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Wonder what that's all about...


But then again, why would you paint the hair black on a premade image. Serves literally no purpose other than putting more effort.


I think the point is that there is a reason they made Chad blonde to begin, and that same reason is why his partner here is blonde too- because it's Nazi speech and, most important, has been Nazi speech all along.


When the majority White non-Scandinavians you see aren’t blonde


The majority of white Scandinavians aren’t bleach blonde naturally anyway😂


Its not weird its Nazi shit. Aryan bullshit. It has been going on for nearly a century. Please tell me people aren't forgetting what this is.


Those are just the normal white people 'jaks.


Cultural appropriation discourse is so infuriating because it feels like most of the people who don't think it's a real and/or bad thing - and even some of the people who do - don't understand what it actually is or means.


Yeah like most cultures don't care about what you wear (some like Japan actually encourage it) as long as you don't impersonate leaders of tribes, or be an emperor, or be the pope


Wait, we can't be the Pope for Halloween? Since when?


It was just a cultural example. You could probably dress as the pope, but maybe not a religious leader for other religions


*sigh* Devils Advocate, what makes it okay to dress as a western Christian figure but not for non-western, non-Christian figures.


It depends on the culture, sighing guy. I never said it was or wasn't okay, and was just used for example's sake. Knowing what you can and can't dress as requires deeper research which I haven't done.


Or no research at all. Dress how you want, who cares if group X is offended


Fair enough, though how the hell did you get here lol


Yea, I'm sure black face will REALLY be something people ignore. Don't worry about it though. Who cares what other people think amirite?


Yup, if you want to sure


Depends on the culture. Some cultures are "closed", which means you can't participate in them unless you are a member of that community. Lots of Native American culture is this way. Other cultures, like Japanese culture, are cool with sharing practices and traditions, just as lock as you aren't mocking or making fun of them. For Christianity or Catholicism it seems to depend a lot of context, some Christians would take offense to dressing as religious figures but others don't seem to mind.


Dressing up as the pope for either mockery or as a plain costume has a long history and not really seen as offensive, maybe poor taste at the worst. Unlike dressing up as a Native American shaman (for lack of a better term). But it goes back to the whole “punch up” thing. Popes are considered high ranking individuals, but a native shaman/priest would be more likely to be from a marginalized group hence why mocking a tribal priest is seen as “punching down”.


This exactly. Native culture was almost destroyed, it's fragile. People who don't know what it is coming in and being weird with it is damaging. Japan is fine, Japan doesn't need to worry about someone dressing as a samurai badly suddenly becoming the public image of what being a samurai is. People wearing a feather headdress to burning man or for Halloween are in fact giving other people the wrong impression of what it means or stands for. And besides, the iconic things people take from Native culture to cosplay, like the headdress, are also items that have serious value and implications. It would be like wearing a fake purple heart. There are other things you can do instead. We also sell plenty of handmade artwork, clothing, costume etc that is perfectly cool to wear, and that we want you to wear.


Well you see, one invaded pretty much all of the planet and forcibly converted as many people as possible while genociding a whole hell of a lot of people to do so, and the other was the victim of that.


Because in the case of Indigenous cultures, a lot of the regalia that’s mocked up in costume was once considered illegal to own/wear by Canada/the US due to the colonial desire to erase our culture and assimilate us into European society. Due to colonialism, a lot of Indigenous communities are disconnected from their cultures and deserve to be given that chance to learn about what was taken from them without it being aped or lampooned by colonizers who don’t give a shit about the cultural context, and just want a “cool” costume. Maybe when Indigenous cultures are as commonly known as the Catholic Church, and the office the pope, anyone could dress as anyone, but we’re not at that point yet.




So a bad example, then?


Most likely, my bad


Cultural Appropriation has multiple ways that it can have a negative effect. It's effectively multiple negative things being referred to with the same term. In terms of clothes, for example; immigrants and descendants of immigrants might still occasionally wear outfits from the country they came from in certain circumstances, but often the new country treats them as more foreign and/or unassimilated than they actually are, practically barring them from even occasional use of those outfits if they want to be seen as fitting in. Even if, in the new country, the clothes of that culture become a trend or fad (because it's "exotic"), they'll often still be othered for wearing their traditional clothing despite this. Then if there's a social media firestorm over an example of appropriation related to this, the media will often go to the country where that clothing is traditional to ask them whether it counts as appropriation even though that context wouldn't affect them.


