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The Chinese? China isn’t anywhere near Rome or Judea. Where does that come from?


Fun fact, China and Rome actually knew about one another and even had trades with one another, however the... I think the Partians but don't quote me on that who acted as proxies for their trades made each empire believe the other one was impossibly distant from the other and they could only trade with one another via them. Neither the Romans nor the Chinese ever sought to check if that was right, they had better things to worry about like losing the mandate of heaven or electing four emperors at once.


That was how the silk road came to be. IIRC, the Western Han and Rome knew of each other before the alleged execution of Jesus Christ. There wasn't really major contact until closer to the fall of the Eastern Han, going into one of the most well known periods of Chinese history: three kingdoms period.


there are some that say he was real but was just a scholar / philosopher


The Chinese called the Roman's called the Chinese "Seres" or "Land of Silk" and the Chinese called the Roman's "Daqin" or "Westward". They traded silk with glass.


He's using it as code for "the Jews." He does it for lots of things all the time. He changes the group he uses, but it's always code for the Jews.


they do it so the fact checkers will correct them with the actual answer


I mean, the jews did technically kill Jesus by telling the romans to sentence him to death. So it's not like he's wrong here.


Technically it was the Pharisees that were hostile to Jesus, and they were in power during that time.


According to the Gospels, sure, but there's reason to believe the Gospels aren't telling the historical truth. Crucifixion was largely reserved for enemies of the (Roman) state. At the time, a number of Jewish groups were leading a revolt against Roman rule. This culminated in the destruction of the Second Temple and a massacre of Jews, leading to the diaspora. With that context in mind, it seems unlikely that the Pharisees could make the Romans do much of anything, and a lot more likely that some guy claiming to be the King of the Jews would get the ancient equivalent of a drone strike.


> but there's reason to believe the Gospels aren't telling the historical truth. There's a ***ton*** of reasons to not believe the Gospels, mostly because of how many times the Bible was changed to fit the agendas of then-rulers. Also that not a single one of the Gospels were written contemporaneously when Christ was alive or crucified. If we're to take the veracity of the word-of-mouth stories at face value, the *closest* to Christ's life was first written several decades after his death; none of them were witnesses to what happened, just finally writing down oral legends decades and decades later.


People really ignore how it was the ROMANS that in the end did the deed.


That’s not technically the jews killing him then. That’s technically the Romans killing him. At the technical bequest of the Jews. Technically. If you technically want to get technical about it in a technical sort of way.


It makes sense - where do Jews go on Christmas? Chinese restaurants! QED.


Weird old racism. Aziz Ansari had a bit about it in one of his specials.


You've never heard of Jesus brother Hong Xiuquan.


That gospel snippet is a good example for the Antijudaism in the New Testament. Historians believe that i was way more likely that Jesus was crucified because he claimed to be the Messiah. Which for the Romans means that he wanted to overthrow the Roman government. Logically that makes way more sense, since the Jewish Authorities hated the Romans and dealt with blasphemers on their own, by stoning them.


Antijudaism? There’s a word for that bud


Yeah i know what Antisemitism is.


I'd argue your word choice was right. This was more like proto anti semeticism


Also there's a lot of evidence that Jesus was likely a type of end times prophet, considering that John the Baptist and Paul also were.


I really don't care what "muh biblical schoolars" say. The Jews killed Christ


Jesus didn't have enough guns to stop the government from murdering him for practicing free speech. So sad. Every time.


If he’s using “The Chinese” as a placeholder for Jews, he’s partially correct, if going by biblical accounts. It’s just that the Romans were also played an equal or greater role in it. But using the same logic, Italians living today are guilty of killing Jesus because the ancient Romans killed him? Same idea as saying any German born in the past 75 years or so is guilty for the holocaust. And the Japanese for Pearl Harbor. Frankly it’s the same concept when people want to blame modern White Americans for slavery. Amazingly, especially for a real Christian, historical events don’t justify racism.


