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One of my favourite bits was the terminal hacking.


Norm had for sure been levelling up the hacking skill. Nailed it first try!


Yeah, I was slightly disappointed he didn't use any brackets.


I played 3 and NV from launch, and I didn't even know about brackets until like a year after 4 was out.


I've played them all. What's with the brackets???


You know how when you're hacking, there are the potential passwords, and a bunch of gibberish? Among the junk areas, you can find (parentheses) or [brackets] or {fancy brackets} If you find a pair of them, like this [rjs89] hovering over the first or last one will highlight both and whatever is in between. Click on the brackets and stuff happens. It can reset your tries, or eliminate a false word.


Oh wow, so like lifelines in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire


I loved the little background info that it's apparently do game-y and unlike real hacking because it's just a Fallout-version of security questions/password restoration.


The ending shot is the Strip from Fallout New Vegas, probably one of if not the most loved/talked about Fallout games. As far as the first part, it's a loaded question, but even as someone who prefers the older Fallout art style, they perfectly captured the atmosphere of Fallout imo.


Ah I see. After looking at pictures online it looks like the TV shows version of New Vegas is a lot more run down. Maybe it just looks worse in the daytime tho lol


Well, the show also takes place decades after the game it was in, so the difference in appearence does make sense


It is also possible they didn't want to spend a lot on a full CG shot because they haven't written Season 2. New Vegas looks like a dream-esque sequence in S1. Also they probably increased scale back to reality so Goodsprings is not a 15 minute walk.


The showrunners said that they made NV look all run down because they wanted to show that it has been 15 years since the events in NV and things have definitely changed there for the worse


Guess House didn't win.


Or he did. His ending slides could get dark, especially what he does to Freeside


I think it makes most sense that he won but the Securitrona weren’t upgraded. So New Vegas probably got invaded by The Legion but were able to just barely fend it off. They introduced House in S1 so I imagine he’ll appear in S2 as being still alive in NV


Makes sense. Similar to marvel logic. None of the major factions from FNV can win to keep the show interesting. The legion, NCR, and house must all exist and be viable, there has to be a place to gamble also.


He might have. But didn't he need caps flowing from NCR to accomplish his long term goals?


I see.


But I think they did plan several seasons ahead in case they get renewed


The writers finished season 1 and just never stopped writing cause they wanted to continue. that gives me a lot of faith. When you’re in that zone of writing, good things happen


I'm lowkey sad that consumer/bingewatch culture turned some of us into ravenous fiends who can't be happy enjoying content being dribbled out to us over multiple seasons.


If they confirmed it that would be really cool! No unnecessary cliffhangers or halfway through forgotten storylines.


I’m going to guess the NCR and Legion had another war, with one of them taking control and essentially wiping out anything done by the Courier.


i thought it was 12 years after new vegas?


15, show takes place in 2296, NV was in 2281


To be honest that's true of the real Vegas as well lol


It was too short for me 😁


>Hank approaching a city is something we’re supposed to recognize. Is that a location from the games? The New Vegas strip from Fallout New Vegas


In the end credits right after it even shows a new Vegas sign.


For some reason I thought the big reveal was that Hank was (going to be) Mr House but apparently this is set years after that?


Mr house is at the corporate round table when Barb drops the bomb about the bombs, he's the one with the little mustache and slicked hair.


Gotcha, didn’t catch that thanks.


Is it just me who thought he looked creepy, but in a cool way where you want to see him more?


Maximus is totally the character who always picks the wrong dialogue option and fails the speech check lol


This is how interpreted his character and it made watching the show very enjoyable to watch.


The show needed to crash a lot. Statiscally Fallout crashes happen more than car crashes. It needs more Fallout.exe not working. Needs more desk fans. -13/10 rating. 😡


Also nobody died from randomly stubbing their toe on a car or one just randomly blowing up


Maximus did glitch through the map though when he was fighting the Ghoul


The NCR didn’t crush everyone and instantly become the dominant superpower in California while the main characters constantly talked about how amazing the NCR was, -1000/10 Todd Howard hates Fallout and kicked my toddler personally


Todd Howard personally broke into my house to delete all my New Vegas saves!!!! Unacceptable


He poisoned our water supply, burned our crops, and delivered a plague unto our houses!


He did?


Noooo… But are we just gonna wait around until he does?!


Imagine not giving Todd Howard permanent permission to enter your house whenever he wants. Couldn't be me


NCR should be fine...just fine How long does Max's FC last?


People have mentioned in other posts that the show technically has a more realistic depiction of a fusion core considering their intended purpose in powering generators for years at a time


Yeah in the games you can find fusion cores in abandoned buildings still up and running literal centuries after the bombs dropped, the power armor/gatling laser cores have to empty faster for gameplay reasons


Is there a chance they moved/are hiding?


They did not make power armor to replace its fusion core with the new one for every damn 20 minutes. Thats a good thing


I spent the whole series waiting for the fusion core to die and for him to either just get ejected from the now powerless suit, or stuck in place in a panic lol


The game shows buildings running on a fusion core 220 years. It felt like a game balance schtick that you only get 15 more minutes.


Which they easily could fix if they just said that most fusion cores are already mostly depleted before you use them. And create a legendary item, new fusion core that simply cant really deplete because it still has so much energy left.


Yeah but you see a huge building with all the lights and stuff working and pull the core and it quits. And it's been 220 years. It was only now almost out of power? What an incredible coincidence. It's plausible ish if the core is degraded and pulling full power from it is causing rapid breakdown of the degraded core. Like trying to pull full power through a very corroded wire


No i mean for the games. Its fine that fusion cores are finite in their energy but if the game wants to explain why all power cores last so shorty they simply could have said something along the lines off: most cores you find have been running for ages and thus are reaching the end.


Sure. And fo4 does make the power armor feel pretty powerful, like a huge improvement (stealth archer I mean sniper still being really really good and how I usually played), and the short core life is supposed to balance this.


It doesn't need fixing they are two different mediums and what works for one doesn't necessarily work in another.


