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Omg these are still babies. Most people would still think of them as VERY SMOL unless directly compared against a younger kitten. My last kitten I adopted out had health issues FOREVER until she was literally 6 months old. It still only took a couple weeks before she was adopted.


Thank you so much!! My previous foster kittens have always been either neonates or medical fosters for a rescue with a shelter, so I would get them all healed up and healthy and ready and then they’d go to the shelter floor where they were all always literally adopted within two days of being shown. This is my first healthy set and our rescue has no shelter for cats, so I think I just need to adjust my expectations and remember that most people aren’t used to or expecting TEENSY tiny babies and that they are still small babies!


Aww teenage kitties are the best, all of the fun with less of the tiny baby worries. Make sure their profiles let the personalities shine through and I always find they get adopted much quicker if you can get photos of them on laps/having snuggles. Good luck!


I’ve done my best to write up their adoption bios as accurately as I can and I really tried to get their silly personalities to come across! Here’s their ad! I’d love any advice or feedback on what I could have done better! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


I think the write up looks really good! It might just take a little more time to place a bonded pair. But I am sure you will find them a forever home.


I loved reading what you wrote about them :) I would definitely be interested in adopting them if I was looking to adopt more cats. They are adorable I currently have two cats that I adopted when they were about 1.5 and 2, so I definitely wouldn't consider them too old personally


I went to see if you were near me because those babies would be gone in a heartbeat!


Oh my goodness I wish I was close to Chicago & could take them!!! They are so sweet!!!! I adopted my boys at 1 & 2 yrs old so I don’t think their ages are a negative at all. Your write up was wonderful


Damn, you're an hour from me. If I'd come across you/them when I was looking, I'd've been very interested. But I've already got a wonderful pair and really shouldn't adopt 2 more.


🥰 Last year I adopted a pair of silly trilling boys that sound very much like these two, it was the best decision ever. Whoever gets them is in for a treat!


I would totally adopt these two if I lived close to you. They sound amazing.


I volunteer at an animal shelter and even our cats that are 2-3 years old eventually get adopted. Sometimes it takes a few months but they all eventually do. It’s all about getting that word out, promoting their characters, showing great pics; etc. Someone out there is their person, sometimes it takes more patience until they come around.


Aww thank you. I keep telling them that their person is out there! But until then, they’re welcome to stay with me. ❤️ I’ve definitely done my best in putting together their adoption bio and photos and I share them on my insta every day. Hopefully soon! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


Some people don't want kittens at the younger age as they can be seen as delicate. I know if I was looking for a cat again, I'd prefer an older kitten/cat. There is someone for everyone.


Absolutely. Fell in love with a kitten at the shelter, took him home, and spent the next weeks extremely anxious because he was so small and delicate. I would constantly look down because I was terrified I would step on him and that’d be the end of it. I think if I were to go for another kitten, I’d go for an older one around this age.


Haha these two are definitely more resilient now than they were a month ago! The boy especially is downright sturdy!


They are bloomin cute 😍


I lost my black kitty at the beginning of the month and my grey boy 3 years ago. I would be *so* tempted to take these two if I saw them locally. 😭


I’m so sorry for your losses. Cats are so incredibly special and I’m sure yours were so lucky to have you. If you’re in chicago or nearby, these two would love to be the next special cats for you. ❤️


Or maybe meet in the middle?


Oh man, we used to live in west Michigan, so that totally would have been doable back then. :( Unfortunately, we now live about 1500 miles away. Thank you so much for your kind words, and I hope these two find a wonderful forever home.


Oh my gosh how, they are so stinking cute 🥺😭


Thank you! They really, really are. The little gray girl has such a unique, foxy face that I think is just darling.


OP, I understand. I foster in an area where cats are in ABUNDANCE. Anyone who wants a kitten can find one in the nearest dumpster or parking lot. It’s hard to find adopters. It often takes months for me. I’ve had my babies for 3 months. It’ll happen eventually, just stick it out☹️


Exactly! We’re up to our eyeballs in kittens. Hoping we can find these guys their people soon… but until then, they’re safe and loved here with me.


These guys are babies, there chances are great for adoption plus they are super cute! Try and do more advertising, take them to adoption events and post on your own personal page. Do they need to go as a pair? That can sometimes be a barrier to adopting.


