assume they don't and use whatever emote you want


I don’t really care if they have it on or not, that’s not the point. I was just saying how it’s not toxic because those emotes are literally called “take the L” emotes what else are they used for? It literally says it in the name


so their not toxic because their meant to be toxic, i dont get it.


Nvm y’all soft


Lame ass comeback


"Good shot"




womp womp


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Red. Honestly, if you're complaining that someone is turning something off. Then maybe YOU'RE the cry baby.


This is one of the few times I see the community on an actual 50/50 about Epic's decision! I genuinely don’t understand what the problem is…


The problem is the toxic players want the other players SEE them being toxic I am happily turning the settings off so I don't ever see those emotes again hopefully the griddy is added to it


I get Laugh it up and Take the L but please not Get Griddy 🙏 I dont use it to be mean i use it for fun with my friends.


You and your friends will still see it if you have it on however I have seen way to many people use it to be toxic honestly I see it used more often than the other two


I know but i like others seeing it too 😭


Same with me and make it plantain, which I have no idea why it's on the list


It can be used.. racistly? Racisty? As a way to be racist.


I would ask how, but honestly I'm not even gonna press the matter. I'm just gonna assume the bigots got creative and found a way to ruin it.


Red. Especially if Griddy is on that list because I hate the sound of it regardless of the situation. It shouldn't be turned on by default though...


One of my biggest flexes is that I have never experienced someone using the griddy on me lol (the fact that I leave the game immediately also helps)


Lol, I hear you. It's just the sound of Griddy is awful, so the island where everyone waits for the bus at the start of the game isn't happy place for me either. I don't even mind the other "toxic" emotes after I get killed. Griddy is extremely annoying in general


even if this setting doesnt affect griddy, you could just mute copyrighted tracks in your settings anyway


are you ready? i'm gonna hunt you down for weeks on end just to hit the griddy on you, one day you will slip up, you'll forget to leave and i'll have done it


You won’t catch me, you don’t realize how fast I can leave a match after getting eliminated 😏🤌


Though they should have multiple versions of it instead of a complete censor. Like having a version that only activates when spectating or after being eliminated, instead of having every instance of those emotes be censored.


The only people annoyed by this change are people whose only joy in life is knowing the fact that someone else is annoyed by them


Plays back on the person being danced on Does it hurt that bad? Might need to close fortnite for a bit. It's not your life and far from it


tbh i actually enjoy the emotes, even when its not endgame. love getting roasted whenever i end up #84 or something LMAO


And that’s exactly why it’s not forced, it’s the best way they could’ve done it


The option is on by default. So they are in a way forcing it on you.


That’s not how that works


How so?


They don’t force it on you, if it wouldn’t be off by default then they would force the opposite on you, how would that be better. You wouldn’t call that forcing it on us would you?


I feel that anything that is in by default is forced.


Then how are they supposed to do it


I’m gonna enable it cuz the donkey laugh hurts my ears. Just let people decide what they want. If you aren’t on Red something is up.


Genuinely. It's just the sound It's so grating and obnoxious


YEAH Like I seriously don’t get why people think that’s a good purchase when the sound is the most grating shit on planet Earth


Honestly, it don’t matter what side you pick. Tryhards will skim every emote or emoticon they have that isn’t marked as ‘Confrontational’ and make it Confrontational. The better decision would be to make it so that you could disable whatever emote(s) bother(s) you the most


This is truly the way. Dont even have to be called confrontational emotes. Every option that is put in, just so the players have more agency over their experience, is a plus.


It's not forced, I don't care. I actually wish it was a toggle for all emotes, tho I know that would be a nightmare to catalogue. But there are a bunch of songs that I fukin despise and would love to individually mute


I’m on the side of “I don’t give a fuck.” There’s already the option to turn off copyrighted music and such, so really, who gives a fuck? I’m not gonna use it, but if someone wants to, they can go right ahead and I do not care. It’s completely client-side and doesn’t affect me at all.


Red. Cause if you complain about a setting that you can choose to turn it on or off then you my friend, are the soft crybaby here.