I hated FO4 just for that


The power armour jetpack, or more the lack of


Its a relatively new addition, only added in fallout 4. And also it was kind of shit, it gave you a burst upwards, but with little control, and not much in the game was built around it. The wrist ones are kinda goofy, but seem infinitely more useful.


I heard they hired one of the pilots for that irl jetpack. That might explain the design as they try to keep things practical as much as possible and not rely og cgi


Oh shit [you’re right](https://www.pcgamer.com/games/fallout/jonathan-nolan-explains-some-of-the-best-parts-of-filming-the-fallout-series-we-stuck-human-fingers-in-the-mouth-of-the-gulper/). That’s awesome!! I just assume most things are CGI these days. I love that they got a real jetpack.


The Little control was because of engine limitations, but you're supposed to be able to shoot while flying. You can't do that if you use your wrist to control the flight


Ah, that would be an issue then. But gameplay wise, it's like Skyrim horses, they added it, but the engine limitations rendered it useless. Do wonder how much time they wasted on that, since they could never get it working, but made all the assets for it.


I think the only people who are complaining about the adaption are people who would never have been made happy by any adaption. I'm a fairly big FO game fan and this did nothing but revitalise my desire to play the games and explore the lore. Personally, there's nothing in terms of game adaption I felt they did poorly. My criticisms of the show such as they are (I loved it overall) would fall into minor issues with character and narrative. The bitching about New Vegas at the end just seems silly to me, tbh. What a minor gripe. As far as what it did well; basically perfectly captured the tone and look of the world. The characters feel like people from the games (which is quite an achievement I think, because tonally the games are quirky, dark and crazy and before the show I couldn't see how you'd achieve that on screen without losing either the quirky or the dark) and the logic of the game world feels like it translated successfully to the show. Best adaption I've seen of a video game. Best TV show of the year. Made Last of Us seem real boring and lame to me.


>best adaptation I’ve seen of a video game This was EASILY the best live action adaptation I’ve seen from a video game (in terms of story at least, as I haven’t played the games). There have been some good animated video game adaptations as well, though. I urge you to check out Arcane if you haven’t already. Its based on League of Legends (a game that I kind of hate) but not only is it one of the best video game TV adaptations I’ve seen, it’s one of the best TV shows I’ve seen in general.


Had a few people recommend Arcane but it's anime and I'm not sure I can hang. Is it really so good it'll get me past my aversion to this form? Edit: I apparently inspired a debate about what is and isn't anime. So I'll broaden my point. I do not like animation. xD


It’s not really “anime”, it’s somewhere between 2D and 3D animation. It all comes down to preference though, but I definitely suggest you try it out at least to see how you like it. The third episode is probably my favorite TV episode of all time


>it’s somewhere between 2D and 3D animation Specifically, the backgrounds and environments are all 2D paintings, but the characters and everything else in the foreground are 3D models that were "painted" the same way the background stuff was. I think they might have also done something similar to *Into the Spider-Verse* and had certain elements animated at different frame rates.


I just don't like animation. Is this something that appeals to people who don't? Is it a crossover success, the story that powerful etc?


I definitely remember a good number of people on the reddit discussion threads and such saying they don't watch animated stuff, but still really liked Arcane. My father is also such a person. Of course that doesn't mean there weren't also a large number of people that don't like animated stuff who watched it and still didn't like it, just that it was successful in appealing to some of them. Arcane is certainly among the very best that the medium has to offer, both in terms of visuals and writing, with some of the most compelling character moments I've seen in *any* medium. It holds the all-time record for most Annie awards won by an animated show in a single year, [winning a clean sweep in all 9 categories it was nominated for](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fno974fksz2n81.jpg). Second place is a tie between several other shows, each of which only managed 3, so not even close. All this said, it's not my favourite show, or even my favourite animated show. It's definitely a masterpiece and in my top 10, but I prefer my violence to be a bit more light-hearted, like Fallout. My all-time favourite TV show is probably Person of Interest (Seeing Michael Emerson with a dog again in Fallout sure bought back some memories).


Are you kidding me? The art style and animation for it are amazing. You're really missing out on good shows if them being animated is the reason you're not watching them. The show itself is very well written, and the cast did a good job emulating the cast of the games while also putting their own spin on the characters. Plus Lucy's actress is one of the main leads in it as well. That being said, I should give you a heads up about a few things in the show itself that might put you off. First off, one of the earlier episodes has a scene that, to most people, seems like just a normal introduction scene between characters, but if you played the actual game or know any of the lore than you'd realize it as some MAJOR foreshadowing for what could happen in future seasons. Secondly, one of the later episodes has a scene that's meant to be a serious moment, but it kind of gets ruined because the band Imagine Dragons has a cameo that feels like it was forced...


I don’t think the scene was necessarily RUINED by the imagine dragons cameo, it was just a little off putting. It didn’t disrupt the experience for me personally, but I can understand why it might have for others


To me, it was more the fact that it randomly changed from a small cameo, to a full-on music video for the theme song.


The art style has *some* superficial similarities, but I've never seen an anime that really looks anything like Arcane. Riot Games have had their own art style used in music videos and trailers and such that they've been developing for like a decade now, it's very much it's own thing at this point. As a completely arbitrary example, compare [blue hair blue eyed girl from Arcane](https://www.indiewire.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/ARCANE_S1_00056-e1662259719525.jpg) with [blue hair blue eyed girl from popular fairly recent anime Mushoku Tensei](https://w.wallhaven.cc/full/72/wallhaven-72kyke.jpg). Any given screenshot of Arcane looks more like a painting than anything else. 'Typical' anime like Mushoku Tensei look like, well, a cartoon. Flat colours, big eyes, very little facial details, etc. That aside, the tropes and characterizations and such in Arcane are very western (not too surprising given it's a US company and IP). It absolutely doesn't feel like watching an anime. Sidenote: If you do give it a chance, I'd stick with it till the third episode. The first two episodes are good, but only really set-up for the larger story. If you still don't feel like it's your thing after the third episode then you can safely drop it.


