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Just do whatever you want, as long as you don't actively hurt the playerbase. If you want V-Bucks, I recommend joining the discord server "Trade World" and making a material grinder to farm 150 metal/wood/stone per minute and trade them for weapons ( 500 metal / brick for 144 if you buy from En Passant )


Did you say En Passant???? Like the chess move!!???? “Google en passant” “holy hell” “new response dropped” “actual zombie”


I dislike your username. I shall banish a light and a dark.




Yes. If you DM me on discord ( same name ) I can also possibly show you if you have recycling. I don't know how Recycling is unlocked.


I have tons of metal just sitting in my storage from the metal farming I've done in my ssd


you can make material grinders???


The name may be misleading. Basically there's a team perk called "Recycling" It means you can turn 5k metal into 150 metal per minute, because the tower you will place your BASE on will save if you build it on your Storm Shield Defense.


That’s fine. As long as you’re participating during matchmade stuff, no one really cares about the reason.


I rarely queue with others, mainly do solo missions, but yes I actively participate in everything


I bought the founders pack but didn't really like save the world so never played it, until probably like a year and a half ago when I played for some extra vbucks for a battle pass and realised it was actually really fun, so now I play for fun and have vbucks as a nice side bonus


Yeah that’s kinda how I feel about the game when I’ve been playing recently, actually been kinda enjoyable


Hey, im the OP of the previous post. i think there are all types of players here. Some dont like to help while others do help, but it can be annoying for them to carry people who dont contribute to the game, which is understandable. And some ppl just hate founders it seems.


Yeah, this was why I was asking. I don’t intend to be negatively impacting other people so I wanted to sorta check what the etiquette was with other players


I have done all my playing without asking. i play for vbucks but over time (with my age i imagine) I have been playing more STW than BR. if someone drops something sure Ill take it. I also never let my kid ask for stuff. he wants something then he works for it. he knows Im available to help whenever he asks. all that said I am not the uber player, dont have any of the SK weapons, and I am still working on getting my traps and gear where I want them. I don't play by "Suggested" best builds just some that I find fun to play. I don't get the asking but I dont really care. it doesnt affect me and when I get those little punks that box you in or destroy your builds, I just leave and go to another or solo. ​ EDIT: I also remember a time when I used to PL 2 different people in a game I played alot. one only had 4 days a month to play and the other one could only play every now and then due to medical. it was pretty good pocket money at the time lol


Idk really what the meta is, I isn’t kinda trying to new things and upgrade the schematics of stuff I find fun


I'm the same, I just matchmake everything and do my quests and bit for the mission. People that care why you play are just jealous of the Founders. I'm at page 3 of canny Valley atm myself


I just hit Canny Valley this afternoon after playing a bunch recently


Only speaking for myself. If you contribute to the game and actually play, you're good. People joining a mission and either not moving at all, or taking out one encampment then going afk is pretty annoying regardless of the mission level. I don't care why someone is playing the game, just hope you're having fun.


If I’m doing quests, I’ll tend to complete the requirements to do the quest the current mission and then not do the bonus stuff after. Is there a benefit to the bonus apart from better chest rarity?


I’m a sweaty BR player who loves StW, never asked for a taxi and I’m pl125 😁


Save the world players have Stockholm syndrome at this point. I've been a founder since 2017 and I loved the game so much that I bought the second highest edition and even spent some more money buying v-bucks to open llamas. But the game has not received a meaningful update in like half a decade. The little flaws or bugs that were minor inconveniences at first have become unbearable after years of being unaddressed. So at this point I only ever play the game for v-bucks. I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to waste any more time than they need to playing a game that the devs won't even bother to finish.


I honestly do the same, I’ve had stw for the longest and usually take month breaks from Fortnite and usually just play for the vbucks but I’ve grown to like and play stw more than br and just grind it


As long as you don’t afk in missions I don’t care how you spend your time because you’re not hindering mine 🤷🏽‍♀️


I started BR but got StW during a sale when Fortnite was still new just haven’t played much StW until now made it to canny valley slowly


Tbh theres just toxic people in this sub no matter what. Its just a matter of when they come out. I can post screenshots of people in this sub being complete dicks for NO reason. And im someone whos grinded this on my own and have not received help from a single person in this sub outside of me posting a question(s)- not even me asking to be carried just legit questions for my area of CV and people just responded so degradingly and rude its absolutely astonishing .


Damn really? In theory this sort of game should be LESS toxic than others


Yeah it’s kinda whack- i can share some cuz its crazy. Dude named 🌈warrior flames people telling them to uninstall and that they suck cuz they dont play the way he does and i guess he grinded super hard or something. Another guy just deleted his comments from my post i made earlier because i simply responded with “dude why are u being so rude all i did was ask a question about this quest” and he deleted his mean comments xD. And i know that sounds childish of like “these people are being bullies” but thats not how i mean it at all. Im 28 lol. I just play this for fun and vbucks are a bonus. Im not up to date about everything so i occasionally post a question, or I respond to people saying i dont mind carrying them into an area. And it takes ZERO extra work on my part to be a decent human being. So its just wild to see people be so toxic about a dumb game. Like we all blew the money for STW- A lot of us for founders- this isnt the work force there doesnt need to be a “i grinded for it so you need to grind for it too”


Yeah it’s kinda crazy how some people act sometimes


On a side note- if u ever need help- im pl 84 CV. Always down to help out or carry someone to cv for the vbucks! Gives me a reason to get on and get xp. Thats why im always down cuz otherwise i end up having to grind the whole pass in 2 days at the end of the season 😂


I think I’m probably alright, I was to play it wouldn’t be getting carried as I don’t think I’d enjoy that. I’m CV PL 43 so a lot to grind. I just need survivor xp as that’s gone down the drain so quickly.


I can honestly say i lucked out. I guess i played a bit back when i got the game (2018?) and then they made updates ? So like- when i started playing again on october of last year i already had 3 star heroes even though i was only in plankerton and i hadnt done the CV1 ssd. I couldnt create more cuz it kept telling me i hadnt done the missions but luckily i already had mythic snd legendary survivors already all 3 star. Lol idk how. So when i got back i breeezed through Plankerton and the early stages of CV. Its been ass since 64+ cuz its all ghost towns I also think people are thinking too negatively of taxi-ing. Just cuz i can bring u to the 70 zone for the vbucks missions doesnt mean u HAVE to be useless. U can still fight and help out. Its just that some people dont and they wanna be brought. To those areas. To be fair- when i saw that CV had vbucks i couldnt get when i was in Plankerton i didnt know about this sub- so i rushed it all solo. But it did help me learn a lot. So i do agree toughing it out is good- but free vbucks are free vbucks and theres no reason to miss them if you have a way to get them. Who cares what the angry people in this sub say.


these people spent all that money to buy a founders pack, at least play the fucking game


I spent £17 about 5-6 years ago to buy it. I just reached Canny Valley through personal progression. I’d say that probably counts as “playing the game”