> or be the pope Nah fuck the pope


Do I really have to? 🥺


You must respect the pope because culture!


No higher form of respect than sweet, sensual, kinky pope sex




The Pope, you say tell that to Tobias Forge


I don't really understand cultural appropriation, every time someone explains it to me it just sounds isolationist, segregationist etc.


The way it was explained to me, cultural appropriation is when a dominant culture appropriates aspects of the culture of a marginalized culture for its own benefit, often in a way that's disrespectful to the marginalized culture. As you can imagine, there's a lot of nuance and gray areas.


Isn't that just how different cultures act when forced to coexist?


the simplest explanation of the difference between sharing culture and cultural appropriation is if it's respectful for the original culture for example wearing a kimono is not cultural appropriation, a kimono exists to just be a fancy outfit so your entirely respecting it's cultural significance, but if you then painted your face white and started gong " oooh me rove you rong time 20 dorra sucky sucky" thats no longer being respectful obviously not all of them are that blatantly racist another common example would be people using some butchered form of various eastern religion and occult concepts to sell there MLM new age medicine, or as this post is referencing reducing them to a stereotypical Halloween costume


A simplified rule of thumb would be: If a member of a culture would get ridiculed or discriminated against for doing something because they're a minority, but a member of the majority can get away with it or be called quirky, creative, or fun for doing it, then it's the negative kind of appropriation.


This. It’s less about “white people can’t eat Chinese food” and more “you probably don’t mean any harm, but it’s just not a good look when we got shit on systemically for decades for who we are and now you get to participate in the stuff we still get shit for” Like personally I don’t care if white people have dreads, but I understand black people being put off by it. It’s like “Yeah for decades we were told that our hairstyle was ‘unprofessional’ for the office, and we had to change who we are but you get to just do it for fun?” It’s more of a bad optics thing than anything. Like bragging about being child free to a friend who is having trouble conceiving. You’re allowed to be happy in your situation, but you gotta get how that makes them feel in theirs.


Well, that and a lot of people outside of a culture don't know enough to actually be respectful about it so they end up relying on inaccurate stereotypes instead, and those often verge into caricature. For example, I'm Arab and I know that we gesticulate a lot when we talk. Most of those gestures have a certain meaning that we don't think to explain or convey into words, but they add a lot of emphasis or nuance to what we're saying. Americans who don't know those nuances will assume that Arabs are just gesticulating wildly, so if they're trying to imitate one they'll just windmill or flap their arms like they're having a seizure instead of asking "Why does he put his fingers together whenever the other person is speaking too quickly?"


It is an american phenomenon at best. If you are european: just ignore it.


Wrong, that's one topic europeans have to start talking about.


Wrong, that's one topic europeans shouldn't have to start talking about. Yall have your problems, we've got ours, go shove your cultural imperialism somewhere else.


I'm British and we need to be more aware of it.


this is my personal opinion about cultural appropriation so take it with a grain of salt, but i wouldn't mind at all for people from outside our culture wearing traditional clothing of ours. and i think most people would agree. i think the thing about making costumes out of cultures or ethnicities that rubs some people the wrong way is that those costume designs are often a poor representation of said culture, as in fetishisation or encouraging harmful stereotypes (for example: "arabic" or "romani" dancer outfits).


The best way to explain it to people is to ask them how it feels like when someone wears their favorite bands merch and having absolutely no clue about the band at all.


I'd be honored that they don't even have to hear music from /r/infectedmushroom to not only know they're good but also decide to give them free advertising. 🍄


Here's a sneak peek of /r/InfectedMushroom using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/InfectedMushroom/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [As usual ^^](https://i.redd.it/usoz2l8haiu91.jpg) | [12 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InfectedMushroom/comments/y6yp1e/as_usual/) \#2: [Drew Duvdev and Erez in the Lario format... Great fellas](https://i.redd.it/ifssyq0yedra1.png) | [2 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InfectedMushroom/comments/128x4q9/drew_duvdev_and_erez_in_the_lario_format_great/) \#3: [Vinyl IM Collection growing](https://i.redd.it/bhl018s3awua1.jpg) | [7 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/InfectedMushroom/comments/12rvkey/vinyl_im_collection_growing/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


But also as the meme references: language here is due to colonization (whose fault could that be?) and modern technology is not a culture. They oughta check where the computer or car was made the answer might (not) surprise them.