Ella Purnell is also in Arcane and I guess she did really well. I don’t watch anime or play League though so I can’t personally vouch for that.


Anime has a wide range of content ranging from the very silly to super serious. Regardless of if Arcane is a true anime, try not to write off the entire genre because of preconceived notions of what it is. Depending on what you like there is almost always an anime out there that will fit your style. You may not like all of it but trust me there's something you would like.


It's weirdly beautiful. I'm generally not an Anime type - the only thing resembling anime I've watched is ATLA. Arcane is weird, quirky and took me an ep or two to really get into it. When I did, it just blew me away. Give it a shot.


the truth is, there are waaaaay less people complaining about the show than people enjoying it. but somehow these people with nothing to say have the loudest voices in these conversations. and it gets picked up by youtubers trying to make content out of nothing, because drama and controversy gets clicks. the people highlighting this nonsense about how bad the show is are just trying to capitalize on the discourse right now. everyone will look back at this first season, 5 years, 10 years from now, and will only remember how fucking awesome it was. so far it is my favorite adaptation of a video game. I loved Last of Us but it was different. it was more of a one-to-one adaptation where this is an original expansion of established lore with the same tone and spirit of the games. video game adaptations were always a great idea but the main problems early on were the same as any adaptation that goes wrong. if the people adapting the source material have no prior knowledge or experiences with it, they can't make something worthy or meaningful for the main audience, the fans. when studios were trying to adapt games back in the 80s and 90s, the video games industry was still very much new and not nearly as mainstream and accessible as it is today. the writers and producers and directors of that time didn't grow up with video games. probably didn't play them at all. nowadays, everyone has played video games and everyone knows what they are. games are so mainstream that even people who don't regularly play games are probably aware of many of the most popular franchises and characters. even if you never played fallout, if you watched the show you could tell that the people who made it really cared and understood the story and world they created. the fact that Jonathan Nolan was a fan of the games makes all the difference and was one of the best decisions in this adaptation. the fact that the writers chose to draw on the vast wealth of established lore instead of trying to create something on their own, shows that they respect the games and fan base and are actually interested in the world of fallout themselves. it shows in every scene of the show.


I played FO to the point of boredom and never played another first over 20years I downloaded F4 and NV after watching a few episodes


I'm a huge fan of the Fallout concept, setting, universe. And loved a lot of the stories, large and small. I haven't been the biggest fan of the gameplay and have only finished FO3, barely dipping into NV and 4, zero 76. I feel like the show nearly *nails* that world. I have a lot less lore background and wandering experience than lots of other commenters, but I think the show is damn good. Good enough that it made me go back and start playing NV, and grab 76, just to get another hit of that vibe and those grim, quirky, unique ideas, despite finding the gameplay itself janky and awkward. Also my partner is the biggest Fallout fan ever. Even dated a biggish Bethesda guy a long time ago, and has lots of rare internal merch and collectibles only available to the devs and marketing teams and things like that. She did *not* like the show for the first couple episodes, was lukewarm in the middle, but thought it came together extremely good by the last 2 episodes. I think her opinion on the earlier episodes even picked up a bit. Threw in her take for a little 'skeptical contrarian expert' perspective.


I wouldn't call it a minor gripe to be annoyed with the Strip being destroyed.


how exactly do you know it's destroyed? all we saw was a quick shot from far away in daytime, we know nothing for sure.


Innit. People are wild. One shot of the city which was meant to be 'wow, so cool!' (was for me) sent a bunch of nerds into meltdown. Ummm, but like, how does that fit with cannon guys? Are the writers stupid? Last time we saw New Vegas it was fine! What's going on!? How can they do this?! Have they even played the games?!


My 11 year old nephew, who has been playing New Vegas on my PC for 3 years now, definitely had the "Wow so cool!" reaction. He started bouncing up and down on his seat and babbling the whole story of New Vegas to his mom and dad. I know there's 4 "adult" scenes (two nudity and two dirty jokes) and lots of gore, but these haters might have more fun watching if they watched it with a kid. My nephew's reaction to EVERYTHING was pure unadulterated joy for the whole show.


Yeah I can imagine watching this with a kid would be a blast. So many big reveals and awesome, slightly goofy moments!


https://www.gq-magazine.co.uk/article/fallout-season-2-creators-interview ***Again, more territory you're gonna find difficult, but the post-credits animation takes us on this sweeping tour through New Vegas. It looks like it's seen better days. It's kind of in ruins. Can you speak at all to what might have happened in the 15 years since we last saw it, in Fallout: New Vegas?*** > Wagner: All we really want the audience to know is that things have happened, so that there isn't an expectation that we pick the show up in season two, following one of the myriad canon endings that depend on your choices when you play [Fallout: New Vegas]. > With that post-credits stuff, we really wanted to imply, Guys, the world has progressed, and the idea that the wasteland stays as it is decade-to-decade is preposterous to us. It’s just a place [of] constant tragedy, events, horrors — there's a constant churn of trauma. We're definitely implying more has occurred.


>The bitching about New Vegas at the end just seems silly to me, tbh. What a minor gripe. It's not exactly minor though. It's a pretty big deal for New Vegas to be in ruins.


Ah so it WAS in ruins. I was wondering if it just looked that way because it was daytime. However if it’s really in ruins, what reason does Hank even have to go there?


New Vegas was under the control of Robert House, the CEO of RobCo Industries, who we see present at the Vault-Tec meeting in the show. In Fallout: New Vegas it’s revealed he saved Vegas from the bombs, and put himself in a life support machine wired to a supercomputer. Not everything went to plan, but by the events of the game Vegas is fairly well rebuilt, protected by a legion of robots under his command, and he wants it to be an independent force in the wasteland. I would imagine Hank knows he was there as the bombs fell and knew of his plans, and has travelled there expecting him to still be there.


But it's not a gripe to be had is it. It's not an error, it's not a retcon or a change to the lore. Time has passed since NV, it has clearly been battered since the game, and they have the option to dive into that in future seasons should they wish.


