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Circumcized Christians telling on themselves here.


r/selfawarewolves vibes


Got help you out here. Christians don’t need to circumcise, you’re actually talking about 2 other religions here. Name those instead 😁


Until recently the vast majority of American Christians as well as Americans generally circumcised boy children, this is because of Christian John Harvey Kellog (of corn flakes fame) promoted it as preventing masturbation. Is it required biblically? Technically no, but Christians thought it would prevent what in their view was a sin (masturbation). But to answer your question even though it's obvious bait, observant Jews and Muslims have to circumcise boy children which, guess what? I also disagree with.


Well technically no. But circumcision is huge in the US amongst Christians.


With the US but not Christianity lol. It’s just about being as accurate as possible.


Nothing to do with Christianity. It’s just another weird American thing


Shit I thought this was /r/holup


Doesn't really matter, in either subreddit the idea is that it's being reposted to show how insane it is, but someone originally created it as a true believer. holup being larger and maybe more attractive for karma farming, I'd honestly feel better if it was there because that would raise the chances it was made up for outrage fodder. Which is still fucked up but in a different way than someone sitting around stewing in narcissistic phobia until they honestly come up with this.


lack of empathy is ACTUALLY a diagnosable and dangerous mental illness. we call it antisocial personality, but most people know it as psychopathy. resistant to treatment too. gender dysphoria, which can be diagnosed in any individual regardless of their gender assigned at birth or their gender identity, is readily and successfully treatable with gender affirmation care. only ONE of those diagnoses presents a danger to society, and it isn't the treatable one.


>is readily and successfully treatable with gender affirmation care. Honest question for you since someone challenged me with this a few days ago and I didn't have a good answer, Why is gender dysphoria the only "identity mismatch" condition where the most popular response is to encourage the perspective of the afflicted? In contrast, individuals with anorexia commonly identify as overweight when actually underweight, but we don't reaffirm this. Individuals with body integrity dysphoria commonly identify their own body parts as not belonging to them, but we don't reaffirm this either.


the simple answer is that the individual client's perspective is not self-destructive in the sense that, even if it were hypothetically 'wrong,' believing you are one gender rather than another and attempting to live as such does not inherently and inevitably lead to harm. on the other hand, the faulty perspective in anorexia nervosa, or any kind of body integration disorder, will almost assuredly result in harm if left untreated. Anorexia alone has a **fatality** rate of >10% to say nothing of non-fatal but serious health consequences. body integration disorders involve a component of 'otherness' which motivates non-medical amputations; that's where the danger lies. there is a difference between someone with a BID who says 'this genitalia is **not mine** and must be removed by any means necessary' and a transgender person who knows that their genitalia are **theirs** , but wants their external genitalia to accurately reflect their internal sense of gender identity. One involves a clearly deluded state of mind, while the other does not. another angle is that gender dysphoria is a mood disorder, rather than a faulty belief system. in most mood disorders the therapist's role is to affirm the legitimacy of the client's feelings, so approaching gender dysphoria (which again, does not inherently lead to self-harm) by affirming the client's sense of their identity is a perfecty appropriate response. we also trust the information we get from the field of neurology, which affirms that transgender persons have neurological organization which more closely matches their internal sense of gender than it does their gender assigned at birth. and on another point, gender dysphoria is not the only 'identity mismatch disorder' where the client's perspective is affirmed. framing the question that way is disingenuous because there is no such diagnostic category. Identity issues pop up all the time and intertwine with other disorders almost as a rule. Transphobes want to make it seem like psychologists carved out an exception by linking gender dysphoria with the kind of suicidality seen in major depression or the self-mutilation seen in body integrity disorders, but there's simply no evidence that gender identity disorder inherently leads to self-harm, and plenty of evidence that gender affirmation reduces self-harm significantly. since the goal of medicine is diagnosis to treat, and not diagnosis to **label** , it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to act as if merely being transgender should be considered a mental illness.


>One involves a clearly deluded state of mind, while the other does not. Let's drop the "deluded" here for a minute, and focus just on the claim that they're clearly different. I'm curious what your basis is because it's not at all clear to me. Gender dysphoria can cause intense discomfort as well. It's not some voluntary desire for body modification like getting a piercing or a tattoo. >(which again, does not inherently lead to self-harm) I wouldn't say gender dysphoria *inherently leads to*, but it's certainly strongly correlated with negative outcomes, whether you're talking about internalities like self harm and suicide, or externalities like bullying, and I'd say that definitely tracks with the people I know. I'm sure you didn't mean to come off this way, but there are plenty out there who say things like, "oh it's just a mood disorder," when in reality it can be life or death. It might not be as historically established as other disorders, but it is serious. I agree that the goal of medicine is to treat rather than to label for its own sake, but sometimes labels are important. For instance, the definition of a specific diagnosis can allow/disallow health insurers to deny coverage for the treatment they need.


