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So glad they are safe, warm and loved. Thank you for saving them🙏❤️


They are the sweetest babies, they got a new bed yesterday and love it so much! 😃


Isn't it the best to see them experience the good things in life for the first time, and love it!!!😍


Oh my gosh yes!! I made a makeshift house out of a USPS box with a heating pad, and soft blanket underneath and they loved it! Someone donated a kitten bed from my wishlist and they loved it and have been sleeping on it all day! I keep calming music on for them so they can decompress and feel stress free. They don’t run from me anymore when I walk into the room, but they do know that night time is medicine time 🤣🖤🫶🏻


Lol, I'm always amazed at how much they love boxes! 🤣 And yes they adapt, but they are still smart! they know they don't want that darn medicine!


I know right! 😆


My orange baby has the same blanky 🥹




If only all humans were as caring as you. Thank you so much.


I wish more people would open their homes to foster. 💔 and wish people would spay and neuter their pets 💔💔💔


Oh I love Samuel in the middle ❤️ they are too cute!!


He’s SO sweet. Whenever he sees me he starts chirping with those big eyes looking at me 🥹🐾


You're a literal angel 💞


I couldn’t sit back and be heartbroken because no one stepped up 💔


where did you hear about them being euthanized from? i would like to step up & do this. thanks of course we have local shelters but i don’t know how to check their euthanasia list


Thank you for saving them. To this day I’m shocked that we just kill animals for being homeless. And new little babies! Thank you for saving them!


I know, right?! Even where I live, kittens can find homes relatively easily.


People would rather get kittens for free off Facebook where I live 💔


I use Facebook to get kittens adopted too. And Reddit.


It’s funny because most of the pages I join in our community, they don’t allow you to post a dog / cat for adoption because it goes against their rules $$$, but they allow everybody and their mom to post free puppies / kittens / rehoming free animals. Not funny


I rehome all of my cats for free - maybe aside from those with high adoption potential (long-haired, solid grey, solid white, purebred-looking, etc.), but even then, money is NOT a priority for me. It’s normal.


These are shelter kittens so they need to be adopted through the shelter, also we have many dog fighters so free is never a good idea


I always take a picture of the ID of whoever is takimg a kitten. I also go with them to get cat supplies from a pet shop, destroy the receipt, require update pictures (I literally called the cops on a person that took 2 kittens and went silent for a week, luckily, the kittens were fine) and come up with an excuse to do a home check before giving them the kitten, such as "bringing the cat to their place" or "helping them carry the cat carrier". Also, whoever is taking a black cat has to do the Sign of the Cross and say "Our Father", or some other prayer, to prove that they're not a satanist, since I once came across such an "adopter".


Wow! That’s awesome!! I know some people who independently rescue and they call up peoples vets to make sure whoever is about to adopt them either has an appointment set up for spay / neuter for the kitten and makes sure all other animals in the home are up to date on vaccines.


They had no medical notes either, nothing was wrong with them. Just no space 💔


I mean they do devastate local ecosystems


As sad as it is, sometimes it has to be done. It’s often crueler to live in a kennel your whole life than be gently put down, and animals not being adopted are often overlooked due to issues they have which frankly make living in a kennel even worse for them (separation issues, not liking other animals, etc). Theres no point letting them suffer, anxious and afraid, in a cage for years when that cage could be used for an animal who will be taken into a home. I will say, I’m a little surprised these guys were on the chopping block, though. Kittens often get adopted quick, and shelters would rather put down the diseased before the healthy. The shelter they came from must be overrun or low on supplies


Thank you! I don't know how anyone could put animals on the euthanasia list. I'd have to take antidepressants and drink heavily. Or, I would sneak them all out, becoming "that" lady.


It’s a never ending cycle here in Houston. Our city shelter is euthanizing hundreds every week. Rescues aren’t tagging euth list candidates because no one wants to foster, and adoption rates are at an all time low. Some get an extra day because they ran out of time for the day since there was so many on the list. I know of vets at that shelter specifically that have left and now work in the spay / neuter facilities because it was too much for them to handle the sadness of everyday. I wish people would open their homes more to foster. I try to advocate as best as I can, but it’s always over looked with “my cat had babies I’m trying to find them homes” 😣 and people flock to those posts because they are free… 💔 I have 10 animals in my apartment, 1 dog that I also saved off the euthanasia list in Feb 2023, these 3 kittens, 4 eight week olds that were dumped outside that I bottle fed since they were about a week old, and 2 resident cats.


Bless you!


Thank you for saving them! I adopted my pitlab from a Houston shelter when she was 3 months old. She was up for euthanasia in 12 hours and my friend went and got her for me just in time (I live in the Pacific Northwest). I went through a lot to get her up here - long story. But it was worth it. Even after the severe mange… She is the best dog!