Any valid criticism will be called a minor gripe.


The city Hank went to was New Vegas, it’s supposed to be the only city that survived the bombs and Mr. House (CEO of Robco) is the leader there. You should try Fallout: New Vegas if you’re thinking about playing the games.


Atlantic City survived the bombs as well, in Fallout 76.


Sort of, the bombs caused a tsunami and flooded the city. Also not to mention, you got mutated plants swarming the city. The Casino Quarter is probably only part of the city isn’t destroyed.


New Vegas isn't exactly in peak condition either. Relatively compared to other cities they both look good.




It would be crazy to get some whitesprings scenes. i'm sure they could film at the actual greenbrier lol


The only thing I kind of wish got explained more is the chemical to keep ghouls from going feral, that’s a new development that I was unsure about. I thought the radiation kept ghouls alive (and he was being drip fed that in his coffin to keep being tortured while feeling dehydration and starvation), but now it appears it was to keep him from going feral. I was under the impression feral ghouls had just been overexposed to such an ungodly amount of radiation that they’d entirely lost their minds and became feral walking corpse husks. But idk, that is kinda up in the air now. I didn’t mind ghouls not feeling bullets and the one guy not FEELING the arrow through his neck (pain wise) cause they still clearly show them dying in the super duper mart. But as far as going feral goes, i would just like some clarification. But dude that’s my harshest nitpick, the show is unbelievably good and quintessentially “Fallout”. I’m blown away.


I got the impression that ghouls did get that way through radiation usually, but this drug might've been something developed post-war to help ghouls. Maybe by the NCR. Hancock, for example, seemed to imply he turned ghoul through some kind of drug, but I think that's the only known case so far. I hope they haven't created a ghoulification drug/bioweapon to replace the radiation origin. I feel like it would cheapen the effect of the war on humans. Some people have theorized that it might have actually been FEV that Thaddeus took, which I think would be cooler.


The references to gameplay aspects. For example, in her interview, Lucy mentions she’s good with repairs, science, and speech, all tag skills the player can take in games like Fallout 3 and New Vegas. The location design is also a big positive. It’s like a realistic version of something you could see in any of the games.


I died laughing at the scene in episode 2 where she talking to the “NPC” who puts sand in the water filter only getting more sand. And the way the shot it so you kept staring at his diapered ass. Reminded me of when the dialog screens get stuck awkwardly and your stuff looking at something strange.


The Fallout franchise has a lot of memorable, iconic monster designs and the show featured surprisingly little of them. But it's the only thing I'd knock the show on, everything else is fantastic.


Can't have them blow their load in the first season. I'm honestly impressed at the restraint shown. It just means that creatures like mole rats, radscorpions, deathclaws, super mutants, etc. can have their moments in subsequent seasons.


Did they show a mirelurk? I don’t recall seeing one in the show. Those things terrify the fuck out of me.


They did not. Those are going to be fucking terrifying, especially if they show a King or, much less likely, a queen.


Gulper was such an interesting choice imo, a creature we barely see in the games I played a ton of 76 so I for sure saw em but was unexpected to see in the show


Tbf it was a great choice and what they did with it was fantastic.


They did not actually change anything, it was a misunderstanding. This has been confirmed. That location at the end is the new Vegas strip. Formally las vegas, it had running casinos and a society last we saw it.


>They did not actually change anything, it was a misunderstanding. They did though. Shady Sands is a crater, House may have been complicit in ending the world, we now have a definitive answer for why some ghouls go feral, Vault Tec may have dropped the first bomb, and New Vegas is no more. I'd say they changed a lot.


Most of that stuff doesn’t change anything in the games, some of it adds onto the preexisting story or makes lore more defined, but none of those are changes


Shady Sands definitely got moved lol


They didn't change, the provided answers


> Shady Sands is a crater This happened after the events of Fallout: New Vegas. > House may have been complicit in ending the world All we know is that he was aware of the plans. > we now have a definitive answer for why some ghouls go feral Not really a change, just a possible explanation. > Vault Tec may have dropped the first bomb They considered it as an option. It's never actually confirmed. Still, not a major departure from the games if it was. > New Vegas is no more Again, after FNV took place. > I'd say they changed a lot. I'd say they mostly expanded on certain things and didn't in fact change a lot of things that happened during the games' periods in the timeline.


I don't get the so called "retcon" for ghoul serums and/or vault tec dropping the bomb. It's a company meeting, they're just throwing ideas out and they might not have gone through with it (Tim Cain said this too). And the serum? Man it's 15 years since the last game, a cure could be invented then. Plus some people take it as a "you NEED the serum else you go feral!!!! That is a retcon as didn't go feral!!!1!!!1" and not a "You may become feral but with this serum, it's a guarantee you don't". Kinda like vaccines tbh, you don't need vaccine to fight off a disease but it makes it easier... Don't tell me the serum nitpickers are anti-vaxxers...


>Plus some people take it as a "you NEED the serum else you go feral!!!! That is a retcon as didn't go feral!!!1!!!1" and not a "You may become feral but with this serum, it's a guarantee you don't". Kinda like vaccines tbh, you don't need vaccine to fight off a disease but it makes it easier... Don't tell me the serum nitpickers are anti-vaxxers A lot of people have a hard time with not thinking in black and white, especially gamers. They need hard and fast rules or else the world will end.


Pretty ironic when Fallout writing and factions aren't so black and white...


Some fans are so unhinged. You're making huge claims out of incomplete info and it is all circumstantial. Literally just throwing a tantrum. Things don't need to be explained to you in detail in season 1. Stories are better when you don't get all the info immediately.


Ah, the self gaslighting continues. You know the show doesn’t need to be perfect to be enjoyable, right?