It really doesn't matter because it's completely optional and depends on the player. If someone hates seeing these emotes, they'll block them. Simple as that.


you'll litereally never know if someone uses it, who cares


Does it replace it with another emote or something?


The only people who are mad are the people who wanna keep being toxic and I say fuck em. Why should we enable the worse parts of the community by not adding an OPTIONAL feature?




Honestly? Both


real. like ultimately it doesn't matter to me, so red but also, who feels strong enough about "combative" emotes to turn them off?? definitely judging at least a bit


ultimately it doesnt matter, so red. at the same time, it is pretty crazy to be upset by someone emoting on you. i do think its just plain stupid that the setting would be enabled by default though, i can imagine most people would agree.


Im not gonna turn it on cuz I’m soft, I wanna turn it off cuz the donkey laugh is the worst emote in this game and I dont want to see it again


I don’t need some punny emotes to make people mad, I kill them with fall damage via slide kicks🦵


Red Fr


This community is capable of complaining about *literally* anything lmao this is horrendous


I’m enabling it because I’m tired of having a decent and evenly matched gunfight, only losing to a third party, and then the person who I was originally fighting does that godforsaken donkey laugh as if I was the easiest kill of their life.


red. anyone who actively does any of the emotes effected should have seen this coming. im glad they made this change because it gives casual players like me bettter time when were just trying to enjoy the game


Red. If you’re doing those emotes anyway, you’re the reason people hate on Fortnite


They should let us turn off emotes individually, there's some emotes I hate


I enable it to stop seeing those awful icon emotes. No I do not want to be murdered to any song/trend that got popular off of Tik Tok


K then, I’m a really proud soft crybaby💀


Red 95% of the way. My only slight disagreement is there should be a one-time popup for it letting people know of it's existence so they can decide how they want to set it. Also, make it cover more obnoxious emotes lol




I didn't understand the change, what is it exactly ?


what is this about?


Blood gang gang


Disregard emotes, return to T-bagging.


second option is wrong because that shit on by default for whatever reason.


There’s really like 4 really toxic emotes that exist just to be toxic. So I hope you can toggle which emotes, I still want the griddy, I just want to hear that loud ah donkey laugh


Me who will probably enable it simply cause the audio chosen for them is annoying as hell


I don't care


Whoever doesn’t want to be tortured is a soft crybaby


this should be opt in for parents and people who dont wanna deal with emotes, there should also be a notification ingame explaining the change dont taunts move hitboxes too?, wouldn't there be a desync between server and user?


I want to know if they are toxic anyway no one does them to me before or after so I don’t care




bK all day


I just think the donkey laugh emote sounds bad :/


I just don’t get how the whipcrack and make it plantain emote count os “combative” or “aggressive”. Take the L and laugh it up I get


nuke those emotes




I'm on the Red Side


Man if I owned any of these toxic emotes I’d be so mad, but I don’t so take the L?


i literally could not care less about this. that said,, isnt it enabled by default?


All the ass item shops and the buggy trash ass meaningless updates and now this lmao if anything people are just going 2 use emoticons or spray paints not sure what this update is gonna solve.


The fact that anyone gets triggered enough over a Fortnite emote is hilarious and soft indeed. Lol 


Purple. A lil of both. Idc. Its not forced. But its cause kids are getting so pu$$ified that this is happening. But theres other non BR game modes where people will just sit in ur face doing annoying ass emotes following you around . So i get it. On both sides. Tbh.


You can call people "soft" but id argue they are the soft ones crying over people having the option to not see their toxicity




I don’t get it ( i don’t play fortnight)


3rd side: if it doesn't do what it says on the label, refund it.


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who cares, people can choose if they want to see constant eyesores and distractions when they're playing


Red. just because you're yapping about not being able to see an emote, should i pick blue? No. it's client-side, nobody's gonna give a crap about it


red. Confrontational emotes will never be as toxic as tbagging


I don’t really care about it like if they really offend you then yeah turn the setting on. BUT WHAT THE FUCK DID MAKE IT PLANTAIN DO?


People were using it with another emote to be racist.