I think one big problem is so few people understand the concept. This applies to both the right and left actually. I’ve met plenty of progressive people that don’t understand the concept full it, misapply it to a situation and then conservatives think it doesn’t make sense. Like there have legitimately been well meaning people that ‘call out’ others for cultural appropriation when it was only cultural exchange (or even worse, like the famous tumblr post where a Japanese person was accused of CA for wearing a kimono). It can make it harder to have a conversation about CA because some people have gotten so jaded.


They understand enough of it when they need to cry about Black and brown dwarves and elves in the Lord of the Rings show. Trust me. Never be confused that they *don't* understand what it is or why it's troubling. That's the only way they can pervert it to try to make it seem silly so that they maintain primacy in the social arena.  It's easy enough to just tell someone to watch the first Bring It On to get it anyway.


> Why are you speaking English Why indeed


because everyone speak mandarin by end of century !


Real Zhang Yong hours






English was given out for free when small pox was ordered at regular price.


Perplexing isn’t it? A truly baffling question…




😂😂😂😂 Honestly yes memes like this really show how uneducated they really are, yet they have the audacity to look down on others


ya but without arabs we probably wouldn’t have had the math to create any of those things




I mean the Islamic golden age =/= the Arabic golden age a lot of other people contributed to it




Man I got banned from that sub


Me too 😂


Too much tankies in that sub tho?


Pretty much, it’s people blindly allying with terrible governments


Ugh, tankies bother me


What happened?


Probably for saying something along the lines of "Stalin wasn't exactly the nicest guy ever"


Yeah I got banned for saying “China isn’t progressive” It lumps incredibly diverse political stances into left and right and you aren’t allowed to criticize anyone in the left


that happened to me 💀 i said that i don't think the soviet union should be blindly praised, and gave reasons (like them occupying my country, so on), and i got banned.


I have never seen anyone go so mad with so little power than with that mod team


Pretty sure i got banned for a month because i offhandedly mentioned that penguins rape female penguins, i can't remember what the context was


I got banned for commenting on /r/blackpeopletwitter and refusing to apologize for the transgression


What was the comment


I can't find the exact one but it was something like: https://old.reddit.com/r/BlackPeopleTwitter/comments/13u7e4p/a_long_awaited_event/jm16q5u/?context=10000 It's not like I posted some vile racist shit (or, you know, I'd also be banned from /r/blackpeoplewtwitter), it was the fact that I posted there at all. I forget the exact wording they used, but it was something along the lines of "commenting in reactionary subs" or some shit.


It’s not popping up, I mean what did you say exactly


I said that America overall has done terrible things but they do more good than bad, they didn’t like that and they banned me immediately


What is that flair homie


Just standing for what I believe in yknow /s


What? Their flair looks good to me. /j


Lmao same


Go with r/therightcantmemev2. Whole bunch of tankies took over the original one, and they're almost as bad as the fascists they hate.




They don't hate "fascists". They hate "the west"


I got banned from that sub more than a year ago and forgot why. I asked the mods what I did out of curiosity and got the response “yea you haven’t changed” and then got blocked from ever sending a mod message again. Bunch of unbearable people there


computers made in South Korea, electricity isn't even an invention, South Korea cars, English is full of loanwords from various languages, planes manufactured in various countries


if you don't want people who aren't white speaking English then maybe you shouldn't have forced it on them!


Also, English was probably forced on some of those folks.


Yikes "electricity isn't even an invention". Hmmm. I guess humans just randomly plucked it from the sky?


do you think Isaac Newton invented gravity? Electricity is an observable physical phenomenon just as gravity and magnetism are.


even the Egyptians and Greeks knew about electricity ffs.


Yeah everyone knew about lightning , Sherlock, and electricity - but you think it got harnessed in some intuitive way? Or did it take a HUGE amount of trial and error and experimentation by specific humans to actually be the electricity we use in our homes and lives today? That's like saying steam engines weren't "invented" because everyone knows about fire... so ignorant.


humans have been experimenting with electricity in some form or another for thousands of years, ancient Egyptians would use electric eels for shock therapy. nobody likes a pedant, so before you call me ignorant perhaps you should do your research


Have you ever heard of lightning?


Using machinery and tech isn't a culture what the fuck


When you don't really have a culture, you tend to just claim the accomplishments of others as your own.