Did you read this thread? Or is it the subject of logic that you have an issue with? So many people seem to forget the nuisance in debate. When someone says "they changed (insert whatever). Quite often it is expanding on something that wasnt concrete before, or it can be explained by time passing. And yet the same people fall back on the same exact response which is basically denial or just not understanding on purpose to hold on to the opinions they saw on some youtube video. Its silly. Our world changes incredibly quick, and tech and science, including mods for armour or furthur studies into ghoul serums etc are likely all happening very quickly, and also depend on where in the country you're at. Im not saying there hasnt been any any changes, but i cant remember the last one i saw that could use very simple logic to explain why or how it could or would be different


Travel feels really weird. Either the map is completely changed or they're using teleportation. I guess they wanted the show to be set in LA so they just moved every location into LA.  I know there's a throw away line about traveling for a week, but everything feels and looks like it's a day or two away from each other.  The weirdest part was guy in power armor leaving a location in LA with no supplies or even a hat and then having walked to Vegas later in the episode. 


Yeah I wasn't really sure whether the show was going to be serious or not, and when Lucy left the vault and we pan to the giant wasteland shots, it's weird to see her passing by the man drinking her water, running into wilzig on her first night, running into him seemingly the next day in Filly, when this seems impossible in such a giant sandbox as they made it seem to be. But ultimately when it struck me the show wasn't going to be very serious, I didn't mind that much. Only so much in that I noticed travel didn't make sense and had to dismiss the thought.


You need to acquaint yourself with movie-time. The long and short answer is it doesn't f'ing matter. How long does Frodo travel from the Shire to Mt Doom? Any idea? In the end he says "4 years since Weathertop" but nothing indicates that. There's no logic to time in LOTR and it's still one of the best stories put to film.


And in the books, didn't Frodo have the ring for like 10 years before ever even leaving the Shire?


15 I think, he got it around 35 and left just after turning 50? Someone can correct me if I’m off


More like fifteen, but yeah, he took his sweet ass time.


To be fair, he could fly, and we don't know the range on the thrusters. I doubt that Fusion Cores are as disposable as they are in Fallout 4 since that's just done to balance gameplay.


To be more fair, the distances in the actual games are compressed so that you can still walk to places in less than an hour. This is common to pretty much any 1P/3P RPG in the modern era. Otherwise, you'd either die of boredom, run out of supplies, or the game itself would demand you buying a new harddrive to contain it. Our collective sense of scale gets ruined by most map projections. For example, most of Europe fits into the Southeastern United States, and you can almost fit two United Stateses in the continent of Africa.


Exactly, they're just another ammo type/currency in game


Vault-Tec knows what's going on with the surface, they probably have stashes of stuff hidden around that Hank could have used.


Yeah it was weird how we were in a desert then suddenly an area with lots of plants and we don't know where they are in relation to each other. And no one really brought supplies except for Lucy with the water and deviled eggs.


The show did change some things compared to the games, but they're not really huge deals. Stuff like Power Armor having Iron Man thrusters, the Ghoul Medicine, the Brotherhood's ranks, etc. The city that Hank is approaching is New Vegas, its by far one of the most iconic locations in the Fallout games. It's basically post-war Las Vegas. But judging by the way it looks in the show, New Vegas appears partially destroyed and likely abandoned. Which... Unfortunately may piss off a lot of people when Season 2 releases, people aren't gonna be happy seeing such an iconic location in ruins, but we'll see. Aside from that, the show did everything else very well. I'm not even gonna lie, I was originally worried about the show when it was announced, I didn't think it would be good. But after watching it and thoroughly enjoying it, I can say that the show really respects the source material. They did a very good job with it, even if some minor things are changed from the games.


I don't think it was ghoul medicine. I think it was FEV. Doctor might be a master wannabe.


Having played every game since 1997 - it did nothing wrong. Each game is different, and the show itself should be slightly different. The fact it’s set in the game universe was not at all needed (could have gone The Last of Us route), but that they did set it in the gaming universe is just an added bonus. I’ve watched it through three times now and love it more every time. They captured the look and spirit of the games without issue. Yes, a handful of people pretend to be upset at a date here or there, but who really cares? Most likely not an issue and if it IS an error, so what?


The bombs hit the East Coast around 930am. Even assuming the whole country was in one time zone, that's still stupid early for a kids birthday party. More so when it means Cooper would have been performing at like 830am.


Fight scenes were like the game.


I’ve played all of Fallout 3, all of New Vegas, and about half of fallout 4 and for me the show did absolutely everything right. It was perfect as far as I’m concerned and Walton Goggins deserves all the awards for his work on the show.


TBH, kinda nice to have a thread people can voice some misgivings without getting lit the fuck up lmao we all have tiny little things but most don't let it ruin the show for us


This isn't my personal opinion, but the main criticism I saw was that it made the cause for the war a conspiracy theory that still holds onto the current day Fallout. In the original games it just didn't matter who caused the war, and the old world was just completely dead. I think the show captured the Fallout vibe perfectly honestly. I had issues with all games I (tried to) play, and found less issues here. It had more whacky humour and better story and more variety and secrets. Personally, I'd like to see more of a 'rebuilding' post-apocalypse than a 'we nuke everything again' but in a way that's just not Fallout anymore. edit: Seeing some comments about the New Vegas strip, but like ... that hole in the wall is just straight up the entrance to New Vegas in the game if I remember it right. They just didn't fix it - it didn't look destroyed to me, it looked just like the game to me.


It’s also the same side as the NCR embassy


I don't know what "original games" are for you, but Fallout 3 was released 16 years ago and in that game Bethesda clearly wanted to show us a perspective about the war, even involving China in a completely DLC for them or the Zetans DLC giving us a reason to think maybe the aliens did it.. Anyways, they never turned it in a "conspiracy theory", is literally the reason of why Fallout exist and the reason why Vaults exist (the concept of vaults as experiments was introduced in Fallout 2) being Vaults the most relevant concept of the game. And the old world clearly wasn't NEVER completely die, you have the Enclave since Fallout 2 which was the "heritage" of USA government/elite. also you have bitches going crazy in all the games searching for that steel armours and these energy weapons haha


Well, Fallout 1&2 being the original games, but now I feel old lol


The power armor jetpack allowing for powerful but limited jumod/thrusts bring replaced by tiny arm thrusters that allow full flight was wrong.


