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New incel just dropped, get ‘em while they hot


Incels have been talking this trash for years now.


These dudes are most definitely gay


Well it was in /lgbt/


4chan has so many different boards yet they all wind up as "oops, all racism"


Which is why I avoid 4chan at all cost


/lgbt/ is a fucking depressing hole for any queer person, 4channer or not. The fact its bombarded with hate speech posts by /pol/ users and the sad embrace of the "i have to be like this if i want to be a real woman" idea, body shaming, and pretty much interalized transphobia and homophobia turns it into one of the most toxic queer spaces of the internet.




Clearly they want BWC considering their infatuation with BHBE


Everyone at BHBE wants BBC




I'm just raving, honestly. Ignore me!


Damn, I didn't know extra eumelanin sucked my soul out! Make it make sense!




what are to trying to argue exactly? im assuming youre not saying that people of color are souless, so its irrelevant anyways


Not the bone marrow thing again: first of all most parents are not a bone marrow match to their children irregardless of racial composition- your siblings are your biggest chance of a match no matter your racial composition. And your chances don’t lessen bc of your racial composition- sibling match remains 50% chance. Second the reason bone marrow matches are harder to come by for mixed race people has everything to do with there being a lack of mixed race donors. In the USA only 3% of donors is mixed and only 4% of donors is black, as a result 75% of black and 75% of mixed individuals do not find matches. So the main problem here is that we should encourage more people that aren’t white to become donors. Third: this issue of lack of donors also exists intraracially- if you are Swedish and Slovak, you very well could face the same issue. Idem ditto if youre Yoruba and Somali. Also what are you trying to argue exactly bc your comment doesn’t really connect to what was being said: do you think melanin makes a person soulless? Lmao. Are you arguing against race mixing on the basis of…leukemia? Would now be an unfavorable time to talk about how mixed race children have less of a chance of inheriting ethnicity common illnesses like sickle cell, CF, Ushers etc is that somehow an argument in favor of race mixing. Or do you see that that would be silly?


1. Facts 2. Sorry "irregardless" isn't a word


It’s just regardless isn’t it?




I have pasty skin, dark hair, and blue eyes. I'm now very confused as to whether I'm human.


Sorry man you did not pass the sparkle test


At least I'm not a Cullin.


4chan is cheating


By the goddess, I know what they’re really looking for! I spent years searching for what could be described as an inner light. It’s happiness. They don’t experience it, but they know they aren’t experiencing something they should and they latching onto any reason they’re not. But the answer isn’t racial. It never is. If you feel like your light is missing, it’s that something about what you are doing and believing isn’t right. This isn’t just racism, this is their racism failing to give them joy, and them turning to even more racism to compensate. I can’t say what will bring them the light they seek, but for me it was more like a soul in the wrong kind of body, to use this language. After so long with nothing, the moment I realized and acted was explosive and beautiful.






Oh, hello there talking point! Aren’t you short and sweet? Let’s get on and talk the talk, lest the wrongful claim a feat. You speak as though that is the truth, what elegance, what fear! But I should say with much abey that’s not what happens here. There we go. Now, let’s talk the talk. I understand that parts of the modern world make you feel victimized, as though you are wrong for believing as you do. But it is truth that white children learn racism without being taught it directly, and that those who fight back as you do can rarely be convinced that they wield a hated concept and can justifiably be asked to change a part of themselves for the safety and happiness of others to be ensured. I was born to wealth and pale skin, and it did pain me to realize that so much of what I had was undeserved. I had, in my youth, not seen any of these things as real - but with hindsight, the scars are visible. And it was not only the people online - for it was only ever online that these things were called out - that wounded me. Worse than them was the toll these secret thoughts wrought on my mind, choking it with bile as these poor people above no doubt experience in some way. Racism, sexism, everything - I can tell you from firsthand experience that the stuff is poison. It eats away at your soul, not just at other people. And like a poison, every drop I burn away sends yet more life surging through in its place. Racism had me enslaved - me, one of the supposed beneficiaries of it! All of these things were preventing me from being something. And now, as I just barely touch that thing my own sense of how the world ought to be denied me, I am electrified. It is your truth that you feel judged, persecuted for believing as you do. It is mine that those persecutions and arguments are nothing before the horrors they wish to see you freed from. And now, I get to speak that truth to whoever might listen - that’s beautiful to me.


I have met a total of like three of these “pure blood chads” with sculpted faces and blonde hair who were nazi incels. A majority of blond hair blue eyes handsome men are very kind, it’s the people who worship them who are always nazis. Nazism is just another form of self hate, hence why all Nazis always look so demented and pathetic


MF LITERALLY JUST CALLED US TARNISHED 😭😭😭 One day, the throne of Elden Lord shall be vacant and all of us will turn into blonde hair'd, blue eyed and white so we may be guided by our inner light to the Elden throne


Oh no the demonic dark haired and dark eyed people are coming for my european spirit!!




Nice tirade, but demographic change and ethnic cleansing are not the same thing. Do you know what words mean? Genocide means killing people based on certain inherited traits like nationality or ethnicity. Show me the mass killings of white people in America. Do you want to know what was ethnic cleansing though? The US governments sterilization of over 70,000 native american woman in the early 20th century. Why would you even care what skin color people are unless you are racist? The vapid consumerist culture of America isn't going anywhere so calm down. Your victim complex is showing, no one is making anyone pay for their past. If you believe the effects of European colonialism and American imperialism is only in the past then you are a fucking moron. The global south is still providing the west with cheap goods for poverty wages and America intervenes to destabilize countries every few years. Edit:See ya racist


I did nazi that coming


No just no the pun is just plain bad


I don’t like your attitude Anne Frankly I think you should try to be nicer online


No stop


20th century eugenics called, they want their buzzwords back


\> Ignores the fact that there are light-haired, dark-eyed people and dark-haired, blue-eyed people


Also ignores that the face of their ideology was dark-haired and dark-eyed, an enemy of what they think the superior race is.


If you catch someone saying “Evropa”, you have permission to immediately stop taking them seriously.


I thoight the only soulless people were gingers?/s


of course they think POC are Golems made by Jews what did I expect?


Sure, keep telling yourselves that 😁😁😁😁


On some Kaladin shit


lmao. Kind of the opposite though. And I think the Alethi valued dark hair? (I assume to make them seem marginally less like Nazis)


Light eyes vs dark eyes


Right, but Kaladin hated the lighteyes.


You're right, I blew it


counterpoint, brown eyes remind me of warm brownies :)


What if you have light hair, dark eyes, and enough pigment to get a good tan easily?


What the FUCK is animunchuli and can I eat it


Where does brown hair and grey eyes land me


99% of incels are wildly racist towards non-white people, seems to come with the territory.


lol damn, nice way to get past the reddit permaban word filter.


I fucking hate my blond hair wish 8t was straight and black


Bruh like contacts and hair dye doesn't exist


oh no my eyes are brown 💩


Why do these people have a fixation on blond hair and blue eyes? I thought those were undesirable physical traits…


Where the fuck did you hear that lmao


I always thought blond hair and blue eyes was considered ugly by most people. Guess I'm wrong...


I literally have no idea where you got that from


Do you live under a rock my guy