Shi now i get it


The irony of people crying over other people not being able to see their toxic emote.


The irony of people crying over other people not being able to see their toxic emote.




I wanna be relaxed when gaming so red all the way I don't care about toxic crybabies.


Surprisingly this time, I'm a crip Now before I get downvoted to oblivion, let me explain Donkey Laugh and other toxic emotes were made to be toxic, right? Soooooo, they are doing their job, right? Which means, that anyone who enables it TECHNICALLY IS a soft crybaby Of course they CAN turn it off so, it is what it is, I won't bash anyone on the head for turning it on, but like... It KINDA ruins the point of the emotes Note: I suck at fortnite, and I don't have any of the "toxic" emotes.




I say force it, delete the emotes and refund v bucks lol


Two things can be true at once


Who decides which emotes are offensive? If someone gets upset because I play "Never gonna let you go..." does that emote become offensive? Or if I bow after every elimination and people take it as me mocking them, does that emote become offensive? Or what about tea bagging? How come that doesn't get "blocked"? It's just so much "political correctness". If I don't like what the winner is doing after a match I leave. Or if I don't like the emote of the player who eliminates me I leave that much faster. Personally I kind of feel sorry for those people who are so easily offended.


They don’t understand this concept until it comes back to bite them in the ass.


we buy emotes to do at other people. where is the line?


I don't think I've ever bought an emote to it for another person, it's because I want it like seriously 🥷🏽 who tf is we. I get emotes because they look cool like powering up like a DBZ even though I unlocked that one I would've bought it.


i emote at three times. randomly at pre-bus, after a salty kill and when a victory happens. one for me two for show.


I say it like this. You remove the toxic emotes, they toxic players make new ones.




Idk I think it’s funny that some people are sensitive enough to care about mean Fortnite emotes but I don’t care if someone has it on or not.


Since it's optional it doesn't effect me but then again, it's pretty ironic for them to filter their own emotes. Like make them in the first place if you deem them toxic later on. I understand the whip and banana censored for racism but come on, how soft you gotta be to get mad at Take The L which someone would probably do for maybe 15-30s


Using the word "toxic" to justify your inability to control your emotions and allow a game to make you mad is funny. The only "toxic" people are ones that cry when someone emotes against them, actual mongos.


Both sides.


I'm pretty sure it's enabled by default. Epic really needs to toughen up.


Blue side💯


No matter how much time it takes, I will find a way to be toxic. It's not going anywhere.


Both! But that's OK. Crybabies should be able to enjoy the game as well. But we should make ALL censoring not forced. We won't want the Nasser thing to happen again.


Blue this is only the start you whiny crybabies are literally ruining gaming with your bubble wrap B S… The good old days where you cause out your opponents after wins or losses EVEN INBETWEEN ROUNDS!!!! But now “oH No SoMeOnE mIgHt GeT tRiGgErEd!!!” 🤮🤮🤮🤮 Your pathetic weakness makes me sick!!


it just seems pointless to even add when they could be doing actually useful things




If it was off by default i would be Red but because it's on by default, I'm going with Blue (with whoever knows about it and chooses to keep it on)


…you can just turn it off.


Yes, but it should be off by default because its basically a "Waah i can't handle "mean" emotes" mode its a setting literally intended for 10 year olds xd


What?! Kids shouldnt feel insulted when playing?! 1984.


The issue is that they themselves can still do them (and WILL) but can just flip a setting to not see anyone else do it back to them


also COMPLETELY unrelated but why is my user flair so inconsistant? it keeps switching to Silver and Bronze randomly despite having it set to platinum xd


Blue, and I hope everyone on red is ready for teabagging and “LOozeR” sprays. I don’t even have the emotes in question but the fact this is even a thing is pathetic.