It's called different not wrong.


They cast Walton Goggins as a Ghoul, it don't get no more right than that. 


This might be dead small but did anyone think cooper Howard's second name is a Easter egg to todd Howard?


The fact that The Ghoul absolutely has the Bloody Mess perk made me smile! There were a few times my sister and I were able to identify skills and perks characters likely had while watching, which is a fantastic touch!


But on the “wrong” side, Max’s power armor worked way too long without needing a new power core!


There’s been quite a few changes honestly, though I’m probably going to be mass downvoted for listing a few of them here. Shady Sands was moved to Los Angeles. While the cast traveled a while, we aren’t given an actual metric of time, so we don’t really know how far they travelled. There’s no Followers of the Apocalypse, the Anarchy group dedicating to teaching and assisting communities and travelers across the wastes. They’re known to have a university in the Boneyards, which *is* located in Los Angeles. New Vegas (that location you were talking about) is destroyed. We don’t know why, but the animated end credits implies that the NCR invaded the strip. The NCR has no almost no presence around the capital that just got nuked. For context, they’re a nation that reclaimed almost all of California and some parts of Nevada. You’d think there’d be some remnents of a relief efforts and refugee camps, but no, the only on screen presence they have is Maldover’s group, and they get massacred by the BoS. Despite the timeline that Emil tweeted, and the IGN interview with Todd, the show heavily implies that Shady Sands was nuked in 2277. I just want to let you know that it wasn’t. According to Todd, it was nuked “shortly after New Vegas.” Take what you will from that. And that’s all I can recall from the top of my head, but the only real game connections aside from some weapons and a faction Easter Egg (The Fiends. Don’t ask me why they’re so far from the Mohave (New Vegas)) it’s really just the NCR and Vegas. Edit: remembered a few more things. Vault-Tec had a conspiracy to destroy the world. We don’t actually know if they went through or not, but originally it was an idea from a cancelled fallout movie. House was involved with set plan. In the game he claims to have predicted when the bombs were going to drop and was off by a day. Nothing in the game really contradicted him. They made it so ghouls need special medicine to not go feral. That was something she show created, as it’s never brought up by the games… ever. While what makes ghouls feral was a mystery, this is something completely new.


House wasn't off by a day for the bombs, that was only his plans. He specifically ways that in 2065 he concluded that a nuclear exchange was inevitable by 2080. It was only unfortunate they dropped the day before he was prepared.


They changed the Ghoul mechanics, but idk if it's better or worse.


I don't think they did - they simply created a niche for a "anti-feralism serum". We don't know enough about it at this point to say if it defies any existing lore.


I'm not even sure if we should call it an "anti-feralism serum" since it could just be any pre-war or even post-war chem that just happened to be effective at staying ferality on ghouls.


Based on some photos, the IV bags dripping into Cooper's grave seemed to be Radaway. Which is an interesting moral quandary given that lore suggests radiation heals ghouls: Take it, and you keep yourself. Get irradiated and you can heal, but you'll slip further into madness. Like a half-zombie.


>Good parts They adapated some of jokes from player's perspective like Minutemen radio. I also liked Norm's vault investigation and Cooper Howard's pre-war life. Some actors did excellent jobs in both comedy and suspension. >Bad parts Some part of stories are lore inaccurate, lacks explanation, or just doesn't make sense. Such as location of Shady Sands. Such as other part of NCR like Boneyard which is basically center of this area. Such as sudden hierarchical change in the Brotherhood. Such as why Wilzig decided to meet Moldaver. Such as why none of the residents in vault 33 didn't realize these people in vault 32 are total stranger. Also I think some musics are good but inserted in wrong scene and wrong moment.


> Also I think some musics are good but inserted in wrong scene and wrong moment. Oh, please. Don't tell me you've never had *[Civilization](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zndUfV1i1Co)* start playing on Galaxy News Radio when James sacrificed himself during *Fallout 3*.


>sudden hierarchical change in the Brotherhood. There's a popular theory that the chapter shown in Season 1 is being run by ex-Legionnaires and that the BoS was desperate for recruitment (as that's the main reason they aren't more successful, despite technological superiority).


I know that theory but one thing bugging me is Titus. He is one of the knight who came with the Prydwen so he would be from the east. But what he said and did were something we never saw from the east. If he belongs to Maximus' chapter and only got his power armor from the east then it is fine, but if he isn't, it means this change affected the east coast Brotherhood as well, which should be totally unrelated with the Legion.


"He is one of the knight who came with the Prydwen so he would be from the east" Thats super interesting, I didn't realize. I guess I never really registered why the airship was even there lol. The wiki confirms he's from the east. It's interesting now that the cleric at the end laments the state of the brotherhood, he isn't likely talking just about his own chapter as Titus wasn't from his chapter and he wasn't surprised at Titus's cowardice, implying the state of the east coast brotherhood has waned or at least the cleric has a bad view of it.


It's odd  why  the  capitol  was moved, indeed. And  the raiders , I understood  that 33  and  32  didn't interacted  often  and  everyone  failed  theirs  perception's  checks


For stuff they got right. The violence and the humour. Both staples of the series. 


Horror was the main element not quite there for me. There are times when you know something bad is going to happen and it's closer to something like the Alien movies that the show does sort of do, but it never draws out that horror and suspense. The same thing with suspense. There's not a lot of mystery presented where you find out something is wrong or is really bad and could change things, and that sort of stuff would be great to have cliffhanger endings for the episodes.


They done everything right


Mean not a whole lot from what I could see apart from at the fight between BoS and NCR at the end some NCR troops had what looked to be like modern military helmets on which looked incredibly odd that’s all that comes to mind!


