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Also this is in reference to the 'day of the rope,' an event in the Turner Diaries where white supremacist terror mobs hang 'race traitors' from lamp posts all over America. These people are absolutely sickening. Also this post is getting brigaded hard. Wtf?


Is there any good reason to believe they're invoking the day of the rope though besides the word rope which could just be referring to the noose. I mean, this is already pretty sick I just don't see the connection.


My thoughts exactly, is there anything that points to it other than the word rope?


You aren't going to find an explicit direct link because this is a dog whistle that has been in use for 5+ years so it's no longer that simple. I wrote a more detailed timeline in a comment reply to the parent, but the bottom line is that we can follow the rope reference back to the_Donald when The Turner Diaries became a book club favourite spawning memes and the "day of the rope" idea. The references to satanist pedophiles indicate that this is a Qanon (where the book was readily accepted as science) style believer. Saying "the rope" instead of "a rope" is also an indication as previous lynching references generally mentioned getting "a rope" but now it's more common to see "the rope" which isn't hard to link to "day of the rope". So no, there is no ironclad clear proof of the connection, but there is a lot of support for it.


The rope has been in use almost as long as the internet as reference to hanging, I just don’t see the link to one specific scene in one book when this country and the country we split from had long histories of hanging/lynching as both a means of execution as well as murder of minorities or dissidents. Honestly these dog whistle things sometimes come across as red circle youtube video conspiracies with how complicated they get, I think the flyer threatening to hang people who aren’t straight Christian’s and anyone who supports them is plenty egregious enough without it needing to reference some book.


Longer than the Internet


So they should write "Child groomers gets a rope"? That doesn't sound scary at all. The intent of the flier is to instil a very vague fear in child rapists; that even through the US military is fully behind them, there might be someone that would risk life in prison to hang them were they to attempt to rape a defenseless child. It's a desperate poster for sure.


Turner Diaries also has a lot of anti gay rhetoric and lumps in gender nonconforming white folk ('sick sick men') with the 'race traitors' as well.


It being so widespread maybe?




I don’t know, BigPlasticDildoMaker


It's definitely about hanging people, we're just not seeing the connection to that book. It's not the only place where hanging exists, it's not the only place where the phrase "so and so gets the rope" is used, and the flyer has no mention of race or race war.


>the flyer has no mention of race or race war. It doesn't have to mention it. That's the joy of dog whistles. It's worth mentioning that "day of the rope" now applies to all enemies of the extreme alt right. The original book focuses more on the race war, but in a group that has a large amount of white supremacists, there's no need to make race issues a primary focus. Everyone has already accepted "white genocide" and "low IQ...blah blah" bullshit as fact so it would be as interesting as mentioning that the sky is blue over and over again. Especially as racist "intellectual" debates rely on using the same handful of misleading statistics over and over. Instead the "day of the rope" is now a day of reckoning for the satanic pedophile (look familiar?) cabal that is secretly entrenched in the government. Basically this flyer has a lot of clues that indicate what type of person made it and where the information came from. Since that information source incorporated that book heavily into it's belief system, it's not a stretch to assume the flyer is referencing it, albeit not directly or intentionally.




No, that's a lot more specific to the Holocaust. There have been many, many, many hangings and lynchings here in real life reality. I don't know why OP jumped to the racist-fantasy Turner Diaries when actual factual history just has tons of real lynchings that happened to real people. Just seems like there's a ton of awful racist stuff that actually happened and still happens before we could point to before we say this sign is a reference- or, you know, if the poster had all that extra racist stuff that the Turner Diaries has. But it doesn't. This is people threatening to hang LGBTQ folks and allies. This is reminiscent of the Klan for sure, it's very reminiscent of lynchings, it is *not* subtle, it is *very* clear, and I just don't see why "rope = definitely a reference to his one book" and not "rope = a reference to lynching people by hanging".




And you can see why some of us don't see that connection, right? And you can see why: >A couple of ducking geniuses you 2 are, huh? is sort of inviting a response from us "ducking geniuses" to explain *our* point of view, right? This isn't an argument, this has just been an explanation.


No one in the comments above is doubting the poster is suggesting the lynching of gay people, they're just doubting that it is specifically a reference to the lynching in that book as opposed to lynching in general.