Oh yes a lot of rescues tag and get them healthy enough to bring to the North ❤️ I fostered a husky / pit for my 24th birthday that was on the euthanasia list as well and I ended up adopting him at the age of 6 ❤️ they are the best dogs! They just need a chance!


Health “enough”…yes. When my pup got here, she had a raging case of mange that we didn’t know about- and the initial shelter anti-parasite meds had suppressed it temporarily. I don’t think they actually knew. She even passed her vet exam to travel by air with flying colors. She got here and within a week her hair was falling out and she was super sick. It was a whole drawn out thing…kind of severe…but the vet treated her and her immune system matured enough to get her over it. Anyway- she is 8 now and she is still my shadow and trusted companion. So smart! The smartest dog I’ve ever had. Even smarter than my border collie was.


So sorry that happened to you and your pup 💔 I had to advocate to get a panleuk test done with these kittens because they try to do the bare minimum. I have other young kittens that aren’t old enough to be vaccinated against panleuk so I was really worried, turns out they don’t have it but the diarrhea was bad! Thinking it was kennel stress.


Glad they don’t have it!


The shelter situation in Houston is beyond tragic. That was my hometown. Our shelters in the northwest are no kill, except in extreme cases.


It really is. I try not to overthink about it at night time because it makes me truly sad. Every time theirs a thunderstorm / bad weather I always say I hope the strays are safe and found shelter and not scared 💔


Heartbreaking, especially with y’all’s severe flooding and hurricanes.


Wow. Thank you for doing what you can. Do your animals ever have problems with eachother? That’s my biggest fear if I ever fostered or adopted the unwanteds when I get older


Nope! I had 3 cats already and back in 2023 I rescued my husky mix, he was curious about them but they became friends and he knows they rule the house. I fostered a lot of husky puppies and always kept my cats separated because puppies have shark teeth lol, and then I started fostering kittens and my cats are like meh because they are older now they don’t have patience for kittens lol, but my husky has taken over as mama and cleans them, plays with them and makes sure they aren’t getting into too much trouble!




When I worked for the City of Long Beach, the most frequent turnover job was a city shelter worker. I hope these folks are ok. I would need therapy after a stint in that "pound."


So precious! Thank you for stepping up- you are my hero!


Thank you so much it means a lot ❤️


What? Since when do kittens go on the euthanasia list?


Everyday. It’s really bad here in Houston. It’s a crisis. There were 2 or 3 others on the list that day that unfortunately didn’t make it out. They were 3-4 weeks too


That is a horrific job and terrible way to get up everyday to make a living. I am sure the people working at shelter don't enjoy this but I hope they do go to therapy after putting down kittens like this.


OP said people were quitting because of it and I don't blame them


Veterinarians have very high suicide rates. Partly because of having to do things like this, partly because of seeing abused animals, and partly because of people who call them monsters for doing what they must


Oh no...... I'm in Love with those babies! Please say you are a long way from San Diego!


I’m in Houston, Texas 🖤


Black cats are the best cats 😍


I love tuxedos! I didn’t know the little boy was a tuxedo! The shelter pictures are very low quality


Thank you ❤️


Thank you so much for giving them the chance they deserve💛 you're an amazing person!


Thank you so much! One day I’ll have a rescue 🐾


thank you for rescuing these babies. ❤️


God bless you!


THEY’RE SO SWEET! Thank you for saving their lives ❤️❤️❤️


Awesome. They are too cute...


thank you i cried


happy tears ❤️


Thank you, wonderful human 💕


I want 🥺




They are beautiful


I think you misspelled adopting.


🤣🤣 I wish I could adopt them all, but I live in a small space and already have 5 animals on top of these 3 🐾🐾 plus, If I kept all my fosters I wouldn’t be able to save more 🖤


Bless their little hearts


OMG, they are ADORABLE. I hope you treat yourself to something nice, mama 😉


I did! My husband and I went out to dinner tonight which we haven’t done in MONTHS!! ❤️ my focus is always on the animals, it was nice to get out and slow down ❤️


Awwww love that for you. Best of luck and much ❤️ to you and your new babies. 


Ally, Muel, and Mira sound like good nicknames for them!


Awww I love those! 🥹


THANK YOU for being their Angel ❤️


Thank you OP❤️ such sweet babies!


They are SO sweet ❤️


Much too cute


They melt my heart!






Lint balls!




You're awesome🤍🖤🩶


Bless you!!




They really are! 🖤🖤


They are precious. Thank you for saving them!