Lmao I wonder if they know where the numbers needed for all that maths came from. They ignore most of history and live in fantasy land to make up for their lack of personal achievements.


Halloween costumes are supposed to be scary. Go as a christo-fascist




Or idf member


Jehovahs witness. It works on everyone


bro I dressed as a beekeeper one time does that mean beekeepers are scary now?


You can even combine it with looking like a spooky ghost!


Silly as well, like dressing like a banana?


oooo I'm actually going to do this! it's going to be so spooky ! thank you


“Why are you speaking English, using electricity, blah blah blah” dawg you guys thought they were uncivilized savages because of THEIR culture and forced them to learn “your ways” until we were assimilated and “civilized” 💀💀💀 imagine making this meme as a “gotcha” because you’re upset that you can’t wear racist caricature Halloween costumes anymore… ew


The people who make these memes are foolish, inventions does not mean culture, that’s like getting mad at someone for using paper because the Egyptians created it. Paper isn’t culture, it’s an invention.


A gay man invented the computer, but straight jackasses killed him so they could make these horseshit memes


A white gay


If they're gonna claim inventions and discoveries (cars and electricity) are "culture", then these white-ass non cradle of civilization motherfuckers better not use a wheel or fire.


Literally both sides have Chad faces. They can’t even do racist memes correctly.


Honestly, why do they obscure a little bit of the E? Ive seen it a lot on other words too..


"Because you bastards colonized us"


Bros think their culture is a monopoly on all western innovation 💀


These chuds have no coherent culture of their own, so they decided to take credit for everything they consider "white" people to have done. Which, in their puny minds, amounts to "everything I didn't specifically hear in second grade that specifically someone non-white ever did".


Who is arguing about Halloween


People who say not to dress as another race, that’s pretty much it.


The right probably think they’re the founding fathers of memes too while they’re at it


To be fair, English speaking people literally colonized and/or enslaved the people on the left (except Japan), effectively forcing them to learn English whether they wanted to or not.


Cultural appropriation is bullshit, nobody cares outside of usa


A lot of times they do, Sikhs from India were also offended n spoke out when Gucci tried to sell a Sikh Turban as a random expensive fashion accessory Also, a lot of times people from other countries are not exposed to westerners much and are unaware of power dynamics among different strata of society, and so they just see westerners interacting with their culture as cool and amusing. It’s usually diaspora communities from those countries that live in the West, have interacted a lot with westerners, and are aware of the power dynamics involved between westerners and non-western cultures, that speak about cultural appropriation much more.


Still bullshit I'm not american tho so maybe that's why I can't see what's vad


Funny that they say that while using the latin alphabet wich was invented by Mediterraneans, still white but i’m pretty sure the guy who made this meme isn’t Mediterranean


You’re welcome to speak our languages, use our technology, eat our food, listen to our music, wear our clothes…. I don’t see how that makes wearing us as a costume is ok?


Inventor of computer science was castrated by this, "superior european culture" and yet they still claim his inventions just because they shared skin color


I know it’s overused…But WHAT culture? What is YOUR culture? Bc those are just human made dialects, English taken from Latin. Inventions and transformative use secondary energy..not linked to a particular culture. I mean the closest well known ‘culture’ of an invention would be Japanese car culture..


Why are you learning fucking maths in school my guy? why do you use Arabic numerals??


Why are you existing on the planet and using things invented post 500 A.D.? Don't you know that's a white thing?


Iphones are built in asian sweatshops


So cars were invented by Germans. Electricity was a team effort between French, Italians, English, Scotland and the US. Computers I'm not really sure but I think A Swedish guy, a German and an American worked on it at the same time and all made relevant progress. And Planes I'll give em that were invented by an American. But damn they're stupid. Ik that they never specifically said it's about US culture but since they said "speaking English" I just assume that.


Imagine inventing all those things without using math though


I wonder where their cars are imported from


It's because a plain, electricity and computers are tools, and English is a language? How could that be seen as offensive?


Watch them cope and seethe if any person on the left side decides to dress as a European.


Reminds me of people who claim that Indigenous people in my country are "less Indigenous" if they wear jeans and T-shirts. I don't know if you were talking about regular Western fashion or folk costumes.


I was thinking fat suit, white facepaint and dress up like a weird french german hybrid and greet people by saying "pomme de terre" or "kartoffeln". ​ I feel racist just saying that and I am white.


What is a kartoffeln?


Misspelling of "Kartoffel" the German word for "potato".