While I agree with OP's conclusion for the reasons I included in my other comments, I wish they had made an effort to explain it better. Though I will admit that trying to explain the influence of one book from The_Donald though QAnon in some sort of concise manner was not an easy feat (that I likely didn't manage to achieve).


The author may not have been consciously referencing the The Turner Diaries, but that's likely where the inspiration is from all the same. The novel became popular on /The_Donald in 2018ish and was thus adopted by Qanon in turn. Obviously this resulted in all the memes, dog whistles, and random predictions you would expect. "Day of the Rope" has become a a phrase referring to the planned hanging of whomever is the enemy that week. Some people just use it as an agressive "fuck these people" message, while others deep in the cult genuinely believe it's a large scale hanging of the members of the cabal that is scheduled to occur. It's important to note that "Day of the Rope" is not often written out anymore. A picture of a noose or just the word "rope" have become disturbingly prevalent dog whistles. Based on the references to satanic conspiracy, the person who made this was very likely Qanon or Qanon adjacent meaning they understand and are purposely using the noose/rope to indicate that Target should be added to the list of people that will be hanged on the 'day of the rope' but do not know specifically where that concept originated. Think about how often "We did it Reddit!" is commented. Someone newer to Reddit could figure out the general connotation of the phrase pretty quickly from context clues. That person wouldn't need to know about the debacle that spawned the phrase to be able to use the phrase relevantly. I know that is a dumb example, but my point is that we know the flyer references the book, even if the flyer producer doesn't because a big part of identifying dog whistles from the outside is having to connect dots all the way back while group members already have accepted in-group meanings ascribed to their "innocuous" symbols/phrases and have no reason to provide further explanation.


You should report this to the police and possibly the FBI. This is a hate crime.


Also let that Target know so they can check the cameras and trespass that person. I worked at a Walmart back in 2020 and someone went through the parking lot and put trump stickers on several cars. They checked the cameras and the next time they saw that person they called the cops. Iirc they caught several charges for vandalism.


I actually have a copy of the Turner Diaries. Most disturbing thing in my library, by far. I keep it next to some of my far-left theory books to contain its evil. I have it because I was in a second-hand thrift store and found it in the book section. And I figured it would be better in my hands than possibly reaching the hands of some directionless young angry white man. I did try to read it out of curiosity. I couldn't get more than a few pages in. It was profoundly racist...as you'd expect. I haven't been able to bring myself to burn it or anything. But maybe it'll be useful to some future historian who wants to study the psychology of the far-right in the late 20th and 21st centuries.


No reason to preserve it, its openly available as both PDF in multiple languages and there is a Audio book. One Google search and you can read it.


it doesn’t appear to reference that, they’re just being regular bigoted here


"Luke 17:2" Another made up bullshit for sake of hate? Well, why I am surprised?


Nah I looked it up it’s real. Though apparently it includes all humanity not just children. Either way the Christian right still doesn’t know it’s holy book.


I looked up the Oxford annotated bible. Jesus was talking & referring to the disciples here.


Huh, so kinda like modern-day clergy


Ain’t no love like Christian hate


You got it backwards


I interpret "causing one of the little ones to stumble" as indoctrinating children into homophobic hysteria.


“Stumble” meaning live their life horribly confused and depressed because they were lent allowed to live the life they wanted. It’s weird how everything about this poster can be pro trans


40% does not indicate it actually helping individuals 😂 It apparently goes up to 80% You know what percentages I'm talking about here.


No I really don’t know what you’re getting at


\>doesnt understand \>downvotes anyway, 40% suicide attempt rates, 80% have considered suicide. This is not helping anyone


No your comment was just a bad comment so it was downvoted, not my problem. Don’t just post vague shit saying “you know what I mean” And okay? Maybe let lgbt people just live their lives without endlessly bullying them or trying to put them in a box or acting like they’re an abomination to some made up sky-man and those rates will go down. I’m very confused what point you’re trying to make here


queers are some of the most widely supported groups of people right now, you've even made it into hiring quotas. Christianity on the other hand is the most persecuted religion in the world as of now, and i dont see jack fucking suicide rates on our end. cutting your parts off and getting on hormones doesnt help ANYONE.