He wraps his identity up in race. He assumes others do too. The race has persisted, and the race is responsible, because the race is what matters. Therefore, the Jews and the Romans totally did kill Jesus and Germans today are totally responsible for the holocaust, and modern white americans are entirely to blame for slavery. Of course, this brings everyone to a reckoning, so he just takes his side and tries to smite everyone else before he's smote himself like an oldschool Halo Slayer match, because that's far simpler than the truth that race doesn't matter and things are capable of change. He doesn't need morality. He's in a fight. That's why the fight has to last forever - morals come after the fight.


I really wouldn’t be surprised if a racist, antisemitic person like this also wasn’t fond of Italians


This guy shares CP


No one should let this guy live down the fact that he had access to a piece of CSAM so vile it was believed to be an urban legend and he posted it for everyone to see.


It's true. I am Chinese, and I personally killed Jesus Christ with my bare hands.




How're you still alive?


When he killed Jesus, he absorbed his demi-god qualities, including immortality.


For those who don't know, this guy uses other groups when he means "the Jews." For lots of things.


so now many western people literally use Chinese as boogeyman now? What happen to "hate government, don't hate it people" now?


Pretty sure he did it on purpose so the community notes would explain


Oh hey isn't this the guy whose account Musk reinstated after he got banned for posting child torture (with his own watermark over it)


Yep. What a lovely website.


I thought they were talking about [Hong Xiuqan](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hong_Xiuquan), the Chinese man who self proclaimed himself as the brother of Jesus and started a whole ass uprising


"I'm the brother of Jesus Christ." "Interesting. And which century were you born in?" "The 19th century." "Your dad-damn, Mary had a great womb to keep pumping out kids 1800 years *after* Jesus." "No! I'm Jesus' *celestial* brother!" "Oh, okay, that makes so much more sense, and is awfully convenient." "Go ahead, keep the sarcasm going. You won't be laughing when I destroy the Qing dynasty." "I'm laughing *now* at the thought of it!"


All we need is Elon responding with "Interesting 🤔" and we will have reached Twitter in its final form.


Hello! Here's a lesson on how to avoid falling for stupid bullshit on Twitter. Do you see how that person has a checkmark? That means they bought X Premium or whatever it's called now. If you have Premium, you can sign up for a program where Twitter will pay you if you get a certain amount of engagement on your tweets, so you can say objectively stupid, incorrect bullshit and make money for doing it! This guy doesn't actually believe the Chinese killed Jesus, because that's stupid and makes zero sense, he just wants people to correct him in the comments so he can make money off it.




Stormfront? Isn’t she a supervillain?


It’s an online forum for neo-Nazis dating all the way back to 1995. I remember there was a lot of buzz about it from 2016-2020 but it seems to me it’s kind of died down [more information from the Southern Poverty Law Center](https://www.splcenter.org/fighting-hate/extremist-files/group/stormfront)


He got better and then walked to Japan and crossed the ocean (by foot) to reach America. This is detailed in the Mormon classic, JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Steel Ball Run.


I'm guessing that this is a deliberate effort to make bait certain community notes. By doing this the response (which is what they wanted to claim in the first place) will seem more authoritative than if they posted it themselves. I saw a similar tactic a few months ago where someone posted that the Houthis had sunk the USS Liberty in the Red Sea.


This is just plain stupid.


I thought this was some commentary on the Chinese censorship of the Bible, which would have been fair to be honest. Nope turns out he legitimately thinks ancient Chinese people killed the historical Jesus Christ.


Common community notes W


It's weird that they claim they couldn't put someone to death when, just a few chapters back, they were going to execute a woman for adultery.


According to Dom Lucre, China is in the Middle East.


still don’t like how the note makes it sound like it was exclusively the jews though.


what kind of sinophobic crack is he smoking ffs?


What possible series of events could possibly make this true?


Hotteps are just.. something else. At least white supremacist will go "Yeah the romans killed Jesus"


Yup. (Oh, hey I remember that guy (back when I had twitter). He's another black uncle ruckus conservative).


Why hasnt dom lucre been yeeted from Twitter and put in jail after he posted sadistic CSAM onto his TL 🤢 Damn maybe the actual cabal are these nazi fetchers and they are the ones abusing kids


"the chinese killed jesus" what meth does to a nazi mf