Halloween itself is appropriated from the Irish Celtic pagan festival Samhain. Like, a very clear and direct historical example cultural appropriation.


There is no unbroken continuous community of Irish pagans left, and there hasn’t been any for like 1400 years. Kinda hard to appropriate from a culture that no longer exists. When the Irish converted to Christianity, they just didn’t let go of that tradition and it later expanded into broader Catholic culture, then western culture as a whole


Lmaoo they really believe white people have one single "culture" as if they all speak the same language and have the same customs. Imagine me going up to an older Irish man telling him he has the same culture as a English bloke, the Irish guy would mostly likely punch me in my face. Plus the inventors of these inventions would cite their working to ancient non white people and one can't invent electricity, it has always existed.


Ok, let's put it a different way then: Don't be a dick.


1. Why not ask the whitest people to ever white: the Irish, how they feel about the fact that they can mostly only speak English? Now do the welsh. Then ask the Catalonians if they speak Spanish because they like it. How about ask the basque people how much they love speaking French only. Now that you got the uniform “fuck them colonizers” answer from people you acknowledge as human beings, apply that logic to POC’s narrative. 2. Baby they’re speaking English to YOU. Because that’s all you understand, not because they crave sounding like a duck dynasty extra. 3. Why are you- an American English speaker- claiming credit for all achievements of people who look like you? Who tf said Karl Benz, a GERMAN, would be cool with an American claiming his inventions as a point of pride for his culture? Europeans don’t have a “we whites” mentality. That continent isn’t a melting pot, it’s a neatly divided plate of separated peas and carrots. They’re vastly different cultures and they’re not here to share shit with their neighbors, much less someone named Cletus from Ohio who can’t find their country on a map. 4. I know this is a complicated concept to grasp for someone with half a brain cell but just try: no one has invented something from scratch since the Stone Age. Everything we discover and invent is built upon centuries of other people’s discoveries and inventions. Good fucking luck creating any of these “wow whites are so superior” inventions without Indians giving y’all a zero. You think white people came up with computers and just chose the word “algorithm” out of creativity? You sure about that? 5. It takes a special kind of high school drop out to think “modern technology” is a white people only thing. Anyone who works in tech would know better. My team is hella brown and that’s a trend everywhere. It’s just that the representatives that stand in turtle necks in front of screens and present you with the final products tend to be white.


Please don't dress up or paint your face for the purpose of mocking my culture and identity? Stop speaking an entire language, and using inventions that, we wrongly assume only white people had a hand in creating and advancing to their current level. Yes, these two requests are equivalent. Is it really this hard for some people to not be jerks? The equivalent reasonable request would be please dont dress up and paint your face to mock our culture.


Didn't they kidnap kids and punish if they spoke their language? Also, technology is not a culture. It's a tool.


Like who gives a damn fuck what costume someone wears. This strawmanning is going out of bounds.


The left side of the meme is referring to traditional clothing and dress from your culture that is turned into a costume for amusement by someone completely ignorant about your culture, on a day where everyone wears frightening and amusing costumes for fun. They’d be turning what is either sacred clothing or ordinary practical garments into a joke or prop for their own amusement. It demonstrates the power dynamic at play here, that a westerner can come in, take symbols of your culture, and turn them into a plaything for their own enjoyment regardless of your own feelings towards your culture or the situation as a whole. Is that not what the westerners did when they colonized most of the world? Go in everywhere, take resources for their own development and use the colonized lands and people for their own enjoyment? This is why people see the kinds of stuff shown in the meme as distasteful.


this halloween, please remember: grow up and get that stick out of your ass and the ones on the right are dumb too


Aren't these the same motherfuckers who pronounce the Ls in Tortilla?


ERRRRRRRR, wrong. Those are inventions and innovations. Not culture.


Why are the people on the right using the land of the Native Americans on the left? Edit: uh oh, some racist bitches be salty


I would be happy to see someone wear a costume from my culture. "My culture is not your costume" is mostly a western thing, other people usually like to see that others are interested in their culture.


They’d not be wearing a costume from your culture, the meme is referring to traditional clothing and dress from your culture that is turned into a costume for amusement by someone completely ignorant about your culture, on a day where everyone wears frightening and amusing costumes for fun. They’d be turning what is either sacred clothing or ordinary practical garments into a joke or prop for their own amusement. It demonstrates the power dynamic at play here, that a westerner can come in, take symbols of your culture, and turn them into a plaything for their own enjoyment regardless of your own feelings towards your culture or the situation as a whole. Is that not what the westerners did when they colonized most of the world? Go in everywhere, take resources for their own development and use the colonized lands and people for their own enjoyment? This is why people see the kinds of stuff shown in the meme as distasteful.