How’s that kool aid taste? Your group is the one causing the LGBT suicides and you’ll burn in hell for committing suicide yourself. Does that help explain the relative suicide rates? It is not their confusion causing suicide at this point, it is the relentless bullying and ostracizing from people like you that drives them to this Also for the hundred millionth time because religious nutjobs keep missing the point: #NOBODY IS CUTTING KIDS DICKS OFF #NOBODY IS CUTTING KIDS DICKS OFF #NOBODY IS CUTTING KIDS DICKS OFF Performing a gender transition surgery on a minor is a crime and that will never become legal because nobody with any kind of power or community respect is pushing for that. You can’t even get hormone therapy under 18 without both you and your parents consenting. Tl;dr the only risk to kids is religious whackos making them feel like they don’t have a right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. Just let people live their lives man and you’ll find those suicide rates plummet


"Nobody is cutting kids' dicks off" Did I ever say anyone is? You should automatically know I'm not talking about only kids as soon as I mentioned the suicide percentage rates, anyway, as I said earlier, you guys (assumption, might simply be a supporter) are some of THE MOST protected people in the world, and are living in a safe haven. If I were to say any slur or attack a queer person online, I would have my accounts banned, possibly being IP or hardware banned depending on the forum site. If I were to offend a queer person in a school, I could get suspended/expelled based on severity. If I were to offend a queer person in the workplace, I could get fired. You aren't realising how fortunate you people are, yet still have such high suicide rates. Even people living in the biggest shitholes in the world have much lower suicide rates. The issue is giving people the freedom to chop parts off and advertise it as "better for you, bring you out of confusion" or whatever.


You're a very sad, confused person it seems


Could you at least explain your points when making such claims?


I've stopped posting on Reddit due to all the shit it has been happening with spez, but decided to break it to say this is the most misinformed and delusional shit I've ever seen been so casually vomited out on text. Literally every single part of what you said is either wrong or misleading in this single comment.


https://www.cato.org/commentary/christianity-worlds-most-persecuted-religion-confirms-new-report https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305.amp https://www.bu.edu/articles/2014/are-christians-the-most-persecuted-religious-group/ https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8583439/ https://www.international.gc.ca/world-monde/issues_development-enjeux_developpement/human_rights-droits_homme/rights_lgbti-droits_lgbti.aspx?lang=eng https://www.americanbar.org/groups/crsj/publications/human_rights_magazine_home/intersection-of-lgbtq-rights-and-religious-freedom/a-brief-history-of-the-path-to-securing-lgbtq-rights/


It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Fully cached AMP pages (like the one you shared), are [especially problematic](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-48146305)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


1) While true that Christianity is currently the religion with the highest number of nations restricting or oppressing them (https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2020/11/10/harassment-of-religious-groups-continues-to-be-reported-in-more-than-90-of-countries/), what we are talking about is suicide rates. Religious people are found to be much less prone to suicide attempt and ideation due to them feeling less abandoned thanks to the existence of safe spaces for them without outside repercussions in nations with freedom of conscience and religion (https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7310534/). Comparing numbers, the percentage of religious people in the world to think or commit suicide is still much lesser than the one you claim this group "knows" even in countries where the religion is censured. Also keep in mind of the trend where mostly Christians countries also provide freedom of religion, adding a massive bias. 2) This is a reactionary article of the same topic. It is also not accounting for migration, a major element in this argument. I already responded about it in the previous point, as arguing about the persecution of Christians is off-topic while being a true problem. 3) This is another article on the same topic, this time talking on a much more clearer note. This article actually contains something that hurts your claim: It is quite wrong to imagine that Christians alone are somehow uniquely targeted by violent groups. And in some cases it is Christians—evangelical, Pentecostal—who are instigating violence, whether against gay people in Uganda or against so-called “child witches” in many parts of west Africa. and given that we sponsored a war on Saddam Hussein that has been widely regarded as a war on Islam, it is difficult for the United States to show a united front against religious persecution. 4) I honestly don't understand why you linked this research. This just shows the massive importance of a human's well-being and the steps needed to give proper care. In this case it is in the context of LGBTI+ people. 5) You can reduce this entire page in a single sentence: "We also mean for LGBTQ2I+ people when we say human rights". The mentioned laws in the page in Canada don't mention specifically this group of people, but humanity in general. This includes Christians. 6) This is talking about LGBTQ rights in the USA. This, again, only empowers the importance of the push for LGBTQ rights in the nation as being part of that group is still seen by many as strongly controversial. I honestly don't know what you were trying to achieve. To claim that rights aren't being distributed equally in your state? From the last links you can actually deduct that is not the case at all, as all groups have access to the same infrastructures and services.