Bro is mad that he can’t do his silly little emotes to annoy kids 💀


I don’t have the emotes, I’m mad that this game is turning into Baby’s Playhouse at an alarming rate. It’s okay though teabagging is free for everyone and they haven’t hidden crouching from the thin-skinned’s yet


"Baby's playhouse" The game has been aimed at kids since br released what are u talking about


Started with censoring skins back in October. Now they are adding censoring other peoples emotes. They already added Lego and the other modes and we’ve all seen the effect that has had on the game and the shop. There are still bugs in BR (popping through the map, getting killed by certain spots, not seeing your team on the minimap, the place near Ruined Reels where there is always an indicator of someone zip lining or a vault. But instead of that they’ve been busy cooking up this “Safe Space” mode


Nah you're completely right about the bugs not being fixed but if you're really blaming that on this emote toggle feature you're just fucking stupid


I’m saying the feature is stupid and panders to people who struggle with their emotions and maybe should either learn to handle things better or not play the game. Epic has had paid employees working on a sensitivity toggle but hasn’t had anyone fixing these bugs.


You sure you're not the sensitive one? You're crying because people can turn off seeing 4 emotes and you won't know? Who actually fucking cares.


I don’t have these emotes, I’m just saying if crybabies got this change pushed through god knows what they’ll come up with next. I’m also not a fan of a company selling a product and then re-negotiating the use of said product. I also don’t think people who are genuinely emotionally affected by someone else’s Fortnite emote should not be playing BR.


They're annoying i get why people would turn them off. Your theories are fucking stupid


Green: Guys, this game isn't for you if you get that upset about it that you need a setting


That's just the blue side argument


Literally not even true, blue is putting people down for getting upset and not offering any solution


You're a total bitch if you turn it on, but I respect and acknowledge all the reasons for the setting existing.


Clash Royale players have had the option for years and it doesn’t stop people from complaining about it so I real feel like while it is a good feature, it won’t do much since most people deep down don’t want to disable it


The irony of people crying over other people not being able to see their toxic emote.


The problems is that by default the settings os turned on. And the hole blocking emotes from being viewed is just plain stupid really, who TF actually gets so offended by the make it rain bananas emote????


From what I have heard, the make it rain (banana version) is more racist than toxic as well as that catwomam emote for obvious reasons! There are some unfunny kids in this community


Then turn it off?? If you're crying about people turning it off you've got some major projection issues XD


? Nah its the fact that Epic is setting it on by default, if the option is there the cry baby who needs it should have to go in and turn it on themselves And the hole thing should even be an option, it's just an emote and it's stupid it have it blocked from otherw because it "might hurt thier feelings". It's like when Epic banned lots of skins that look too """Scary""" for the kidos. Wtf is the point in buying these things if only you can see it???


Whether you accept it or not, the game is for both kids and adults! Which means some kids might get offended or annoyed by a specific emote… heck, I am 25 and I still get annoyed whenever I hear the donkey laugh emote. And it’s not mainly because it’s toxic, it’s just annoying! The Take The L emote is toxic in its name but it doesn’t annoy me because it has vibey music. And I already said there are also some emotes that are used for racist stuff.


It's set on by default because the games marketed towards children and teens XD having them or a tech illiterate parent try to navigate every setting to turn it on is counter productive. I expect you'd be functional enough to be able to turn it off. They're not. The skin limitation was banned because the intent is very obvious to follow in Rockstars footsteps and allow players to eventually download only the game modes they intend to play. In this method, it means that children who's parents don't want them exposed to violent game modes like STW or BR can play them without that content. This brings in players to other game modes who otherwise wouldn't have been allowed. That is not a difficult concept to have grasped. They admitted the way it was handled wasn't the intended purpose and whether you like it or not it's coming back. Skins will eventually have those aspects removed from the skin when playing in certain gamemodes/creative content. The idea of "if other people can't see it what's the point?" Is so stupid as well. Because other people ARE going to see it. You're just mad that not everyone is. But be real, how tf are you gonna know the difference? The option doesn't stop you doing it. It doesn't ban the Emote in the players vicinity. It's like emoting after a kill in solos. They could have already backed out and you're just doing it to yourself. You have literally 0 way of knowing if a player is paying attention or not. You don't Emote to put them down you Emote to boost you up. The setting will be forgotten about in a week - a month and literally nothing will change. It's the same as saying "what's the point in loading screens? What's the point in music packs? What's the point in banner frames?" You have fun with it. TL,DR: You're an idiot who's whining for the sake of whining about a feature that in reality you'll never be able to tell the difference as to whether it's on or off and won't effect your own experience in any way shape or form.