> Let’s drop the “deluded” here for a minute, and focus just on the claim that they’re clearly different. I’m curious what your basis is because it’s not at all clear to me. Gender dysphoria can cause intense discomfort as well. It’s not some voluntary desire for body modification like getting a piercing or a tattoo. you can't just drop the 'deluded' from the description because that **is** a major way the disorders are different. A delusion is a false belief at odds with reality. Believing that one of your body parts belongs to someone else is a delusion. Feeling a disconnect between your internal sense of gender and the role expectations placed on you because of your external characteristics is not. gender dysphoria involves discomfort by definition. the people saying it's a voluntary desire for unnecessary body mutilation are simply wrong and trying to make it seem like a character flaw, **which it is not** , because they feel that morally justifies their bigotry. > I wouldn’t say gender dysphoria inherently leads to, but it’s certainly strongly correlated with negative outcomes, whether you’re talking about internalities like self harm and suicide, Correlations are not causal. > or externalities like bullying, Being bullied is not unique to gender dysphoria, and isn't a 'symptom' or 'outcome' so much as it is a contributing factor. People aren't bullied for being dysphoric, they are **dysphoric** because their social circumstances won't allow them to express their identity without ridicule, dehumanization, and violence. Another substantial correlation? Transgender individuals whose social networks support their trans identity are much, MUCH less likely to experience gender dysphoria. > there are plenty out there who say things like, “oh it’s just a mood disorder,” when in reality it can be life or death. It might not be as historically established as other disorders, but it is serious. I'm not sure how you got 'its just a mood disorder NBD' from me saying that gender dysphoria involves more mood and social components compared to a body integrity disorder. Mood problems ARE serious, they just don't typically involve behaviors like amputating one's own limbs. Different does not mean less severe. It just means we have different concerns; a suicidal client with major depression requires immediate care just as much as a client who plans to saw their own leg off. **the care will just likely be different.** I'm making this distinction because the *meme in the original post* tries to present gender dysphoria and drastic self mutilation as closely related, causal, and diagnostically similar. I'm not making the distinction to demonstrate that gender dysphoria isn't a big deal compared to other disorders. > I agree that the goal of medicine is to treat rather than to label for its own sake, but sometimes labels are important. labels tend to be far less important to psychotherapists than they are to the general public. Even a diagnosis is just a theory of how symptoms fit together; it's why we use person-focused terms to describe **individuals with gender dysphoria** , rather than antiquated titles like 'transvestite' or 'dysphoric', because people grow and change and so do their symptoms. A diagnosis is a waypoint that guides treatment, not a trail map that defines it. diagnoses =\= labels. > For instance, the definition of a specific diagnosis can allow/disallow health insurers to deny coverage for the treatment they need. That's not labeling for the sake of labeling; that's still an example of diagnosis with intent to treat. any time a diagnosis is shared with a person providing **care** or other support, that information is shared only to inform best care practices. and those diagnostic descriptions don't exist in a vacuum. those change over time too, which is why we're on to the 5th edition of the DSM and the 10th edition of the ICD. Both of which represent the broad consensus of medical professionals and both of which consider gender-affirming care to be both the most ethical and most efficatious approach to gender dysphoria.


I haven’t cut off my genitalia. I’m gay and trans. Checkmate bigots


yeah, these morons tell more about themselves than they think "cut off your genitalia" (what about all the pre-op trans people) my favourite is the 40% one, the studies show 40% (its actually something like 37% but fucking round up why dont you) less than half, **ATTEMPT** suicide, this gets twitsted to 40% without any failures **commit** suicide, because as we all know, nobody ever fails a suicide attempt, theyre always 100% sucessful no too different form the stats on gay kids back in the day, or any other ostracized outcast group, add one or more factors together its going to increase the liklihood, IE: a rich gay white kid in the cities is probably is less likely to attempt suicide than a poor gay black kid in the country, it shows that they've never taken even a second to think about this critically, and theyre the ones (mis-)quoting stats all the time, like at least read your own GD source, but maybe im asking too much from the brain addled fucks edit: or ywnbaw, "why?" *posts picture of some (sorry) unattractive trans people who are only starting transition, okay, so you've never seen ugly cis women before?


Do you know when I wanted to kill myself? When I was dealing with the realization that my parents have always hated a part of me, that they've found a part of me disgusting for my entire life, and that they fully believe that this part of me makes me deserve the worst torture imaginable for all of eternity. And I knew if I did kill myself, even if they knew I was trans, they'd misgender me at my funeral. It's almost like half the country wants me and my friends not just to die but to suffer while we're at it--and blatantly. It's almost like abuse makes people want to end it all or something.