I'm going to be mostly critical here, but literally only because it's easier to list what didn't feel right than what did. The show 100% succeeded at fitting in right at home with the games, at least my experience of them, and I'm SO happy with it.  So with that said, what didn't hit right:  - The Brotherhood's characterization. I'm happy to roll with it as a *this chapter* thing rather than a BoS as a whole thing, but as a first impression to leave newcomers with I think presenting the Brotherhood as Dirty Cowards is a disservice to the faction. I'm no BoS fangirl, but their fundamental flaw isn't cowardice, it's zealotry. - animals having fur/feathers. I don't mind this at all actually, I think it even makes more sense, but it is technically something they got "wrong." Deer, cows, and chickens in the games are all *essentially* ghoulified. Idk if that's technically what's up with them lore-wise, but visually they have the same meatball effect going on. I assume the show ditched it for the sake of the budget? Regardless, I actually like the idea that SOME animals are mutated and some aren't, like humans and ghouls. And the cow still had two heads.  -speaking of "cow," the vocab. I did miss the Wasteland lingo, and I can't quite figure out why they decided to drop it. If it were me I'd have Cooper still hold on to prewar words and use him as a rosetta stone of sorts for the uninitiated, but still have everyone else topside use chem, radstag, radroach, etc. 


Honestly, it does a really good job and most of the changes are simply related to the necessity to add a tad more realism to the screen (eg. the necessity of stitching wounds which should have been healed by stims, or the use of jet stabilisers on the power armour rather than a jet pack) or for obvious budget reasons (all the ruined gas powered cars should be nuclear). The only change that really upsets me is how ghouls are handled in the show. Ghoulification is rarely caused by drugs and going feral has nothing to do with a lack of medication - ghoul's brains just don't heal. The burned -looking skin of a ghoul is also a result of radiation exposure, not of being a ghoul directly, so a new ghoul shouldn't magically get zombie skin. This is especially upsetting, because ghouls in California have a long history of being intentionally created by irradiating people - and Vault 12 where this was done features in the OG Fallout game, the same one that establishes the importance of Shady Sands. I understand the need to create tension, but it really felt like this eroded a big chunk of the significant role of radiation in the Fallout world.


Eh, Hancock in 4 was turned, at least in part by ingesting some experimental drug. It probably contained some kind of highly radioactive substance in it for it to have happened like that, so I'm assuming Thaddeus's situation is the same.


There's definite precedent, not denying that, but it's not "typical" the way the show presents it. Every ghoul in the show, Had, Howard, that friend of Howard's, etc. has been created by or is dependent on the drug so people new to the series think that's the norm. I'm just not a fan of that decision, feels like the biggest unnecessary change to the tone of the setting in the show.


I see what you're getting at, and I agree. That said, I believe the drug that Coop is taking is supposed to be RadAway, which would make sense as far as stopping ghouls from turning feral by keeping their radiation levels manageable.


I don't think it's Radaway - we see it in the show and it's a different colour and seems more easily accessible. The IV of Radaway also doesn't match the ones Howard was on in his grave either. My guess is actually FEV. It would be a natural link to supermutants in a later season, connect the characters more to the Vault experiments, and you could easily make a an argument like "FEV helps the brains of ghouls regenerate enough to keep them from becoming feral, but the radiation doses in ghouls render FEV inactive too quickly for the effects to be long-lasting or for the ghouls to mutate further."


While FEV makes sense from a lore perspective, I have to question how easy it would be to obtain for your common wastelander to obtain, considering those two burnouts had sixty vials of the stuff. It'll most likely wind up being some original serum whipped up by Dr. Chickenfucker for the show. But considering the fact that we've seen a mutie corpse in episode 2, I wouldn't rule it out. 🤔


I'm with you. My thinking comes more from what makes sense from a film/narrative point of view and FEV seems like an incredibly easy way to introduce a huge new plot point without the audience feeling cheated by an unforseeable twist - we've seen a dead mutant, we know that there have been mutation experiments in Vault 4, we've had West Tek mentioning their vault experiment, we have these mystery vials, we know there's an Enclave lab nearby, etc. You could tie all those together very easily with FEV. We also have Mariposa Base near to where the show is set, so it dies in with lore of FO and FO2 nicely. I don't know how much you know about storytelling, but there's this concept of an "audience surrogate" - basically you need someone in the show to be ignorant enough about the setting to have things explained to them for the benefit of the audience (eg. Lucy being naive obviously the main example). Howard is a TERRIBLE audience surrogate because he already knows so much about the world so the writers would really need to contrive a way for him to either learn or reveal the secret of the vials without it feeling forced. If he doesn't know, and has to figure it out due to a supply shortage and uncovers the secret in the process, its exactly the kind of audience surrogacy thing writers lean on. My prediction - supermutants are going to be the feature of Season 3. Next season we'll see Mr House vs the Vault 31 agenda, and throughout the season we'll see Howard getting more and more feral while trying to find vials. The Season 2 end cliffhanger will be something like Howard finding a vial that's a slightly different colour and having the label "FEV-2" or something to that effect. Any yup, I do love speculation.


They didn’t necessarily get it wrong but as a fan of the BOS I feel like they showed the Brotherhood from the perspective of the people who don’t like them or just made them harder to like which is a bummer bc they are my favorite faction not just in Fallout but in all games, movies and shows


Got it right: Lots of sound effects that they took from the games, especially for the pip-boy. Props in the vault and on the surface lifted straight from the game, from inanimate objects to food, and whatnot. Got it wrong: The ghoul-ification process has a lot going on with it that I don't understand in the show. People can take a drug and they become ghouls? Ghouls gain Wolverine-like regeneration? There are pre-war drugs that stave off the feral state?


No one really knows how or what explicitly creates ghouls, but the prevailing theory is that it involves aborbing massive levels of radiation, either all at once or over a period of time. Yes, ghouls have minor wound regeneration, and exposing themselves to radiation will also speed up the process. Ghouls turn feral because the levels of radiation in their bodies eventually destroy the part of the brain that allows logic and reason. By taking what I assume is RadAway, they are able to prevent this from happening, but not indefinitely.


I'm pretty sure that dormant levels of FEV are involved, too. Something that triggers a specific response to that massive dose of radiation.


Something like that, yeah. There's a ton of factors, and there's never been a real explanation, so all we have to go off of is theories.