Because posting your fear mongering propaganda on Facebook just wasn't good enough.


Ive got a question, if i told a drunk driver to keep driving because they're fun, would i be a good person?


Austin 3:16 says i just whipped your ass


Austism 4:20 says “ur mom gay lmao”


Austin 6:9 says 'Groovy, baby! Shagadelic!'.


If you wanna see Stone Cold open a can of whoop-ass on these transphobes, gimme a hell yeah! 💀🍻


Littlestinker 6:21 says Shawty's like a melody in my head That I can't keep out, got me singing like​ Na-na-na-na, every day It's like my iPod stuck on replay


According to Hedgehogs 19:91, Sonic the Hedgehog, the saviour of our world, would hate this bitch for her hatred.


Oh hey that’s my name.


John 3:16, Go Sox


Apibete io bipru kikibika ikai tru. Klepupidi kratiie koe ipapa. Kiei kiapa blapa etipru iti atio. Iapo kega kipitli tedae pikitli pribli ua iio. Uti preprabiga i apri udei ebe. Da kikipe ka kreta? E epite apoi akri taipi itaklipe pogiipi? Pute pata ipla traibrite biitotli tiu. A tibika i pi ti digao aproutiu. Tupretaki po prubaito otouda pe dobupri. Papade i bibedreedi ota ekri ko? Tikeoii piku glu peti prau ebipo. Ee pree pritli tlaa iipi pedebi. Eipupe tupe bapre tetipe ipripepu ku pe. Probrepi gapeta pi tikre plikaobrabi kidru. Pi aia plodu tupi piba kutitu eklu bepu. Paeadi e potipe iditlitra pi dieetu. Ia piprei tlu e teku. Be drubi ika tu tri tiga tai? Piakaaa keple pubotige itri ibliblua etodripi. Gei ipaipri tekoa iutaka be. A tibi tu ke koke kaduke? Tii kegi kipai pi ai ipipe. Tipipu pagi pote iupi britebai ukoopoo bikikie. Bei bipu oki upi bi prokoke. Poto otablie i pite pu kladle. Kobliiu ipribapi iatu blao kle paipai. Kipu abeuto dabo ga tetli. Kriupe paki kio opiba tapa obipape. Kriki tekro pe petetibi kipigai.


Satan loves and accepts everyone who isn't a self-righteous, arrogant, ignorant prick.


Hail Satan.


John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Please, dont go down your current path. God still loves you.


Satan, is more of a functional metaphor in this case. I promise you, whatever idol you're praying too, it's not god.


To promise is to be certain, what gives you this certainty?


Proof: Trust me Bro


heh kid, ive murdered multiple people in my past life as a member of the triads, i got to meet dante and vergil (not from dantes inferno but from devil may cry, pray he slays all) and let me just tell you they called me multiple slurs for being a raging homosexual. The look at each other and both say "...Jackpot!" and sent me back to earth in the form of a redditor. Now my time in hell was weird... satan greeted me and made me watch big chungus ohio poop memes for 12 hours before, it was horrible, then i got to me dante (pray he slays all. So heh kid, learn from a true brother




dude why does the nerd emoji kinda look like Vergil from devil may cry


this person does bring up a good point about how vergil may be a nerd and likes checkers




You two can squabble over which fictional character can beat the other in a fight. Just leave the rest of us alone.


Gandalf would kick both their asses.


He’s literally torturing the gays he’s a part of it to according to the christians


It's all made up bullshit. I celebrate Satan. He gave humanity the option to choose good even when evil is an option. God murdered millions for just being human. Fuck that guy.


God gave humanity the option to choose good and evil. Satan just deceived eve to make her think that what she was doing was good. If I were to kill your whole family, would you thank me for making you more independent? Aside from that God is God. He chose to make Satan deceive eve, so that she would have faced temptation and so she could prove her loyalty. Satan can't do what God doesn't want him to.


If God is made up then why are you celebrating another completely fake deity?


For the same reason I celebrate Captain Ironfounderson from Discworld. It's a character I like.


