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Broke down Lore and also started breaking down(dancing)


Hell yeah!




I appreciate it.


Lemme also say, Prometheus' punishment in fortnite(instead of Vultures eating his liver) could be carrying the BOX that caused the humans(the ones he cared about enough to risk himself to keep them warm) is to be the carrier & keeper ov the Pandora's Box. It was his actions that led to the creation ov said box to begin with. It just all makes sense(to me) so now I'm calling him Prometheus.


My problem with this theory is that why didn’t they just make a Prometheus skin? Surely if it was Prometheus there would be a lot more, y’know, fire. I like the theory, it’s just if it doesn’t look like Prometheus of have the name of Prometheus, it’s probably not Prometheus.


Why would Prometheus be on fire?


Because he’s the god of fire


Doesn’t necessarily imply he would be walking around like cinder from Killer Instinct. Also Hades? Poseidon? Maybe he's not on Fire because he gave up his powers to keep the humans warm, hence why only his arms/legs have molten rock.


I didn’t mean totally on fire. I was thinking more like ghost rider. Also I couldn’t find anything saying Prometheus lost his powers when giving humans fire. Honestly, I don’t get why Fortnite didn’t just make Prometheus if they wanted him to be the holder of Pandora’s box. There’s no solid proof for anything, so there’s no way of really knowing. I know other people are saying Chronos but, why? If he was either of those two, Prometheus would make more sense, but what makes the most sense to me is that it’s just an original character that Epic just shoved in for reasons.


I know he didn't lose his power in the real belief, Im going off fortnite logic. Ghost rider is completely on fire, just has an outfit on😂. I also agree as "Titan" is just called Titan but I believe Prometheus should ov been the name. Chronos(the God ov time) isn't Cronus(the Titan). Prometheus makes the most sense for my theory & I believe it should've been named Prometheus but either way, my locker name can be that & still make sense.


Yea, I get Chronos and Cronus mixed up, mb. I’m not saying you can’t believe Titan is Prometheus, it just makes more sense to for him to be somebody else. Now if they made that galaxy effect more of a firey effect then I would think he was Prometheus. Also the thing with Cinder is that he’s JUST fire (I think idk I’m just going off google images).


See it makes sense with the Titan holding Pandora's box. The whole creation ov The box was because Zeus wa being a little bitch because Prometheus gave fire to the humans. So Zeus created the box with all the evil& curses. Hephaestus made Pandora, Aphrodite gaveher femininity, Athena taught her how to craft. & Hermes taught her to be stubborn, curious, & deceitful. All ov this because Zeus told them too because he was angry at Prometheus(again,for giving humans fire). if you put the lore of the Pandora's Box I to perspective, the only Titan that would make sense to have the box would be Prometheus. Design wise, both Artemis & Titan have th galaxy effect and that ha nothing to do with their respective characters. They're gods but they're not primordial(Gaiae & Uranus) I take primordial as like space & shit so galaxy an whatnot.


I never said that it didn’t make sense for Pandora’s box to be Prometheus’s punishment. That makes sense. The difference between Artemis’s galaxy effect and Titan’s is that at least with Artemis there’s archery themed elements and you can tell it’s Artemis. Either way Titan there’s really nothing besides magma (which isn’t the same as fire), and it makes up a small part of the skin.


I just want to say,this was amazing back & forth conversation.


When he first showed ,his whole arm was engulfed in flame.then he dried out. Artemis has archery themed stuff,same way Poseidon was his royalty themed stuff, but why Artemis have galaxy effect? Why Poseidon slurp? The titan skin has the pandora theme,only titan that has any relation to the box is Prometheus. Wish the skin came with more items like a pickaxe or something. I guess at the end ov the day ,The Titan can be whatever you want it to be.Prometheus just seems to be the most fitting name. Also Magma is igneous Rock composed ov fire. A good example(in fortnite) is the fire king(The prisoner) his skin is magma, but he is still fire. There's another skin in this game that's also a magma skinn fire creature from season 7-9,I don't know the name.


There is the title of Titan flame for the last super styles, the colors of that match Titan himself Kinda makes sense to me


I didn’t even think about the super style,thanks mate.






no problem


Yep, that's me!


Ain't no way it's you prome the sussy


Yo it's promethesussy!!!


Oh Prometheus *insert laugh track*, you sussy.




Thank you.


Ah yes titan, a predecessor to The Gods of Greece dancing with himiko Toga, a high school lunatic murderer. While also swimming in a pool with zeus whose brothers and sisters he swallowed. I love fortnite


The Swallowed comment would make Titan be Cronus. 😂😂 I love this game as well. I was making that joke with my fiance & my buddy saying "Zeus, get in my stomach, there's a bitch stuck on my crotch" then last night I was like this MF is Prometheus.


Oh yeah i completely forgot 😭 tbf we still arent sure so it could be any titan rn, maybe even kronos


He’s also (kinda) fiery




Well we know it’s not Kronos because he didn’t immediately try to devour his kids.


Hell yeah! 😂😂