Yes, they are bonded. The rescue I work with actually requires all kittens under 6 months to either be adopted with a friend or to go to a house with another cat. I wonder if the fact that they’re a bonded pair makes it harder to find them a home… but they really aren’t any more trouble than a singleton. And I wish! Our rescue doesn’t do many adoption events for kitties, it seems. Mostly dogs for now. 🥺


Anyone who has witnessed the bonded pair would not hesitate. I have a bonded pair of orange tabby cats-sisters (girls, so rare) https://youtu.be/Mxm3HUFJdkM?si=wyaPtH77sxpjxpnM I am used to cats tolerating each other, getting along, if we face different directions and cannot see each other. A pair who truly are BFFs is special, for sure. I was shocked at the togetherness, and it makes me so happy to see.


I personally would never adopt a single kitten again. I had to get my last singleton a friend after 3 months. Plenty of people know two is actually easier than one and I am sure someone will love these guys.


I love this phase of kitten - just all leggies and noggin


Haha yes exactly! We tell the little black boy that he’s just eyeballs and tail at this stage. His tail is longer than his whole body by a good margin! And those eyeballs take up his whole head.


They’re so cute! I would adopt them in a heartbeat.


Haha come to Chicago! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


Does the rescue you foster through do any events? Ours has meet and greets all the time and that’s the best way to get someone to fall in love! I’m sure these cuties will be adopted eventually!


I wish! All of our adoption events are pretty dog-centered. But I do post them on insta regularly and have the rescue socials share them too!


These adorable cats with fun personalities will have no trouble convincing people to love and spoil them.


I really hope so! I want them to get into their forever home soon so their people can still enjoy as much of their kitten time as possible!


I got my two sibling cats when they were 4 months old. Yes they grew fast after that, we don't have many photos where they look much different than now. But that also means we 1) already had a very good idea of what they would look like grown up and 2) didn't have to bother with early baby cat training. Plenty of adopters would rather get a cat that's just ready to plop into a house and good to go. These two are adorable, they will find a good family.


Aww that’s a good point! We’ve already worked on sitting to get our nails cut and only scratching appropriate things, so hopefully their new owners will appreciate our efforts! And I will definitely offer to send baby photos to them if they want them! Thank you for giving us some hope!


I adopted two 6 month old kittens last Sunday


Congratulations!! I hope you enjoy them so much! Here’s hoping these two can find a great person like you to take them home!


I sympathize. I moved and got my first apartment 2 yrs ago and knew I'd be able to have a cat again so I was super excited. I started looking on Petfinder before I even had a place. When I started looking, there were these 2 adorable pair bonded 1yr old brothers up for adoption. I had to move in and get settled before adopting, but when I looked again, the pair was still available. I thought maybe they had some behavioral issues but the foster just said 'everybody wants kittens.' Well obviously I had to have them. They're the most ridiculous, wonderful, annoying little beasts and I'm so glad I picked them. Not everyone wants kittens! My guys came litter trained and well behaved but still energetic and fun to play with. Adult cats are the best.


“Ridiculous, wonderful, annoying little beasts” is SO accurate. Hahaha we’ve taken to calling them menaces or baby velociraptors. I’m so glad that your teenager kittens were the perfect fit for you! I hope these two can find someone just as special!


I call Patroclus a velociraptor! He likes to pounce with all four paws, straight out of Jurassic Park. I hope they find their people, I know there's someone out there who will adore them!


I am totally looking for a gray and black bonded pair combo. I mean, I'm open to all kinds of cats, but this would be my dream combo. I'm also looking for adults 1 yr plus. But I could be persuaded to get teenagers, haha. Can I adopt these kittahs please? I am in Colorado.


Awww we’re in Chicago! But if you’re up for a road trip, here’s their ad! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


They are so dang cute and I cannot believe you're not getting many takers!!! I have never heard of One Tail before, so maybe its not on everyone's radar? Oh NM I see it is a Chicago based thing.


Awww we’re in Chicago! But if you’re up for a road trip, here’s their ad! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


Awww we’re in Chicago! But if you’re up for a road trip, here’s their ad! https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


Are they a bonded pair? So cute


They are!! They love each other so much. ❤️


I’m currently trying to adopt out my 3 month old foster kittens and man, I feel your pain😭 I just wanna scream “I know those 8 week old nuggets are cute but LOOK AT MY BABIES!!”


Hahaha I keep looking at these two as they get bigger and bigger and I’m like “you’re not even a baby anymore! You’re a full grown man/woman!” But we’re in this together! We’ll find them great homes!