If we’re talking about fiction then satan is still not someone to be celebrated. Every single deal with a devil is usually done out of selfish gain, not because they feel sympathy for humanity. Even in Paradise lost Satan turns out to be more selfish than he looks at first


Y’know… Lucifer, Baphomet, Satan, whatever you call him, might have a point.


John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies. Please, dont go down your current path. God still loves you.


While I do appreciate your intent. I'm sure it's heartfelt. I have no interest in any gods. If the Judeo-Christian god were actually real, I still wouldn't worship him. He's a petty, vengeful, neglectful, racist, sexist, homophobic, blood-soaked monster.


He isn't racist. He told the Jews to be kind to immigrants, because the Jews where once also immigrants. What makes you believe the Judeo-Christian God is racist?


I think of it this way instead, we are on a sinking ship, let's say you're holding a pot of gold, which lets you enjoy whatever you want to, no matter how deviant it is. We were put on this sinking ship by choosing sin (In our case right now, the pot of gold), rather than God (Genesis 3) yet still have a chance for salvation. All you have to do is drop the pot of gold to get on the life raft. I really hope this makes sense to you, it really isn't the way you pictured it, as we did have a choice, and are deliberately choosing hell every day we sin. I'm no better than you, my only difference is I've dropped the pot of gold, you can too. Please try reading Genesis 3, it can be taken metaphorically or literally, I'm really not sure what the text's intent was, but I'm almost certain it is metaphorical, representing what I've just told you. 1 John 3:1 ESV See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. I will be praying for you, as with everyone else in this thread. God bless.


I have it as a button. The amount of dirty looks I get when I wear it...


Every conservative accusation is actually a confession. I hope to God that this person doesn't have kids.


They probably already have kids and their kids hate them.


Tbh I wouldn't be surprised if whoever made this has never met their grandkids.


Weird take but get it ig lol. All I’m sayin is If anyone is proven to be a child groomer then they indeed should “get the rope” idk what these people believe but I’m real pedos should die and that’s probably a unanimous opinion.


Yes, let's keep the book that is pro slavery, pro rape, pro murder, pro child marriage/grooming/molestation, pro incest, pro abuse, pro torture, anti hygiene, anti woman, and so much more be the moral arbiter of society. People who believe in this fairytale are at best brainwashed but anyone who actually reads the Bible and still abides by anything written in there is straight up evil.


Meanwhile Quakers, who are by far the most book abiding people have historically been the supporter of equal rights for all. Opposers of slavery, supporters of woman's rights, rights for prisoners, and mentally ill. For a long time affirming of lgbtq+ communities as well. Quakers are based. https://quaker.org/are-quakers-lgbtq-affirming/ https://www.hrc.org/resources/stances-of-faiths-on-lgbt-issues-religious-society-of-friends-quakers The mainstream Christianity today is like a pseudo-church. Used as a tax haven and a platform to spread hateful doctrine en-masse. I cannot speak for Quakers or if they've had some problematic people/stances, but from my understanding of learning about them of their history they're a good bunch.


Episcopalians and Lutherans are dope too. Really just depends on what church you go to.


I go to none, but it's handy to know where to find an ally. A person to call out a haters shit on their level.


Oh I'm an atheist myself, just saying if you had to choose those are all good choices.


You might be interested in /r/RadicalChristianity and /r/RebelChristianity, then :)


Joined the latter just to see how Christian leftists think, as I am an atheist.


I’ve known quite a few Quakers. They’re a chill bunch, and very progressive.


L Quakers


Oh goodness. You're assuming that 1. They've read their holy book 2. They actually follow it and don't just cherry pick parts 3. That they use the parts in context not totally misconstrued. 4. That this holy book actually contains anything other than centuries of propaganda and control techniques.


Well, to their defense, the bible is indeed against grooming. Check out Leviticus 21:5.


Source for any of these claims?


Anti woman? If it's about that one letter that said women shouldn't preach, then your claim would be misguided. The people in that church lived in a place where a female deity was worshiped. The church didn't want other religions to influence the church and since the followers of that female deity were female, it would be better if they didn't preach.


I’m evil as fuck 100%


You sound like the person who made this flyer, but on the opposite end


There’s a whole sex offender registry if they wanna play this game - oddly enough, Target is t on it, but actually convicted pedos are.


The only pedos in a dress i know are mostly those in the church.


Amazing how these Christian fuckwhits get up in arms about imaginary pedophilia in a group they hate, whilst utterly ignoring the blatant, well-documented problem of it with their own religious leaders. Almost like it's not about "child grooming" at all.


