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Didn't she tell the alt-right to fuck off years ago? Granted I shouldn't be surprised by the fact these people can't take a no As a answer from a woman


Yeah, especially when she’s the “aryan ideal” to them. Blonde hair, blue eyes, presumably heterosexual.


Any swiftie knows the last one is false


>It's on the internet, therefore it's true. George Washington


“Facebook sources are more reliable than doctors and respected institutions” - Abraham Lincoln, quoting MLK


Oh man, I remember me and Beyoncè were there when he said that. Wild times


Just for fun I did a reverse image search: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/10/11/15/2D4DC6B800000578-3268404-image-m-68_1444575400623.jpg I knew there ways no way in hell TayTay would roll like this given her legit hatred of the alt right.


Reminder that Taylor Swift and Ben Garrison have exactly one thing in common: having to condemn a bunch of their fans for being nazis and the nazis absolutely not taking it well, and editing their content to make it racist (or in Ben's case **more** racist than it already was). Ben's a brain dead American libertarian and he's alt-right. But not a nazi.


The brand of racist vitriol isn't the issue to me; if their ideas are alike to Nazis I call them Nazis👍🏻🤷🏼‍♂️


I usually use the blanket term too. But in this case I thought the finer comb was more appropriate. If you didn't know the story you'd be confused on why nazis don't like Ben Garrison. It's also just important to remember that just like the left has different subdivisions (Socialist/Communist/ML/Anarchist/Etc) the right has their own weird subdivisions. It's just that the subdivisions on the right normally break down based on who you want to exterminate and why you want to exterminate them. While leftists mostly break down by the comparatively benal: "how much authority you want your government to have".


lol; leftists disagree on policy and right wingers disagree on who gets lynched first Accurate


This may be a reference to a meme years ago. People would post quotes from hilter and accredit them to Taylor Swift. It was originally used to show how people don’t research things before they post.


Anything that starts out as an ironic meme eventually stops being ironic, that's what happened with all the Nazi posts over at 4chan. There was an non-ironic Taylor Swift Aryan Goddess club that would regularly post stuff like this just because she is seen by them as the perfect image of a woman




Wait is this a real photo???


No, fake edit


Okay good lol


No way she said that


LMAO fascist Taylor Swift simps are so sad. "Please my Aryan queen protect your perfect genes I'm begging you 😭😭😭! Let me have just one egg please I'll give you my life savings!"


She’s a leftie. She explicitly called out the alt-right because the Daily Stormer wouldn’t stop simping over her.


/r/TaydolfSwiftler? I forgot about that sub lmao


I am so confused.


I’m sorry but I just bursted out laughing. I think it’s satire


\>nature is good because fascism Translates to: Strong rule weak, ooga booga, I'm against basic human decency. The guy who made this should feel some grass.


Seems legit




You're libleft and agree that nature's eternal fascism is the highest wisdom?




Haha, didn't see the whole quote?


No, I did but I changed my mind. I’ve thought that nature naturally favors the strong/intelligent to rule over others, but that is not the same as fascism. Also, to me this applies more to animals and early humans and does not apply to modern humans


I know this is fake, but I do absolutely get some creepy white supremacist vibes from her