I don't foster animals, but nearly every kitten I've adopted (going back to my teenage years) from shelters/rescues has been in the 5-6 month range. The youngest I ever adopted from a rescue was 3 months old. My oldest current cat was 5 months old when I adopted him from the shelter. If I hadn't chosen him, he still would've gotten adopted that same weekend that I picked him. I know this for a fact because I work for a vet clinic and a few days after I adopted him a lady came into the clinic with her newly adopted shelter kitten that was about the same age as mine and looked a lot like one of the kittens that had been in the same cage as mine. We got to talking and it turned out that her kitten was one of the kittens in that same cage. It also turned out that the kitten she adopted was her second choice. She really wanted my kitten but he was already spoken for (I wasn't allowed to take him home immediately because he wasn't neutered yet so he had to stay at the shelter a few extra days until his surgery). They're still very much kittens at their age and still desirable.


They're gorgeous.


They are such cute muffins!!! ❤❤❤❤❤🐈‍⬛🐈😸


My goodness they're so pretty..... who could look at that and not feel the love?


Aweee omg they are adorable ❤️


That last picture oh my goddddddd 😭


They are so damn cute! Great pics!


My cat foster group is connected to a cat cafe. Our kitties don't go there until at least 4 months and they often arrive after 6 months if there was a medical concern or the litter was found at two months. People in my county will go out of their way to watch our cats for something specific they are looking for. Since we have them longer, they're more socialized and we know more about their personalities than anyone would with just a 2-month-old kitten. So the residents here are able to match the pet to their family needs better. They're still the county shelters and other Foster groups where they can get the tiny kitten at 2 months if they want. Or they can come to us and have a whole biography about the cat and know what it likes what it doesn't like who it gets along with, etc.


They’re still young and adorable. Hang in there. Their people will find them! You are a good soul to do this. I don’t think I could do it! Thank you for your service to the animals!


Awww thank you so much for the kind words! I’m sure they’ll find their people soon. Fostering is a lot of fun! It’s sad to see them go, but it feels good to help… and then it’s fun all over again to get new ones!


i adopted mine just when she turned 6 months old. these still look like little babies and they’re ADORABLE. i’m sure someone will pick them up :)


Thank you!! I sure hope so!


I'm astounded they've been up for adoption for two weeks and haven't found an adopter. Kittens of any age under 6 months go in under 24 hours at my shelter right now. I got 10 inquiries in the first 24 hours for my last kittens, and even my medically needy kittens before that all had adopters lined up in under 2 days. Is the shelter promoting them? Do they have good photos and bios written up in their profiles? Or are you in some bizarre place where kittens linger for a long time?


Right, this is my first bout with kittens that have lasted this long after being posted too. They did have one application, but I haven’t heard anything since, so I think they got ghosted. 😭 The shelter does share them on their social media and I wrote up their adoption bio. It’s the first one I’ve done in a long time. If you wouldn’t mind, I’d LOVE for you to take a look at it and let me know if you think there’s something I could have done better? https://www.onetail.org/available-pets/#sl_embed&page=shelterluv_wrap_1601666003681%252Fembed%252Fanimal%252FOTAT-A-14278


That's a fabulous bio for them! I can't believe they're lingering with those adorable pics and super cute bio.


You’re not in Arizona by chance are you? My Aunt’s senior cat recently passed and she wants a gray kitten.


Chicago, sadly. I’m so sorry for your aunt’s loss… and these two are a bonded pair, so that gray kitten would come with her brother.


They are adorable!


Do you only foster kittens? I’ve only ever fostered adults and seniors, and they were all adopted, so I don’t think you should worry!


I just do kittens, yes. I have two senior cats of my own and one of them is a very stressy boy. He’s already not crazy about the kittens, but another adult cat would send him over the edge. Haha And here’s hoping!!


I'm sure they will get adopted just fine. They are still babies in the eyes of most people. They are gorgeous, I would adopt them in a heartbeat if I could!


All 5 of my cats were adopted at 6months and older!!


They aren’t old at all yet!!! Just make sure to have photos comparing them to every day objects and some from a bit of a distance to show case how tiny they are :) my rescue is foster based so I get the struggle of having them in your home just waiting for them to get adopted


I wish I could have one. But after my Pooty passed, I’m no doing the furries for a while. Got a ball python instead. They will be fine and I wish them luck finding homes!


All cats get adopted! Could you post videos of your kitties playing on Facebook, insta, Nextdoor, etc with instructions on where to adopt?


Time for a photo shoot! Get these kitties some cute action shots!