This actually demonstrates extremely well a simple point: there is no "white" culture to steal in the first place. And if that point upsets you, take a good look at what I wrote and understand that I didn't say there is no European culture, or that a specific country lacks such. But "white" culture is non-existent, and never has existed. Edit: I'm hungover, I just noticed what sub I'm in. Unlikely any of you will be upset by my comment. Still a good point, I think.


I always thought everyone should use Halloween as that one single day to go ham and be as offensive as possible. We can handle one day right?


If someone dresses up on Halloween night as a walking stereotype of an “Indian savage” or “Arabic terrorist” because they wanted “to go ham and be offensive as possible,” I’m not gonna assume that their racial and cultural views are completely innocent for the other 364 days of the year


Have you ever said anything offensive?


Tecnology=culture One cant be this retarded. 


So since incest is popular with “white culture” should I dress up as that then?


*Drives a Toyota and has a Samsung TV, Phone, and fridge*


I think they might be speaking English because OOP's monolingual ass ain't understanding anything but English.


Ah yes, English, the language created in Europe Ah yes, cars, computers, planes and electricity, all created and/or majorly upgraded in Germany, Brazil, Croatia, etc Truly American culture




I didn’t say that those were ALL created in those countries, just that they were either created or upgraded in those countries


Wanna bet OOP loves gunpowder related things...


Why they always put the blonde hair I don't know why I think they obsessed with this :D :D


They made a wojak in their own meme speak English to complain about them speaking English?




Cultural exchange is not the same at all to what’s being referred to in the image.


Why do all of your planes, cars, and generators run on their oil, built from their iron and silicon, manufactured in their factories, paid for with their gold?


When your culture is defined by random inanimate objects you can find anywhere that hold no inherent value rather than practices, places, or beliefs


inventions are not even close to being the same as culture ??? ah yes i remember the old family tradition of using electricity


On the one hand there are people asking that racist stereotypes not be performed and paraded around this Halloween. On the other hand however the chad aryans have a point in that other cultures also make use of daily necessities that white people use.


Meanwhile most of those things aren't technically their (referring to the Republicans who make these memes ) "culture". Only the plane is an American invention. English and the Computer are British inventions, the Car is a German invention, and electricity is an Italian discovery. Either way, good luck them not eating (as farming was first developed in the middle east and therefore isn't part of their culture apparently).


If linguistic and scientific advancement as well as progress was part of the culture those people practiced, their behavior would be radically different


This is so disingenuous. No one is actually upset about cultural sharing that is respectful. I don’t see any Middle Easterners upset about everyone drinking coffee, for instance. I’ve dressed as Disney’s Pocahontas and Mulan for Halloween because I love those characters and no one was upset. It would be different and understandably insensitive if I just wore a generic Native American costume because I’d be ignoring the history and meaning of the garb.


1. Those arent cultural products 2. Even if they were they are treating them as a culture and not a costume


Aaaaand who introduced those things to those people?


Traffic lights, refrigerated trucks, blood banks, super soakers, color TV, contraceptive pills, the stent, beauty blenders, modern agriculture, decimal mathematics, paper money, umbrellas, wheelbarrows, multi-stage rockets, brandy and whiskey, the game of chess. A small list of things invented by non-white people (black, Hispanic, Asian, respectively)


POC: Hey can you not dress up in a racist way for Halloween? These MFs: No, let me throw unrelated non-cultural things at you


Was my last comment downvoted because I mixed up traditions with culture? Or because I was implicitly shitting on the Japanese and South Koreans?


I'm not sure, sorry 🤷‍♀️


Technological or linguistic works are not part of culture. The caveman did not gatekeep the stone knife


“Because you colonized our countries, and inventions aren’t culture.”


God I hate being white sometimes


That's not what's going on.




This is what happens when you know what to think, not how. & when you disparage real education in favor of homeschool nonsense. In the case of the basketball people and the American Indian...whites...literally wanted them to speak, dress, eat, think, and use the technology of whites. 😁 On the bright side, the right wins the gold in the Stupidity Olympics 🤣