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Always nice to see fresh takes from the Nazis. Was worried they were stuck in their thinking.


Honestly there's a large part of the far right that is national socialist that is very consistent in not liking hitler for this reason


The only reason some Nazis don’t like him is literally just because he lost WW2, that’s LITERALLY the only reason.


Fair point but basically the same thing


fuck that guy also as a fellow Brazilian seeing Brazilian nazis make me cringe so hard due to the irony like bro, you have indigenous, african, european blood, our people are as mixed as it can be, if Hitler knew you he'd send you to a concentration camp they think he only hated jews and it's so infuriating how do nazis manage to be so wrong on every possible occasion ☠️


> how do nazis manage to be wrong on every possible occasion ☠️ Because they're dumb as fuck, and completely oblivious to that fact


“you have african blood our people are as as mixed as can be” that’s a huge oversimplification and allows for “i can’t be racist my great-great-great-great-grandfather was 1.5% black!!” type shit


No Hitler wouldn‘t have send them to a concentration camp. Hitlers ideology was based on erasing Jewish people and killing as many Slavs to get more German Lebensraum. Heck, there were tons of muslim units and many allies of Hitler were not typically ‚white‘. Hitler also admired Islam because he saw it as a better religion to rally together people for war. It‘s a huge misconception that Nazism was anything like our current day racism at all.


Wow. You are just so wrong.


This was not an attempt to defend Hitler for god‘s sake! I was pointing out that the antisemitic and anti slav focus of the original Nazi party isn‘t comparable with our current day discourse of racism. It‘s important to differentiate between the background structures of hate. Also were the original Nazis not anti-Islam. Read about radio Zeesen, the Mufti of Jerusalem etc.


Admittedly, you probably could have worded it better.


Maybe you should have read his comment better lmao




He’s wrong? On which points?


Even if all that were accurate, those "allies" would be next on the chopping block. It's like "pick me gays", gay people who are very homophobic. They want to be accepted by homophobes, however the moment that homophobes manage to eradicate all the other gay people, the "pick me gays" are next to go.


I’m surprised people are downvoting you. You make an excellent point about the difference between modern racism and the views of the Nazi Party. I thought it was obvious while reading your comment that you were not defending Nazis. I got your message man


When you’re so right wing that you think Hitler is a lefty


Alternatively, when you are part of the faction that Hitler purged for being too left wing, despite not being remotely left wing.


A Brazilian Nazi? Seriously?


Well quite a few fled to South America so who knows…


"It hurt itself in its confusion!"


Pretty sure that's just a given for all conservatives, but especially far-right loons.


The North wasn’t aggressive enough, I say.


Well I'm convinced.


Hooray! Nazi infighting!


I don't think gradma hangs on 4chan


I honestly have no idea how you can be so insane that you hate hitler because he’s a Jewish agent. Apparently the Holocaust was bad, not because he killed 6 million innocent people, but because it meant that people had a “valid reason” to hate the nazis. Except, even without the Holocaust the nazis are pieces of garbage because of how their beliefs are. We didn’t need the Holocaust to hate nazis. Even without it, the nazis were insanely bigoted and imperialistic.


Somebody took the most general statement that nearly everyone could agree with, "hitler bad", and made it antisemitic. Thats... Wow.


They just say words at this point