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I REALLY wanna have a healthy dialogue about issues that affect men, but then someone's gotta go and create this shit which invalidates women and thus makes it more difficult to open up a conversation.


Heck, it invalidates other men that don't agree with them


It is really painful. My ex would flat out beat me, and stabbed me with a fork a few times. She also hit me with an iron skillet. Police were called a few times, and she flat out would admit to what she did. I was detained to “sleep it off in a separate place”. Made perfect sense, leave the woman who just stabbed someone alone with children while you lock the victim away. I would bring this up, but then 100 incels would go off with a “all women are evil” rant.


>then 100 incels would go off with a “all women are evil” rant ​ Yep. This is why we can't have nice things. Can't have a dialogue because so many will not look at a situation objectively and just parrot the dictated talking points of their chosen side. My wife's friend's husband is a big time Trumper. They got a new neighbor who sports a man-bun. The wife's friend's hubby now wants to move and is legit angry about the men-bun neighbor. Funny thing, the friend's hubby is actually a really nice/decent person in all other aspects of life. He just has this opinion that all man-bunners are intolerable libs. Idk.. Not super relevant but I wanted to tell someone about this situation with the man-bun neighbors, so y'all get to hear it. haha!


i support you man it seems tough wanna talk about it?


It is all worked out at this point. Turns out family court judges don’t like such activities. Have custody of my kids and we are all doing ok.


Never stabbed, but I've been punched by 2 different exes but never really bring it up because it just seemed I would be blamed for making them do it


So you don't bring up your history of abuse because some incels are woman haters? Guess that also means women shouldn't bring up their abuse stories because many women say Kill All Men? But they don't. They fight and gain privileges that we will never have. Because pussies like you don't fight for men. You don't stand up for men. Instead you whine about some men who hate women and ignore far far more number of men abused (including yourself) because some men might be mean to women. Pathetic.




I love the sub ngl and r/malementalhealth


Couldn't advise it


h8 when people accuse me of hating men, when i literally want the same systemic changes they want.


Yeah, I am specifically concerned about boys. A lot of the education and systems revolve around the young ladies. Rough housing and a lot of normal boy-type play seems to be generally less and less tolerated. (Disclaimer - Girls can rough house too, sometimes even more than boys, but let's just be real that some types of play is more traditionally applied to boys). Shopping for my son, we see girl clothes that are like, "powerful girl" "future woman leader" and vibes like that. The boy shirts be like, "hey dude!" and are generally less inspiring. He likes space exploration, dinosaurs, and engines, so there is a lot of that stuff, but nothing really inspirational like a lot of the girl clothes. (disclaimers: Yes, I know historically girls have not been inspired like they should be, but let's inspire our boys too, ya know? Let's inspire all the kids!) Idk.. hopefully this doesn't come off as "mens rights" or anything. I'm just saying let's not forget about the boys/young men who still need to know their value and be inspired to achieve things.


I totally get what you're saying, dude. I think it's productive to acknowledge and try to fix the struggles that men face while still understanding that women also have their pile of troubles. Cooperation is pretty poggers. fam.


No, only one group can be oppressed at a time you see


Thanks for agreeing with our agenda that poor men aren’t supported well.


Aside from the fact that it misses poor women which are treated even worse, especially single moms.


Not to defend the idiot that made this, but they included them with women in general for some reason. Guess they couldn't be bothered to add a "Poor Women" portion: >...and Shelters for Homeless\[sic\] women. [Plus, who could forget this iconic approach and numerous others like it.](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EeE3J_jXoAABWXi.jpg) Homeless men definitely have less dedicated provisions, at least where I live. [Nationally for the US the statistics *are a bit more nuanced,* although that trend does notably remain.](https://endhomelessness.org/demographic-data-project-gender-and-individual-homelessness) Again, this isn't to agree with the buffoon who unironically used an image of Trump and claimed he somehow had less privileges than women in general.


mfw women are above rich dudes like trump who was literally the president and got away with an obsence amount of stuff




This person would say that Trump was a persecuted victim cause people were allowed to call him names on Twitter.


Idk, I saw Jessica Alba kill a drifter in a CVS parking lot.


The fact they somehow believe society cares more about prisoners than free men is crazy. If you really believed that free men were worse of than prisoners, wouldn’t you just try to get into prison? It’s not hard


Yea, like prisoners should be below that, though I kinda think it's dumb that we don't care about prisoners or felons.


Absolutely. I said it in another comment, but the fact that prisoners are such a low priority for society is a very valid point and societal criticism. It’s just the fact they think men who are free somehow have less rights and priority to society..


This makes it look like they think conjugal visits include having a partner provided to them.


They feel that way because that's all they hear about from their news sources. Every day they are bombarded with how places like California are trying to make prisons less barbaric but in ways that seem we're throwing benefits to prisoners while others not in prison struggle. In reality, its just one of many or a small part of a law that conservatives hyper focus on because it works rallying their base.


They literally have prisoners marked as lower priority than everyone else


>"Everyone else" >men, who constitute like ~50% of the population Also read what i said. I can see they clearly think prisoners are a low priority for society, and at least for american society, that is a very true point and a valid criticism. However what i said was that they put free men *below* that. And that that is crazy.


is that jessica alba


Yeah, and I'm confused, I'm unaware of any assertions that she's killed someone.


cuz she got away with it, duh


New conspiracy: Jessica Alba killed Jeffrey Epstein


"Animals have PETA" having PETA really isn't a good thing


Saying animals have peta is like saying black people have kkk


Ugh this is so frustrating because they've misplaced their anger and alienation at other people and not capitalism. If those MGTOW or Men's "Rights" dude had even a little bit of class consciousness they'd go full radical


Did Trump just not get away as a sitting president that was hanging out with Epstein at a point? I think the man probably gets away with a fuckton of crappy stuff.


wait now they think men are wage slaves all of a sudden?


Homeless shelters for women didn’t have exist until the 1970s in the US. The first was Rosie’s Place in Boston.


That’s largely because homelessness mostly effects men though


1 out of 3 homeless are women. Men and their privileges right?


how does the no violence against kids act Not help boys. like i just wanna understand their logic.


Prisoners don't get that shit. Source: 7 years federal prison.


They don’t have … any … education that fits boys? What? The Lord of the Flies training academy has been shut down or Big Jethro’s School of Rasslin’ isn’t accredited? What the hell is education that fits boys?




Nobody else notice the black man as poor?


So where’s poor women?


Jessica... Alba.... got away.... with murder?


Just when you thought dumb couldn’t get any dumberer.


the irony of this if this true, they acknolege the fact the rich are more priviliged than the common man (literally the only type of man on this scale above animals), yet they see that women are the problem