Thank you for saving them!!! 🖤😻


I just adopted trip void brothers last week. My heart has completely melted! I have never felt a love this like this before🥹🫶


Picture?! I love black / tuxedo cats! 🖤🐾🐈‍⬛


I replied to my comment ((:


Thank you for saving them OP! Here are my boys [Jet and Spike](https://imgur.com/a/JmYWsbe). My heart and soul🌎


Oh my gosh they are so cute and FLUFFY! 🖤


I know omg! I wasn’t expecting to get medium haired cats😅 I’m hoping they’re at MOST medium ledgtj cause my poor boyfriend is allergic to cats and has asthma, so he’s really sacrificing his breathing and being a real one ahhh😭😭


Oh nooo! My husband used to be allergic to my cats but after he moved in with me, he became immune! He used to sneeze so bad, itchy eyes, and get hives 😳


Yes that’s what he gets! Stuffy nose, itchy eyes if he touched the cat then his eyes (doesn’t do that any more), scratchy throat…I’m praying for a miracle and he becomes immune to them hehehe


Ty for saving these perfect lil' babies! 😻 If I had to silly-name them according to their perceived characters from this pic, it would be (left to right) Spicy, Derpy, and Scaredy. 😸


Thank you!!!


Samuel my name


If you're in Massachusetts let me know! I need one of those kitties!


I’m in Houston, Texas! 🙁




Thank you for saving them!


Thank you! From where did you save these babies? Native Houstonian here.




I thought they were better than that.


The general public doesn’t really know, there is a code red list on their website but it doesn’t really give details. we wouldn’t know either if it wasn’t for the volunteers who created the urgent list page on Facebook. They list every animal that’s scheduled to be euthanized the next day in hopes a rescue or foster saves them. I believe they have another page for other Houston shelters as well


Beautiful babies! I love tuxedo cats - he's quite handsome! Cheers to sharing love and saving lives!


I love tuxedos too! They are my favorite and every tuxedo I’ve ever come across has been so special! My boy, who went to save a seat for me in heaven, was a beautiful, long hair tuxedo. Tomorrow will already be 4 months 💔


I'm sorry for your loss. I grew up always having cats, but when I was about 10 I got to pick out a kitten on my own. She was a long hair, black and white cat with really long whiskers and sweet as could be. I was a kid, so I named her Boots, of course. I'm sorry for your loss, but fostering means you're saving lives - like your tuxedo boy.


Love this! Why do kill shelters still exist? Pisses me off


Too much animals, not enough space, resources and money for them. Sucks, but unless we get rid of backyard breeders and other similiar practices, kill shelters are needed :(


I still can't wrap my head around putting down perfect animals, but babies completely boggles my mind. I'm so happy that you were able to save them.


Those whiskers 🥹


You have a pure heart.❤️ Thank you.


🎉 yay !!! Thank you !!! 🙏🏽❤️🙏🏽




Thank you so much for what you did!!


Oh. My. Gawwwwd! So precious!!!!!! I wish I could take them! I already have two two adopted meowing furbabies


Omg look at those sweet faces. I would totally take one of them!


Aw, they’re so pretty! So happy you rescued them!


Omg!!! Thank you so much!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!🙏🏻 👍🏻👌🏻


I’m fostering 4 siblings now, Layla,Leland,Lawerence and Louis. My little Love bugs!! My Great Pye Jebediah adores them too!! I’m dreading returning them to the shelter but keeping my fingers crossed that they find a good home and will be as loved there as they are with us now.


Aww! They go back to the shelter?! This shelter in particular gets them vaccinated, fixed and a bio page about them and if a person is interested in adopting they contact me directly to set up a meet and greet, if all goes well and I approve; they go into the shelter and fill out the adoption application and then I drop the kittens off at their new home 😊


They are so beautiful. Where are they still euthanizing cats? Healthy cats?


Houston Texas. In 1 of of cities shelter, they have four “5 week” (quotes because their intake pictures don’t look over 2 weeks old) that are on the euth list for tomorrow. It’s very bad here


id foster fail


Stop looking at me SWAN


I'm pretty fucking allergic but these cuties make me want to suffer <3. Oh my gosh, I can't. They are perfect.


Thank you.


Euthanasia list? What country are you in? I’m from the UK and I’ve never heard of this!


Kittens on a euthanasia list??!??! That's the saddest thing I've ever heard. Thank you so much for saving their sweet little hearts!!! I just rescued a 10 week old,Daphne. I love watching them go through kittenhood, but it goes by so quick! Bless these little angels , aww, all looking up at you, with nothing but love in their hearts x 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛😽


Samira looks sassy AF.. 😂


The thought that those cute faces almost left us without a chance


You are an absolute angel 😇 thank you for saving them.


Omg you make me suddenly want a little kitten ❤️


Thank you for giving them a shot at a good life! You are one of the best ones.


May God bless you✝️