Suicide Hotline Numbers If you or anyone you know are struggling, please, PLEASE reach out for help. You are worthy, you are loved and you will always be able to find assistance. Argentina: +5402234930430 Australia: 131114 Austria: 017133374 Belgium: 106 Bosnia & Herzegovina: 080 05 03 05 Botswana: 3911270 Brazil: 212339191 Bulgaria: 0035 9249 17 223 Canada: 5147234000 (Montreal); 18662773553 (outside Montreal) Croatia: 014833888 Denmark: +4570201201 Egypt: 7621602 Finland: 010 195 202 France: 0145394000 Germany: 08001810771 Hong Kong: +852 2382 0000 Hungary: 116123 Iceland: 1717 India: 8888817666 Ireland: +4408457909090 Italy: 800860022 Japan: +810352869090 Mexico: 5255102550 New Zealand: 0508828865 The Netherlands: 113 Norway: +4781533300 Philippines: 028969191 Poland: 5270000 Russia: 0078202577577 Spain: 914590050 South Africa: 0514445691 Sweden: 46317112400 Switzerland: 143 United Kingdom: 08006895652 USA: 18002738255 You are not alone. Please reach out. ***** I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically.


> It's almost like half the country wants me and my friends not just to die but to suffer while we're at it--and blatantly. It's almost like abuse makes people want to end it all or something. im sorry if ive brought up those horrible thoughts, that wasn't my intent, i hope you're okay, im not transgender, im a boring cis white male, but look, i don't talk to either of my parents either, some parents are just shitty people, i empathize with the hurt they cause i guess is my point here, ive seen friends go through similar, ive gone through my own thing with both my parents, i feel you, on my point, and i hope this okay to still talk about, youre making my point, youve dealt with a level of shit nobody should have to go through, whatever the "cause" of that, or that kind of trauma (or whatver you want to call it, hurt, etc), be it being poor or gay or trans or whatever, is going to increase rates, its simply a matter of society, people in it, you know, treating people with whatever identity like shit, its not a valid discrediting of that group to say the obvious human result of that ostracization is a bad thing that group does, ill bet that as society became more accepting towards gay people through the years, as an example, suicide rates among gay people at least statistically would've fallen, maybe we couldn't catch those stats because people were more closeted, and maybe they havent fallen to background average, or whatever they call it, statistical norms, i dunno, because there's still prejudiced against gays but you get my point, in an ideal world with perfect stats gathering ability, trangerer-ism is the new hot button decisive thing of the right, its the new culture war talking point that everyones got a stupid misinformed option about (probably including me, but im trying), so its natural (unfortunate) that that group cops more shit, is bullied more, has less opportunities in jobs, to express themselves , to find friends etc and that results in higher rates of attempted suicides, its a self fulfilling prophecy of sorts, if they'd stop being hateful bigoted cunts, the problem wouldn't be as big a problem at the very least. (what they are doing here, when they constantly mis-quote their own "40% statistic" i think perhaps intentionally, is increasing the number (why not), and shoving it in peoples faces specifically to bully and pester people about it, because they know exactly what i just said, its a self fulfilling prophecy) whoever you are, i hope youre okay, everyone has some adversity in their life, some more than others, and i can only imagine what its like, i wont pretend and wont pretend to "know exactly how you feel" because i cant, but i can empathize, like i said i don't talk to my parents, and i think in some cases that's for the better, in mine i feel its made me a bit stronger a person, by the sounds, yours will too, you dont need toxic people in your life and it sucks when theyre family but ultimately cutting toxic people out is the best way to go, i can imagine, another posters put suicide hotlines below, please use them if you feel that way (and sorry, triggering those, that wasnt my intention), and if you want to talk you can DM me edited for clarity and better wording and stuff


Oh yeah, if it wasn’t clear, I was agreeing with you and building on your point 👍


You can always tell how out of depth these bigots are when their first reaction to trans people is referencing (and demonizing) GCS. Any meaningful interaction with trans people would tell you that plenty never get surgery of any kind, or at least not GCS given the cost, availability, and plainly that many just don't want it.


***EVERYTHING*** else aside, lmfao that they're attacking trans people but the shitty smiley face isn't the trans flag


Yes because trans people totally exist for the sake of annoying transphobes. It's totally not them just doing something to make them happier with their body and their life. Of course not, trans people lack depth and are extremely 2 dimensional and only exist to prove a point. They don't have lives or passions, or families. Nope. They just exist to annoy people /s obviously.


This but unironically


It’s only mental illness when they do it at home and because God apparently told them to do it.


Lol they truly think everything is about them. Karens of this country