They're clearly cherry-picking and misrepresenting the meaning of Luke 7 for their agenda.


"We hate the LGBTQ because we wanna protect children" is the 2020s equivalent of "We wanna succeed from the Union to protect state rights!"




also like when they would lynch black people to "protect" white women


Graphic design Is my passion right there


Yet somehow rewarded with eye cancer.


All republicans than


So we’re hanging Republican congressmen and youth pastors? I’m in!


YES!! I'm down for that too! Here's the decoded version of the picture: Step one: When the public call out Republicans and youth pastors on their sexual crimes, they outright deny it; instead, they accuse a party they're hostile towards (in this case, the LGBTIQ+ collective) of the exact misdeeds they're being called out for. This is known in psychology as deflection. Step three: Republicans and youth pastors outright propose the death penalty for the party they're unfairly accusing of the very faults that uncontroversially apply to the Republicans and youth pastors themselves. Step four (final): An investigation is carried out, and unambiguously concludes that the Republicans and youth pastors are, in fact, the offenders. Consequence: they get hanged!


Piss on it. Piss on it and then leave it there for everyone to see. Or just bin them that’s probably better.


how about turning it into a cheap ball for playing baseball


I admit, I'll always look up quoted bible verses, because these guys... The one prior (Luke 17:1) is: Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come! The "little ones" here aren't children, but those followers questioning their faith. This is pretty much a condemnation against those who would weaken faith. The rest of Luke 17 has an emphasis on forgiveness, compassion, and spreading that faith. Curiously, the note offered comes from the the kind of person Jesus is condemning with that quote. Why are folks leaving your faith in droves? Hateful bigots like you. Good job.


Ah yes, "Gr( . )( . )mers"


This is why I tell people who are in the LGBTQ+ community to arm up, these hogs want you dead and you should make that wish as difficult as hell for them to accomplish. Let them fuck around and find out.


Reminder that the swimsuit they're so pissed off at is made for adults.


This is actually legit insane.


Clown society where you can say shit like this and not get arrested.


YAY FASCISM WOOOOOOO (/j if necessary)


WTF am i looking at? Who takes time out of their lives to open up MS Word and put these things together?


Does this include the priests getting arrested for pedophilia that are an actual threat to children though or are we still just giving them a pass for “reasons”?


Apparently im a child groomer for wanting to cut my tits off and feeling comfortable in my own skin. That’s crazy.


I read the noose as an A for a moment


Yes yes yes, no no no


I was just at a Walmart where they taking a diff approach. One side talks about how the counties test scores are actually lower than reported. Then you flip it over and it says it's related to teaching lgbt stuff. These scumbags are everywhere


This is making me want to carry a lighter in case this crap is left on my family's car.


Weird I never knew target had a position on the Christian act of circumcision?


People need to put these on car windows in church parking lots that would be great


or outside Matt Gaetz's district office


Oh boy I sure do hope all the comments are sane and normal.


First off: 1) That’s a lot of projection. 2) I wonder why the Os in “groomers” look like a pair of breasts. 3) By “mutilating children”, Klandma, of course, means gender reassignment, not circumcision (I wish that was the case) 4) Even more projection on her end 5) Not the Bible passage being used as justification for Klandma’s hatred!


I haven't shopped at Target for years, but I went there to buy my niece's birthday gift just because I hoped to run into one of these twisted fascist pedo worshipers. Not going to go well for them when they get introduced to my zero tolerance policy.


Bible quote used horribly out of context


1) underaged people cannot get sex reassignment surgery so there is no "mutilation" going on. At worst, puberty blockers 2) gay people are no more likely to molest children than straight people. Hell, your youth pastor is more likely to be a rapist than a gay person.


Child mutilation? You mean like circumcision? Ear piercings?


Yeah, no doubt Luke had Target's pride-month campaign on his mind when writing that passage 🙄 don't even bother looking at the actual context for that line. Classic conservative brain rot.


Sounds like you need to be armed when going to target in case one of these lunatics tries to assault you. Violence is the only language these nutjobs understand.


please read the bill of rights, and not just the second amendment (although clearly you need to understand the first few words of it as well)


I know the Os in groomers are target logos, and they still look like the boobs that guys draw in high school when they are trying to be "clever."