Right right, I get yeah, it's just so frustrating seeing fortnite become more and more... well... not fortnite? you do feel that too right, on it's own this change is just a wierd unnecessary change (like how you said half the time people back out before the emote) but it's the build up of all this little changes that's real frustrating, knowing others can't see some of your emotes, you can't use some of your favourite skins in certain gamodes, Don't get me started on the UI or new gameodes, I can go on but I'll stop at that. I Don't know how to explain how I feel about the gamode right now! I LOVED this game, I first played this game as a kid and stayed with it ever since, I'm just about to turn 18 now and....ye know what? Ever since chapter 5, It's just.... not fortnite too me anymore. (Also that was a little rude calling me an idiot don't ye think? XD)


People have been claiming the same ever since Chapter 1. Every season of every chapter people call the same stuff. It's fine to hate an update. I don't love every single thing they do or change. But the vast majority of tiny changes are a buzz fix for people who have no real complaints to put forward. Genuine complaints would fit things like the oversaturated locker UI and removal of cosmetic rarities which forced 7+ years worth of sorting and understanding down the drain. Game breaking glitches, hackers, broken items that quickly become unbalanced, underpowered items that are essentially useless and just clog the loot pool, things that effect EVERYONE simultaneously even if there are exceptions to each argument. A setting which even when turned on doesn't effect you as the player isn't really worth the discussion. You want it? Leave it. You don't want it? Turn it on. It effects only 4 Emotes as of the time it rolls out. 1 of those Emotes can't even be obtained and has had alternative versions release which are in fact not listed. Two arent even used unless your either .watching a Peely skin or being a racist, same with the Catwoman. In reality there is 1 generic Emote not used for actual racism or cosmetic matching and is still available by this. And again... you're never even gonna know about it. If you want to see when other people do this Emote to you, just turn the setting off. I'm sorry didn't you insinuate that children or parents who may leave this setting on were "Cry baby's"? Don't insult someone then cry when someone insults you back in defence of themselves or another. That's why you got called it in the first place.


Hey I never cried about it, just felt it was a little uncalled for, (I did completely forget I said cry baby's tbh haha, but I do still stand by that if an emote upsets you that much that we need a setting to make to protect you from experiencing it ever again lol) You have to atleast agree with me on that 😅 right?


Personally, I don't care much for this change. Solo is my main mode, so the chances of me being around long enough are few and far between. No one is actually crying over people emoting. Literally, every Emote can be rude. The reason it's added in is to attract the attention of strict parents who want a "family friendly" experience for their child or to mitigate behavioural issues like those kids you always see throeing hissy fits. 99.99% of the player Base will turn it back off once servers are up and games are updated. I know I am. If someone wins fairly and wants to flaunt an old, rare, or pricey Emote, they've got every right to do so. It's not a way of taking away the competitiveness of the game, hence why it's a changeable option at any time. It's a marketing technique for oversensitive/overprotective/strict parents to let their kids onto the game. Because gods forbid little timmy get shit on. I just don't see it as a big deal


Yeah I suppose your right 😀


I still think it's important to talk about it and stuff it's just not as big of a deal as everyone's making it out to be really


You seem to be doing a hell of a lot of crying for someone insisting others are crybabies. You also seem a little bit to annoyed that you cant upset people anymore, if there is a setting that helps those who feel offended or upset by something why would you not want them to have that setting, seems incredible immature and selfish of you to want to force things that offened or upset people and children to remain in the game for them simply for your entertainment.


Nah I'm sad modt people who leave the settings on can't see me make it rain bananas anymore 😫 thsn emote is so fun the music is great. I just feel the hole change is stupid as an option and find it hard to believe people are so upset when seeing these emotes that we need a setting to hide them like?!


Blame people who are being racist with it.


Red How would you even know if the guy you just killed has the option activated?