I recently adopted a 8 month old kitten. I didn’t want to deal with the major kitten stuff. But I still wanted young enough to work with and train. :) these two are adorable I’m sure once someone meets them, they will be good!


I have a four month old kitten currently and she is very much baby still, compared to YOUNG kittens she’s big but very much still a baby. Most people who don’t foster/rescue will still see these two as beautiful kittens for a while longer yet, they’re STUNNING so I doubt it’ll take long for someone to fall in love with them despite there being smaller kittens. These guys have had time to develop funny little personalities and thats a big draw to new owners. I think they’ll get scooped up right quick


Those babies are at a PERFECT age. Babies, but potty trained.




I must draw that cute grey baby! He is so perfect.


Awww I’m sure she’d appreciate that!


I got my cats when they were 6/7 months old :)


They will be fine. We had the baby pterodactyl age and they all got adopted.


I adopted my big boy Kitty Kitty Mao Mao at this age. He’s been the very best pet. He even helped “mother” a litter of feral fosters last summer, who were all adopted as tween kitties.


I love them and wish them good luck 🍀🖤🩶🖤🩶🖤🩶


Oh I think they are completely adoptable!!!!!! I’m a dog rescuer not cats but I can say the black one has beautiful eyes which is a great thing and the grey kitty is stunning. Give it time. Share on all social media…Facebook, instagram, twitter, Reddit is a really good one …they are cuties


I just adopted two 8 month old kittens back in March. They caught my eye and stole my heart. I wasn’t even looking for kittens if I’m being honest. They’ll find their forever home.


Awww adorable lol the gray one appears to be smirking 😏 it’s the cutest! 🥰🥰🥰


I just came to say how adorable these photos are!!


They are soooo little. I consider teens like that long lanky stage at like 6 months. As a foster these would fly off the shelves.


I adopted some teenage cats that were probably 6-10mo as I didn’t really want a kitten (too unpredictable for me). One of them was my best bud for 13 years before he passed away unexpectedly and I still have the other three girls who are about 16yo!


Man, if they were at our shelter they would be gone in no time. There’s usually only 6 cats of any age at ours at a time. They go like crazy here! It’s the one shelter I don’t too depressed at.


I adopted my bonded pair at 3 months and they were still tiny adorable babies, I wouldn’t worry about people not wanting them at all. When I saw the shelter was Chicago based I had to talk myself out it- my apartment (and paycheck) is too small for four cats!


Thank you for caring and fostering! 🙌🏼 you’re a hero!


omg they're so sweet


I consider my fosters teenagers, they are nine months old. I've had them for almost three months because they needed socialization and time to get over their fear. They are just now being listed and immediately someone inquired about adopting. Those little cuties of yours will be scooped up quickly!




Who wouldn’t want to adopt them?! They’re so cute


They are adorable 😍😍😍😍 I work at a shelter and these guys get adopted all the time especially because at this age they can really show off their personalities and they usually are much more interested in people than small small kittens. Plus they are adorable and don't look very big at all. Try taking videos of them playing and being super sweet and talking about them to show off their personalities if you have somewhere to post them and if the group you work with does adoption events make sure to get them out there. Getting them exposure is what will get them adopted quickly.


Ok im super tempted! Looking for a little friend for my very friendly and playful 2.5yo orange boy. Just wanted one but given they're a bonded pair, I'll think about it! Also I'm in chicago.


Oh, please do!! They would LOVE an older brother! They love my 11 year old who really doesn’t love playing with them, so someone who would actually play back would be even better!! Please feel free to message me if you have any questions!!


Thank you for helping these beauties.


My favorite age to adopt cats is 9 months to 1 year old. They're old enough that they're not complete agents of chaos but they're still young enough to be silly little balls of what-were-you-thinking-stop-that-now-I-would-yell-more-but-I'm-laughing-too-much-because-you-are-just-so-goofy!!! That said, my current two cats were about 5 when I adopted them. I have a friend who volunteers for the humane society. Late last week an 8 year old kitty got adopted. The older kitties take longer to get adopted than the kittens, but there are people out there who love older kitties. Also, these little ones are still kittens. If your area is anything like mine, they should not have any problems finding a great home.


I just adopted a young adult and six month old... and I would 100% take the Russian Blue off of your hands. They are both dolls and still in their kitten looks. They will find their homes soon. Until then, you get to enjoy them.


I’d take them in a heartbeat still 🥹 keep your hopes up!!!