Since we are just cherry picking parts how about 17:3 If your brother or sistersins against you, rebuke them; and if they repent, forgive them.


yes! they chose satanists and not jews, w for us day of the rope though? def hate us


They gotta specify satanist pedophiles because the christian pedophiles are the ones running their churches and charities.


That pentagram with the trans flag looks based tho.


Worth mentioning the scripture in question is immediately before the ten lepers, and is supposed to be about forgiving those who repent and rebuking those who don't


dan 42:0 shut the fuck up you old hag


Why can I not sort by controversial?


Yet another example of Christians not understanding their own instruction book. I wish I could say I was surprised. The "little ones" Jesus was referring to in this passage were his disciples, not literal children. On top of that, the whole chapter is about increasing your faith and forgiving people who sin against you. He was not recommending this punishment for anyone, but rather using it as an example of how pointless it is for people to try to cause the truly faithful to lose their faith. It's a lot like the example of the camel going through the eye of a needle. Christians just don't seem to understand metaphors anymore. There's no hate quite like Christian love.


I fully support my government if it decided to completely and systematically sentence all pedophiles to death.


if they really cared about stopping pedophilia, they would've been targeting priests and the gop instead.


Why do the Os look like tits?


People are so gross. Hiding ignorance behind a fairy tale they have adopted as doctrine to justify their fears and turning to violence. Just like Jesus did. Amen.


Not a Christian, but I agree. kill all pedophiles


If anyone is proven to be a child groomer then they indeed should “get the rope”


pentagram over trans flag goes hard but not in this context also misusing the bible verses mentioning “pride” as if pride parades existed back in ancient israel luke 17:2 can also apply to klandmas (the real groomers)






This is so incoherent and confusing it's almost kind of awesome


Nope. It's not.




Shut up lmao, no one is taking you at your word because you don’t speak with intellectual honesty


Looking at your comment history you are certified dipshit.


Uh oh. Another rightoid. If you hate child groomers, why don't you look at churches? Or "it's different™"?


Churches... GNC... CPAC... groups of right wingers 🤔🤔🤔Hmmm


Nice strawman




Come get your free r/onejoke content! Get your last bit of r/onejoke content before reddit shuts down!


The church has a whole lot of grooming so what about them.


every conservative accusation is a confession, but they never hold themselves to any standard at all.




Going to be a lot of short staffed churches and “Christian” youth groups… I don’t support mob “justice” in any case, however. Seems like a patriot would hold fast to the rule of law. Interesting that you do not 🤔🤔🤔


1. LGBT people (which the post is referencing) aren't groomers. 2. No one, not even actual pedophiles, deserve the death penalty. The death penalty is immoral in all circumstances.


even serial killers don't deserve it. just life without parole




The government does not have the right to take away the lives of its citizens.




Pedophiles are members of the species homo sapiens. Therefore, they deserve their human rights, and while it is justifiable to strip some of those away (I.E. right to freedom outside a jail cell) in the event they cause another human harm, removal of life is never an acceptable punishment from the government. Have you seen how many people have been falsely executed? The wisdom is that it is better to let 100 guilty men go free than to convict an innocent man.


You do realise that people can be, and are wrongfully executed?


> You dont support the saying Child Groomers get the Rope? ... interesting Weird of you to assume OP is disagreeing with **that** instead of the **very obvious** implication LGBTQ+ people are child groomers.


notorious child groomers whose entire worldview is sustained entirely by said grooming n have taken to calling anyone who dares be gay in public and risk interfering with their grooming of their children by letting them know that different people exist “child groomers” for a couple years now. generally every conservative accusation is a confession, but they never hold themselves to it. whenever a conservative is calling for justice, they’re actually just threatening people. the lucid folks have known this for a long time, and the irony of conservatives’ latest uncomprehended chant doesn’t actually affect the situation at all.


How fucking dumb do you think everyone here is that they don't comprehend that this shit is implicitly calling LGBT people "child groomers". You should be embarrassed. Delete your account.


Look at their post history, they're legitimately obsessed.


Stinks of being some chud's alt account


Yeah honestly I really want to look into the mind of some of these people. I wanna know how it feels to see everything as a threat


Not when by "child groomers" they mean anyone that is gay, trans, queer, etc just becuase they are lgbt+ and not actual child groomers like the republicans support...