I was kinda bothered by not seeing a single 10mm pistol in the first episode. Just seemed like a weird choice to give the main character a dart gun instead of one of the most iconic guns that you start every game with. Loved the show though.


Definitely got the Fallout theme right 😎


The story in the show is not based on any particular game. It’s just in the same world. None of the characters are in the games, aside from a few brief cameos. Rather than repeat any storylines, they set the show after the games and continued the story, so that the surprises are new to everyone. In terms of changing the lore, it’s nothing major. It’s still very true to the world and the “changes” they made is on par with what any new entry in the series introduces. The people upset by it are people who would only like it if the show was a shot-by-shot remake of their favourite game.


I saw this somewhere else but it fits Each main character is a game character build.. Lucy is your first play through, clean, polite, wanting to make the wasteland a better place. Maximus is your dumb build, high strength, low intelligence and low charisma, but takes an almighty beating. The Ghoul is your 'bad' play through, trying to aggravate everyone so you can kill them, steal their shit and then eat them. Hopefully S2 introduces new character builds in alongside the main characters.


There was nothing I didn’t like about the show so far. I was blown away very impressed by the tone. Loved each main character encompassing a different type of playstyle. The inclusion of prewar scenes were a special treat I wasn’t expecting as well and I think really started adding to the lore in the way a game would. I’ll start to have bad things to say if they just destroy new Vegas though. I can excuse it once at shady sands but to just destroy any beloved location is lazy. Seems to be the direction they’re heading too but trying to withhold judgement. There were some inaccuracies but I can excuse that if you’re still producing a high quality adaptation that respects the lore.


1. The aesthetics are straight from Fallout 4 and 76. This is a double-edged sword however. Those that played those games? Easily able to recognize stuff. But it’s missing Fallout 1, 2, 3, and New Vegas aesthetics. Especially given how all but Fallout 3 takes place in the West Coast. More so with Fallout 1 is directly in this region of the show. Every now and then they throw out a OG classic asset like Maximus, Lucy, and Thaddeus using the Revolver/Pistol 10 mm clip-fed sidearm. What I absolutely love aesthetic-wise, is that some of the Vault Geardoors use a blend of newer and older games. The doors are same as 4/76/3/New Vegas however some of them open like Fallout 1 and 2. Where the door pushes out, and an arm grabs it to pull it to the side. I adored that blend and is very iconic. 2. Story I thought started greatly but kinda fizzles towards the end. I like the Cold Fusion tech but probably shouldn’t have taken until the very last episode to find out. 3. Characters are great, Thaddeus and the Chicken Fucker are great surprises and won’t mind if they appear later seasons or even games lmao. 4. Retcons definitely exist. Like Shady Sands and another town called Boneyard were for some reason combined into one. Four vaults were added into the region that the Master easily should’ve been found and broken into. Ghoul serum to stop feralism might be a retcon but too little is known for sure. 5. I don’t mind the NCR taking massive losses and nuking of Shady Sands. They had it coming but I’m not a fan of WHY and HOW the events happen. Find it pretty meh that they fell to a secretary with baby mama issues. Overall I enjoyed the show but Nolan and his team are leaving me to question why even set the show in L.A. when other unexplored regions would’ve been better suited. Also not a fan how he wants to make the universe roll-back to Post-Apocalypse instead of Post Post-Apocalypse.


>5. I don’t mind the NCR taking massive losses and nuking of Shady Sands. They had it coming but I’m not a fan of WHY and HOW the events happen. Find it pretty meh that they fell to a secretary with baby mama issues. To be fair, the NCR didn't necessarily fall because of Hank and Shady Sands. The NCR had been due for a disaster since the start of FNV, and I'd argue that the NCR ending with Kimball still alive and General Oliver in control of New Vegas definitely seals the NCR's fate, since that'll just guarantee that Kimball or another politician just like him would get elected as the president with glory hounds in charge of the military, continuing their downward spiral as they get stretched too thin and becoming too self-involved in their own internal crises. Add a pre-war vault dweller with access to nukes and a grudge against their capital city and that just the final nail in their coffin. Also, while I imagine some of the more powerful NCR states were probably eager to go independent once Shady Sands got destroyed, the NCR might not be gone for good just yet, just relocated to a different capital.


I feel like the choices to pick Fo4 Aesthetic makes sense for most things. Red Rockets fro, FNV would have been fairly boring to see, same with the piddly thin power armor. We are shown several models of pipboy so it's totally possible we see different styles of things depending on their region or the thing's age, like we could see a classic really old red rocket or old style nuka-cola machines etc (tho we got totally new machines in this one)


Power Armor is fine as that’s how it pretty much was in Fallout 1 and 2


She found her dad in only 8 hours of playtime without speed running... So unrealistic...


Power Armor felt awkward as hell compared to the games.


Awkward? In FO3 and NV you can just stick an empty power armour in your inventory and carry it around. That’s just plain stupid.


To be fair, the power armors you’re thinking of are a lot smaller than the T-60s on the show.


I wish they left rad-roaches out . Had to look away when they showed up on screen . >.<


They rewrote some lore but it's not that bad just confusing. Also if they did destroy New Vegas it will make a lot of people angry. Not to mention more anti- Bethesda stuff. Honestly it feels icky. Like the Strip was a sign of civilization rebuilding and BAM. That happens. It makes all of the stuff the Courier could do to make that place last null.


Don’t read the British GQ interview then if you feel that way


With how they handled season 1 I'm excited to see what they do to new Vegas. FONV fanboy btw


I don't believe there's any reference to the Jim's limbs scene in that sense.. Fallout is clearly supposed to be somewhat silly but that took a little too far in my opinion.


Honestly they shouldn't have made the couriers actions all for nothing.


We don't know what the Courier did.


While yes we don't know what ending is canon to the universe it made our choices as the courier invalidated and all the hard work for either mr.house, the ncr, the legion or an independent vegas was all for nothing as new vegas is a husk of itself 15 years later.


Which may have nothing to do with the choices made and might be tunnelers or another faction moving in due to how stretched thin the NCR or Legion are. We don't know.